Hubspot pagination using after in nodejs - node.js

i am building hubspot api, i having trouble paginating the contacts records.
i am using #hubspot/api-client - npm for integration with hubspot and this is the docs for that
.getPage(limit, after, properties, propertiesWithHistory, associations, archived)
.then((results) => {
.catch((err) => {
in this code there is after argument, we can provide contacts id in it, and it will provide the records including and after that particular id.
How do i use this for pagination. or there is any other way.

Take a look at API Endpoints documentation for GET /crm/v3/objects/contacts and the data you receive. The getPage method returns the following data:
"results": [
// contact detail here
"paging": {
"next": {
"after": "NTI1Cg%3D%3D",
"link": "?after=NTI1Cg%3D%3D"
The pagination information is available in (if there is a consecutive page). So you can do something like this to iterate through each page:
async function doSomethingWithEachPage() {
let after = undefined;
const limit = 10;
const properties = undefined;
const propertiesWithHistory = undefined;
const associations = undefined;
const archived = false;
do {
const response = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getPage(
// do something with results
console.log(response.results); // contacts list
// pick after from response and store it outside of current scope
after = response.paging?.next?.after;
} while (after);
I rewrote the sample code to use async/await so it better works with do...while loop and omitted error handling.
If you are dealing with reasonable small amount of data and have enough of memory, you can also skip the pagination and use the getAll method to load all the data. (In fact, this method does internally a loop similar to the one above.)


How do I get data from the Google Analytics API by filtering on a specific URL

Good afternoon, I'm developing an application in Node.js, this application returns the total views of my projects in JSON.
My question is: how do I get the total views of a specific page or URL. Bearing in mind that this will become an attribute for my function later.
async function getTopPosts(customUrl) { /* I need the Custom URL to be used as a filter */
try {
await jwt.authorize();
const response = await"v3"){
auth: jwt,
ids: "ga:" + VIEW_ID,
"start-date": "2019-01-01",
"end-date": "today",
dimensions: "ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle",
metrics: "ga:pageviews",
sort: "-ga:pageviews",
"max-results": "10",
filters: "ga:medium==organic",
let data =
} catch (err) {
I tried to see the GA-API documentations GA-API but I was not successful.
I hope it returns a JSON containing only the total views of a specific page or URL of my Google Analytics project.

Implementation of a global search for chats in telegram tdlib

I'm trying to replicate the global chat search as in telegram.
I'm using getChats method for searching, but the problem is that the method only returns a list of ids.
In addition to the id, I would also like to get the name and avatar of the chat.
Therefore, I have to go through the chatids in the forEach and for each id call the getChat method that returns the data I need. This, in turn, causes severe problems with the query execution time. (14 seconds). In a telegram, the search takes ~2 seconds. I don’t know how they did it, I re-read all the documentation and did not find a method that would allow me to pass the name of the chat and get, in addition to identifiers, also a title and an image. Has anyone already encountered a similar problem?
import BaseAction from "./BaseAction";
import airgram from "../airgram/airgram";
import { ChatsUnion, ChatUnion } from 'airgram';
class SearchChatsAction implements BaseAction
async run(name: string): Promise<any>
const output = await airgram.api.searchPublicChats({
query: name
const promises: Array<any> = [];
const result: Array<any> = [];
for (const chatId of (output.response as ChatsUnion).chatIds)
chatId: chatId
}).then(output => {
id: (output.response as ChatUnion).id,
title: (output.response as ChatUnion).title
await Promise.all(promises);
return result;
export default SearchChatsAction;
I think the issue you're facing is because of API. You should try using different API. If you check these two documentations:
The API you're using returns just chatIds but searchPublicChat will contain all the information of searched chat.

How to load selected item from database?

So I have a default model set up for viewing my data, and a form for inputting the data. I want to know what the best practice is for retrieving the one item of selected data? it's for a MERN stack
Currently I am using window hash and adding the id onto the url and retrieving from database that way, I feel this is janky though and trying to add update functionality it seems like it might get confusing.
I've thought about adding a currentID to redux, but then I can see problems occurring when that is persisted and you go to create a recipe after viewing and end up editing instead of creating.
retrieving id from url
const recipeId = window.location.hash.substr(1);
const recipe = useSelector((state) => => r._id === recipeId)
I get my recipes from mongo
export const recipeList = async (req, res) => {
try {
const recipes = await recipeSheet.find();
} catch (error) {
res.status(404).json({ message: error.message });
and store to redux
export const getRecipes = () => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const { data } = await api.fetchRecipes();
dispatch({ type: "FETCH_ALL_RECIPES", payload: data });
} catch (error) {
It depends on how large is your data. It'd better define a new GET path to retrieve a single record, like BASE_URL/api/recipes/123 or you can add query acceptance for the current endpoint to find a specific id in DB and return it, like BASE_URL/api/recipes?id=123. The reason for that is besides the optimization (for large data sets), the record may change after you store all records to the redux store, and by the current solution, you show the old data to the user. Best practices tell us to choose the first way as your solution, the second way is usually for filtering the data. Then simply by sending the new URL by the user, trigger a new API call to the new endpoint and get the single record.

