Discord bot can not read files with commands - node.js

I put this into my code:
const pmie = require("./commands/pmie.js");
and I made directory commands and put file "pmie.js" in there
This is code in file pmie.js:
const Disocrd = require("discord.js");
const client = new Disocrd.Client();
const prefix = ""
client.on("message", (message)=>{
if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + "pmie")){
let author = message.member;
let role = message.guild.roles.find('name', "Founder");
message.reply("You have Permission.");
message.reply("You don't have permission");
But bot does not do anything when I use "pmie" command, what's wrong?

To fix that you would need something like this.
module.exports = function (client, message, Discord, prefix) {
if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + "pmie")){
let author = message.member;
let role = message.guild.roles.find('name', "Founder");
message.reply("You have Permission.");
message.reply("You don't have permission");
Your main javascript file:
client.on('message', message => {
const pmie = require("./commands/pmie.js")
pmie(client, message, Discord, prefix)
Hopefully this solves your issue.


How to show username when we speak though a discord bot

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
if(message.author.bot) return;
if(message.channel.id == "1012047542462185572"){
var messageContent = message.content;
This code can only send a message from a channel to another though a bot but it's only the bot speaking, I want to add which user is speaking. How can i implement this?
Use this
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
if(message.author.bot) return;
if(message.channel.id == "1012047542462185572") {
const { content, member, author } = message
const channel = await client.channels.fetch('1012048291111903292')
// for nickname:
const str = `**${member.displayName}:**\n${content}`
// for username and tag
const str = `**${author.tag}:**\n${content}`
// you may only use one of these. when you
// adapt it to your own code, remove one of
// these "str", keep the one you want
channel.send({ content: str })

Setting up chatbot command in discord.js 12

i wanted to make a chatbot command like a example of command
?bsetchatbot [channel name]
heres a syntax of the command and here what code i used
note - i already impoted required modules
const Chat = require("easy-discord-chatbot");
const chat = new Chat({ name: "Blabbermouth" });
if (message.content === "?bsetchatbot") {
channelname = message.mentions.channels.first()
if(!channelname) {
return message.channel.send("Pleease Mention A channel!")
if(message.channel.name === `${channelname}` && !message.author.bot) {
let reply = await chat.chat(message.content)
message.channel.send(`Chat Bot Channel is set as ${channelname}`)
The problem is that you don't save the channel where people can chat with the bot. I recommend to save the channel with the ValueSaver package as you can can save it and import it again when your server shut down. Here is an example
const { ValueSaver } = require('valuesaver');
const channels = new ValueSaver();
channels.import(`channels`); // Import the ValueSaver named 'channels' if a save exists with this name
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const Chat = require('easy-discord-chatbot');
const chat = new Chat({name: 'Blabbermouth'});
const client = new Client();
client.once('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag} on ${new Date().toString()}`);
client.on('message', async message => {
if(message.author.bot || message.channel.type === `DM`) return;
let args = message.content.substring(1).split(" ");
const _channelid = channels.get(message.guild.id); // Get the channel id
if(_channelid){ // If there has been set a channel
if(message.channel.id === _channelid){ // If the channel is the chat channel
let reply = await chat.chat(encodeURI(message.content));
case 'bsetchatbot':
const channel = message.mentions.channels.first();
if(!channel) return message.channel.send(`Please mention a channel to set the chat channel`).catch(console.log);
channels.set(message.guild.id, channel.id); // Access the channel id by the guild id
channels.save(`channels`); // Create a new save with the name 'channels'
client.login('Your Token');
ValueSaver: https://npmjs.com/package/valuesaver

