Dynamic test tag pattern execution in karate [duplicate] - cucumber

I'm wondering if you can use wildcard characters with tags to get all tagged scenarios/features that match a certain pattern.
For example, I've used 17 unique tags on many scenarios throughout many of my feature files. The pattern is "#jira=CIS-" followed by 4 numbers, like #jira=CIS-1234 and #jira=CIS-5678.
I'm hoping I can use a wildcard character or something that will find all of the matches for me.
I want to be able to exclude them from being run, when I run all of my features/scenarios.
I've tried the follow:
--tags ~#jira
--tags ~#jira*
--tags ~#jira=*
--tags ~#jira=
Unfortunately none have given my the results I wanted. I was only able to exclude them when I used the exact tag, ex. ~#jira=CIS-1234. It's not a good solution to have to add each single one (of the 17 different tags) to the command line. These tags can change frequently, with new ones being added and old ones being removed, plus it would make for one real long command.

Yes. First read this - there is this un-documented expression-language (based on JS) for advanced tag selction based on the #key=val1,val2 form: https://stackoverflow.com/a/67219165/143475
So you should be able to do this:
And even (here s will be a string, on which you can even do JS regex if you know how):
valuesFor('#jira').isEach(s => s.startsWith('CIS-'))
Would be great to get your confirmation and then this thread itself can help others and we can add it to the docs at some point.


Adding multiple keywords with Exiftool, but only if they're not already present

I'm running the following command to add multiple keywords to an image:
exiftool -keywords+="Flowering" -keywords+="In Flower" -keywords+="Primula vulgaris" -overwrite_original "/pictures/Some Folder/P4130073.JPG"
However, I've noticed that if I do this for an image which already contains a particular keyword, then it'll get added a second time.
How can I ensure that keywords are added only if they're already missing, and that if they exist, it'll do a no-op (and ideally leave the file untouched). I've read a few questions on the forum and the docs, but NoDups docs isn't clear to me (I'm an exiftool n00b) and all the answers I've found only process a single keyword addition.
For an added bonus, if the 'exists' check could be case-insensitive, so much the better (e.g., so that if I'm doing keywords+="Flowering" and the image already has the keyword "flowering", nothing will be done.
I also need this to work on Linux, MacOS and Windows (I know the quotes can complicate things!).
See Exiftool FAQ #17
To prevent duplication when adding new items, specific items can be
deleted then added back again in the same command. For example, the
following command adds the keywords "one" and "two", ensuring that
they are not duplicated if they already existed in the keywords of an
exiftool -keywords-=one -keywords+=one -keywords-=two -keywords+=two DIR
The NoDups helper function is used to remove duplicates when they already exist in the file. It isn't used to prevent duplicates from being added in the first place.

What does `only: -master` in gitlab-ci.yml match?

We have a .gitlab-ci.yml file containing lines like
- /^production\/mybranch.*$/
which are clearly meant to match the target git ref.
But we also have:
- master
My question is: does this "master" match a part of the git ref as well (so that a tag my-master-123 would match, too) or is it a symbolic thing?
The reason why am asking is that there is also:
- tags
That would have to be symbolic, right?
Which would mean that the syntax does e.g. not support a branch named tags, right?
Looks like there are special keywords, tags being one of them.
So indeed that would mean that refs with those special names (external, pipelines, tags, triggers, ...) would not be supported.
from the docs:
only and except are two keywords that set a job policy to limit when jobs are >created:
only defines the names of branches and tags the job runs for.
except defines the names of branches and tags the job does not run for.
Matching via regular expressions is supported, as in your first case, but not default. only: master tasks will run for all refs named master.

How to run cucumber scenario's based on Test Case ID that is appended with the Scenario name?

I wanted to run Cucumber Feature file based on the Test case ID that scanerio name contains.
I know we can use #CucumberOptions 'features' tag and specify the line number to execute e.g "src/test/resources/Folder/myfile.feature:7:12"
This will run scenarios at line 7 and 12. But i wanted to run based on the TC ID.
Below is the feature file code
Feature: Login Functionality
Scenario: First Test Case(TC.No:1)
Given I perform action 1
Scenario: Second Test Case(TC.No:2)
Given I perform action 2
Scenario: Third Test Case(TC.No:3)
Given I perform action 3
Scenario: Fourth Test Case(TC.No:4)
Given I perform action 4
Scenario: Fifth Test Case(TC.No:5)
Given I perform action 5
All the scenario's are in a single feature.
For the feature file code above i wanted some way through which i can execute based on TC Id. E.g I only want to execute TC1,TC2 and TC5( TC id's picked up from scenario names).
There is a property file that contains the TC Id's to be executed. My code should read the file and then execute only those TC id's.
This can help me in reducing the number of automation TC's to be run.
Is it possible?
You can use the name property of #CucumberOptions or use the '-n' option if you are using the cli option. It also supports regular expressions.
To run TC.No:1 and TC.No:4 use something like this
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1|TC.No:4" })
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1","TC.No:4" })
You can get more details at this link.
As you are reading the ids from a file, the second option is the best. Use the cucumber.api.cli.Main class main() method to execute the features. You can create the options dynamically. Refer to this post.
CLI reference docs.
Not familiar with cucumber-jvm.
But, here is the general logic which should work (based on my ruby Cucumber knowledge)
In the hook, you can write the logic to under before method to get the scenario name scenario.name and then extract the TC.No. Compare the TC.No and skip if it's not part of your list.
Here is the link which will give information how to skip the scenario (use this class in the before method)
However, the best practice is to use the tags, it would have been easy if you had #TCId-xx tag. Still you can write a simple program that will scan all the feature files and update the scenarios with the tag based on the TC.No in the scenario name.

exclude a certain path from all user searches

Unfortunately we have a special folder named "_archive" in our repository everywhere.
This folder has its purpose. But: When searching for content/documents we want to exclude it and every content beneath "_archive".
So, what i want is to exclude the path and its member from all user searches. Syntax is easy with fts:
your_query AND -PATH:"//cm:_archive//*"
to test:
take the pdf, put it into your repo twice:
In node-browser everything works as expected:
TEXT:"HODOR" AND -PATH:"//cm:_archive//*"
= 1 result
= 2 results
So, my idea was to edit search.get.config.xml and add the exclusion to the list of properties:
<default-query-template>%(cm:name cm:title cm:description ia:whatEvent
ia:descriptionEvent lnk:title lnk:description TEXT TAG) AND -PATH:"//cm:_archive//*"
But it does not work as intended! As soon as i am using 'text:' or 'name:' in the search field, the exclusion seems to be ignored.
What other option do i have? Basically just want to add the exclusion to the base query after the default query template is used.
Version is Alfresco Community 5.0.d
I guess you're mistaken what query templates are meant for. Take a look at the Wiki.
So what you're basically doing is programmatically saying I've got a keyword and I want to match the keywords to the following metadata fields.
Default it will match cm:name cm:title cm:description etc. This can be changed to a custom field or in other cases to ALL.
So putting an extra AND or here of whatever won't work, cause this isn't the actual query which will be built. I can go on more about the query templates, but that won't do you any good.
In your case you'll need to modify the search.get webscript of Alfresco and the method called function getSearchResults(params) in search.lib.js (which get's imported).
Somewhere in at the end of the method it will do the following:
ftsQuery = '(' + ftsQuery + ') AND -TYPE:"cm:thumbnail" AND -TYPE:"cm:failedThumbnail" AND -TYPE:"cm:rating" AND -TYPE:"st:site"' + ' AND -ASPECT:"st:siteContainer" AND -ASPECT:"sys:hidden" AND -cm:creator:system AND -QNAME:comment\\-*';
Just add your path to query to it and that will do.

How to get non standard tags in rpm query

I wanted to add things such as Size, BuildHost, BuildDate etc in rpm query but adding this thing in spec file results in unknown tag?? How can I do this so that these things are reflected when i give the rpm query command?
These tags are determined when the package is built; they cannot be forced to specific values.
For example BuildHost is hardcoded in rpmbuild and cannot be changed. There is RFE https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1309367 to allow it modify from command line. But right now you cannot change it by any tag in spec file nor by passing some option on command line to rpmbuild.
I assume it will be very similar to other values you specified.
RPM5 permits arbitrary unique tag names to be added to header metadata.
The tag names are configured in a colon separated list in a macro. Then the new tags can be used in spec files and can be extracted using --queryformat.
All arbitrary tags are string (or string array) valued.
