How to find two points on a line parallel to another line - geometry

In the attached image.
How can we find the position values of point Q1 and Q2.
this is my code but i am not able to get the points correctly.
How can we find the position values of point Q1 and Q2.
dim u as vertex
u = CVertex(P3.x - P4.x , P3.y - P4.y , 0.0)
dim v as vertex
v = CVertex( -u.y , u.x , v.z)
dim t1 as vertex
t1 = CVertex( (P1.x - P2.x) * v.x , (P1.y - P2.y) * v.y , 0.0)
dim t2 as vertex
t2 = CVertex( (P1.x - P3.x) * v.x , (P1.y - P3.y) * v.y , 0.0)
dim t as vertex
t = CVertex( t1.x / t2.x , t1.y / t2.y , 0.0)
dim Q1 as vertex
Q1.x = P1.x + t.x * (P3.x - P1.x)
Q1.y = P1.y + t.y * (P3.y - P1.y)

We make some vectors - for example, P31 = P3 - P1 and so on.
Points Q1, Q2 might be expressed as
Q1 = P1 + t * P31
Q2 = P1 + t * P41
where t is parameter in range 0..1 (for t=1 Q1 coincides with P3, Q2 coincides with P4).
Vectors q2-q1 and p2-q1 must be parallel, because Q1Q2 segment contains P2. So vector product of these vectors is zero. We express vector product using given vector components and solve simple linear equation to get t parameter that provides needed conditions.
Python code:
def segintri(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y):
p21x = p2x - p1x
p21y = p2y - p1y
p31x = p3x - p1x
p31y = p3y - p1y
p41x = p4x - p1x
p41y = p4y - p1y
p43x = p4x - p3x
p43y = p4y - p3y
t = (p43x * p21y - p43y*p21x) / (p43x * p31y - p43y*p31x)
q1 = (p1x + p31x*t, p1y + p31y*t)
q2 = (p1x + p41x*t, p1y + p41y*t)
return (q1, q2)
print(segintri(1, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 6, 0))
>>>((0.4, 2.0), (4.0, 2.0))


Solving equation of motion due to (Lorentz acceleration) using Forward Euler and Runge-Kutta 4th order using Python 3

I am tring to solve the equation of motion of charged particle in planetary magnetic field to see the path of the particle using Forward Euler's and RK5 method in python (as an excercise in learning Numerical methods) I encounter two problems:
The 'for loop' in the RK4 method does not update the new values. It give the values of the first iteration for all iteration.
With the change of the sing of 'β = charge/mass' the path of particle which is expected does not change. It seems the path is unaffected by the nature(sign) of the particle. What does this mean physically or mathematically?
The codes are adapted from :
python two coupled second order ODEs Runge Kutta 4th order
Applying Forward Euler Method to a Three-Box Model System of ODEs
I would be immensely grateful if anyone explain to me what is wrong in the code.
thank you.
The Code are as under:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sin, cos
from scipy.integrate import odeint
scales = np.array([1e7, 0.1, 1, 1e-5, 10, 1e-5])
def LzForce(t,p):
# assigning each ODE to a vector element
r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z = p*scales
# constants
R = 60268e3 # metre
g_20 = 1583e-9
Ω = 9.74e-3 # degree/second
B_θ = (R/r)**4*g_20*cos(θ)*sin(θ)
B_r = 2*(R/r)**4*g_20*(0.5*(3*cos(θ)**2-1))
β = +9.36e10
# defining the ODEs
drdt = x
dxdt = r*(y**2 +(z+Ω)**2*sin(θ)**2-β*z*sin(θ)*B_θ)
dθdt = y
dydt = (-2*x*y +r*(z+Ω)**2*sin(θ)*cos(θ)+β*r*z*sin(θ)*B_r)/r
dϕdt = z
dzdt = (-2*x*(z+Ω)*sin(θ)-2*r*y*(z+Ω)*cos(θ)+β*(x*B_θ-r*y*B_r))/(r*sin(θ))
return np.array([drdt,dxdt,dθdt,dydt,dϕdt,dzdt])/scales
def ForwardEuler(fun,t0,p0,tf,dt):
r0 = 6.6e+07
x0 = 0.
θ0 = 88.
y0 = 0.
ϕ0 = 0.
z0 = 22e-3
p0 = np.array([r0,x0,θ0,y0,ϕ0,z0])
t = np.arange(t0,tf+dt,dt)
p = np.zeros([len(t), len(p0)])
p[0] = p0
for i in range(len(t)-1):
p[i+1,:] = p[i,:] + fun(t[i],p[i,:]) * dt
return t, p
def rk4(fun,t0,p0,tf,dt):
# initial conditions
r0 = 6.6e+07
x0 = 0.
θ0 = 88.
y0 = 0.
ϕ0 = 0.
z0 = 22e-3
p0 = np.array([r0,x0,θ0,y0,ϕ0,z0])
t = np.arange(t0,tf+dt,dt)
p = np.zeros([len(t), len(p0)])
p[0] = p0
for i in range(len(t)-1):
k1 = dt * fun(t[i], p[i])
k2 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k1)
k3 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k2)
k4 = dt * fun(t[i] + dt, p[i] + k3)
p[i+1] = p[i] + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4)/6
return t,p
dt = 0.5
tf = 1000
p0 = [6.6e+07,0.0,88.0,0.0,0.0,22e-3]
t0 = 0
#Solution with Forward Euler
t,p_Euler = ForwardEuler(LzForce,t0,p0,tf,dt)
#Solution with RK4
t ,p_RK4 = rk4(LzForce,t0, p0 ,tf,dt)
# Plot Solutions
r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z = p_Euler.T
plt.xlabel('time in sec')
for a,s in zip(ax.flatten(),[r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z]):
a.plot(t,s); a.grid()
plt.title("Forward Euler", loc='left')
r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z = p_RK4.T
plt.xlabel('time in sec')
for a,q in zip(ax.flatten(),[r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z]):
a.plot(t,q); a.grid()
plt.title("RK4", loc='left')
[RK4 solution plot][1]
[Euler's solution methods][2]
''''RK4 does not give iterated values.
The path is unaffected by the change of sign which is expected as it is under Lorentz force''''
You are not iterating more than once inside the for loop in rk4 because it returns after the first iteration.
for i in range(len(t)-1):
k1 = dt * fun(t[i], p[i])
k2 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k1)
k3 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k2)
k4 = dt * fun(t[i] + dt, p[i] + k3)
p[i+1] = p[i] + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4)/6
# This is the problem line, the return was tabbed in, to be inside the for block, so the block executed once and returned.
return t,p
For physics questions please try a different forum.

