How to connect to an integrated VM without using SSH tunelling - linux

I want to connect to a locked (cannot be modified and I do not have permissions to log into) windows vm which is hosted in a linux machine. Until now these two machines were communicating via port 2277. However for security reasons, the port 2277 is only accessible via localhost (
The original proposed solution was to use ssh-tunneling. However since the hosted windows vm will always stay with the linux machine, so I was thinking something simpler.
This Windows virtual machine has ip and the default gateway is The later is the ip address that my linux machine can see.
After searching the internet I tried
socat TCP4:,reuseaddr,fork TCP4:
as well as some other random combinations without success.
My understanding is that this failed because for socat to work both sockets must be open.
However the first one is not open by default (checked with ss -ltn) as I need to run the windows service first (which it cannot run as it cannot communicate with iphost:2277)
Any ideas on how to proceed?

Socat provides the retry=N and forever options to handle situations like this. Thus, try something like this:
socat -d -d TCP4:,reuseaddr,fork,forever TCP4:
With the interval=<seconds> option you can specify how long Socat waits after each failed attempt.

It turns out that the command that I wanted was the following
socat tcp-listen:2277,bind=,fork,reuseaddr tcp:
The retry=N and forever options could be also useful.


Route traffic from WIndows to Linux(Kali)

I'm currently trying to route my internet traffic from my Windows laptop( to my other laptop running Kali Linux(, both on the same network. The idea is the Linux laptop would anonymise the traffic sent, possibly hiding my IP in some way. I'm stuck on how to exactly go about this. I've tried using OpenVPN but to no avail.
192.168.1.x is not public IP subnet. So both your computers are in local net. And so one or both have yet default gateway address for access to Internet and another networks. If you want route Internet traffic through the Windows Laptop to Linux computer you have to setup the Windows IP address like default gateway for Linux computer.
Then on Windows you can used two options for access to Internet for Linux:
1. enabled routing functions use Windows like just router
2. used third party software (like Wingate etc) use Windows like NAT proxy
In the first option the Linux IP address will be view at ISP devices
In the second option the Linux IP address will be change on Windows IP adress
The first is very simple for management. The second is harder.
But I don't understood why it all. If you wanna more security in Internet network you can use and get maximum security level.
I'd honestly trash this idea and use Tor browser instead, you will be 100% anonymous if you follow the guidelines on their website.
The Tor project:
Tips on staying anonymous:
Well and if you seriously want to route the traffic to your Kali machine, use some built-in MITM tools (eg. Arpspoof), but be aware, that this will NOT make you anonymous to the outside (Internet).
Here is how you set-up the MITM, but without the intercepting of traffic:
First, we need to forward all the trafic that the Kali machine recieves to the internet
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
Then you need to send the forged ARP replies
arpspoof -i [Network Interface Name] -t [Windows IP] [Router IP]
So it should look something like this, you can find the router ip by running the command ifconfig (look for "default gateway")
arpspoof -i wlan0 -t
Then it should be up and running, tunneling you through the Kali machine.

Hostname discovery for all machines on a network

Problem: I am developing a graphical front end for a distributed CPU/GPU simulator. As this simulator utilizes MPI, it requires a hostfile detailing the hostnames for all computers being used on the network so that it knows what machines to distribute across. As the end users for my application are not computer scientists (and may not even be very computer literate), I can't expect them to know/find the hostnames of every computer on their network/cluster. I would like to programmatically perform this hostname discovery so that, upon application start-up, the user can see the available machines, and from those, pick the hosts they want to run on. If possible, I would like this solution to be cross platform but as the simulator currently contains some linux dependencies I can deal with a Linux only solution.
What I have tried so far: I tried utilizing the nmap package to discover hosts on a network with commands like nmap -sP <ip address range> using the ip address range for that local network. However, it only dumps the IP addresses for the hosts (not the host names) and I'm not sure how to translate these IP addresses into ssh hostnames (as MPI uses ssh for host discovery). Additionally, I used a similar approach with ping supplying the broadcast address and it returned nearly identical results.
I apologize for the broad nature of this question and the lack of code shown but I am not very experienced with network probing / programming and I am really not even sure where to start. I tried googling this but I was unable to find a suitable option (possibly because my lack of experience caused me to use improper terminology triggering improper results) My background is primarily in graphics and user interface programming, so this is a little beyond my comfort zone.
SSH doesn't care if it is given hostnames or IP addresses to connect to (not sure if this applies when there are host-specific configurations). Most MPI implementations don't care too, e.g. in Open MPI connection URIs addresses are all numeric, so a hostfile with IPs would be fine. HTTP servers on the other hand care because of the virtual hosting thing where many different sites resolve to the same IP address but the server is supplied the actual hostname via the Host HTTP header.
Unsolicited advice: finding hosts by ping is fine, but it doesn't guarantee that you have found machines, where SSH is running. You would better scan for systems with port 22 open that accept TCP connections:
$ nmap -oX -sT -p22 <ip range>
-oX produces XML output that can be easily parsed. -oG is also a nice format for automated parsing of the scan results. Also having SSH running doesn't necessarily mean that the user would be able to log into the system - for example it could be a network router or another remotely manageable device. One also has to take care of only showing machines where the user can log on without having to supply a password, e.g. with RSA/DSA public keys, otherwise starting an MPI job would be a really tedious task. You can test each host found with something like:
$ ssh -2 -o "PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,hostbased,publickey" \
<host> hostname
This command basically excludes all interactive authentication methods. If connection succeeds, it will output the hostname of the remote machine. Otherwise you'd get a permission denied error and a non-zero exit code from the SSH client.