My bot says it doesnt have permissions to kick/ban

I am making a Discord bot in js. Yesterday i finished some work on the bot's ban command and it worked normally. Today I wake up, don't modify anything and when I try it again, it says that it does not have permission. Nothing was changed and noone changed the permissions of the bot, it still has administrator. The error message:
(node:2490) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: DiscordAPIError: Missing Permissions
at RequestHandler.execute (/home/runner/AUN/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:154:13)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at async RequestHandler.push (/home/runner/AUN/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:39:14)
My code is (a bit long):
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const dp = require('discord-prefix');
const lang = require('../language_manager');
const settings = require('discord-server-settings');
module.exports = (message, client) => {
if (!message.member.permissions.has("BAN_MEMBERS")) return message.reply("You do not have the permission to ban users");
if (!message.guild.me.hasPermission("BAN_MEMBERS")) return message.reply("I do not have permission to ban users");
let prefix = dp.getPrefix();
prefix = dp.getPrefix(message.guild.id);
var langchar = settings.getSetting('lang', message.guild.id)
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(' ');
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
var noerror = true;
const member = getUserFromMention(args[0]);
const reason = args[1] || lang.get('ban_no_reason', langchar);
const embed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor('AUN', 'https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=129_JKrVi3IJ6spDDciA5Y5sm4pjUF7eI')
.setTitle(lang.get('ban_title', langchar))
.setDescription(lang.get('ban_noone_banned', langchar))
.setFooter('Ping: ' + client.ws.ping + ' | '+prefix+command);
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(lang.get('ban_you_title', langchar))
.setAuthor("AUN", "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=129_JKrVi3IJ6spDDciA5Y5sm4pjUF7eI")
.setDescription(lang.get('ban_you_part1', langchar)+message.guild.name+lang.get('ban_you_part2', langchar)+message.member.name+lang.get('ban_you_part3', langchar)+reason)
.setFooter("Ping: "+client.ws.ping+" | AUN discord bot")
if (!member) {
embed1.setTitle(lang.get('ban_error', langchar))
.setDescription(lang.get('ban_no_mention', langchar))
noerror = false;
embed1.setDescription(lang.get('ban_banned_part1', langchar)+member.tag+lang.get('ban_banned_part2', langchar));
return message.guild.member(member).ban();
}catch (e){
function getUserFromMention(mention) {
if (!mention) return;
if (mention.startsWith('<#') && mention.endsWith('>')) {
mention = mention.slice(2, -1);
if (mention.startsWith('!')) {
mention = mention.slice(1);
return client.users.cache.get(mention);
Please if you have any idea what is going on, tell me
You should check if you can actually ban the member.
You can check this with

Discord.js code wont ban people. How do i fix this?

So i have coded a little ban command here is the code
if (message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}ban`)) {
let member = message.mentions.members.first();
member.ban().then((member) => {
message.channel.send(`:wave: ${member.displayName} has been kicked`);
}).catch(() => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission(['BAN_MEMBERS', 'ADMINISTRATOR'])) {
message.reply("You cannot ban members");
} else if (member.hasPermission(['KICK_MEMBERS', 'BAN_MEMBERS', 'ADMINISTRATOR'])) {
message.reply("You cannont ban this member");
And when i do my prefix ban and then the player name it does not ban them and i dont get any errors in the console so can i please have some help
You can do it like this
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.on('message', (message) => {
let args = message.content.split(' ');
let command = args.shift();
if (command === 'ban') {
let member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.get(args[0]);
if (!member) return message.reply('pls mention a member or write ID for BAN');
if (!message.member.hasPermission('BAN_MEMBERS')) return message.reply('You has no permission for ban members');
if (message.member.roles.highest <= member.roles.highest) return message.reply(`You can't ban member with the same or highest role position`);
if (!member.manageable) return message.reply('I cant ban this member');
my answer was the
client.on('message', (message) => {
let args = message.content.split(' ');
let command = args.shift();
if (command === 'ban') {
let member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.get(args[0]);
if (!member) return message.reply('pls mention a member or write ID for BAN');
if (!message.member.hasPermission('BAN_MEMBERS')) return message.reply('You has no permission for ban members');
if (message.member.roles.highest.position <= member.roles.highest.position) return message.reply(`You can't ban member with the same or highest role position`);
if (!member.manageable) return message.reply('I cant ban this member');
This will definitely work:
if (message.content.startsWith('+ban')){
const user2 = message.mentions.users.first();
// If we have a user mentioned
if (user2) {
// Now we get the member from the user
const member = message.guild.member(user2);
const banembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("*You don't have permission to use this command*")
if(!message.member.hasPermission("BAN_MEMBERS")) return message.channel.send(banembed)
// If the member is in the guild
if (member) {
* Ban the member
* Make sure you run this on a member, not a user!
* There are big differences between a user and a member
.ban('Being bad') //This is the reason
.then(() => {
// We let the message author know we were able to kick the person
const bannedembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`***Successfully banned ${user2.tag}***`)
.catch(err => {
// An error happened
// This is generally due to the bot not being able to kick the member,
// either due to missing permissions or role hierarchy
message.reply('I was unable to ban the member');
// Log the error
} else {
// The mentioned user isn't in this guild
const nomemembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("*That user isn't in this server!*")
// Otherwise, if no user was mentioned
} else {
const nobanmentionembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("*You didn't mention the user*")
.setColor(0xffe6f7) //you can remove the color if you want