How to Retrieve Data from Out of Axios Function to Add to Array (NEWBIE QUESTION)

I am working on building a blog API for a practice project, but am using the data from an external API. (There is no authorization required, I am using the JSON data at permission of the developer)
The idea is that the user can enter multiple topic parameters into my API. Then, I make individual requests to the external API for the requested info.
For each topic query, I would like to:
Get the appropriate data from the external API based on the params entered (using a GET request to the URL)
Add the response data to my own array that will be displayed at the end.
Check if each object already exists in the array (to avoid duplicates).
res.send the array.
My main problem I think has to do with understanding the scope and also promises in Axios. I have tried to read up on the concept of promise based requests but I can't seem to understand how to apply this to my code.
I know my code is an overall mess, but if anybody could explain how I can extract the data from the Axios function, I think it could help me get the ball rolling again.
Sorry if this is a super low-level or obvious question - I am self-taught and am still very much a newbie!~ (my code is a pretty big mess right now haha)
Here is a screenshot of the bit of code I need to fix:
router.get('/:tagQuery', function(req, res){
const tagString = req.params.tagQuery;
const tagArray = tagString.split(',');
router.get('/:tag', function(req, res){
const tagString = req.params.tag;
const tagArray = queryString.split(',');
const displayPosts ={
const baseUrl = "";
return axios
.get(baseUrl, {
params: {
tag: tag
.then(function(response) {
const responseData =;
if (tag === (tagArray[0])){
const responseData =;
} else {
// I will write function to check if post already exists in responseData array. Else, add to array
}); // End if/then
.catch(function(err) {
}); // End Axios
}); // End Map Function
Node.js is a single thread non-blocking, and according to your code you will respond with the result before you fetching the data.
you are using .map which will fetch n queries.
use Promise.all to fetch all the requests || Promise.allsettled.
after that inside the .then of Promise.all || promise.allsettled, map your result.
after that respond with the mapped data to the user
router.get('/:tag', function (req, res) {
const tagString = req.params.tag;
const tagArray = queryString.split(',');
const baseUrl = "";
return axios
.get(baseUrl, {
params: {
tag: tag
//all the data have been fetched successfully
// loop through the array and handle your business logic for each topic
//send the required data to the user using res.send()
// error while fetching the data
your code will be something like this.
note: read first in promise.all and how it is working.

Angular UI Client Side Pagination

I would like to enable pagination and I'm torn between client side and server side pagination. In the long term (more data) it is probably better to do server side pagination, but I haven't found a good tutorial on it.
I use Angular/Express/Mongo. I have the Boostrap UI in use, and would like to use their pagination directive for pagination. I have read some articels on how to kind of do it, but they are outdated and I cannot get it to work.
Could anybody help me get that example to work with Bootstrap UI for Angular?
If you have a set number of items per page, you could do it this way :
Define an angular service to query the data on your server.
.factory('YourPaginationService', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('baseUrl/page/:pageNo', {
pageNo: '#pageNo'
Call it via the angular controller. Don't forget to inject your service, either globally or in the controller.
$scope.paginationController = function($scope, YourPaginationService) {
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.setPage = function (pageNo) {
$scope.currentPage = pageNo;
pageNo: '$scope.currentPage'
On express 4 (if you have it), set up your route.
.get(data.listWithPagination) //random function name
Then you need to wire that function with the desired Mongo request in your Node controller. If you have Mongoose, it works like this :
exports.listWithPagination = function(req, res) {
var pageLimit = x; //Your hardcoded page limit
var skipValue = req.params.pageNo*pageLimit;
YourModel.find() //Your Mongoose model here, if you use Mongoose.
.exec(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return res.send(400, {
message: getErrorMessage(err)
} else {
That's how I would do it on a typical MEAN stack. If you're working with different libraries/technologies, you might need to adapt a few things.