SSHFS through multiple connections

I have to occasionally work remotely. In order to do so, I have to connect to a gateway server, through which I can then connect to the development server. At work I can connect directly to the dev server. I use SSHFS to map the remote folder to a local one (in Ubuntu). My colleagues don't seem to mind using vim for all of their work, but I really prefer and IDE. I know that using just ssh I can tunnel through multiple connections (ssh -t server1 ssh -t server2), but I'd like to do the same with SSHFS. Does anyone know how this could be accomplished?
Yes, it can be done. For this, the remote server has to support local port forwarding (which might be disabled for security reasons). What you bascially do, you instruct the remote server to open a tunnel to a server in the other network for you:
ssh -fL
someport should be an unused port on your machine (for example 2222), should be the hostname or IP of the development machine you eventually want to connect to, from within the network of the, which is the intermediate server you have to go through. -f instructs ssh to detach from the terminal after the connection is established.
You run this command, and after it is in the background, the remote machine's ssh port can be referred to as and can be used as such by sshfs. I don't know of a way to automate this though, but you should easily be able to script it.
Make sure you clear this action with the remote administrator beforehands if you're unsure about the policies. You may need to change the 22 in the first command if the development machine serves ssh on a different port.

How to provide "reverse ssh" to a shell?

Many embedded devices (running Linux) out in the fields, behind routers so NAT'd and we can't make connections to them.
We need for a support person to be able to initiate a terminal/shell session on any of the devices.
Their local terminal will also be NAT'd behind a corporate firewall, so we need some central "meeting point" that both they and the device can connect to.
If necessary, we could require the support person to log into some sort of terminal server, but I'd prefer a solution that just popped up a terminal window on their desktop.
We can (through other means) tell the device to execute some arbitary script or application to start up the session.
Without the NAT, it's just SSH to the device and away we go. But what are my options in this NAT'd environment?
We're OK to develop code at either end or at the meeting point server if required, but obviously if there are apps out there so we don't have to write stuff, even better.
Pointers to other questions I may have missed (although I have looked) or to applications that I should consider for the central "meeting point" server welcomed
How about simply setting up an ssh server that is reachable by both the device and the support user, and have the device set up a reverse tunnel (using remote port forwarding)?
ssh -R 10022:localhost:22 device#server
Then the support personnel can simply connect to the server and log on using
ssh -p 10022 localhost
Of course there are several security aspects that need to be accounted for here, depending on what kind of information the devices hold/have access to and how the support organization is set up.
SSH is an adequate tool for this. You will, as you say, need a middle-man server. But it would be very easy to set up, assuming that your 'other means of executing a script' are remote and can be executed from your office.
So, fire up a new server on a global IP (an Amazon AWS micro node is free for a year and would do the job just fine), and install an ssh deamon. Say it has the hostname
The script to put onto your embedded devices would look like;
ssh -i ./middle_id.pem -R 22:localhost:2222
(The private key authentication would be a way of making the login non-interactive)
The script to put onto your desktop machines would look like; (assuming the argument $1 is the IP of the embedded device, and that executes the above script on the chosen embedded device.)
./ $1
ssh -i ./device_id.pem
And that should forward your connection to the embedded device.
In order to make it bind to all interfaces, use:
ssh -N -R
Don't forget to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and go to GatewayPorts and enable it and set it to yes.
And Then connect to it from any Loopback or Ethernet interface.

Active FTP Mode not Working in Linux

I am new to Linux and I have my application running on windows for a while and for file Transfer stuff we use third party sftp and it has been running well both on Active and Passive mode.
Now i am migrating my app to support Linux OS, and i'm facing problem in FTP Active mode, where i can transfer files in Passive mode.
I tried through FTP command where i can transfer files in both mode and when it comes implementations it gives me the following error:
500 Invalid PORT Command.
and the before this error the ftp command looks like :
PORT 0,0,0,0,234,96
where for passive it works fine.
Do it need to enable any firewall settings in linux, Please help me out.
PORT 0,0,0,0,234,96
The first four octets represent the IP address, which in this case, seems like is absent. So you either missed out declaring the client's IP address in the application or may be there is some other issue with the IP addresses. Try this link for more info: FTP
Also check if its getting connected when you turn off the Linux firewall.
/etc/init.d/iptables stop
