Can i register a new subdomain of an organization - dns

Can I create a sub-domain? suppose there is an organization and they have a domain can I register a domain named please reply fast?

If you own the domain, then yes, you can easily register a subdomain and there are many many tutorials online that explain how to do this.
If, however, you're part of an organization that owns the top-level domain, then you'll likely have to speak to whoever is "in charge of" that domain if you want a custom subdomain made for your purposes.
In general, the larger the organization, the slimmer your chances are of getting this approved...


google/microsoft/etc auth from domain to use in other domain (like or even

We have an app that let our users use their own domain to access our platform.
For example, if our website domain is "", we allow our user to use their own domain (for example "") by setting this domain to point to our server.
To achieve it, we need to set their domain each time in our "Google Console"(/Microsoft) so that the authentication (we do have a login of course) will work with their domain as well...
The thing is that we think maybe we could accomplish such a result by just forcing all our users to use our main domain ( and just after they log in, we will redirect them to their domain.
It will save us the time to add each time their domain to "Google Console"(/Microsoft).
The question is if it's something that we really can do, or google will disallow such auth if which user comes from A domain, and will use B domain with the token he got from A domain.
*If such a thing is not allowed, is it allowed by using my subdomains? like / etc... without having to fill those subdomains in the provider console (Google/Microsoft).
I hope the question is clear enough,
A note about verification of your applicaiton.
In order to have this application verified you are going to to Verify your site ownership for every domain listed as a redirect Uri or a JavaScript origin.
So the only way that is going to work is if you can prove you own those domains. By registering them in google search console.

How do you manage user domains?

I was working on a publishing platform of sorts where users can sign up and create a blog for themselves. Currently I was planning to host it on How would I set up something so that users can use their own domain and get only their blog on that domain. I'm sorry if the question is a bit too broad but if someone could point me in a general direction I would be very grateful. The only thing that comes to mind would be setting up a DNS server and then using that to route the users domain but I don't know if that's the right way to go about it. Thanks in advance for your help.
The users would have to point to your nameservers on their DNS record if they control the domain. You can learn more about nameservers in this article:
What you can do is provide them with a subdomain of the domain of your publishing platform such as:
Subdomain records reside within the authoritative record for a domain, so you can add and remove them easily.

How worldwide company register their domain name?

Let's just say I have the ambition to make my company become worldwide company, do I register all the domain names individually just like what you would do on single domain name or is there different way of doing it.
for example, how Yahoo, Google, facebook, etc register their domain name worldwide.
Any information would be greatly appreciated
It will be simply a case of buying each Domain you want for your website and pointing them either at the same website or different website depending on your companies goal. If you got back to your hosting company (or whoever you purchased the domain from) they should have the others there for you to purchase (unless another company or someone has brought them already)....

How to detect the "owner" of a website?

after some web research I hereby ask for some disambiguation of webhosting terms:
With a whois (as a command in a terminal or a web interface) one can detect the registrar of a specific domain.
This registrar is a company (e.g. InterNIC, OpenNIC...) which sold or rented the domain to a natural person.
Can this person also be detected via a certain command or only by requesing the registrar for this information?
If there's something mixed up, please bear with me :-)
PS: My question relates to this one but as I assume the real owner does not necessarily have to be the company who sold the domain. Am I right?
Regards and thanks in advance
There is some terminology that might be useful here:
Registry - The company/organisations who has the
agreement from ICANN to operate the
TLD (Top Level Domain, the .com,
.org, .net, .coop). These
organisations are only allowed to
sell these domain names to Registrars
Registrars - These are
the companies that you, as a Registrant, go to to register domain
names with. These registrars will
often be able to sell you additional
services like DNS, Email and Web
Registrants - These are the
end users (you and me) who want a
domain name.
There are some registries that allow you to hide your (the registrant) details. An example of this is Nominet (who operate the ccTLD .uk). There are also some registrars that offer a proxy service which you can hide your true ID behind.
Your are correct in believing the the company who sold the domain (the registrar) is not person/company who registered the domain (the registrant). To make matters harder there is no standard format for the WHOIS output, which can been fetched from the registries WHOIS Server (TCP port 43). There is discussions at ICANN to push for a new standard IRIS that will standardise the result in an XML format, but this is a very long way off.
If you want to, like in the other question that you referenced, have to in some way identify if your visitor is the valid registrant of a domain name then the easiest way would be to allow the user to select one of the special RFC stated (sorry I can not remember which one it is) email addresses, that should be set up by the registrant, eg. postmaster#, hostmaster#, root#, admin#, and then send a unique code to that email address that the user can enter back via the website. This is one of the methods used by the SSL companies to verify the requester of a SSL certificate is authorised to use it.
Hope that this helps.
Using whois on domain name, you can person or company who has registered the domain. the output depends on who bought the domain - it could be a reseller and if it is, you will not get an info you want.
Using whois on IP address, you can detect hosting company:
ping # gives you
If you have a legal reason, why you need to contact website owner, the hosting company will pass his contact information to you. If you don't then just go to a website and look for a "contacts" page :)
using whois :
Domain nameserver information for enom domains:
Domain nameserver information for UK domains:

How can I take control of my domain that is registered to me but controlled by web developers?

I've got a problem where I have a domain of which I am the registrant but my web developers control the domain via I'm not using the web developers anymore and it ended on bad terms so I would like to change my domain to another registrar without getting them involved. Does anyone know how I can do this?
In order to do anything with your domain, you need to be a registered user for it. for every domain, there 4 types of registered user:
Administrative Contact
Billing Contact
and Technical Contact
If you do a whois look-up of your domain name you can see if you are one of those registered users.
If you are, you should be able to contact the Registrar of record (i.e. GoDaddy, Network Solutions, GKG, etc.) and gain an account control login if you do not already have a login for them.
Once you have an account, you can change the Name Servers thereby pointing your site to a different server than it is currently, or initiate a transfer to a new registrar (which costs money - typically the price of a 1 year registration)
Tell them to give you control of it. You're not asking them to do something for you, you're just demanding them to hand over what's yours (assuming the domain is yours).
If you own the domain name, you should be able to change the information with the registrar to point it at another hosting service or your own.
Change your domain host to point to a new name server that you control.
You may lose your web site code but can always start a fresh.