Quadratic Bezier curve arc length

I am trying to calculate the length of a quadratic Bezier curve. Found a solution and a formula to calculate the length of the entire curve in a "closed form" - without having to do numeric methods. The solution is covered at: quadratic Bezier curve length. The function is below:
function quadraticBezierLength(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
let a, b, c, d, e, u, a1, e1, c1, d1, u1, v1x, v1y;
v1x = x2 * 2;
v1y = y2 * 2;
d = x1 - v1x + x3;
d1 = y1 - v1y + y3;
e = v1x - 2 * x1;
e1 = v1y - 2 * y1;
c1 = a = 4 * (d * d + d1 * d1);
c1 += b = 4 * (d * e + d1 * e1);
c1 += c = e * e + e1 * e1;
c1 = 2 * Math.sqrt(c1);
a1 = 2 * a * (u = Math.sqrt(a));
u1 = b / u;
a = 4 * c * a - b * b;
c = 2 * Math.sqrt(c);
return (
(a1 * c1 + u * b * (c1 - c) + a * Math.log((2 * u + u1 + c1) / (u1 + c))) /
(4 * a1)
It seems to be working correctly. I actually need L(t) rather than the length of the complete curve. It is another task. However, fortunately, someone solved it before me, and shared at length of a quadratic curve segment. I wrote a function based on this solution:
function quadraticBezierArcLength(t, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
let a, b, c, d, e, e1, d1, v1x, v1y;
v1x = x2 * 2;
v1y = y2 * 2;
d = x1 - v1x + x3;
d1 = y1 - v1y + y3;
e = v1x - 2 * x1;
e1 = v1y - 2 * y1;
a = 4 * (d * d + d1 * d1);
b = 4 * (d * e + d1 * e1);
c = e * e + e1 * e1;
a = 4 * c * a - b * b;
c = 2 * Math.sqrt(c);
const bt = b / (2 * a),
ct = c / a,
ut = t + bt,
k = ct - bt ** 2;
return (
(Math.sqrt(a) / 2) *
(ut * Math.sqrt(ut ** 2 + k) -
bt * Math.sqrt(bt ** 2 + k) +
k *
Math.log((ut + Math.sqrt(ut ** 2 + k)) / (bt + Math.sqrt(bt ** 2 + k))))
If I am not mistaken, the implementation in code is correct. Yet, the length values are definitely wrong. The only time it returns what I expect is when t equals 0.
Is there an error in my quadraticBezierArcLength function, or the formula wrong? I want the length along the curve of a segment from the point with coordinates {x1, x2} to the point C(t). I would expect that when t === 1, the results of both functions are the same, at the very least.
You seem to have added two unnecessary lines to the calculation. Here's a fiddle where I have commented out those two lines, along with the function copied from the original answer.
//a = 4 * c * a - b * b;
//c = 2 * Math.sqrt(c);
The original answer also used the absolute function, which you have removed.

