How merge audio in video with outside audio using ffmpeg? - audio

I have 2 files:
video_orginal have own sound track. I wants to turn down the volume of the sound from video_orginal and next merge sound_outside.wav with sound in video_orginal to finally get a video with mixed audio. Now I execute 4 working commands:
ffmpeg -i video_orginal.ts -map 0:a -c copy sound_from_video.wav -map 0:v -c copy video_clean.ts --exteract audio and video
ffmpeg -i sound_from_video.wav -filter:a "volume=0.3" sound_from_video_quiet.wav --quiet sound
ffmpeg -i sound_from_video_quiet.wav -i sound_outside.wav -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=longest sound_mixed.wav --merge sounds
ffmpeg -i video_clean.ts -i sound_mixed.wav -c copy video_final.mkv --final merge video and sound
It is possible to execute only one command which will do all these steps with as little encoding as possible?


How to take audio channels from a file and create an audio file with the channels as tracks?

I have an audio file with multiple channels. How can I create a new file which has multiple audio tracks instead?
Your question is a bit imprecise but I assume you mean, break out the channels into separate and distinct audio files that are then combined, end to end in a new file.
For example:
Take a 6 channel file and isolate Front Left, Centre and Front Right using map_channel.
ffmpeg -i 6_Channel_ID.wav -map_channel 0.0.0 F_left.wav
ffmpeg -i 6_Channel_ID.wav -map_channel 0.0.1 F_right.wav
ffmpeg -i 6_Channel_ID.wav -map_channel 0.0.2 Center.wav
Combine them using concat
ffmpeg -y -i F_left.wav -i Center.wav -i F_right.wav -filter_complex "[0][1][2]concat=n=3:v=0:a=1" LCR.wav
I'm sure there must be a way to roll this into a single filter_complex command, using something like the channelsplit command.
This worked for me:
ffmpeg -i in.wav -filter_complex '[a:0]channelsplit=channel_layout=5c[out0][out1][out2][out3][out4]' -ac 1 -map '[out0]' -map '[out1]' -map '[out2]' -map '[out3]' -map '[out4]' out.webm

Concat mp4 videos and merge their audios to the final output

I have several videos and photos and need to merge them with the cross-dissolve effect. The algorithm is next:
Create videos from images and add silent audio to them (so they will also have a sound stream):
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i anullsrc -loop 1 -i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.jpg -c:v libx264 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=750:1280 /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.mp4
Combine all the videos and audios into one using this command:
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_68d437c0-f5e2-4651-b07e-91533480b6ef.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_48f3c111-610d-40c7-ac71-6ce2fbb16184.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_1593b5d8-7e16-417d-9372-2267581cd504.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_1ac7f6be-1b12-4e31-b904-1491cc9b9494.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.mp4
[A3][4:a]acrossfade=d=10:c1=tri:c2=tri[audio] "
-vsync 0 -map "[output]" -map "[audio]" /tmp/media/final/some_filename_d0d2aab0-792a-4540-b2d3-e64abe98bf5c.mp4
And all works pretty well, but if I have, for example:
Then the sound from the second video is mapping to the first picture and sound from the third video to second video. And the third video actually goes without sound.
It seems like it's happening because the silent sound of the first picture is pretty short. An I right?
If so, how can I increase its duration?
I would much appreciate any help with this!
Assuming 5 inputs of 10 seconds each, all with audio streams*, with ffmpeg 4.3 or newer, use the xfade and acrossfade filters.
-i in1.mp4
-i in2.mp4
-i in3.mp4
-i in4.mp4
-i in5.mp4
" [0][1]xfade=transition=fade:duration=2:offset=8[V01];
-vsync 0 -map "[video]" -map "[audio]" out.mp4
*if there's no existing audio stream, add one using the command in step 1.
If the existing audio stream of a file isn't 10 seconds long, use these filters on it before acrossfade.
and then use this filtered stream as input.

How to extract specific audio track (track 2) from mp4 file using ffmpeg?

