Get all Tests ran in Azure Build Pipeline through REST API - azure

I'm trying to get a list of all tests ran from a Azure Pipeline build through the Azure REST API. I'm trying to use this API call but get an empty list every time:
where I'm using the BuildID as the buildUri. Should I be using something else as the buildUri? I only want the top test runs from one build pipeline, not from all pipelines in the project. Even better if I could only get all the tests from one run of the pipeline.
Currently, the only way I've found to solve this is by using the above call to get all runs (none of them have a Build property with data), so I can then use the ids from that call to make the following API call to get which build it is, and filter it manually from there. However, this is way more API calls and data downloaded than I wanted. I want a simple way to get all test runs from a build id.

I want a simple way to get all test runs from a build id.
As suggested by Xue Meng:
To get the results of each test run:
GET{Orginazation name}/{Project name}/_apis/testresults/resultsbypipeline?pipelineId={buildID}&%24top=20000?api-version=5.2-preview.1
To get the total number of passed tests:
GET{Orginazation name}/{Project name}/_apis/testresults/resultdetailsbybuild?buildId={buildID}&publishContext=CI&groupBy=TestRun&%24filter=Outcome%20eq%20Failed&%24orderby=&shouldIncludeResults=true&queryRunSummaryForInProgress=false?api-version=5.2-preview.1
According to Chubsdad, this seems to be working to get the test result by buildID:


How to download the latest build artifacts from Azure DevOps via REST API without mentioning buildId?

URl mention in documentation:
How to get the buildid via REST API or can we download the artifact without buildId
That worked for me, it was on preview back then:
The following API gets a specific artifact for a build:
You could get a list of builds, including buildid via the following API:
With optional parameters:
While the following API gets the latest build for a definition, optionally scoped to a specific branch:
You could get a list of definitions:
With optional parameters:

Error "BadRequest" when calling Azure Function in ADF

I am creating an extensive data factory work flow that will create and fill a data warehouse for multiple customers automatic, however i'm running into an error. I am going to post the questions first, since the remaining info is a bit long. Keep in mind i'm new to data factory and JSON coding.
Questions & comments
How do i correctly pass the parameter through to an Execute Pipeline activity?
How do i add said parameter to an Azure Function activity?
The issue may lie with correctly passing the parameter through, or it may lie in picking it up - i can't seem to determine which one. If you spot an error with the current setup, dont hesitate to let me know - all help is appreciated
The Error
"errorCode": "BadRequest",
"message": "Operation on target FetchEntries failed: Call to provided Azure function
'' failed with status-'BadRequest' and message -
'{\"Message\":\"Please pass 'customerId' on the query string or in the request body\"}'.",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "ExecuteFullLoad"
The Setup:
The whole setup starts with a function call to get new customers from an online economic platform. It the writes them to a SQL table, from which they are processed and loaded into the final table, after which a new pipeline is executed. This process works perfectly. From there the following pipeline is executed:
As you can see it all works well until the ForEach loop tries to execute another pipeline, that contains an azure function that calls a .NET scripted function that fills said warehouse (complex i know). This azure function needs a customerid to retrieve tokens and load the data into the warehouse. I'm trying to pass those tokens from the InternalCustomerID lookup through the ForEach into the pipeline and into the function. The ForEach works actually, but fails "Because an inner activity failed".
The Execute Pipeline task contains the following settings, where i'm trying to pass the parameter through which comes from the foreach loop. This part of the process also works, since it executes twice (as it should in this test phase):
I dont know if it doesn't successfully pass the parameter through or it fails at adding it to the body of the azure function.
The child pipeline (FullLoad) contains the following parameters. I'm not sure if i should set a default value to be overwritten or how that actually works. The guides i've look at on the internet havent had a default value.
Finally there is the settings for the Azure function. I'm not sure what i need to write in order to correctly capture the parameter and/or what to fill in - if it's the header or the body regarding the error message. I know a post cannot be executed without a body.
If i run this specific funtion by hand (using the Function App part of it works fine, by using the following settings:
I viewed all of your detailed question and I think the key of the issue is the format of Azure Function Request Body.
I'm afraid this is incorrect. Please see my below steps based on your description:
Work Flow:
Inside ForEach Activity, only one Azure Function Activity:
The preview data of LookUp Activity:
Then the configuration of ForEach Activity: #activity('Lookup1').output.value
The configuration of Azure Function Activity: #json(concat('{"name":"',item().name,'"}'))
From the azure function, I only output the input data. Sample Output as below:
Tips: I saw your step is executing azure function in another pipeline and using Execute Pipeline Activity, (I don't know why you have to follow such steps), but I think it doesn't matter because you only need to focus on the Body format, if your acceptable format is JSON, you could use #json(....),if the acceptable format is String, you could use #cancat(....). Besides, you could check the sample from the ADF UI portal which uses pipeline().parameters

