Is there a way to block bookmarklets from running using CSP - content-security-policy

I am making a game for my school that can easily be exploited with bookmarklets. At my school extensions and executables etc. are blocked so I am simply looking for a way to block bookmarklets from running while allowing my main.js and worker.js scripts to run. I have seen websites that have done this like GimKit, Kahoot, and Blooket all of which used to be exploited with bookmarklets but now aren't able to be because of their CSP however idk anything about CSP and no matter what I try I can't seem to block bookmarklets from running.


Patterns for balancing processing between content scripts and background scripts

I'm developing a chrome plugin that changes the content of some pages. Taking a look at a extension that does something similar ( I saw that the plugin uses the backgound script to do the heavy lifting and content script to take care of less intensive tasks and it delegates the hard work (via message passing) to background scripts. Is this a pattern? Should I avoid havy processing tasks on content scripts and create a background script for that?
It's not a pattern but it's kind of common sense. As background scripts runs in a different context, if the extension is doing heavy work and it eventually crashes, then the current page won't be affected.
Also, you'll get the chance to use the devtools profiler and other devtools features to analyze your extension. This is pretty cool since you'll be able to know what's dragging your extension performance if that is the case.
In brief, it's a great idea to move all the heavy processes to background and use content scripts only to deal with DOM manipulation.

Modular programming and node

UPDATE 1: I made a lot of progress on this one. I pretty much gave up (at least for now, but maybe long term) on the idea of allowing user-uploaded modules. However, I am developing a structure so that several modules can be defined and loaded. A module will be initialised, set its own routes, and have a 'public" directory for Javascript to be served. The more I see it, the more I realise that I can (should) also move the calls that are now system-wide in a module called "system".
UPDATE 2: I have made HUGE progress on this. I am about to commit tons of code on GitHub which will allow people to do really, really good modular programming (with modules exposing both client and server side code) using Node and Express. Please stay tuned.
UPDATE 3: I rewrote this thing as a system to register modules and enable them to communicate via a event/hooks system. It's coming along extremely nicely. I have tons of code already good to go -- I am just porting it to the new system. Feel free to have a look at the project on GitHub: )
UPDATE 4: This is good. It turns out that my idea about a module being client AND server is really working.
UPDATE 5: The module is getting closer to something usable. I implemented a new loader which will take into account what an init() function will invokeAll() -- and will make sure that modules providing that hook will be loaded first. This opens up hotplate to a whole new level.
UPDATE 6: Hotplate is now close to 12000 lines of code. By the time it's finished, sometime in February, I imagine it will be close to 20000 lines of code. It does a lot of stuff, and it all started here on StackOverflow! I need it to develop my own SaaS, so I really need to get it finished by February (so that I can sprint to July and finish the first version of BookingDojo). Thanks everybody!
I am writing something that will probably turn into a pretty big piece of software. The short story is that it's nodejs + Express + Mongodb/Mongoose + Dojo (client side).
NOTE: Questions in this text are marked as [Q1], [Q2], etc.
Coming from a Drupal background (and knowing how coooomplex it has evolved, something I would like to avoid), I am a bit of a module freak. At the moment, I've done the application's boilerplate (hotplate: ). It does all of the boring stuff (users, workspaces, password reminder, etc.) and it's missing quite a few pieces.
I would like to come up with a design that will allow modules in a similar fashion as Drupal (but possibly better). That is:
Modules can define new routes, and handle them
Modules are installed system-wide, and then each workspace can enable a set list of them
The initial architecture could be something along those lines:
A "modules" directory, where there is one directory per module
Each module has a directory for "public" files for the Javascript side of things
Each module would have public/startup.js which would be included in the app's javascript
Each module would have server/node.js which would be included on the fly by the server if/when needed
There would be one route defined, something like /app/:workspaceid/modules/MODULE_NAME/.* with a middleware that checks if that workspace has MODULE_NAME enabled -- and if it does, calls a module's function with the passed parameter
[Q1]: Does this some vaguely sane?
I want to make this dynamic. I would like modules to be required when needed on the spot. This should be easy enough to do, by requiring things on the fly.
server/node.js would have a function called, but that function feels/looks an awful lot like a router itself
[Q2] Do you have any specific hints about this one?
These don't seem to be too much of a concern. However, the real question comes when you talk about security.
Privacy. This is a nasty one. At the moment, all the calls will make the right queries to mongoDb filtering by workspaceId. I would like to enforce some way so that there is no clear access to the database by the modules, so that each module doesn't have access to data that belongs to other workspaces
User-defined modules. I would love to give users the ability to upload their own modules (and maybe make them available to other users). But, this effectively means allowing people to upload code that will be executed by node itself! How would you go about this?
[Q3] How would you go about these privacy/security issues? Is there any way for example to run the user-uploaded code in a sort of node sandbox? What about access to file system etc.?
In the end, I answered this myself -- the hard way.
The answer: hotplate,
It does most of what I describe above. More importantly, with hotPlate (using hotPage and hotClientPages, available by default), you can write a module which
Defines some routes
Defines a "public" directory with the UI
Defines specific CSS and JS files that must be loaded when loading that module
Is able to add route-specific JSes if needed
I am accepting this answer as I am finished developing Hotplate's "core", which was the point of this answer. I still need to "do" things (for example, once I've written docs, I will make sure "hotplate" is the only directory in the module, without having an example server there). However, the foundation is there. In terms of "core", it's only really missing the "auth" side of the story (which will require a lot of thinking, since I want to make it so that it's db agnostic AND interfacing with passport). The Dojo widgets are a great bonus, although this framework can be used with anything (and in fact backbone-specific code would be sweeeeet).
What hotplate DOESN'T do:
What hotplate DOESn'T do, is give users the ability to upload modules which will then be loaded in the application. This is extremely tricky. The client side wouldn't be so bad (the user could define Javascript to upload, and there could be a module to do that, no worries). The server side, however, is tricky at best. There are just too many things that can go wrong (the client might upload a blocking piece of code, or they could start reading the file system, they would have access to the full database, and so on).
The solution to these issues are possible, but none of them are easy (you can cage the user's node environment and get it to run on a different port, for example, and so on) but some problems will stay. But, there is always hope.

