.Net Maui Image with different format not working In IOS - .net-maui

.svg .xml Format Images not showing in ios devices
Added Images of different format in Resources/images (img1.svg, img2.xml)
Added image code in xaml : <Image Source="img1.svg" />

When you add an SVG image to MAUI it converts it to multiple PNG images at different resolutions. As per the (possibly new?) details on the Image page you have to use .png as the extension for the image if you are requesting it as a file, or you can use the filename without any extension in XAML as that is a key for images found in resources.

Image name should start and end with character
in lower case alpha numeric and under scroll allowed. in your case it is number


Flutter image assets for landscape

Following this doc:
I know how to declare resolution aware images in assets using asset variants.
The problem I have is that I need to use different images based on orientation.
I have a background image that is different on portrait & landscape. I know I can do it in code but was hopping there is an asset variant for this?

How to change linked SVG image to included SVG image in Inkscape?

When importing external SVG images the Inkscape offers three options:
Include SVG image as editable object(s) in the current file
Embed the SVG file in a image tag (not editable in this document)
Link the SVG file in a image tag (not editable in this document)
At first, for convenience I imported an SVG images (Image A) into master SVG image B in the third way (Link the SVG file) so that when editing image A, master image B changes accordingly. However, later in the publishing process, I found that I needed to make sure every part in master image B had to be editable, including those parts within image A.
Had I imported image A in the first way above (include SVG image), this would be possible. I had made some transformations to the linked image A within master image B so I didn't want to do it again. Is there a way to transform a linked image (<image xlink:href="XXX.svg" />) to an included image (<svg>...</svg>) with just a few clicks while preserving all the transformations I did to this image?
Right-click on the image and select 'Embed image'. This is going to embed it as an image, <svg:image ...>, though, not as an svg (I think that would be invalid SVG code, too).
For multiple images, use the extension 'Extensions > Images > Embed Images' without any image selected (or with all of them).

Node.js how to download webp image

It´s very easy to download images via the request module. But this is only working for me when then end of the url contains .jpg or .png
But how can you download as example this image?
Does anybody know a method to download the image as .jpg?
I found a solution on howtogeek
"Click the URL bar, delete the last three characters in the address (the “-rw”), and then press “Enter.” The same image will be displayed again, but this time it’s rendered in its original format, usually JPEG or PNG."

embed linked SVG images

I have an SVG file that references lots of other, smaller, SVGs as sub images. Effectively, the main SVG is the template that positions all the other ones.
I'd like to create a single image that I can pass on to people - i.e. a data ref or just inline inclusion - but running the inkscape Embed Images extension results in the error "images are not of type PNG, JPEG, etc".
So it sounds like the inkscape (v0.48.5) extension can only intern bitmap images, not SVGs. Bummer.
My images are referenced from the master SVG like this
<image id="PGDOWN_R1" x="1436.5" y="280" xlink:href="./symbols/PGDOWN_R3.svg"/>
So how can I automatically intern/embed all my externally referenced SVGs? (non-inkscape CLI options are welcome too)
At least as of Inkscape 0.91 you can do this through this menu:
Extensions → Images → Embed Images
Quite easily! 🎉
I ended up using xmllint to parse an SVG file with handles into a file containing the embedded versions of the referenced files, which is not exactly what I mean but it suited my purposes: https://gitlab.com/fommil/attic/blob/master/kinesis-dvorak/create.sh#L37
xmllint --xinclude picture.svg > picture-embedded.svg

How can I tell TYPO3, to not convert SVG graphics to GIF graphics

I'm using TYPO3 6.1 with an Amazon S3 bucket over the File Abstraction Layer.
Now I want to add an SVG image with the "Images Only" content element.
I can select it, but in the frontend, it shows not the svg. It creates a gif file and shows that.
Expected output:
<img src="https://[MYBUCKET].s3.amazonaws.com/images/partner/samsung.svg">
Actual output:
<img src="https://[MYBUCKET].s3.amazonaws.com/_temp_/csm_samsung_caab942deb.gif">
I don't want that TYPO3 convert or copy any File. It should always use the original path. How do I do that?
Look in "Admin Tools" -> "Install" and select "Image Processing" there u can changes the processing file type/format.
But I will not recomment it but about SVG read This
Don't disable image processing. Make sure that SVG is defined as an image type in the [GFX][imagefile_ext] setting in the Install Tool. If SVG isn't explicitly defined as being an image type, TYPO3 will convert it.
