Excel VBA Copy Worksheets into new Workbook - excel

I'm trying to select a number of worksheets, open a new workbook and pastes the worksheets into the new workbook.
I've come across a few solutions online but they all seem to be very long and require you to input an address for the new workbook. I don't want to do this as I want the end user to be able to save the file wherever he or she wants to.
The below code allowed me to create a new worksheet but only with the activated worksheet
Sub CopyToNew2()
'Copy the active sheet to a new Workbook.
End Sub
So I tried changing it to the code below but it didn't work because it seems that I you can only activate one workbook at any one time
Sub Macro44()
Worksheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4")).Activate
End Sub
Finally, I found this code that does exactly what I want, except it attempts to save the file.
Sub Macro43()
Worksheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4")).Copy
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=Environ("TEMP") & "\New1.xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
End With
End Sub
Is there any way I can change the first code so that the sheets I have predetermined copy and open in a new worksheet?
Thank you so much for your help


Selecting sheets for export

I'm trying to create an Excel macro that exports worksheets to PDF. I have a simple piece of code below that successfully exports the active sheet to the folder that I want. What I want to do - and can't find a solution for - is a way to give the user the option to export multiple worksheets to the same PDF. In my application the worksheets exported may have different names, may be created after the macro is written and may be a different number of sheets each time. I have tried to make arrays that use selection but this is beyond my own knowledge of macro writing, which is limited. In an ideal world, I'd like to use a pop-up selection box to choose the sheets to export, but I'll start with the basics of the code first.
Could someone please suggest a section of code that would suit my application?
Sub Export_PDF()
'File name
Dim saveName As String
saveName = Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, InStrRev(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".")) & "pdf"
'File path
Dim saveLocation As String
saveLocation = "C:\Users\" & Environ("username") & "\Temp Out\"
'Save Active Sheet(s) as PDF
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
Filename:=saveLocation & saveName
End Sub
Excel stores worksheets as a collection, so you can easily access all the worksheets that have been created in the workbook.
To allow user to select which ones he wants to export, you can create a UserForm with a ListBox that will read all available worksheets in the workbook and display them. Sample code that does that below (the UserForm has only one listbox created ListBox1 and nothing else).
Sub export_wsheets()
Dim wsheet As Worksheet
Dim wsheets_col As worksheets
Dim uForm As New UserForm1
Set wsheets_col = ThisWorkbook.worksheets
For Each wsheet In wsheets_col
uForm.ListBox1.AddItem wsheet.Name
End Sub
From then on you can just save user's choice and loop through the workbooks again exporting the ones that were selected. You can access particular worksheet by using it's name or ID.
It's not a complete solution but I hope it sheds some more light on your problem.

Cannot copy sheet to another workbook

I have what it seems a small issue but cannot figure out how to solve.
So, every week I have to make a bunch of pivot tables to summarize raw data that I am getting. I figured, it would be much easier if I create all the tables into a Layout file and then just copy them to the new file and then change the source. And I wrote the following code:
Sub something()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\\\\Layout.xlsx"
With Workbooks("Layout.xlsx")
.Sheets("Pivot").Copy Before:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Main List")
.Close savechanges:=False
End With
End Sub
This code works just fine. The issue comes when I try to paste the code into my personal workbook and then run through VBA directly, rather than copying and pasting it every time.
What I could do is, to change the code from 'Activeworkbook' to the name of my new workbook but its name change every week, because it is based on a date.
I already tried to declare the name of the new workbook as a string and call it through that but that didn't work either.
Any ideas?
I would use workbook objects to keep the two files clear:
Sub something()
Dim wb_from As Workbook, wb_to As Workbook
Set wb_to = ActiveWorkbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\\\\Layout.xlsx"
Set wb_from = Workbooks("Layout.xlsx")
wb_from.Sheets("Pivot").Copy Before:=wb_to.Sheets("Main List")
wb_from.Close SaveChanges:=False
end sub

