How to create a search function within Excel - excel

Could somebody please help me create a search feature in Excel, intended as a contact lookup? I'm reasonably comfortable in Excel up to 2016 but have no VBA knowledge so I hope this can be done without it. Using Excel 365 and it will be published to Sharepoint to specific users. I know it's poor practice on here to rely on sample data so I'll do my best to explain with a couple of screenshots.
I have a raw data sheet containing 50,000 rows (CustomerName, ID, City, Country, EmailAddress etc). Our sales team need to look up contact details but only if they know the customer's name, or part thereof.
I need to hide the underlying data but a rudimentary system is acceptable, we just don't want to serve it up on a platter. The basic shove-it-under-the-mattress method by making it all white text; lock all cells; hide all rows and columns; password protect and hide the sheet is fine for now - no one will be determined enough to start picking that apart.
I've searched here and while there are similar results, nothing really fits perfectly. The most suitable so far was on extendoffice which doesn't quite suffice (will put link in attachment). It utilises SEARCH, RANK, ROW and VLOOKUP functions, the interaction of which I don't entirely understand, but it works.
Interim steps for the lookup function on sheet "Search"
Issues with current concept:
There's no discernable order to the results. The RANK and ROW functions seem to randomly assign ranks, and when you get 50+ results with no way of sorting it will be frustrating.
Whenever one person queries it undoes the last person's search. Expected, but not nice
Partial string search with results unsorted
This doc will be on Sharepoint, directly accessible by ~20 people. Ideally, when one person searches it won't change on someone else's screen
Results should appear alphabetically by customer name
Nice to haves:
Add another criteria to search by. Eg City or Account Manager - doesn't have to stack
Select and copy the contents of a cell (eg email address), but not allow editing of the value or formula. If not possible I'll leave the cells completely locked as the trade-off of accidentally overriding a formula is not worth it.
Any help would be super appreciated


How to 'feed' data from data tab in other tabs based on criteria?

Ideally this file will take an Order number and based on certain column aspects feed it into the respective tab. (For Reference we will be taking data from a car repair shop to determine if the car being worked on has been scheduled for drop off, at the shop, or completed and left the shop.
For Example we will have an Order number for every Car we work on, this car will have a Date Started & date Completed. Based on these criteria it will take the Order Number and drop it into the correct Tab and the rest of the data will populate with xlookup (or up for something better to try). So as the life of the product is updated it flows to the appropriate tabs.
Data Tab --> Comprehensive List of all Cars(including cars not scheduled) --> Cars being worked on --> Completed Cars
I figured 90% of this can be solved using xlookup and IF statements but where I get stumped is how do I pull the specific Order Numbers into the respective tabs from the Data tab.
I am aware that I need to create a formula to check if a car has been scheduled for drop off vs it being finish so it doesn't find it's way into the complete tab but that should be easy once I am able to pull Order number's into the file.
Not Necessarily looking for an answer but some topics/videos to point me in the right direction:)
I have tried just pasting the data and xlookup the details from the Order Number but that just brings back the manual aspect of the workbook.
the way i am thinking about this is java terms would be:
If(order # = In Shop)
RO# Populates into "cars being Worked on" Tab
but for each tab
Am I going to need to use VBA/Macro to get the desired result or is there something simpler I am missing?
Not Necessarily looking for an answer but some topics/videos to point me in the right direction:)
If you don't want to build a VBA implementation, I'd look into using Power Query. I find Power Query to be a pretty low barrier tool as it has quite an intuitive UI and loads of material on the web.
This implementation would most likely have an input table on one tab and then the other tabs (WIP, Completed, etc.) would be connected to this input table.

excel lookup that alters URL for web based data pull

I've been trying to figure this out for 5 days, searched this site, watched youtube tutorials, and it's just not coming together for me. I know very little excel and no visual basic.
I need to be able to pull specific info from a website and populate an excel sheet with that info.
User-entered data (the variable?) is an email address. I have a long list of email addresses. From this list I want to generate the web data pull.
My excel is currently set up as a form, Column 1=email, that is the info I have. What I want to pull is in columns 2-8: 2=id number, 3=first name, 4=last name, etc.
The site I am pulling from is an internal API, looks like: This site displays each value that I seek as:
<id>12345</id>, <firstName>Joe</firstName>
The site has over 25 lines of info tagged like this, I am only interested in pulling 7 specific lines into the appropriate column and row, based on the email value in Column 1.
I can easily capture all 25+ lines of info, one at a time.
I would prefer to do this as a batch where I paste the email addresses into Column 1 and walk away while the magic computer executes the batch.
...this seems like it should be easy, but I don't know how to do it and haven't found a solution that starts to function. And like a seasoned Russian once said, "What is hard? Everything you do not know."
If you have excel 2013 , you can use FilterXML function

Automatically highlight data that appears in worksheet

I have two different Excel spreadsheets that contain the pricelists of two different manufacturers. I need Excel to highlight the items in the pricelists that occur in both pricelists (Reason: to be able to quickly find the items that both manufacturers offer and who offers it at the best price. The lists are EXTREMELY long hence doing it manually won't work!).
I have searched for two days online to find a solution to this problem but nothing helped. I found one site that offered a code to create a macro, which I tried, but unfortunately only returned an error.
Can anyone give me a solution like a formula that I can simply copy?
If you put the details in a PivotTable then you could compare prices where both manufacturers supply the same item and otherwise see which does and its price:

Need to delete old SKU# and enter new SKU # onto a master sheet

This project keeps throwing new and exciting things that I am having a good deal of trouble with.
I am hoping that there is an easy solution but I am starting to suspect it may be a macro problem.
What I have is...a master list of products, 10,000 of them. It is now end of season and we are moving a range of products to a discontinued section.
So what I need to know is how can I delete all the SKU's I need to...and then as an added bonus feature...add the NEW SKU's for this season into the master list.
What I am hoping to do is create something that when we have to do this again in six months...we dont have to enter the data individually and just add a discontinued list...and a new list and it will auto update the main list.
I will have to add SKUS and the data they contain and my only knowledge of this is using Vlookup.
There are a lot of ways to tackle this, but you haven't given enough info to get a specific answer.
For example, if you have that list of discontinued product numbers somewhere, you could easily run a vlookup formula against that data source to the master data source. Then, just sort out the stuff you want and delete it or move it or whatever.
It also begs the question of why you have a 'discontinued' section. I loathe 'sections' in a database. If it's a real DB table, there shouldn't be any breaks'd deal with 'discontinued' versus 'active' with an additional field (column) and mark things as such there.
If the table and the data is organized well, you can easily do these tasks you are talkign about.

fetch data from ms-access to ms-word

i am looking to create an invoice in either MS-excel or MS-word. This invoice will contain several fields like invoice no., customer name, product info, quantity, Amount, Date, Address of customer, phone no. etc. The function of the invoice will be, to generate a unique invoice number, every time i open it, and then the vendor will mention the customer's info, product's info and click on submit button or save it. The info mentioned in the invoice will automatically be saved in the MS-Access database whenever submit button is clicked or the document is saved.
Thus, All the records of the customer will be saved in the MS-Access database. whenever i need to search for a particular customer, i should be able to search it from either invoice no. or any unique field for that particular invoice. I hope my query is explained clearly. please let me know the easiest way to do it. I do not have the vast knowledge about this subject, so give me suggestions that are understandable by a Novice.
I think you are starting from the wrong end. Use an Access form to get the data and then run a mailmerge, the easiest way is to output a text file from Access as the data file and use a Word template for the merge.
An autonumber may suit for invoice number as long as all you need is a unique number. If you need documented sequential numbers, you will have to create then yourself. How you do it will depend on the number of users working at the same time.
I can tell you now, generating Word files with Access is a bit of a pain in the ass. If you really want to do formatting it gets hard (is my experience).
I ended up generating HTML files in which I could control everything, and opening them as .docs. But if you are really new to this, I suggest you start with some VBA tutorials, where they explain to you how you get records from you database and loop through them to generate output. And then you can start looking at file writing functions in VBA.
Can't find any tutorials real quick (my girlfriend is getting angry as we speak), but here is a sample:
Just look around in fora, look for file generation and looping through records.
Hi just reading your post, like Remou l would strongly suggest you use Access to enter and store the data. It is possible to get a user to enter data into a spreadsheet and write the data back to Access DB. Not something l would recommend for the novice, here is a link to some code on how it could be done
Returning to your first question, of creating the invoice have you considered generating the invoices from Access using a report? They can be printed to PDF, or exported to various electronic formats. Or is there specific reason to use Word/Excel? If are going down the route of using Word to generate the invoice then use a template as Remou suggested. See this link for some samples see the section titled Access > Word. I have used the examples as a basis for Access to Word. A number of the examples though use a tecnology called DAO, which l understand will not be included in any operating system after Windows 7. Just something to be aware of.
Searching for a record in a database table this link has one possible solution . Also the author has included a example database.