Kiosk program (web browser), deployment struggles

Okay, here's a complicated one I've been breaking my head over all week.
I'm creating a self service system, which allows people to identify themselves by barcode or by smartcard, and then perform an arbitrary action. I run a Tomcat application container locally on each machine to serve up the pages and connect to external resources that are required. It also allows me to serve webpages which I then can use to display content on the screen.
I chose HTML as a display technology because it gives a lot of freedom as to how things could look. The program also involves a lot of Javascript to interact with the customer and hardware (through a RESTful API). I picked Javascript because it's a natural complement to HTML and is supported by all modern browsers.
Currently this system is being tested at a number of sites, and everything seems to work okay. I'm running it in Chrome's kiosk mode. Which serves me well, but there are a number of downsides. Here is where the problems start. ;-)
First of all I am petrified that Chrome's auto-update will eventually break my Javascript code. Secondly, I run a small Chrome plugin to read smartcard numbers, and every time the workstation is shutdown incorrectly Chrome's user profile becomes corrupted and the extension needs to be set up again. I could easily fix the first issue by turning off auto-update but it complicates my installation procedure.
Actually, having to install any browser complicates my installation procedure.
I did consider using internet explorer because it's basically everywhere, but with the three dominant versions out there I'm not sure if it's a good approach. My Javascript is quite complex and making it work on older versions will be a pain. Not even mentioning having to write an ActiveX component for my smartcards.
This is why I set out to make a small browser wrapper that runs in full screen, and can read smartcard numbers. This also has downsides. I use Qt: Qt's QtWebkit weighs a hefty 10MB, and it adds another number of dependencies to my application.
It really feels like I have to pick from three options that all have downsides. It really is something I should have investigated before I wrote the entire program. I guess it is a lesson learnt well.
On to the questions:
Is there a pain free way out of this situation? (probably not)
Is there a browser I can depend on without adding tens of megabytes to my project?
Is there another alternative you could suggest?
If you do not see another way out, which option would you pick?

What user-information is available to code running in browsers?

