I'm trying to make a rectangle drawing tool on a HtmlCanvasElement, and i need to to remove some eventlisteners after declaring them, from a nested onmouseup eventlistener as follow :
fn main() {
let mouse_down = EventListener::new(&get_canvas(), "mousedown", |event| {
let event = event.dyn_ref::<MouseEvent>().unwrap_throw();
let p1 = Point { x: event.x() as f64, y: event.y() as f64 };
let mouse_move = EventListener::new(&get_canvas(), "mousemove", move |event| {
let event = event.dyn_ref::<MouseEvent>().unwrap_throw();
let p2 = Point { x: event.x().into(), y: event.y().into() };
draw_rectangle(&p1, &p2);
let mouse_up = EventListener::new(&get_canvas(), "mouseup", |_event| {
// TODO : Remove mouse_move and mouse_up eventlisteners
I tried to use get_canvas().remove_event_listener_with_callback("mouseup", mouse_up), but the function need a Function as second argument and not an EventListener...
So i tried digging the official doc at https://docs.rs/web-sys/0.3.60/web_sys/struct.EventTarget.html#method.remove_event_listener_with_callback and https://docs.rs/js-sys/0.3.60/js_sys/struct.Function.html#method.try_from but i can't understand how to create a Function from an EventListener...
I used FLTK to create a window and two buttons inside, the btn_A has a callback and should change the btn_B label, but I dont see any non-monstrous approach do to this, ples halp? =''[
fn main() {
pub fn showMainWindow() {
let application=app::App::default();
let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(500,300);
let mut btn_A:Listener<_> = button::Button::new(100,100,100,50,"btn_A").into();
let mut btn_B:Listener<_> = button::Button::new(300,100,100,50,"btn_B").into();
btn_A.handle(|elem,evt| match evt {
enums::Event::Push => { btn_A(elem); true }
_ => { false }
pub fn btn_A(elem:&mut button::Button) {
elem.deactivate(); //deactivate itself
//but how do I access btn_B here?
In principle all that is needed is to pass a mutable reference to btn_B to your handler function:
pub fn btn_A(elem:&mut button::Button, btn_B: &mut button::Button) {
However there is one slight problem with your code: You named the function the same as the variable that holds your button.
Apart from that in the most recent version of the fltk crate (v.1.2.23, that I used because you did not specify which version you used in your question) there does not seem to be a Listener<_> type.
Here is an example based on the snippet you posted for changing the label of btn_B:
use fltk::{prelude::{WidgetExt, GroupExt, WidgetBase}, window, app, button, enums};
fn main() {
pub fn showMainWindow() {
let application = app::App::default();
let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(500, 300);
let mut btn_A = button::Button::new(100, 100, 100, 50, "btn_A");
let mut btn_B = button::Button::new(300, 100, 100, 50, "btn_B");
btn_A.handle(move |elem, evt| match evt {
enums::Event::Push => {
btn_A_click(elem, &mut btn_B);
_ => false,
pub fn btn_A_click(elem: &mut button::Button, btn_B: &mut button::Button) {
elem.deactivate(); //deactivate itself
//but how do I access btn_B here?
btn_B.set_label("New title.")
Also note, that the handle closure now takes ownership of btn_B because of the move keyword.
While trying out Bevy, I had the need for dragging and dropping sprites.
Unfortunately, this does not seem to come ready made or I did not find it in the documentation.
What would be the most idiomatic way to achieve this goal?
What I have tried so far is in my answer, but I'll gladly accept another solution that is better/faster/more idiomatic.
I'm not experienced enough to know what's idiomatic unfortunately, however, here's an overview of how I've implemented sprite dragging in my application, and it feels like a good way to me:
I have a "cursor location" entity with a transform component (and a Cursor component for identification) that I update in a system each frame to the location of the cursor.
Every draggable object has a Hoverable and Draggable component. I iterate over those objects in one system each where I add/remove a Hovered and Dragged component to the entities to indicate if they are hovered or dragged.
I have a system that checks if an object is getting dropped, and if so gives it a Dropped component.
I have a system that runs when an entity gets the 'Dragged' component (using the Added<C> filter), which sets the objects parent to the "cursor location" entity.
And another system for when an entity gets the 'Dropped' component, which clears the parent.
To me, having many systems with small areas of responsibility feels good. I would be interested to hear opposing views as I lack experience.
