Log all failed attempts in testcafe quarantine mode? - e2e-testing

I have quarantine mode enabled in my testcafe configuration.
"ci-e2e": {
"browsers": [
"debugOnFail": false,
"src": "./tests/e2e/*.test.ts",
"concurrency": 1,
"quarantineMode": true,
"reporters": [
"name": "nunit3",
"output": "results/e2e/testResults.xml"
"name": "spec"
"screenshots": {
"takeOnFails": true,
"path": "results/ui/screenshots",
"pathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/${FIXTURE}/${TEST}/Screenshot-${QUARANTINE_ATTEMPT}.png"
"video": {
"path": "results/ui/video",
"failedOnly": true,
"pathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/${FIXTURE}/${TEST}/Video-${QUARANTINE_ATTEMPT}"
Now when some attempt fails I have entry in log (nunit xml logfile) with information about failed runs and only one stack-trace. I have screenshot for each failed run.
<![CDATA[ ❌ AssertionError: ... Run 1: Failed Run 2: Failed Run 3: Failed ]]>
here we have stack-trace for only one failed run
I want to have log entry with stack-trace for each failed run for each failed test. Is it possible to configure testcafe this way? If not what I need to do?

There is a mistake in the config file. The name of the option for reporters should be reporter, but it is reporterS. It means that Testcafe doesn't use these reporters at all and maybe now you just see an outdated file with results.


nuxt3 + #nuxt/content ... ERROR Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax

I would like to use nuxt/content for some content from a database. When starting the development environment with npm run dev I get the following message
ERROR Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. If you are using JSX, make sure to name the file with the .jsx or .tsx extension.
[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: nuxt-content
my config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
imports: {
dirs: ['stores'],
buildModules: [
build: {
postcss: {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
css: [
When i remove the module #nuxt/content the error message also disappears.
By the way, I use vite in this project.

Cypress build error in Azure pipeline: Cannot find module '#cypress/code-coverage/task'

Here is my config:
// cypress/plugins/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
require('#cypress/code-coverage/task')(on, config);
//require('#bahmutov/cypress-extends')(on, config);
return config
I am getting an ERROR when trying to run cypress in a Azure pipeline script (within a cypress/included container). This error doesn't occur when I run on my local.
The function exported by the plugins file threw an error.
We invoked the function exported by `/root/e2e/cypress/plugins/index.js`, but it threw an error.
Error: Cannot find module '#cypress/code-coverage/task'
Require stack:
- /root/e2e/cypress/plugins/index.js
- /root/.cache/Cypress/9.1.1/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins.js
The only unusual thing I am doing is this:
// cypress/config/cypress.local.json
"extends": "../../cypress.json",
"baseUrl": "https://localhost:4200"
And a normal cypress.json config:
// /cypress.json
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:4200",
"proxyUrl": "",
"defaultCommandTimeout": 10000,
"video" : false,
"screenshotOnRunFailure" : true,
"experimentalStudio": true,
"projectId": "seixri",
"trashAssetsBeforeRuns" : true,
"videoUploadOnPasses" : false,
"retries": {
"runMode": 0,
"openMode": 0
"viewportWidth": 1000,
"viewportHeight": 1200
The problem here might be that Cypress does not support extending the configuration file in the way you did, as also stated here: https://www.cypress.io/blog/2020/06/18/extending-the-cypress-config-file/
In my opinion there are two suitable solution approaches:
1. Approach: Use separate configuration files (my recommendation)
As extending an existing configuration file does not work, I would recommend having separate configuration files, e.g. one for local usage and one for the execution in Azure pipelines. You could then simple add two separate commands in your package.json like:
"scripts": {
"cy:ci": "cypress run --config-file cypress/cypress.json",
"cy:local": "cypress run --config-file cypress/cypress.local.json"
Docs: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/configuration
2. Approach: Set configuration options in your tests
Cypress gives you the option to overwrite configurations directly in your tests. For example, if you have configured the following in cypress.json:
"viewportWidth": 1280,
"viewportHeight": 720
You can change the viewportWidth in your test like:
Cypress.config('viewportWidth', 800)
Docs: https://docs.cypress.io/api/cypress-api/config#Syntax

