Is it possible to show the queries and their table results in DataGrip? - jetbrains-ide

I normally print out both my queries and their results (tables) with Oracle SQL. I've been looking around but couldn't find any way to do the same with DataGrip.
It looks like someone else asked a similar question a while back.

You can use In-Editor Results button to see queries and tables together in Query Console.


Dynamic queries with ArangoDB

I am looking to write dynamic queries for an ArangoDB graph database and am wondering if there are best practices or standard approaches to doing it.
By 'dynamic queries' I mean that users would have the ability to build a query that is then executed on the dataset.
Methods that ArangoDB can support this could include:
Dynamically generate AQL queries by manually injecting bindvars
Write Foxx functions to deliver on supported queries, and have another Foxx function bind those together to build a response.
Write a workflow which extracts data into a temporary collection and then invokes Foxx functions to filter/sort the data to the desired outcome.
The queries would be very open ended, where someone would (for example):
Query all countries with population over 10,000,000
Sort countries by land in square kilometers
Pick the top 10 countries in land coverage
Select primary language spoken in each country
Count occurrences of each language.
That query alone is straight forward to execute, but if a user was able to [x] check or select from a range of supported query options, order them in their own defined way, and receive the output, it's a little more involved.
Are there some supported or recommended approaches to doing this?
My current approach would be to write blocks of AQL that delivered on each part, probably in a LET Q1 = (....), LET Q2 = (...) format, and then finally in the bottom of the query have a generic way of processing the queries to generate a response.
But I have a feeling that smart use of Foxx functions could help here as well, having Foxx-Query-Q1 and Foxx-Query-Q2 coded to support each query type, then an aggregation Foxx app that invoked the right queries in the right order to build the right response.
If anyone has seen best ways of doing this, it would be great to get some hints/advice.

Derby: Full Text Search

I have a gigantic data of more than 2500000000 records distributed among 10 tables in derby. There are two columns "floraNfauna" and "locations" common in each table. Now I have to find a particular "floraNfauna" found at particular "locations", so I use "select" query with "like" e.g. "select * from tables where floraNfauna like('%fish%') and locations like('%shallow water bodies%')"; and it takes days to finally fetch the results which count below 1000 sometimes. After searching I found that "full text search" would be the best and faster approach to this. Can you help me with an example?
Derby integrates nicely with Lucene, which is a full-text search engine.
Read more about that here:
Firstly you must consider indexing your table. Here is an SO link which definitely would help to know more about Why to index a DB table.
More about Adding Indexes to a table.
Secondly, if you are using a centralized database, then definitely consider upgrading your server hardware configuration.
Thanks, hope it helps.

Multiple queries in Solr

My problem is I have n fields (say around 10) in Solr that are searchable, they all are indexed and stored. I would like to run a query first on my whole index of say 5000 docs which will hit around an average of 500 docs. Next I would like to query using a different set of keywords on these 500 docs and NOT on the whole index.
So the first time I send a query a score will be generated, the second time I run a query the new score generated should be based on the 500 documents of the previous query, or in other words Solr should consider only these 500 docs as the whole index.
To summarise this, Index of 5000 will be filtered to 500 and then 50 (5000>500>50). Its basically filtering but I would like to do this in Solr.
I have reasonable basic knowledge and still learning.
Update: If represented mathematically it would look like this:
results2=f(query2, results1)
final_results=f(query3, results2)
I would like this to be accomplish using a program and end-user will only see 50 results. So faceting is not an option.
Two likely implementations occur to me. The simplest approach would be to just add the first query to the second query;
+(first query) +(new query)
This is a good approach if the first query, which you want to filter on, changes often. If the first query is something like a category of documents, or something similar where you can benefit from reuse of the same filter, then a filter query is the better approach, using the fq parameter, something like:
filter queries cache a set of document ids to filter against, so for commonly used searches, like categories, common date ranges, etc., a significant performance benefit can be gained from it (for uncommon searches, or user-entered search strings, it may just incur needless overhead to cache the results, and pollute the cache with a useless result set)
Filter queries (fq) are specifically designed to do quick restriction of the result set by not doing any score calculation.
So, if you put your first query into fq parameter and your second score-generating query in the normal 'q' parameter, it should do what you ask for.
See also a question discussing this issue from the opposite direction.
I believe you want to use a nested query like this:
text:"roses are red" AND _query_:"type:poems"
You can read more about nested queries here:
Should take a look at "faceted search" from Solr: This will help you in this kind of "iterative" search.

