I'll explain my problem:
I have created an Intent Dialogflow that runs on the Home-Assistant software installed on a Raspberry.
I have to control with my voice a coffee machine and I used Dialogflow because I really want to have a conversation (so interaction) with Google Assistant... for example:
I: Hey Google, make the coffee
Google: espresso or american coffee?
I: espresso
Google: Intensity level from one to three?
I: three
Google: Water level from one to three?
I: three
Google: Okay, I'm making your coffee with ... <vocally collected parameters>
But the following message has appeared a few days ago on the console:
"This Conversational Actions will be removed on June 13, 2023..." So...
how can I do this interaction if I can't use Dialogflow?
What should I do to avoid losing everything my work and being able to continue using my application and the voice interaction of the three components I am using:
A) Dialogflow
B) Google
C) Home-assistant?
I refer to this:
Google Actions Console
Dialogflow is not being removed.
If you are just using Dialogflow with its API (and I don't know Home Assistant, but it sounds like that is what it is doing), then there will be no change.
This message on the integrations page on Dialogflow is because the Google Assistant integration is enabled by default, but will be removed on 13 Jun 2023.
I have a technical question about the Google Assistant - unfortunately, I couldn't find a clear answer anywhere.
At the moment our company have:
the conversational chatbot built on Dialogflow, which is constantly developed by our employees
Google Actions agent. Our developers managed to construct the connection of the Google account and our client's account on our platform using OAuth 2.0 and created the first actions that, by the exchange of tokens, allow the return of certain information from our platform to the Google Assistant and vice versa - providing certain information in the Google Assistant that are sent and saved in the customer's account on our platform.
We would like both actions on actions.google.com (2) and conversations on Dialogflow (1) to cooperate with each other in the Google Assistant. One team is working on the chatbot, and the other on advanced actions, and we would like it to stay that way.
My question is - is the absolute only way to finally publish it on the google assistant is to migrate the chatbot from Dialogflow to Actions Builder and stop using Dialogflow?
Or maybe there is a simpler solution where both these environments (of course woring on one profile / agent) cooperate with each other and it will be possible to continue working on dialogflow?
We understand the advantages of Action Builder, but Dialogflow is just good enough for our needs.
There are a few angles to how you can approach this, depending on your exact needs and limitations you may accept, but the general answer is "yes, you can do both at the same time".
First, Dialogflow ES continues to support the Actions on Google Integration. Just as your Dialogflow agent integrates with other platforms, it should still be able to integrate with Actions.
There are some caveats (and some upsides!) with this, however:
You'll be using the Actions on Google v2 platform, rather than the v3 that comes with the Action Builder (and newer SDK). If the features you need are supported on v2, then you're fine. (Account Linking is supported in v2.) But if you need some of the features in v3, then you will run into problems.
You can't have used the Action Builder on the same Cloud project, and you should start the integration from the Dialogflow side. (But once you do - you'll be able to use the Actions Console to do things such as submit it for review, etc.)
Make sure you do not "upgrade" from Dialogflow to Actions Builder. This severs the two, so you won't be able to update the Action from Dialogflow.
Another approach is that you can use Action Builder, but have it forward all (or nearly all) of the requests to Dialogflow. Under this scheme, you would have an Action Builder project that has as little as one Scene with an Intent that captures all input, sends that to a webhook you control, which sends it to your Dialogflow agent via the Dialogflow API, gets the response from your Dialogflow agent, and forwards that response through Action Builder.
This is a little more complicated, but may offer some benefits if you want to take advantage of more advanced Action concepts that may not be available using v2.
It seems Google Assistant is unable to handle certain trigger phrases in the intent. The ones I have come across are the following:
Send message to scott
chat with q
Send text to felix
It seems to work fine inside dialogflow simulator. However, it doesn't work at all in Action Console Simulator or on a real device like google home mini. On Action Console Simulator, it gives "You cannot use standard Google Assistant features in the Simulator. If you want to try them, use Google Assistant on your phone or other compatible devices" and on a real device it gives an error "I am sorry, i cannot help you .." and exits completely and leaves the device in a funky state. It doesn't seem to trigger any fallback intent. I have tried adding input context but make no difference.
It's very easy to reproduce. Just create a demo action with an intent for the above phrases along with "communicate with penny", invoke your app and then try the above phrases after the welcome message. It will only work if you say "communicate with ..".
Is this a known issue/limitation? Is there a list of phrases that we cannot use to trigger an intent?
The Actions on Google libraries (Node.js, Java) include a limited feature-set that allow third-party developers to build actions for the Google Assistant.