Drawing markers on a quadratic curve

I am trying to place evenly-spaced markers/dots on a quadratic curve drawn with HTML Canvas API. Found a nice article explaining how the paths are calculated in the first place, at determining coordinates on canvas curve.
There is a formula, at the end, to calculate the angle:
function getQuadraticAngle(t, sx, sy, cp1x, cp1y, ex, ey) {
var dx = 2*(1-t)*(cp1x-sx) + 2*t*(ex-cp1x);
var dy = 2*(1-t)*(cp1y-sy) + 2*t*(ey-cp1y);
return Math.PI / 2 - Math.atan2(dx, dy);
The x/y pairs that we pass, are the current position, the control point and the end position of the curve - exactly what is needed to pass to the canvas context, and t is a value from 0 to 1. Unless I somehow misunderstood the referenced article.
I want to do something very similar - place my markers over the distance specified s, rather than use t. This means, unless I am mistaken, that I need to calculate the length of the "curved path" and from there, I could probably use the above formula.
I found a solution for the length in JavaScript at length of quadratic curve. The formula is similar to:
And added the below function:
function quadraticBezierLength(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
let a, b, c, d, e, u, a1, e1, c1, d1, u1, v1x, v1y;
v1x = x2 * 2;
v1y = y2 * 2;
d = x1 - v1x + x3;
d1 = y1 - v1y + y3;
e = v1x - 2 * x1;
e1 = v1y - 2 * y1;
c1 = a = 4 * (d * d + d1 * d1);
c1 += b = 4 * (d * e + d1 * e1);
c1 += c = e * e + e1 * e1;
c1 = 2 * Math.sqrt(c1);
a1 = 2 * a * (u = Math.sqrt(a));
u1 = b / u;
a = 4 * c * a - b * b;
c = 2 * Math.sqrt(c);
return (
(a1 * c1 + u * b * (c1 - c) + a * Math.log((2 * u + u1 + c1) / (u1 + c))) /
(4 * a1)
Now, I am trying to space markers evenly. I thought that making "entropy" smooth - dividing the total length by the step length would result in the n markers, so going using the 1/nth step over t would do the trick. However, this does not work. The correlation between t and distance on the curve is not linear.
How do I solve the equation "backwards" - knowing the control point, the start, and the length of the curved path, calculate the end-point?
Not sure I fully understand what you mean by "space markers evenly" but I do have some code that I did with curves and markers that maybe can help you ...
Run the code below, it should output a canvas like this:
function drawBezierCurve(p0, p1, p2, p3) {
distance = 0
last = null
for (let t = 0; t <= 1; t += 0.0001) {
const x = Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * p0[0] + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1[0] + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2[0] + Math.pow(t, 3) * p3[0];
const y = Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * p0[1] + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1[1] + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2[1] + Math.pow(t, 3) * p3[1];
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
if (last) {
distance += Math.sqrt((x - last[0]) ** 2 + (y - last[1]) ** 2)
if (distance >= 30) {
ctx.rect(x - 1, y - 1, 2, 2);
distance = 0
last = [x, y]
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
drawBezierCurve([0, 0], [40, 300], [200, -90], [300, 150]);
<canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=150></canvas>
I created the drawBezierCurve function, there I'm using a parametric equation of a bezier curve and then I use lineTo to draw between points, and also we get a distance between points, the points are very close so my thinking is OK to use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance, and the markers are just little rectangles.

How do I use multithreading on this function for a np.meshgrid of values?

