Finding maximum value in group - excel

I want to create a column of data that finds the largest value in column BD, based on individual values in Column B. I would have thought this equation would work! Anyone have any recommendations??
(first attempt)
(Second attempt)
cumulative production(BD)
result I want()

this code should work:

If you have access to LAMBDA() function then can use below formula at one go.

Similar to SUMIFS you find MAXIFS
Then just compare the MAX with the actual row value.
Edit based on your reply:
One way is to start with one operation in the cell first then it is easier to follow.
Your MAXIF should be like this (looking for the max in column B of those rows having the same value in column A as the value of current column A)
Then compare to B2
So, basically you got it, need just to adjust your second part of the MAXIFS :-)


Excel: How to get average of the between nonzero values?

I would need to get the average of the 2nd to the 8th nonzero value per row. Meaning, it would always move depending where the nonzero begins at.
I think what I would need is to determine the following:
Location of the 2nd nonzero value
Location of the 8th nonzero value
Average of numbers between 2nd and 8th nonzero values
Is that possible?
For example
0 | 6 | 10 |5| 9 | 0 | 6 | 0 |3 | 10| 1|9|
Those in bold have to be averaged. The zeroes in between have to be ignored
If you are using Windows Excel 2019, then:
=AVERAGE(FILTERXML("<t><s>" &TEXTJOIN("</s><s>",TRUE,IF(row_ref<>0,row_ref,""))&"</s></t>","//s[position()>1 and position()<10]"))
TEXTJOIN extracts only those values which are non-zero (and non-blank)
By using the appropriate delimiters, we create an XML
The xPath with the position function then extracts the 2nd to 8th values (positions 2 through 9)
Assuming your data is laid out as per the example below, place the following formula in column T and copy down as required.
=IFERROR(AVERAGE(INDEX(22:22,AGGREGATE(15,6,COLUMN(B22:S22)/(B22:S22<>0),ROW($2:$9)))),"Less than " & rows($2:$9) & " non zero numerical entries")
B22:S22 - represents the row of data you are looking at. Feel free to change the column reference letters to suit your needs. Just ensure all the references with in the formula match.
$2:$9 - Represents the number of entries you want to use as part of the average. 2 is the starting number that you want to use and corresponds to 2nd non zero. 9 is the last number you want to include and makes a total of 8 numbers. Adjust these number to change the data range you want to include.
Ensure you keep the $ to prevent the row number from changing as the formula is copied.
Aggregate performs array like operations. As a result it may cause your system to bog down or crash if there is an excessive number of rows you are looking at. Also, full column references should generally be avoided within the aggregate function to avoid excess calculation.
I placed my answer not in A1 to make sure it will work anywhere on your sheet.
Assuming a layout like this (your first row of numbers from D2 to T2):
Paste this to Y2 (in the combined) column:
Then copy down to the other rows.
Data I used:
1 2 0 6 4 9 0 7 3 7 1 1 1 2 6 9 7
0 0 7 0 1 1 4 4 1 5 8 3 5 6 4 6 4
1 7 2 8 0 6 4 9 9 7 8 4 6 9 4 2 9
0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 7 8 4 10 0 2 2 10 4 4 8 3 3 0 4 10
In this formula, C2 is the cell (empty or not) before the beginning of the row of numbers and not included in the numbers to be counted.
Assuming you have excel 365, this can be easily done using simply FILTER, INDEX and AVERAGE function

Formula to put 1 in the first value and 0 for the rest. Duplicate dataset

I'm looking for a smart way to indicate only one row with duplicated values. I need it to help my pivot table a little.
Id Description Estimation(h) Formula
1 Desc1 20 1
1 Desc2 20 0
1 Desc3 20 0
2 Desc4 30 1
2 Desc5 30 0
2 Desc6 30 0
This looks quite simple: I just put the value 1 as the first value, and the rest of the column is based on the following formula:
(I've put this formula in cell D3)
This option will work even if the Id is not sorted:

Count of consecutive repeated value only when repeated 3+ times

My goal is to count and potentially conditionally format the occurrences when a certain number of days pass with 0 sales.
I am trying to return the number of times 0 is repeated consecutively 3 or more times. So for this example I would like to see the return value of 3. So far I can't wrap my brain around how to do this, any ideas?
So #Barry Houdini's method applied to this problem would give
entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
If you wanted to make it more dynamic and exclude blanks you could use
How about you make a help column with a simple sum formula with a "window" of three rows (or whatever you need). Then you conditionally format all values which are 0 in that column. That should provide you with the information you are looking for.

Finding the interval between demands in an excel forecasting sheet

I want to find a way for Excel to automatically give me the following 'interval':
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
Demand 1 0 0 1 0 1
'Interval' 0 0 0 3 0 2
The 'interval' shows the amount of months between the demands. Is this doable in some sort of way? I couldnt find a function in Excel to do this. Maybe there is a way in VBA? I need this for the CROSTON forecasting method.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort!
J. Rommers
Count the number of consecutive zeros in the row above and adjust. In B3 enter:
and copy across:
Assuming the 3 columns are A, B and C use:
where Bn its the n of C

Find Largest Value in one cell and then display a different cell in the same row

This was a fairly difficult question to put to words but hopefully the example data and my attempt will help
I have the following
Apple 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Orange 14 1 15 1 6.67 1 6.67 1 6.67 2 13.33 10
Banana 15 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Cherry 13 1 12 2 16.67 2 16.67 2 16.67 2 16.67 2
Peach 16 4 12 1 8.33 1 8.33 2 16.67 2 16.67 8
Strawberry 12 5 6 1 16.67 1 16.67 1 16.67 1 16.67 7
I am trying to find the max value in M and then display A from the same row. So in this example the max value would be 10 and "Orange" should be displayed.
It should be noted that I am using 2 sheets, "Data" has my output and "Raw Data" has... the raw data
=VLOOKUP(MAX('Raw Data'!M1:M6), A1:M6, 1, FALSE)
This produces #N/A and I think it might have something to do with my data either not being formatted into a table (though doing so seems to fail with a different error) or running from one sheet to the other.
Any input would be greatly appreciated
VLOOKUP requires that the value to find is in the first column.
Try this =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(MAX(M1:M6),M1:M6,0),1))
I recomend using Index Match as Scott Craner has shown.
But if you are set on using vlookup:
I will first shortly explain vlookup as how I have understood it.
First a limitation, vlookup can only return values to the left of your search range, i.e you cant use negative numbers i.e,
=vlookup(Max('Raw Data'!M1:M6), A1:M6, **"-1"**, False)
Secondly, vlookup is structured like this:
=vlookup(The value you want to search for, the range you want to work with, which column you want to return a value from (1 means the first column).
vlookup will allways search for the vale you want to search for in the first column.
So in your data:
You are telling vlookup to search for the maximum value that exists in the range M1:M6. In this case 10 right?
You are telling vlookup to search for this value in column A which contains the fruits. This is where it goes wrong.
My solution to this would be to move all the fruits names to the N column (to the left of you values you want to search).
In code:
In the N Column:
Put = A and the row number
Now do a vlookup like this:
=vlookup(Max('Raw Data'!M1:M6), M1:N6, 2, False)
I hope this can solve your problem.
Best regards,
