Can we use JSX in a NodeJS backend to build XML? - node.js

In the frontend, React uses JSX to render the HTML of its components.
Is JSX (or similar) functionality available in a NodeJS backend, specifically to render (conditional) XML?
Currently we use template literals to build our XML, but in comparison to JSX our team agrees that this is a suboptimal way of building markup. Hence we are looking for a different solution.

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript and produces React elements, so I would say no. You are right that template literals are probably not the way to go either. We often use some kind of xml builders to make generating XML easier. Even if you were able to use JSX for this, I'd take a guess that it would have tons of overhead for no reason. Better to choose the right tool for the job.
If you really want to try to do it with JSX though, there's this:


Reusing a component in lit-element

Anyone that can point to any documentation on howto reuse code in lit-element.
The problem now is that if I declare an element, in my case a close-button and I want to reuse it by importing it into 2 or more lit-elements, there will be an error in the browser about the close-button being declared more than once.
Understandable enough, but how do I reuse a component, I could of course move the button to a separate file and add it to the document, but then there would be dependencies on that for other components to work.
Any suggestions
If close-button self-registers itself, with a call to customElements.define('close-button', ...), then you should be able to import its defining module and not have any errors due to the module caching behavior of JS.
You must have multiple customElements.define('close-button', ...) calls, so I'd make sure that 1) it's self-registering and you're not registering it again in each component that uses it, and 2) you're using standard JS modules.
After investigating a bit more, I concluded that sharing HTML templates might be the way to do it.

Node.js & Express: template engine for plain html code

Using Node.js and express in a MEAN environment, I am looking for a simple and straightforward template engine, meeting these requirements:
does not dictate me to only use its own weird syntax but allows me to keep writing webpages using pure/plain html and js
supports conditional includes
works with express
operates on server-side (Node.js/Express)
executes freakin' fast ;)
Basically I just want to slice my webpage into several modules (e. g. header, footer, ...) and include those now and then based on simple conditions. I don't want to entirely (re-)rebuild all webpages using a proprietary template language but rather prepare a few html modules that I concatenate at runtime (comparable to PHP where I just use the include instruction to paste prepared html code).
I had a look at and but the sites seem outdated and according to them, there ain't no template engine available fully meeting my requirements!?
Suggestions anyone?
I think ejs is more natural for what you are looking for, but jade can work also. The example in the link uses partials, which you dont need to use if ur just rendering a single page

How to load CSS from library when using 'require'

I’m building an electron app. In it, I have a webview with a preload script. Inside said script, I’d like to use sweetalert.
I installed sweetalert with npm install --save sweetalert. Inside my script I load it with require('sweetalert') and call it with swal("Hello world!");. I now notice it doesn’t look right, as the alert is missing its required CSS file. But I’m loading it with require('sweetalert'), which is great since sweetalert can just remain in its directory inside node_modules and I don’t have to care for it, but its CSS is an integral part of it, and is not getting pulled the same way.
Now, what is the recommended way of solving this? Keep in mind I’m inside a javascript file and would like to remain that way. Do I really have to go get the CSS file and inject it in some way? And how would I do it correctly, since it is inside node_modules? After testing it, it seems like it can’t be done in this particular case due to Content Security Policy.
Either way, that seems so clunky in comparison to the require statement, it’d seem weird for a simpler solution to not be available.
You'll have to include it like you would normally do in a browser, for example in index.html. Copy it out of the module folder into your css folder if you have one and link it with the link tag. It depends on if you're using plain electron or some other boilerplate template with there is a gulp/grunt workflow on where to stick it but that's it really, electron is just a browser that's running your JS/html so it's really the exact same process. require only loads the JS module but not the styles.
if you wanted to include it dynamically you could use the same techniques as a regular browser for example (ex. document.write/create element).
I'm not familiar with sweetalert, but hopefully this helps.
Your syntax for require should be something similar to this.
var sweetalert = require('sweetalert')
You should then be able to access methods on the sweetalert object using the following syntax.
Remember requiring just returns a javascript object. Those objects usually have methods that will allow certain functionality. If you want to add sweetalert to your page, you will either need to inject it within the html, or the javascript within the sweetalert module will need to dynamically create html where the css is included. I hope that clarifies some things and helps you get a better sense of some of the inner workings.

For loops and layout support in express.js template engine

I come from a PHP background and I've used frameworks such as CakePHP and Laravel and it is quite easy to work with layouts and views in all of them.
And the possibility of using PHP inside those template engines provide a way to do things such as:
<?php for($i=0; $i<1000; $i++){ ?>
<? } ?>
Now, starting with Node and express.js I found out template engines seems quite basic here. I've tried hjs, hogan, swig, mustache, handlebars... none of them offers both :
Layout support (templates and views)
A way to do loops like the one I named before.
Am I missing something? Am I asking for too much?
Which one would you recommend me?
A lot of the template engines for Javascript take the philosophical view that it's better to enforce a fairly strict separation between logic and presentation, meaning that the complexity of code/logic allowed in the template is deliberately limited. For a quick overview of this topic, see (it's about client-side templating, but since it's Javascript, a lot of those same template languages are the ones popular in node.js / Express). This idea of logicless templates exists in the PHP world as well, it's just not as common.
For a more academic treatment of this subject, see this paper: (The author is also the author of a popular template engine for Java called StringTemplate.) The author makes a lot of good points, and in general I agree with the idea of logicless templates, but there are times when it can be inconvenient and I find myself more on the fence about it...see this link for some further considerations. Obviously there are also those who want to be able to anything from a template (as you can in PHP) and believe it's fine to rely on the self-restraint of the programmer not to put too much code in the view, which is where template engines like EJS come in.
Having said all that, it's important to note that what you want to achieve is possible in Handlebars (which is one of the "logicless" languages) and probably many of the others you tried as well. To do it in Handlebars, you'd need to create a custom helper. This might be what you're looking for:
Example usage:
{{#repeat 10}}
{{> button }}
You could also extend it to be able to support arguments to be able to control the starting number or increment, although that would probably be getting into logic that might be better done in the JS code (according to the Handlebars philosophy) while preparing the data for the template.
With regard to layouts, the closest thing in Handlebars (which is the template engine I'm most familiar with) is partials. This link provides a good introduction to those:
Personally I'm a big fan of the template language in an awesome framework (built on Express) called Derby. Its template language is similar to Handlebars, but comes with a couple of handy extensions - just enough to make it a bit more convenient to use without allowing too much logic to creep into the template. Unfortunately I don't think there's a standalone version of it (i.e. you have to use the full Derby framework), but you could create custom helpers in Handlebars to achieve a similar effect.

Jade to Dust Parser?

I recently wrote using Jade Template for NodeJS. When talking with my manager.. I found that we use Dust within company. Thus I was required to switch over to dust.
While following the DRY principle.. I don't want to do this manually.
Is there good translator/parser to parse existing Jade template to Dust? I searched online but didn't found.
Additionally, if there's no such template, what about I go and implement one myself? I took compiler course before and thinking this would probably be not-to-hard to implement. But I never tried... and don't really understand the Dust template yet. how do you think of the difficulty of doing one parser myself?