There are of course many things I've left out in this overview, so here's my code for reference. There are some oddities and unnecessary code for a minimal example since this is adapted from my actual code:
use bevy::{prelude::*, render::camera::Camera};
fn main() {
.add_resource(WindowDescriptor {
title: "Bevy".to_string(),
width: 1024.0,
height: 768.0,
vsync: true,
pub struct MyPlugin;
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut AppBuilder) {
.add_system_to_stage(stage::PRE_UPDATE, cursor_state.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, cursor_transform.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, draggable.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, hoverable.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, drag.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, drop.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, material.system());
const SPRITE_SIZE: f32 = 55.0;
fn setup(
commands: &mut Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
let bevy_texture = asset_server.load("sprites/bevy-icon.png");
.spawn((Transform::default(), GlobalTransform::default(), Cursor));
for _ in 0..4 {
.spawn(SpriteBundle {
material: materials.add(bevy_texture.clone().into()),
sprite: Sprite::new(Vec2::new(SPRITE_SIZE, SPRITE_SIZE)),
struct CursorState {
cursor_world: Vec2,
cursor_moved: bool,
struct Cursor;
struct Draggable;
struct Dragged;
struct Dropped;
struct Hoverable;
struct Hovered;
fn cursor_state(
mut state: ResMut<State>,
e_cursor_moved: Res<Events<CursorMoved>>,
windows: Res<Windows>,
mut q_cursor_state: Query<&mut CursorState>,
q_camera: Query<&Transform, With<Camera>>,
) {
let event_cursor_screen = state.er_cursor_moved.latest(&e_cursor_moved);
for mut cursor_state in q_cursor_state.iter_mut() {
if let Some(event_cursor_screen) = event_cursor_screen {
let window = windows.get_primary().unwrap();
let cam_transform = q_camera.iter().last().unwrap();
cursor_state.cursor_world =
cursor_to_world(window, cam_transform, event_cursor_screen.position);
cursor_state.cursor_moved = true;
} else {
cursor_state.cursor_moved = false;
fn cursor_transform(
commands: &mut Commands,
q_cursor_state: Query<&CursorState>,
mut q_cursor: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform), With<Cursor>>,
) {
let cursor_state = q_cursor_state.iter().next().unwrap();
for (cursor_e, mut transform) in q_cursor.iter_mut() {
transform.translation.x = cursor_state.cursor_world.x;
transform.translation.y = cursor_state.cursor_world.y;
fn hoverable(
commands: &mut Commands,
q_cursor_state: Query<&CursorState>,
q_hoverable: Query<(Entity, &Transform, &Sprite), (With<Hoverable>, Without<Dragged>)>,
) {
let cursor_state = q_cursor_state.iter().next().unwrap();
if cursor_state.cursor_moved {
for (entity, transform, sprite) in q_hoverable.iter() {
let half_width = sprite.size.x / 2.0;
let half_height = sprite.size.y / 2.0;
if transform.translation.x - half_width < cursor_state.cursor_world.x
&& transform.translation.x + half_width > cursor_state.cursor_world.x
&& transform.translation.y - half_height < cursor_state.cursor_world.y
&& transform.translation.y + half_height > cursor_state.cursor_world.y
commands.insert_one(entity, Hovered);
} else {
fn material(
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
q_hoverable: Query<
(&Handle<ColorMaterial>, Option<&Hovered>, Option<&Dragged>),
) {
let mut first = true;
for (material, hovered, dragged) in q_hoverable.iter() {
let (red, green, alpha) = if dragged.is_some() {
(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
} else if first && hovered.is_some() {
first = false;
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
} else if hovered.is_some() {
(1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
} else {
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
fn cursor_to_world(window: &Window, cam_transform: &Transform, cursor_pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
// get the size of the window
let size = Vec2::new(window.width() as f32, window.height() as f32);
// the default orthographic projection is in pixels from the center;
// just undo the translation
let screen_pos = cursor_pos - size / 2.0;
// apply the camera transform
let out = cam_transform.compute_matrix() * screen_pos.extend(0.0).extend(1.0);
Vec2::new(out.x, out.y)
fn draggable(
commands: &mut Commands,
i_mouse_button: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
q_pressed: Query<Entity, (With<Hovered>, With<Draggable>)>,
q_released: Query<Entity, With<Dragged>>,
) {
if i_mouse_button.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
if let Some(entity) = q_pressed.iter().next() {
commands.insert_one(entity, Dragged);
} else if i_mouse_button.just_released(MouseButton::Left) {
for entity in q_released.iter() {
commands.insert_one(entity, Dropped);
fn drag(
commands: &mut Commands,
mut q_dragged: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform, &GlobalTransform), Added<Dragged>>,
q_cursor: Query<(Entity, &GlobalTransform), With<Cursor>>,
) {
if let Some((cursor_e, cursor_transform)) = q_cursor.iter().next() {
for (entity, mut transform, global_transform) in q_dragged.iter_mut() {
let global_pos = global_transform.translation - cursor_transform.translation;
commands.insert_one(entity, Parent(cursor_e));
transform.translation.x = global_pos.x;
transform.translation.y = global_pos.y;
fn drop(
commands: &mut Commands,
mut q_dropped: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform, &GlobalTransform), Added<Dropped>>,
) {
for (entity, mut transform, global_transform) in q_dropped.iter_mut() {
let global_pos = global_transform.translation;
transform.translation.x = global_pos.x;
transform.translation.y = global_pos.y;
struct State {
er_cursor_moved: EventReader<CursorMoved>,
This code is for bevy 0.4.