The following code generates numpy 2D lists of r and E values for the specified intervals.
r = np.linspace(3, 14, 10)
E = np.linspace(0.05, 0.75, 10)
r, E = np.meshgrid(r, E)
I am then using the following nested loop to generate output from the function ionisationGamma for each r and E interval value.
for ridx in trange(len(r)):
z = []
for cidx in range(len(r[ridx])):
z.append(ionisationGamma(r[ridx][cidx], E[ridx][cidx]))
Z = np.array(Z)
This loop gives me a 2D numpy array Z, which is my output and I am using it for a 3D graph. The problem with it is: it is taking ~6 hours to generate the output for all these intervals as there are so many values due to np.meshgrid. I have just discovered multi-threading in Python and wanted to know how I can implement this by using it. Any help is appreciated.
See below code for ionisationGamma
def ionisationGamma(r, E):
I = complex(0.1, 1.0)
a_soft = 1.0
omega = 0.057
beta = 0.0
dt = 0.1
steps = 10000
Nintervals = 60
N = 3000
xmin = float(-300)
xmax = -xmin
x = [0.0]*N
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (N - 1)
L = dx * N
dk = 2 * M_PI / L
propagator = None
in_, out_, psi0 = None, None, None
in_ = [complex(0.,0.)] * N
psi0 = [complex(0.,0.)] * N
out_ = [[complex(0.,0.)]*N for i in range(steps+1)]
overlap = exp(-r) * (1 + r + (1 / 3) * pow(r, 2))
normC = 1 / (sqrt(2 * (1 + overlap)))
gammai = 0.5
qi = 0.0 + (r / 2)
pi = 0.0
gammai1 = 0.5
gammai2 = 0.5
qi1 = 0.0 - (r / 2)
qi2 = 0.0 + (r / 2)
pi1 = 0.0
pi2 = 0.0
# split initial wavepacket
for i in range(N):
x[i] = xmin + i * dx
out_[0][i] = (normC) * ((pow(gammai1 / M_PI, 1. / 4.) * exp(complex(-(gammai1 / 2.) * pow(x[i] - qi1, 2.), pi1 * (x[i] - qi1)))) + (pow(gammai2 / M_PI, 1. / 4.) * exp(complex(-(gammai2 / 2.) * pow(x[i] - qi2, 2.), pi2 * (x[i] - qi2)))))
in_[i] = (normC) * ((pow(gammai1 / M_PI, 1. / 4.) * exp(complex(-(gammai1 / 2.) * pow(x[i] - qi1, 2.), pi1 * (x[i] - qi1)))) + (pow(gammai2 / M_PI, 1. / 4.) * exp(complex(-(gammai2 / 2.) * pow(x[i] - qi2, 2.), pi2 * (x[i] - qi2)))))
psi0[i] = in_[i]
for l in range(1, steps+1):
for i in range(N):
propagator = exp(complex(0, -potential(x[i], omega, beta, a_soft, r, E, dt, l) * dt / 2.))
in_[i] = propagator * in_[i];
in_ = np.fft.fft(in_, N)
for i in range(N):
k = dk * float(i if i < N / 2 else i - N)
propagator = exp(complex(0, -dt * pow(k, 2) / (2.)))
in_[i] = propagator * in_[i]
in_ = np.fft.ifft(in_, N)
for i in range(N):
propagator = exp(complex(0, -potential(x[i], omega, beta, a_soft, r, E, dt, l) * dt / 2.))
in_[i] = propagator * in_[i]
out_[l][i] = in_[i]
initialGammaCentre = 0.0
finalGammaCentre = 0.0
for i in range(500, 2500 +1):
initialGammaCentre += pow(abs(out_[0][i]), 2) * dx
finalGammaCentre += pow(abs(out_[steps][i]), 2) * dx
ionisationGamma = finalGammaCentre / initialGammaCentre
return ionisationGamma
def potential(x, omega, beta, a_soft, r, E, dt, l):
V = (-1. / sqrt((x - (r / 2)) * (x - (r / 2)) + a_soft * a_soft)) + ((-1. / sqrt((x + (r / 2)) * (x + (r / 2)) + a_soft * a_soft))) + E * x
return V
Since the question is about how to use multiprocessing, the following code will work:
import multiprocessing as mp
if __name__ == '__main__':
with mp.Pool(processes=16) as pool:
Z = pool.starmap(ionisationGamma, arguments)
Z = np.array(Z)
Where the arguments are:
arguments = list()
for ridx in range(len(r)):
for cidx in range(len(r[ridx])):
arguments.append((r[ridx][cidx], E[ridx][cidx]))
I am using starmap instead of map, since you have multiple arguments that you want to unpack. This will divide the arguments iterable over multiple cores, using the ionisationGamma function and the final result will be ordered.
However, I do feel the need to say that the main solution is not really the multiprocessing but the original function code. In ionisationGamma you are using several times the slow python for loops. And it would benefit your code a lot if you could vectorize those operations.
A second observation is that you are using many of those loops separately and it would be nice if you could separate that one big function into multiple smaller functions. Then you can time every function individually and speed up those that are too slow.

Define a value that minimizes a function through iterations

Currently I have the following code:
call = []
diff = []
def results(S0, K, T, r, sigma, k, N, M, Iteration):
for i in range(1, Iteration):
S0 = float(S0)
d1 = (log(S0 / K) + (r + 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T))
d2 = (log(S0 / K) + (r - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T))
call1 = (S0 * stats.norm.cdf(d1, 0.0, 1.0) - K * exp(-r * T) * stats.norm.cdf(d2, 0.0, 1.0))
dilution = N/(N +k*M)
Value_2 = Value_1 + call*M
diff1 = Value_1 - Value_2 == 0
return call
print(results(100,100,1,0.1,0.2,1,100,10, 1000))
I am trying to make make iterations so that the program find value of "call" that gives minimum value of "Value_1 - Value_2) based on the number of iterations. Can you please, advise me how to advance the code? Specifically, I dont know how to code - "return me the output of a "call" such that "Value_1 - Value_2" is minimum that is based on the number of iterations"