Discord.js "Error: FFMPEG not found" but I'm pretty sure I have it

I'm learning Discord.js and following this tutorial: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/topics/voice . From the start, when I try to run- npm install ffmpeg-binaries I get a huge error message but it tells me to just use install ffmpeg so I did.
Here is my Index.js page(I've replaced my token with * here):
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const Colesbot = new Discord.Client();
const token = '**********************************';
Colesbot.on('ready', () =>{
console.log('Slamsbot is online.');
Colesbot.on('message', msg=>{
if(msg.content == "What up bot?"){
msg.reply("Whats good pimp?")
Colesbot.on('message', message=>{
if (message.content === '/join') {
// Only try to join the sender's voice channel if they are in one themselves
if (message.member.voiceChannel) {
message.member.voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {
message.reply('I have successfully connected to the channel!');
} else {
message.reply('You need to join a voice channel first!');
//Event listener for new guild members
Colesbot.on('guildMemberAdd', member =>{
// Send the message to a designated channel on a server:
const channel = member.guild.channels.find(ch => ch.name === 'general');
// Do nothing if the channel wasn't found on this server
if (!channel) return;
// Send the message, mentioning the member
channel.send(`Welcome to the server, ${member}. Please use the bot-commands channel to assign yourself a role.`);
exports.run = (client, message, args) => {
let user = message.mentions.users.first || message.author;
If I type "/join" while not connected to a voice channel I get the proper message. However, if I try while I am I get this error message:
Error: FFMPEG not found
message:"FFMPEG not found"
stack:"Error: FFMPEG not found\n at Function.selectFfmpegCommand (c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotify-Playlist-Discord-bot\node_modules\prism-media\src\transcoders\ffmpeg\Ffmpeg.js:46:13)\n at new FfmpegTranscoder (c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotify-Playlist-Discord-bot\node_modules\prism-media\src\transcoders\ffmpeg\Ffmpeg.js:7:37)\n at new MediaTranscoder (c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotify-Playlist-Discord-bot\node_modules\prism-media\src\transcoders\MediaTranscoder.js:10:19)\n at new Prism (c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotify-Playlist-Discord-bot\node_modules\prism-media\src\Prism.js:5:23)\n at new VoiceConnection (c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotify-Playlist-Discord-bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\voice\VoiceConnection.js:46:18)\n at c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotify-Playlist-Discord-bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\voice\ClientVoiceManager.js:63:22\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n at ClientVoiceManager.joinChannel (c:\Users\bobal\Documents\GitHub\Spotif...
So I went to that folder and the file Ffmpeg.js is there and here is its contents:
const ChildProcess = require('child_process');
const FfmpegProcess = require('./FfmpegProcess');
class FfmpegTranscoder {
constructor(mediaTranscoder) {
this.mediaTranscoder = mediaTranscoder;
this.command = FfmpegTranscoder.selectFfmpegCommand();
this.processes = [];
static verifyOptions(options) {
if (!options) throw new Error('Options not provided!');
if (!options.media) throw new Error('Media must be provided');
if (!options.ffmpegArguments || !(options.ffmpegArguments instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error('FFMPEG Arguments must be an array');
if (options.ffmpegArguments.includes('-i')) return options;
if (typeof options.media === 'string') {
options.ffmpegArguments = ['-i', `${options.media}`].concat(options.ffmpegArguments).concat(['pipe:1']);
} else {
options.ffmpegArguments = ['-i', '-'].concat(options.ffmpegArguments).concat(['pipe:1']);
return options;
* Transcodes an input using FFMPEG
* #param {FfmpegTranscoderOptions} options the options to use
* #returns {FfmpegProcess} the created FFMPEG process
* #throws {FFMPEGOptionsError}
transcode(options) {
if (!this.command) this.command = FfmpegTranscoder.selectFfmpegCommand();
const proc = new FfmpegProcess(this, FfmpegTranscoder.verifyOptions(options));
return proc;
static selectFfmpegCommand() {
try {
return require('ffmpeg-binaries');
} catch (err) {
for (const command of ['ffmpeg', 'avconv', './ffmpeg', './avconv']) {
if (!ChildProcess.spawnSync(command, ['-h']).error) return command;
throw new Error('FFMPEG not found');
module.exports = FfmpegTranscoder;
I also added ffmpeg to system path and it didn't help:
I'm not quite sure what to do from here. If you need any other info I'd be glad to give it.