This is the solution I came up with. Complete example
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::render::pass::ClearColor;
use bevy::window::CursorMoved;
const SPRITE_SIZE: f32 = 55.0;
fn main() {
.add_resource(WindowDescriptor {
width: 1000.0,
height: 1000.0,
resizable: false,
title: "Bevy: drag sprite".to_string(),
.add_resource(Msaa { samples: 4 })
.add_resource(ClearColor(Color::rgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)))
fn setup(
commands: &mut Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
// show sprite in the middle of the screen
let bevy_texture = asset_server.load("sprites/bevy-icon.png");
commands.spawn(SpriteBundle {
sprite: Sprite::new(Vec2::new(SPRITE_SIZE, SPRITE_SIZE)),
material: materials.add(bevy_texture.clone().into()),
struct State {
cursor_moved_event_reader: EventReader<CursorMoved>,
// store current cursor/mouse position
cursor_pos: Vec2,
// store entity ID and the difference between sprite center and mouse click location
sprite: Option<(Entity, Vec3)>,
fn sprite_system(
mut state: Local<State>,
windows: Res<Windows>,
mouse_button_input: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
cursor_moved_events: Res<Events<CursorMoved>>,
mut sprites: Query<(Entity, &Sprite)>,
mut transforms: Query<&mut Transform>,
) {
let window = windows.get_primary().unwrap();
let half_window = Vec2::new(window.width() / 2.0, window.height() / 2.0);
// if cursor has moved, transform to graphics coordinates and store in state.curser_pos
if let Some(cursor_event) = state.cursor_moved_event_reader.latest(&cursor_moved_events) {
state.cursor_pos = cursor_event.position - half_window;
state.cursor_pos.x = state.cursor_pos.x;
// stop dragging if mouse button was released
if mouse_button_input.just_released(MouseButton::Left) {
state.sprite = None;
// set new sprite position, if mouse button is pressed and a sprite was clicked on
// take previous click difference into account, to avoid sprite jumps on first move
if mouse_button_input.pressed(MouseButton::Left) && state.sprite.is_some() {
let sprite = state.sprite.unwrap();
let mut sprite_pos = transforms.get_mut(sprite.0).unwrap();
trace!("Sprite position old: {:?}", sprite_pos.translation);
sprite_pos.translation.x = state.cursor_pos.x + sprite.1.x;
sprite_pos.translation.y = state.cursor_pos.y + sprite.1.y;
trace!("Sprite position new: {:?}", sprite_pos.translation);
// position clamping was left out intentionally
// store sprite ID and mouse distance from sprite center, if sprite was clicked
if mouse_button_input.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
for (entity, sprite) in sprites.iter_mut() {
let sprite_pos = transforms.get_mut(entity).unwrap().translation;
let diff = cursor_to_sprite_diff(&state.cursor_pos, &sprite_pos);
// sprite is a circle, so check distance from center < sprite radius
if diff.length() < (sprite.size.x / 2.0) {
state.sprite = Some((entity, diff));
fn cursor_to_sprite_diff(cursor_pos: &Vec2, sprite_pos: &Vec3) -> Vec3 {
sprite_pos.x - cursor_pos.x,
sprite_pos.y - cursor_pos.y,
name = "bevy-drag-sprite"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Me"]
edition = "2018"
bevy = "0.4"
I want to access an object as read-only after it has been passed to another object which changes its state. I know there is a problem with accessing an object when its still under control by being borrowed.
