How do I change the key to confirm/submit the input() function? - python-3.x

I am making a typeracer sort of game as a final assignment for school and I want to have it so that every time the user presses "space" the input() function would be submitted.
For example, if I were to regularly use the input() function I would need to press "enter" for the input to submit. However, I want it so that if I were to press space instead of enter the function would still submit.
If anyone knows a way around this please help.

I used the getch module to do this.
def takeInput():
word = ''
userInp = ''
# this loop ends when the user presses space indicating a new word
while userInp != " ":
if userInp == backSpace(): # I created a whole new backspace function for this
word = word[:-1]
print('\r' + ' '*25)
print('\033[F\r'+ word, end="") # goes up one line then proceeds
word += userInp
word = word.strip()
userInp = g.getche()
# erases final output
print("\r", end="")
return word
With the getch module you can use getch.getche() to act as the input function. You save the users input to a variable until they press whichever key you want then save that elsewhere. So eg,
while inp != 'd':
inp = getch.getche() # this displays the input
btw, getch is not in the standard library so do 'pip install getch' into the console to use it.


Word "None" on line below input [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does my input always display none in python? [closed]
(2 answers)
Closed 23 days ago.
I wrote a simple program to track household items and output to a text file, with a while loop to have it keep running till "exit" is entered. I get the word "None" on the line below the input line when I haven't written it to do so. Here is my code.
HouseHoldItems = open('C:\\_PythonClass\\Assignment03\\HouseHoldItemsAndValue.txt', mode='a')
Items = ''
Value = ''
# while loop to keep program running until user enters "Exit"
# Items is the primary variable, determines if user is entering new household item or wants to end the program
Items = input(print("Enter an Item (Or type 'Exit' to quit) : "))
# If statement to determine if user wants to end program
if(Items.lower() == "exit"):
# Else statement to write household items to the file, followed by value of items
HouseHoldItems.write(Items + ', ')
Value = input(print("Enter an estimated Value: "))
HouseHoldItems.write(Value + '\n')
Here is a snip of the way the code looks as I input data items. (
Is it part of the while(true) piece that is making it do this? Thanks for the help in advance.
You do not need to use the print function when using the input function.
Items = input("Enter an Item (Or type 'Exit' to quit) : ")
Value = input("Enter an estimated Value: ")
While we're at it, in test conditions for while and if statements while your code works as is, it is not considered 'pythonic'. The pythonic way is to not use parentheses. ie
While True:
if Items.lower() == "exit":

Python deleting input line

I would like to have an input loop in python 3 where the information which gets typed in gets deleted from terminal automatically (f.eks. after 3 seconds)
I know the function with \r to go back in line, but struggle with the automatic new line after input.
while True:
inputStr = (input("Add the hidden word: ")).lower()
processingTheInput(inputStr) #some sort of function using the input word
Ansi escape codes will not work the same on all terminals but this might suit your needs. The ‘\033’ is the escape character. The ‘[1A’ says go up one line and the ‘[K’ says erase to the end of this line.
prompt = 'Add the hidden word: '
inputStr = input(prompt).lower()
print ('\033[1A' + prompt + '\033[K')
You want to clear the terminal with a function
# import only system from os
from os import system, name
# import sleep to show output for some time period
from time import sleep
# define our clear function
def clear():
# for windows
if name == 'nt':
_ = system('cls')
# for mac and linux(here, is 'posix')
_ = system('clear')
Now you need to have a function that adds your word into a list then runs the clear function, then finally can pick a word at the end

Find items in a text file that is a incantinated string of capitalized words that begin with a certain capital letter in python