Doctrine2: Limiting with Left Joins / Pagination - Best Practice

i have a big query (in my query builder) and a lot of left joins. So i get Articles with their comments and tags and so on.
Let's say i have the following dql:
$dql = 'SELECT blogpost, comment, tags
FROM BlogPost blogpost
LEFT JOIN blogpost.comments comments
LEFT JOIN blogpost.tags tags';
Now let's say my database has more than 100 blogposts but i only want the first 10, but with all the comments of those 10 and all their tags, if they exist.
If i use setMaxResults it limits the Rows. So i might get the first two Posts, but the last one of those is missing some of it's comments or tags. So the followin doesn't work.
$result = $em->createQuery($dql)->setMaxResults(15)->getResult();
Using the barely documented Pagination Solution that ships with doctrine2.2 doesn't really work for me either since it is so slow, i could as well load all the data.
I tried the Solutions in the Stackoverflow Article, but even that Article is still missing a Best Practise and the presented Solution is deadly slow.
Isn't there a best practise on how to do this?
Is nobody using Doctrine2.2 in Production mode?
Getting the proper results with a query like this is problematic. There is a tutorial on the Doctrine website explaining this problem.
The tutorial is more about pagination rather than getting the top 5 results, but the overall idea is that you need to do a "SELECT DISTINCT FROM articles a ... LIMIT 5" instead of a normal SELECT. It's a little more complicated than this, but the last 2 points in that tutorial should put you on the right track.
The problem here is not Doctrine, or any other ORM. The problem lies squarely on the database being able to return the results you're asking for. This is just how joins work.
If you do an EXPLAIN on the query, it will give you a more in depth answer of what is happening. It would be a good idea to add the results of that to your initial question.
Building on what is discussed in the Pagination article, it would appear that you need at least 2 queries to get your desired results. Adding DISTINCT to a query has the potential to dramatically slow down your query, but its only really needed if you have joins in it. You could write another query that just retrieves the first 10 posts ordered by created date, without the joins. Once you have the IDs of those 10 posts, do another query with your joins, and a WHERE IN (...) ORDER BY blogpost.created. This method should be much more efficient.
Blogpost bp
bp.created DESC
Since all you care about in the first query are the IDs, you could set Doctrine to use Scalar Hydration.
Blogpost bp
bp.comments c
bp.tags t
WHERE IN (...)
bp.created DESC
You could also probably do it in one query using a correlated subquery. The myth that subqueries are always bad is NOT true. Sometimes they are faster than joins. You will need to experiment to find out what the best solution is for you.
Edit in light of the clarified question:
You can do what you want in native MySQL using a subquery in the FROM clause as such:
(SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY date LIMIT 5) AS limited_articles,
As far as I know, DQL does not support subqueries like this, so you can use the NativeQuery class.

Can I query any attribute in a Windows Azure Tablestorage row?

Sorry if this sounds like a rather dumb question but I would like to do a "select" on data from a Windows Azure table. I tried the following and it worked:
from question in _statusTable.GetAll()
where status.RowKey.StartsWith(name)
I then tried
from question in _statusTable.GetAll()
where status.Description.StartsWith(name)
This one gave me nothing. Can anyone explain to me if or how I can query on rows that are not part of the RowKey or PartitionKey.
You can query on any property, but the types of query supported are limited - e.g. StartsWith isn't supported. Also if you aren't querying on PartitionKey and RowKey, then there are some very important performance issues to understand - and you always need to be aware of ContinuationToken's - almost any query result can contain these.
You can see the sorts of queries supported by looking at the REST API: - it's pretty limited (but quick as a result):
If you need to do more, then:
you can mimic things like StartsWith("Fred") by doing a GreaterThanOrEqualTo("Fred") and LessThan("Free")
or client side filtering will work - but that means pulling back all the rows from the storage - which could be a lot of data and which could be computationally and transactionally expensive!
What does GetAll() do? StartsWith isn't supported by WA tables, so I'm assuming GetAll pulls all the data local, and so your query is done over objects in memory. If so, this has nothing to do with Windows Azure, so I'd take a look at whether your data looks like you expect it to.