Unknown error while debuggin rust application in VS Code

I am trying to debug a fairly large rust project in VS code.
The launch.json has this:
"type": "lldb",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug executable 'rpfm_ui'",
"cargo": {
"args": [
"filter": {
"name": "rpfm_ui",
"kind": "bin"
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
But when I try to run the application I get the following
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 9.53s
Raw artifacts:
fileName: 'c:\\Users\\ole_k\\Desktop\\rpfm-master\\target\\debug\\rpfm_ui.exe',
name: 'rpfm_ui',
kind: 'bin'
Filtered artifacts:
fileName: 'c:\\Users\\ole_k\\Desktop\\rpfm-master\\target\\debug\\rpfm_ui.exe',
name: 'rpfm_ui',
kind: 'bin'
configuration: {
type: 'lldb',
request: 'launch',
name: "Debug executable 'rpfm_ui'",
args: [],
cwd: '${workspaceFolder}',
relativePathBase: 'c:\\Users\\ole_k\\Desktop\\rpfm-master',
program: 'c:\\Users\\ole_k\\Desktop\\rpfm-master\\target\\debug\\rpfm_ui.exe',
sourceLanguages: [ 'rust' ]
Listening on port 49771
[adapter\src\terminal.rs:99] FreeConsole() = 1
[adapter\src\terminal.rs:100] AttachConsole(pid) = 1
[adapter\src\terminal.rs:104] FreeConsole() = 1
[2020-06-27T20:43:04Z ERROR codelldb::debug_session] process launch failed: unknown error
Debug adapter exit code=0, signal=null.
I have also seen this:
PS C:\Users\ole_k\Desktop\rpfm-master> & 'c:\Users\ole_k.vscode\extensions\vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.5.3\adapter\codelldb.exe' 'terminal-agent' '--port=49628'
Error: Os { code: 10061, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." }
[2020-06-27T20:29:08Z ERROR codelldb::debug_session] process launch failed: unknown error
If I run the application from the terminal inside vs code (cargo run --bin rpfm_ui) it works.
There are some external dependencies which are in folders outside of the root folder.
I can debug other projects in the solution which share a lot of the code, but not the external dependencies.
I can debug other projects.
I am running as administrator.
Any ideas on how to resolve the issue?

Jest tests not found

I have the following output in a gitlab job:
yarn run v1.15.2
$ jest --verbose
No tests found
In /path/to/my/project/
47 files checked.
testMatch: - 47 matches
testPathIgnorePatterns: /node_modules/,/build,/lib/ - 0 matches
testRegex: (/__tests__/.*|\.(test|spec))\.(tsx?|jsx?)$ - 1 match
Pattern: - 0 matches
Tests are not being executed, what am I doing wrong in here? I've been using the same gitlab-ci.yml config in other projects.
Any help would be appreciated!
Yes, the mistake was in package.json, I was missing <rootDir> in testPathIgnorePatterns and modulePathIgnorePatterns paths under jest options.
"testPathIgnorePatterns": [
"modulePathIgnorePatterns": [
The mistake is in your path. First open your cmd and navigate to directory where your package.json resides and then make sure whatever path you have provided in package.json, it must get-able.
You can also try to hard-code the path. Once you are able to run it then go for regex.
"name": "test",
"jest": {
"transform": {},
"verbose": true,
"bail": true,
"testMatch": ["path"]
For more details: testPathIgnorePatterns, modulePathIgnorePatterns
"testPathIgnorePatterns": [
"modulePathIgnorePatterns": [

How to fix Jest "No Tests Found" on windows 10?

I am trying to use Jest on my windows 10 desktop computer, but it keeps telling me that there are no tests found. On my windows 10 laptop, it works just fine. Here is the output I am getting on my desktop:
C:\app> jest
No tests found
In C:\app
25163 files checked.
testMatch: **/__tests__/**/*.js?(x),**/?(*.)(spec|test).js?(x) - 743 matches
testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 25163 matches
Pattern: "" - 0 matches
In my package.json file, my jest config looks like this:
"jest": {
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"statements": 98,
"branches": 91,
"functions": 98,
"lines": 98
"moduleDirectories": [
"moduleNameMapper": {
".*\\.(css|less|styl|scss|sass)$": "<rootDir>/internals/mocks/cssModule.js",
".*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$": "<rootDir>/internals/mocks/image.js"
"setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "<rootDir>/internals/testing/test-bundler.js"
I am using node 8.1.4 and jest v20.0.4
Any ideas on how to get jest to locate my tests?
I am not 100% sure its the same issue. But what solved it for me was to get rid of watchman (I added it in on path for another project that used relay). Try to run with --no-watchman (or set watchman: false in jest config)
Seeing this issue with Jest 24.8.0. It seems if you add --runTestsByPath it will correctly handle forward/backspaces,
There is a discussion of the issue https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-recipes/issues/205#issuecomment-533645097, with the following suggested VSCode debug configuration
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Jest Current File",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/jest",
"args": [
"--runTestsByPath", // This ensures the next line is treated as a path
"${relativeFile}", // This path may contain backslashes on windows
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
"disableOptimisticBPs": true,
"windows": {
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/jest/bin/jest",
For anyone attempting to find out how to fix this issue, this was a bug in Jest that was fixed in v22.
https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md (PR #5054)
If I run the console command
jest test/components/checkBox/treezCheckBox.test.js
the tests in that file are found and executed.
If I instead run the console command
jest test\components\checkBox\treezCheckBox.test.js
I get the error
No tests found, exiting with code 1
Run with `--passWithNoTests` to exit with code 0
In D:\treezjs
814 files checked.
testMatch: **/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x), **/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x) - 44 matches
testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 814 matches
testRegex: - 0 matches
Pattern: test\components\checkBox\treezCheckBox.test.js - 0 matches
=> It seems to be important if forward or backward slashes are used.
Using doubled backward slashes works:
jest test\\components\\checkBox\\treezCheckBox.test.js
If you use a vscode launch configuration with a file path variable ${file}, the resulting system command unfortunately contains single "\" as separator.
Also see discussion and linked issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/40256
(Last statement is outdated; ${relativeFile} also uses "\".)
Work around: Use a debug extension (e.g. Daddy Jest) instead of a custom launch configuration.
I have removed -- --watch from package.json where I wrote "test" : "jest -- --watch"