I am working on a mp4 file (36017P.mp4) in which I want to extract Track 2 -[English] using ffmpeg.
I tried with the following command on terminal but it seems to extract Track 1 - [English]:
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 filename.mp3
Problem Statement:
I am wondering what changes I need to make in the ffmpeg command above so that it extract Track 2 -[English] from mp4 file.
The -map option will do what you want. Below in -map 0:a:1 the 0 refers to the first (and only) input file. a refers to the audio channels and the next number - 1 here - selects a specific audio stream, starting from 0:
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:0 filename1.mp3
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:1 filename2.mp3
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:2 filename3.mp3
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:3 filename4.mp3
For further details, see section 5.11 Advanced options in the ffmpeg docs.

ffmpeg - remuxing a TS file with multiple audio streams

Hi newbie ffmpeg user here with ffmpeg v3.2.4 on a Win7 Ultimate x64 PC.
I have a number of .TS files which I'm trying to remux to .MP4. In addition to the video stream and the usual audio stream, some have two audio streams, where the first is a Narrative (NAR) stream and the second is the actual audio content I want. When remuxing using the command line
ffmpeg -i input.ts -c copy output.mp4
ffmpeg uses the NAR stream instead of the second audio stream. How do I get it to use the second audio stream instead please?
Many thanks
To copy all streams
ffmpeg -i input.ts -map 0 -c copy output.mp4
To copy all audio streams
ffmpeg -i input.ts -map 0:v -map 0:a -c copy output.mp4
To copy only 2nd audio stream
ffmpeg -i input.ts -map 0:v -map 0:a:1 -c copy output.mp4

Singler line FFMPEG cmd to Merge Video /Audio and retain both audios

I have a project that requires merging of a video file with another audio file. The expected out put is an video file that will have both the audio from actual video and the merged audio file. The length of the output video file will be same to the size of the actual video file.
Is there a single line FFMPEG command to achieve this using copy and -map parameters ?
The video form I will be using is either flv or mp4
And the audio file format will be mp3
There can be achieved without using map also.
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 output.mp4
In case you want the output.mp4 to stop as soon as one of the input stops (audio/video)
then use
For example: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -shortest output.mp4
This will make sure that the output stops as and when any one of the inputs is completed.
Since you have asked that you want to do it with map. this is how you do it:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -shortest output.mp4
Now, since you want to retain the audio of the video file, consider you want to merge audio.mp3 and video.mp4. These are the steps:
Extract audio from the video.mp4
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 1.mp3
Merge both audio.mp3 and 1.mp3
ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -i 1.mp3 -filter_complex amerge -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 audiofinal.mp3
Remove the audio from video.mp4 (this step is not required. but just to do it properly)
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -an videofinal.mp4
Now merge audiofinal.mp3 and videofinal.mp4
ffmpeg -i videofinal.mp4 -i audiofinal.mp3 -shortest final.mp4
note: in the latest version of ffmpeg it will only prompt you to use '-strict -2' in case it does then use this:
ffmpeg -i videofinal.mp4 -i audiofinal.mp3 -shortest -strict -2 final.mp4
hope this helps.
You can not do that using one cmd.
1. Get the audio from video file, the audio file name is a.mp3
ffmpeg.exe -i video.mp4 a.mp3
2. Merge two audio files(audio.mp3+a.mp3=audiofinal.mp3)
ffmpeg.exe -i audio.mp3 -i a.mp3 -filter_complex amerge -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 audiofinal.mp3
3. Merge video file and audio file(video.mp4+audiofinal.mp3=output.mp4)
ffmpeg.exe -i video.mp4 -i audiofinal.mp3 -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy -y output.mp4
I don't think extracting the audio from the video is necessary. We can just use -filter_complex amix to merge both audios:
ffmpeg -i videowithaudio.mp4 -i audiotooverlay.mp3 -filter_complex amix -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 1:a -shortest videowithbothaudios.mp4
-filter_complex amix overlays the audio from the first input file on top of audio in the second input file.
-map 0:v video stream of the first input file.
-map 0:a audio stream of the first input file.
-map 1:a audio stream of the second input file.
-shortest the length of the output is the length of the shortest input
Use case:
add music to your background
you rendered a video, but muted some part of it, so you don't want to render it again(coz it's too long), instead you render only audio track(fast) and wanna merge it with original video.
you have your video with you speech (or just audio track, whatever)
your music_file is not loud. Otherwise, you will not hear yourself D:
1) Extract audio from the video
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 1.mp3
test.mp4 - your file
2) Merge both audio.mp3 and 1.mp3
ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -i 1.mp3 -filter_complex amerge -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 audiofinal.mp3
audiofinal.mp3 - audio with music
3) Delete audio from original
ffmpeg -i example.mkv -c copy -an example-nosound.mkv
example-nosound.mkv - your video without audio
4) Merge with proper audio
ffmpeg -i audiofinal.mp3 -i example-nosound.wmv -c:v copy -vcodec copy final.wmv
final.wmv - your perfect video.
This is very easy with FFmpeg:
ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ab 64k -ac 1 -q:v 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -map 0:0 -map 1:0
First remove the sound from video if you are not able to merge video and audio by using this command:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -an videofinal.mp4
