Run yarn script into crontab - node.js

I made a script in TypeScript that download data from some api and store inside a mongo DB.
If i run yarn start from the app folder it works well.
I would like to put this command in a cron job that will be executed every 5 minutes.
I try it with some sintax in crontab but ti doesn't work.
I try to put the call in a script but it doesn't work too.
*/5 * * * * cd /opt/app-folder/src/ && /home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/ts-node main.ts
*/5 * * * * cd /opt/app-folder && /usr/bin/yarn start > /home/username/app-name-out.txt
*/5 * * * * /home/username/ > /home/username/app-name-out.txt
*/5 * * * * /home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/ts-node /opt/app-folder/src/main.ts > /home/username/app-name-out.txt
*/5 * * * * cd /opt/app-folder/src/ && /home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/ts-node main.ts > /home/username/app-name-out.txt
Can someone help me to execute the main.ts every 5 minutes?

I get rid of this problem.
There was 2 problems, the first related to the output redirection.
I fixed by redirect stdout in a file and stderr in another one.
The second was related the the $PATH of crontab: it was /usr/bin:/bin.
To fix it I log into my user where script works and I print my $PATH with echo $PATH.
I copied the value and I set it before the crontab line in crontab file.
This is what it looks like:
# Set the same path of user username to have the correct path in script
# Execute oracle every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * /bin/sh /home/username/ >> /home/username/app-name-info.txt 2>> /home/username/app-name-error.txt
Now it works.


Running node script with crontab

I'm trying to run a node script with crontab. I've tried first doing things like
* * * * * echo test > test.txt
to be sure crontab works (I'm trying to make the command work and then I'll change the crontab to something different so it doesn't run every minute).
The crontab above works. The thing is, when I try to use node, it doesn't run with the crontab. Running which node I get /usr/bin/node Here are the things I've tried.
* * * * * cd /path/to/script && node script.js
* * * * * cd /path/to/project && npm start (runs npx tsc && node build/script.js)
* * * * * cd /path/to/script && node script.js > test.txt (file is generated empty, even though, script has console.log)
* * * * * node /path/to/script/script.js
* * * * * echo test > test.txt && node /path/to/script/script.js (file gets generated)
Also I've tried all of the above replacing node by /usr/bin/node.
If I run any of these commands manually, it executes the program.
After going over a long time and testing a lot of stuff, I realized the issue was doing sudo crontab -e to set the crontab. I fixed it after running instead
sudo crontab -u username -e

Cronjob won't trigger .sh script

I have made this Cronjob that should run some tests. My script works, but cronjob won't trigger it.
Cronjob looks like this:
*/1 * * * * /bin/sh cd ~/Desktop/
I want it to run every minute, just for testing purposes.
And my script is:
while read LINE; do curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out "%{http_code} $LINE\n" "$LINE"; done < todo | tee test_results.txt
I can't even find the solution on google or youtube.
If you added #!/bin/bash to your script, then your cronjob should look like:
* * * * * ~/Desktop/
* * * * * /home/USER/Desktop/
In the first case you have to run cronjob from the same user where of the Desktop folder.

Running cron for nodejs and deleting files in temp

I'm trying to run nodejs /var/www/html/back/elastic/users.js g command every 10 minutes in cron but I don't seem to be able to
*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin nodejs /var/www/html/back/elastic/users.js
I've added this to crontab -e but when I check syslog it doesn't show there.
Same for the following command I want to delete files in temp every day, it doesn't work either
30 2 * * * rm -rf /var/www/html/data/users/temp/*
What am I missing? Thanks for any help
Ubuntu Server 15.04
*/10 * * * * /usr/local/nodejs /var/www/html/back/elastic/users.js
30 2 * * * /bin/rm -rf /var/www/html/data/users/temp/*
You should try removing the space from the first crontab
*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/nodejs /var/www/html/back/elastic/users.js
the second command looks correct to me, is the path correct? Maybe a permission issue.
It should delete everything under /var/www/html/data/users/temp/ at 2:30am

Can't make crontab work

I am new to Linux and Ubuntu and I seldom have to use it. I am trying to make this PHP script to run every minute using cron, but firstly I wanted to make some tests.
I created an empty file at /var/www/html/ called test. I ran on terminal:
sudo crontab -e
And added this line:
0 * * * * rm /var/www/html/test
Then saved it and exited. It said "Installing new Crontab"
Nothing happened. Then I created a file that contained:
rm /var/www/html/test
and added the following to crontab:
0 * * * * bash /var/www/html/
Still nothing happened.
What do I have to do to see anything happening from crontab? By the way I checked and the service is running
0 * * * * basically says "run this at 0th minute of every hour."
If you need cron to run your command every minute do * * * * *.
0 * * * * runs once every 1 hour. If you want to run every minute it should be */1 * * * *
You can also check the /var/log/cron file for any errors

cron job in crontab not working

I have added the following entry:
*/1 * * * * /home/coddict/myapp-dev/spoolemailsender
and the shell that I am trying to execute (the file spoolemailsender) has the following:
php app/console swiftmailer:spool:send --env=dev
Why isn't this script running every 1 minute? Do I need another command to get this cron job running?
You forgot to put user to execute cron job:
*/1 * * * * root /home/coddict/myapp-dev/./spoolemailsender
*/1 * * * * root sh /home/coddict/myapp-dev/spoolemailsender
root for example.
Assuming spoolemailsender is executable script and you don't need to do ./spoolemailsender or sh spoolemailsender