extern crate renderay_rs;
use renderay_rs::*;
fn draw_canvas(canvas: &Canvas) {
let max_height = canvas.height;
let max_width = canvas.width;
for iterator_y in 0..max_height {
for iterator_x in 0..max_width {
print!("{}", canvas.array[iterator_y * iterator_x]);
fn main() {
let point = Point { x: 5, y: 5 };
let mut canvas = Canvas {
width: 10,
height: 10,
array: vec!['o'; 10*10],
let mut renderer = CanvasRenderer::new(&mut canvas);
renderer.render_point('A', point);
I feel I should end the borrowing after the renderer.render_point(..., ...) method. Is there a way to do so? The object has no need to be borrowed by it or the CanvasRenderer after its state has been changed.
I've used block scope before, but I don't feel happy with this approach. I hope you can give me a hint for a better alternative!
You can introduce a block to reduce the scope of renderer:
fn main() {
let point = Point { x: 5, y: 5 };
let mut canvas = Canvas {
width: 10,
height: 10,
array: vec!['o'; 10*10],
let mut renderer = CanvasRenderer::new(&mut canvas);
renderer.render_point('A', point);
Another way if you don't like blocks is to use functions. Rust will be able to figure out where the borrow ends from the lifetimes (here the function does not return anything, so the borrow ends after the function call):
fn render_things(canvas: &mut Canvas) {
let mut renderer = CanvasRenderer::new(canvas);
renderer.render_point('A', point);
fn main() {
let point = Point { x: 5, y: 5 };
let mut canvas = Canvas {
width: 10,
height: 10,
array: vec!['o'; 10*10],
render_things(&mut canvas);
Is there a Rust equivalent to the system function in the C/C++ standard library? Specifically I am trying to use cls to clear the command line.
You could use C's system function through the libc crate. But fortunately there's a much better way: std::process::Command.
A quick and dirty way to call cls would be
if std::process::Command::new("cls").status().unwrap().success() {
println!("screen successfully cleared");
The mentioned methods did not work for me
The following method works in windows cmd
winapi = "0.2.8"
kernel32-sys = "0.2.1"
extern crate kernel32;
extern crate winapi;
use winapi::HANDLE;
use winapi::wincon::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO;
use winapi::wincon::COORD;
use winapi::wincon::SMALL_RECT;
use winapi::WORD;
use winapi::DWORD;
static mut CONSOLE_HANDLE: Option<HANDLE> = None;
fn get_output_handle() -> HANDLE {
unsafe {
if let Some(handle) = CONSOLE_HANDLE {
return handle;
} else {
let handle = kernel32::GetStdHandle(winapi::STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
CONSOLE_HANDLE = Some(handle);
return handle;
fn get_buffer_info() -> winapi::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO {
let handle = get_output_handle();
if handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
dwSize: COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 },
dwCursorPosition: COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 },
wAttributes: 0 as WORD,
srWindow: SMALL_RECT {
Left: 0,
Top: 0,
Right: 0,
Bottom: 0,
dwMaximumWindowSize: COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 },
unsafe {
kernel32::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &mut buffer);
fn clear() {
let handle = get_output_handle();
if handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
let screen_buffer = get_buffer_info();
let console_size: DWORD = screen_buffer.dwSize.X as u32 * screen_buffer.dwSize.Y as u32;
let coord_screen = COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 };
let mut amount_chart_written: DWORD = 0;
unsafe {
32 as winapi::WCHAR,
&mut amount_chart_written,
set_cursor_possition(0, 0);
fn set_cursor_possition(y: i16, x: i16) {
let handle = get_output_handle();
if handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
unsafe {
kernel32::SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, COORD { X: x, Y: y });
fn main() {
loop {
let mut input = String::new();
.read_line(&mut input)
.expect("Failed to read line");
println!("You typed: {}", input);
if input.trim() == "clear" {
oli_obk, actually I think this is correct - it worked for me with Rust on Linux:
assert!( std::process::Command::new("cls").status().or_else(|_| std::process::Command::new("clear").status()).unwrap().success() );
status() has to be used twice.
(Put the code line above inside a function like main.)