Copy the sheet with index to a new Workbook

I use this code to copy sheets(i) to new workbook but it always error at ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Copy . If I use specific sheet (like sheets("Handover")) code run. Please help me explain what 's wrong
Sub CopyToNew()
'Copy the sheets(i) to a new Workbook.
For i = 3 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
End Sub
Assuming you have 3 or more worksheets, what's happening is that the first time you do ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Copy, the newly created workbook becomes the ActiveWorkbook, with only one worksheet.
To avoid this anomaly, replace ActiveWorkbook with ThisWorkbook in your code.
Also, Check if there are hidden sheets in the workbook, the method Copy fails on hidden worksheets.

Activate different workbook to run macro

I created a macro in my workbook using an active worksheet from another workbook. I would now like to run my macro, but use yet another different active workbook to get my data.
I have this line 20 times in my macro...
...so I do not want to change it (ex. IFS_round_2) each time I open a new workbook to run the macro. Is there something I can add so the macro just uses whichever active workbook I have open?
Create a variable to refer to the workbook. For example:
Sub Macro1()
Dim wb as Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
End Sub
Does this help?
I don't know if you are opening the other workbook programatically, but this solution works. basically you just save the handle to the other workbook as soon as you open it.
sother_filename = "IFS_round_1"
'saves the name of the current workbook
curr_workbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
'opens the new workbook, this automatically returns the handle to the other
'workbook (if it opened it successfully)
other_workbook = OpenWorkbook(sother_filename)
But what fun is that? one more solution to automatically get the workbook name when there are only two workbooks open and then simply use that to call the other workbook
Function GetOtherWBName()
GetOtherWBName = ""
'if we dont have exactly two books open
'we don't know what to do, so just quit
If (Workbooks.Count) <> 2 Then
Exit Function
End If
curr_wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
'if the active workbook has the same name as workbook 1
If (StrComp(curr_wb, Workbooks(1).Name) = 0) Then
'then the other workbook is workbook 2
GetOtherWBName = Workbooks(2).Name
'then this is the other workbook
GetOtherWBName = Workbooks(1).Name
End If
End Function
So now in the workbook that has the macro make a button and assign a macro to it similar to this
Sub ButtonClick()
'first we save the current book, so we can call it easily later
curr_wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
other_wb = GetOtherWBName()
If Len(other_wb) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("unable to get other wb")
Exit Sub
End If
'now to call the other workbook just use
'all the rest of your code
End Sub

Hide sheets in Excel VBA

I am trying to create an Tracker. Need help with these ideas:
When the Excel book is opened, it must show only the "Tracker" Worksheet. All other sheets need to be hidden. Now am using the code {sheet.visible = xlveryhidden} But the code is too long, I have to include each sheet name. I need help with a code to show only the Tracker sheet but to hide all other sheets in the workbook.
I've included two comboboxes as year and month. Also included a Command button OK & Cancel. When clicked on OK, it has to verify the IF condition and show a specific sheet. I have no issues with that. it is showing a specific sheet. But I need a single line code to hide all other sheets
I have also included a "New Tracker" Command button. When Clicked on it, it must include a New sheet. Also too let the user to rename it. This worksheet must also be hidden once saved.
I aware the process is simple, but not sure how to complete it.
To hide all but the Tracker worksheet
Sub hidesheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook 'Create the variables we'll use for our worksheet and workbook objects.
Set wb = Excel.ActiveWorkbook 'Set the workbook variable to equal the active workbook. This can also be set to equal a named workbook if you want.
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets 'Loop through each worksheet in the workbook.
If Not ws.Name = "Tracker" Then 'If the worksheet's name isn't "Tracker" then...
ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden 'Set it to very hidden.
Else 'If it is the "Tracker" worksheet, then ...
ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible 'Set it to visible.
End If 'End the IF/THEN statement.
Next ws 'Repeat for the next worksheet in the workbook.
End Sub
You'll have to modify this if you want it to work with a command button or do something with another worksheet. But it should get you started. I'd do it but I don't quite have the time right now.