I recently had an argument with someone regarding the ability of a website to take screenshots on the user's machine. He argued that using a GUI-program to simulate clicking a mouse really fast to win a simple flash game could theoretically be detected (if the site cared enough) by logging abnormally high scores and taking a screenshot of those players' desktops for moderator review. I argued that since all website code runs within the browser, it cannot step outside the system to take such a screenshot.
This segued into a more general discussion of the capabilities of websites, through Javascript, Flash, or whatever other method (acceptable or nefarious), to make that step outside of the system. We agreed that at minimum some things were grabbable: the OS, the size of the user's full desktop. But we definitely couldn't agree on how sandboxed in-browser code was. All in all he gave website code way more credit than I did.
So, who's right? Can websites take desktop screenshots? Can they enumerate all your open windows? What else can (or can't) they do? Clearly any such code would have to be OS-specific, but imagine an ambitious site willing to write the code to target multiple OSes and systems.
Googling this led me to many red herrings with relatively little good information, so I decided to ask here
Generally speaking, the security model of browsers is supposed to keep javascript code completely contained within its sandbox. Anything about the local machine that isn't reflected in the properties of the window object and its children is inaccessible.
Plugins, on the other hand, have free reign. They're installed by the user, and can access anything the user can access. That's why they're able to access your webcam, upload files, do virus scans, etc. They're also able to expose APIs to javascript code, which pokes a hole in the javascript sandbox and gives javascript code some external access. That's how tools like Phonegap give javascript code in web apps access to phone hardware (gps, orientation, camera, etc.)

How can I browse an XSS infected Joomla website for rebuilding purposes without being infected?

Both the web files and the database have been tampered pointing to malicious JavaScript. They have tasked me to rebuild their site, but I would like to be able to view the site if possible to get at the content and view the site as they had a lot of pages. Since I didn’t originally build the site I don’t know the structure of the content.
I don’t have to repair the site; I just need to rebuild it with the CMS of my choice. I don’t know anything about the Joomla database, or know if I can even get access to it to be able to start there.
I originally thought using a virtual machine would be OK for this, but I wasn’t sure if I would be risking my host machine as well using this method. I would of course turn off JavaScript but I was hoping someone else may have been already been down this road and might be able to offer some insight.
Couldn't you just FTP to their host, pull it off and get it working on a machine with no connection?
If you were really paranoid. I don't think an XSS infected site would do too much damage to a properly protected machine anyway.
My paranoid answer:
It's a great idea to turn off Javascript. I would get an extension like Noscript for Firefox or Notscript for Chrome. I use these Noscript regularly, and it makes it easy to see what Javascript is coming from where.
Secondly, your idea with a VM is good, but take it a step further and run Linux in that VM. Linux can be infected, but it is rare to see something that will infect Linux.
Regular expressions and HTML parsers can also be your friends. Script something that can scan files looking for things like script tags and especially iframes. That way you can get an idea of files that have been corrupted and what is calling to where.
One other less likely gotcha is malicious executables or scripts disguised as something innocent like a JPEG, PDFs, etc. If you download and open files off of that machine, make sure it is at least onto your VM with no network connectivity.
Get server logs if you can; perhaps your assailant was sloppy and let some clue about their activities. Perhaps run Wireshark on a second machine to look for things calling out to strange domains. This may be excessive, but I find it to be a fun exercise. :)
Also things like Virustotal and Threat Expert can be your friends if you think you have a malicious file or you see malicious activity. Better to be paranoid than compromised.
Cleaning this type of stuff up isn't exactly rocket science. You just need to get a connection to the backing database server and run a couple queries to kill the xss stuff out of the stored content.
You'd do your client a great service by starting off doing just that.
The VM idea is a good one. krs1 suggests running Linux which is an even better idea as almost all trojans that get downloaded are for Windows. If you run Wireshark while you use the site so you can see what the network traffic looks like and what URLs are being requested, etc. If you run it in a Linux VM though you'll probably only get half the picture since any exploit worth the oxygen it took to keep the programmer alive while it was written will check what platform you're on and only download when you're on an exploitable one.
But I digress, you're rebuilding a website, not doing malware analysis (which is more fun IMO). Once you identify and remove the offending content you should be good. See if you can find out what the exploit was that got them and work with their IT guy if they have one so steps can be taken to mitigate it from happening again.