I am trying to pull a string of input names that get saved to a text file. I need to pull them by capital letter which is input. I.E. the saved text file contains names DanielDanClark, and I need to pull the names that begin with D. I am stuck at this part
for i in range(num):
print("Name",i+1," >> Enter the name:")
lookUp=input("Did you want to look up any names?(Y/N)")
x= ord(lookUp)
if x == 110 or x == 78:
letter=input("Enter the first letter of the names you want to look up in uppercase:")
for letter in file:
I know that the last 4 lines are probably way wrong. It is what I tried in my last failed attempt
Lets break down your code block by block
num = 5
names = ""
for i in range(num)
print("Name",i+1," >> Enter the name:")
I took the liberty of giving num a value of 5, and names a value of "", just so the code will run. This block has no problems. And will create a string called names with all the input taken. You might consider putting a delimiter in, which makes it more easier to read back your data. A suggestion would be to use \n which is a line break, so when you get to writing the file, you actually have one name on each line, example:
num = 5
names = ""
for i in range(num)
print("Name",i+1," >> Enter the name:")
n = input()
names += n + "\n"
Now you are going to write the file:
In this block you forget to close the file, and a better way is to fully specify the pathname of the file, example:
file = open(r"c:\somedir\somesubdir\names.txt","w")
or even better using with:
with open(r"c:\somedir\somesubdir\names.txt","w") as openfile:
The following block you are asking if the user want to lookup a name, and then exit:
lookUp=input("Did you want to look up any names?(Y/N)")
x= ord(lookUp)
if x == 110 or x == 78:
First thing is that you are using quit() which should not be used in production code, see answers here you really should use sys.exit() which means you need to import the sys module. You then proceed to get the numeric value of the answer being either N or n and you check this in a if statement. You do not have to do ord() you can use a string comparisson directly in your if statement. Example:
lookup = input("Did you want to look up any names?(Y/N)")
if lookup.lower() == "n":
Then you proceed to lookup the requested data, in the else: block of previous if statement:
letter=input("Enter the first letter of the names you want to look up in uppercase:")
for letter in file:
This is not really working properly either, so this is where the delimiter \n is coming in handy. When a text file is opened, you can use a for line in file block to enumerate through the file line by line, and with \n delimiter added in your first block, each line is a name. You also go wrong in the for letter in file block, it does not do what you think it should be doing. It actually returns each letter in the file, regardless of whay you type in the input earlier. Here is a working example:
letter = input("Enter the first letter of the names you want to look up in uppercase:")
result = []
with open(r"c:\somedir\somesubdir\names.txt", "r") as openfile:
for line in openfile: ## loop thru the file line by line
line = line.strip('\n') ## get rid of the delimiter
if line[0].lower() == letter.lower(): ## compare the first (zero) character of the line
result.append(line) ## append to result
print(result) ## do something with the result
Putting it all together:
import sys
num = 5
names = ""
for i in range(num)
print("Name",i+1," >> Enter the name:")
n = input("")
names += n + "\n"
with open(r"c:\somedir\somesubdir\names.txt","w") as openfile:
lookup = input("Did you want to look up any names?(Y/N)")
if lookup.lower() == "n":
letter = input("Enter the first letter of the names you want to look up in uppercase:")
result = []
with open(r"c:\somedir\somesubdir\names.txt", "r") as openfile:
for line in openfile:
line = line.strip('\n')
if line[0].lower() == letter.lower():
One caveat I like to point out, when you create the file, you open the file in w mode, which will create a new file every time, therefore overwriting the a previous file. If you like to append to a file, you need to open it in a mode, which will append to an existing file, or create a new file when the file does not exist.

Using enter in an if statement

Again = str(input("\nPlay again?\n"))
if Again == "yes" or Again == "Yes":
In this code I want to add the enter button as another input possibility but I am unsure of how to accomplish this.
You should check for an empty string, see code below:
Again = str(input("\nPlay again?\n"))
if Again == "yes" or Again == "Yes" or Again == '':
and you could also do something like that which will provide flexibility:
Again = str(input("\nPlay again?\n"))
possible_values = {'y','yes',''}
if Again.lower() in possible_values:
Behind the scene here is what happens when you're using input:
If the prompt argument is present, it is written to standard output
without a trailing newline. The function then reads a line from input,
converts it to a string (stripping a trailing newline), and returns
So when a user will only press enter, it will result in an empty string which we can compare using this ''.

running a while loop in python and functions not defined

Hi I have this code below and I want the while loop to keep on getting an input from the user whenever the user enters an empty value or doesn't input any value, the program should keep on prompting the user to enter at least a single character, but the code seems to run even though I don't enter any value, thus an empty string the code still executes the (function) in the code, and also I get error "Function not defined"
word = ""
while True:
if word != "":
def str_analysis(string):
if string.isdigit():
if int(string) > 99:
print (string,"Is a big number")
print(string,"Small number")
elif string.isalpha():
print(string,"Is all alphabetical characters")
print(string,"is multiple character types")
word = input ("Enter a word or integer:")
I don't know what you expect to happen. word is equal to "" so the if block won't run, so the function won't get defined. Next, we ask the user for input and after that break the loop. Then you try and call a function that was never defined.
What you wanna do is put a break at the end of the function and get rid of the existing one.
