extendscript replace string if this file path not working - extendscript

how do I replace this string it seems like all words join up rather than replacing the string.
the output does not seem to replace
var str='C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2022\Support Files\Presets';
str.replace("\\", "\\\\");
alert (str);


How to remove all punctuation from a string in Godot?

I'm building a command parser and I've successfully managed to split strings into separate words and get it all working, but the one thing I'm a bit stumped at is how to remove all punctuation from the string. Users will input characters like , . ! ? often, but with those characters there, it doesn't recognize the word, so any punctuation will need to be removed.
So far I've tested this:
func process_command(_input: String) -> String:
var words:Array = _input.replace("?", "").to_lower().split(" ", false)
It works fine and successfully removes question marks, but I want it to remove all punctuation. Hoping this will be a simple thing to solve! I'm new to Godot so still learning how a lot of the stuff works in it.
You could remove an unwantes character by putting them in an array and then do what you already are doing:
var str_result = input
var unwanted_chars = [".",",",":","?" ] #and so on
for c in unwanted_chars:
str_result = str_result.replace(c,"")
I am not sure what you want to achieve in the long run, but parsing strings can be easier with the use of regular expressions. So if you want to search strings for apecific patterns you should look into this:
Given some input, which I'll just write here as example:
var input := "Hello, It's me!!"
We want to get a modified version where we have filtered the characters:
var output := ""
We need to know what we will filter. For example:
var deny_list := [",", "!"]
We could have a list of things we accept instead, you would just flip a conditional later on.
And then we can iterate over the string, for each character decide if we want to keep it, and if so add it to the output:
for position in input.length():
var current_character := input[position]
if not deny_list.has(current_character):
output += current_character

search and replace a string after a match

I have a file that contains :
String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable"
I try to change the string change_variable with something else like
String url = "https://url_adress/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"
But when I use :
sed 's/"https:\/\/url_adress\/v2.0\/vpc\/peerings?name/"https:\/\/url_adress\/v2.0\/vpc\/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"/'g
I Obtain :
String url = "https://url_adress/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"=change_url"
What I did wrong ?
Edit :
To be more precise, I need to change the change_variable inside with a $peering who I declare before in my script.
The fact that you have forward slashes in the url, means that is better to use another character for the sed separator and so:
sed 's#String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable"#String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"#g'
The normal / has been changed for #, allowing for easier reading and processing of the url.
Is this what you're trying to do?
awk 'index($0,"https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable") { sub(/change_variable/,"florian-testpeering-5") } 1' file
String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"
If I understand your edit, and you are saying you have your string in a variable at the beginning of your script, similar to:
var='String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable"'
and you need to change the contents of the string replacing from name=... to the end with a new value, you can simply use bash parameter expansion with substring replacement, e.g.
Now the variable var will contain:
String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"
You can do the same thing if the string you want to replace with is also stored in another variable, such as repl="lorian-testpeering-5", in that case your substring replacement would be:
(same result in var)

nodejs how to replace ; with ',' to make an sql query

I have a query that looks like this:
INSERT INTO table VALUES ('47677;2019;2019;10T-1001-10010AS;A05;International;TieLineKoman-KosovoB;L_KOM-KOSB;2018;NULL;NULL;;NULL;Tieline;NULL;10XAL-KESH-----J;0;3')
that is produced by parsing a csv file.
The query is not in a valid form, I have to replace all semicolons with the string ',' (comma inside single quotes). What I want to get is:
I have tried to do this in many different ways, but I end up with backshlashes added in my string. This is what I get:
"INSERT INTO AllocatedEICDetail VALUES ('47677\\',\\'2019\\',\\'2019\\',\\'10T-1001-10010AS\\',\\'A05\\',\\'International\\',\\'TieLineKoman-KosovoB\\',\\'L_KOM-KOSB\\',\\'2018\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'Tieline\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'10XAL-KESH-----J\\',\\'0\\',\\'3')"
Any ideas how to do this properly without having the backslashes added?
Thank you!
//the string you have
const string = '47677;2019;2019;10T-1001-10010AS;A05;International;TieLineKoman-KosovoB;L_KOM-KOSB;2018;NULL;NULL;;NULL;Tieline;NULL;10XAL-KESH-----J;0;3';
//the string you need:
const targetString = string.replace(/\;/g,',');
You specify a small regex between the forward slashes in replace which is a simple ';', give it a 'g' flag for global which will replace all instances, and in the second argument supply what you need it replaced with.

Regular expression for splitting a comma with the string

I had to split string data based on Comma.
This is the excel data:-
Please find the excel data
string strCurrentLine="\"Himalayan Salt Body Scrub with Lychee Essential Oil from Majestic Pure, All Natural Scrub to Exfoliate & Moisturize Skin, 12 oz\",SKU_27,\"Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers, Portrait, 6-Pack\",SKU_27,My Shopify Store 1,Valid,NonInventory".
Regex CSVParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]\"[^\"]\")(?![^\"]\"))");
string[] lstColumnValues = CSVParser.Split(strCurrentLine);
I have attached the image.The problem is I used the Regex to split the string with comma but i need the ouptut just like SKU_27 because string[0] and string2 contains the forward and backward slash.I need the output string1 and remove the forward and backward slash.
The file seems to be a CVA file. For CVA to be properly formatted, it will use quotes "" to wrap strings that contains comma, such as
id, name, date
1,"Some text, that includes comma", 2020/01/01
Simply split the string by comma, you will get the 2nd column with double quote.
I'm not sure whether you are asking how to remove the double-quotes from lstColumnValues[0] and lstColumnValues[2], or add them to lstColumnValues[1].
To remove the double-quotes, just use Replace:
string myString = lstColumnValues[0].Replace("\"", "");
If you need to add them:
string myString = $"\"{lstColumnValues[1]}\"";

Loading String value using ParseConfig from Parse.com with new line character

i have a problem to load a String value using ParseConfig from Parse.com with new line character.
The new line character is ignored, is that normal or i'm doing something wrong?
There is any other solution to get a text with new line character without using html code and uiwebview?
This question is old, but I'm posting here for posterity as I had the same issue.
On Parse, use another character such as <br> where you want a new line in your String.
Then, in Swift or Objective C, replace <br> with \n, which is recognized by Swift:
// Assume you've loaded a String from Parse, called 'rawStringFromServer'
let newString = rawStringFromServer.replacingOccurrences(of: "<br>", with: "\n")
myUILabel.text = newString