Standard features available in the Google Assistant (like "text Mary 'Hello, world!'") won't be available in your action until you build that feature, using fulfillment.
Rather than looking for a list of phrases you can't use, review the documentation for invocation to see what you can use. Third party actions for the Google Assistant are invoked like:
To learn how to get started building for the Google Assistant, check out Google's codelabs at https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/actions-1/#0
If you've already reviewed Google's Actions on Google Codelabs through level three, consider updating your question to include a list of your intents and a code sample of your fulfillment, so other Stack Overflow users can understand how your project behaves.
See also, What topics can I ask about here?, and How do I ask a good question?
i just started on a project in DialogFlow and i was wondering is it possible to link my dialogflow to a specific desktop application? And if possible, what is the solution?
For example:
By saying "launch app", it will open up the desktop application "app"
While this is certainly something that Dialogflow's APIs can help with - this isn't a feature provided by Dialogflow itself. Dialogflow's NLP runs in the cloud - there is nothing local that it can "do".
However, you can create a launcher app that does this sort of thing by opening the microphone and sending either the stream or a speech-to-text version to Dialogflow through the Detect Intent API. Dialogflow can determine an Intent that would handle this and pass that information back to your launcher, and your launcher can then locate the app and start it.
I'm not sure how practical this would be, however. Microsoft already has this feature built-in with Cortana, and Google is building the Assistant into ChromeOS which will do this as well. While I'm not aware of Apple doing this, I may just have missed an announcement that Siri does this as well. And if there isn't someone who is doing this for Linux using some local speech-to-text libraries, it sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so.
You may try and use different Dialogflow clients available on their GitHub page. Java Client 2 may be helpful to start your work. However, you will be required to write your own UI code and have to consume Dialogflow API.
I followed https://developers.google.com/actions/dialogflow/first-app tutorial and built my first google action. The action is working fine on my laptop browser in the test (Followed "Preview the App" section of the tutorial) environment. However, when I am trying to use this action on my phone by saying "OK Google talk to my first app". It's not working. Is it supposed to work on my phone as well? I have logged in with the same Gmail account on my phone also.
PS - I have posted the same question on "actions on google" google plus community google as well but I am not sure if that community is to post such questions or not. Therefore, I am posting it here also.
Thanks in advance!
Once you have enabled testing through the simulator, it should be available on all devices (mobile, speakers like Google Home, etc) with the same account your simulator is running in. Double check to make sure they're the same account.
In your case, however, you may be using the wrong invocation phrase. If you actually said what you did above, you need to say the exact same thing that you typed to invoke it.
If you haven't set a name in the configuration, then that phrase will be
Talk to my test app
As you note in the comments - you also need to make sure you're running the Google Assistant, and not one of the other voice search components. The Google Assistant requires:
Android 6.0 or higher
Google app 6.13 or higher
Google Play services
1.5 GB of memory
720p screen resolution
Phone set to a supported language
As you probably already know you have to enable Web & App Activity, Device Information, Voice & Audio Activity in the Activity controls page.
Then you also have to be sure that the language of your agent is the same used by your google assistant.
I solved thanks this last step.
Hope this helps
What kind of list view is in this navigation drawer? It has two sections. One with Inbox, starred, sent mail, drafts and the other with all mail, trash, spam & follow up.
So is it a sectional ListView without section headers or are these two ListViews?
Found the image here: http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/typography.html#typography-standard-styles
Google offers I/O 2014 app source code as Material Design sample code
The Google I/O 2014 app has successfully lived up to its initial purpose of providing scheduling for Google I/O attendees and allowing us at home to check in and watch the keynote presentation, as well as other live-streamed sessions. But what happens to the app now?
Instead of leaving the app to be forgotten in the Google Play Store, Google has decided to use the app as a shining light for developers. Google updated the I/O 2014 app with Material Design and the Android L developer preview before making the full source code free and available for developers to download and utilize as a template for their own apps.
Although the majority of actual benefits of the Google I/O 2014 app were only good during the two days of conference back in June, the app now offers developers examples of a number of features and techniques. Developers can look forward to sample code for:
Google Drive API
Google Cloud Messaging
Android L developer preview
Android Wear
Video streaming
Reminders and alarms
NFC scanning and beaming
Feedback mechanisms
In addition to simply just dropping the code on developers, there is also some reference material available on the project git page, expect also to see video tutorials coming soon through the developer channel.
Once you’ve got your Android L device or emulator up and rolling, grab the source code for the Google I/O 2014 app from the GitHub page and get on building your own Material Design apps.
maybe this is what you are looking for