Invalid results file. ] result format of 'C:\Agents\Build\Agent1\_work\45\s\TestResults24_59.trx' matches 'VSTest' test results format

I have a unit test written in visual studio with login flow. And It runs perfectly when running locally. But when I push the code in Azure repo and create a new build in azure pipeline. In "VSTest" I face this warning
"Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file
matches 'VSTest' test results format."
And after creation of build no test is available in Tests tab.

SoapUI - force endpoint URL when using testrunner.bat

I'm trying to run a SoapUI test-suite against two different endpoints and I do this by triggering two testrunner command and supply two different "-e" argument values.
The problem is that each of my test cases uses one API that I am testing, for which I do need to use the endpoint that is being passed under -e argument, and another API that should remain static. (The 2nd API is a helper API which sets up the environment for the first API to be able to work). So if I use the -e argument it breaks my tests because it forces the 2nd API to the same endpoint as the first API.
What I've tried so far is using the following groovy script to force endpoint value for specific Test Steps, however it's being ignored or maybe the script runs before the endpoints gets set, I'm not sure.
TestSuite setup script:
def testCases = testSuite.getTestCaseList()
for(testCase in testCases)
def testSteps = testCase.getTestStepList()
for(testStep in testSteps)
if( == "my name")
What else can I do to overcome this issue to avoid duplicating my tests?
If you're right seems that e argument overrides all endpoints inclusive the ones you set in the setup script.
Then I purpose the follow approach for your case. SOAPUI as probably you already know has properties at different levels (testSuite, testCase, project, global) and you can use this properties to share information between your tests.
The thing is that you can use this properties to set your endpoints and pass the properties values in the testrunner command.
Set the endpoint for all your test request which test your 1st API using a global property:
And for the 2nd API set the endpoint url as:
Note: If you don't want to set the endpoints one by one you can use a groovy script testStep similar to the one you show in your question.
Once this is set, then you can invoke the testrunner for your both cases using the properties:
Then to test your cases you can add the follow properties, with -P properties are added at project level.
First endpoint for api1
-PendpointAPI1= -PendpointAPI2=
Second endpoint for api1
-PendpointAPI1= -PendpointAPI2=
Note that I use also a variable for endpoint API2 however if this is static and not change between both tests instead of using ${#Project#endpointAPI2} you can set directly the url for this service and pass only the property -PendpointAPI1.
Hope it helps,

Getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_i386_GPFLT) when migrating existing tests to XCTest

I have been using GHUnit with it without any problem to test a library.
This library basically perform calls to an API and use CoreData to decrease the number of API calls.
Then, I decided to switch to XCTest:
Created the test Target
Created the test class
Tests runs fine! wheeee!!!
However anything I try to do that involves CoreData I get a error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_i386_GPFLT)
It does not happens with GHUnit, it is the same code!
Also, it runs if I set the "Host Application".
I know that the error is related to trying to access an address that the code is not suppose to, but there's no more details.
I see that in the DatabaseManager the line:
NSString *modelPath = [bundle pathForResource:bundlePath ofType:#"momd"];
Returns nil, but, as I said it runs fine when using GHUnit
or simply using the library.
I feel like I am missing some property in the project settings.
I have added the log here:
