Alpha Beta Pruning with Recursion Schemes - haskell

I'm trying to get more proficient with recursion schemes as they have so far been really helpful for turning gnarly explicit recursion code into something less spike-y. One of the other tools I tend to reach for when implementing algorithms that can get really confusing with explicit recursion is monad transformers / mutability. Ideally I'd like to get comfortable enough with recursion schemes such that I can ditch statefulness altogether. An example of an algorithm I'd still reach for the transformers for is minimax with alpha beta pruning. I did normal minimax with a catamorphism and minimax f-algebra (data MinimaxF a f = MMResult a | MMState [f] Bool), but I wasn't sure how I could extend this to do alpha beta pruning. I thought maybe I could use histomorphism, or maybe there was some custom solution with comonads, but I didn't know how to approach trying a solution using either technique.
In addition to a version of alpha beta pruning with recursion schemes any general advice you have about tackling similar problems would be much appreciated. For example I've had trouble applying recursion schemes to algorithms like Dijkstra that usually are implemented in an imperative fashion.

Alpha-beta can be seen as an instance of minimax, where min and max are instantiated using a well-chosen lattice. Full gist.
We represent games as a tree, where each internal node is a position in the game, waiting for a designated player to pick a move to a child node, and each leaf is a final position with its score, or value.
-- | At every step, either the game ended with a value/score,
-- or one of the players is to play.
data GameF a r = Value a | Play Player (NonEmpty r)
deriving Functor
type Game a = Fix (GameF a)
-- | One player wants to maximize the score,
-- the other wants to minimize the score.
data Player = Mini | Maxi
minimax will work on any lattice, defined by the following class:
class Lattice l where
inf, sup :: l -> l -> l
The Lattice class is more general than Ord: and Ord instance is a Lattice with decidable equality (Eq). If we could redefine Ord, then it would be appropriate to add Lattice as a superclass. But here a newtype will have to do:
-- The Lattice induced by an Ord
newtype Order a = Order { unOrder :: a }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Ord a => Lattice (Order a) where
inf = min
sup = max
Here's minimax. It is parameterized by an embedding leaf :: a -> l of final values to the chosen lattice. One player maximizes the embedded value, the other player minimizes it.
-- | Generalized minimax
gminimax :: Lattice l => (a -> l) -> Game a -> l
gminimax leaf = cata minimaxF where
minimaxF (Value x) = leaf x
minimaxF (Play p xs) = foldr1 (lopti p) xs
lopti :: Lattice l => Player -> l -> l -> l
lopti Mini = inf
lopti Maxi = sup
The "regular" minimax uses the scores of the game directly as the lattice:
minimax :: Ord a => Game a -> a
minimax = unOrder . gminimax Order
For alpha-beta pruning, the idea is that we can keep track of some bounds on the optimal score, and this allows us to short-circuit the search. So the search is to be parameterized by that interval (alpha, beta). This leads us to a lattice of functions Interval a -> a:
newtype Pruning a = Pruning { unPruning :: Interval a -> a }
An interval can be represented by (Maybe a, Maybe a) to allow either side to be unbounded. But we shall use better named types for clarity, and also to leverage a different Ord instance on each side:
type Interval a = (WithBot a, WithTop a)
data WithBot a = Bot | NoBot a deriving (Eq, Ord)
data WithTop a = NoTop a | Top deriving (Eq, Ord)
We will require that we can only construct Pruning f if f satisfies clamp i (f i) = clamp i (f (Bot, Top)), where clamp is defined below. That way, f is a search algorithm which may shortcircuit if it learns that its result lies outside of the interval, without having to find the exact result.
clamp :: Ord a => Interval a -> a -> a
clamp (l, r) = clampBot l . clampTop r
clampBot :: Ord a => WithBot a -> a -> a
clampBot Bot x = x
clampBot (NoBot y) x = max y x
clampTop :: Ord a => WithTop a -> a -> a
clampTop Top x = x
clampTop (NoTop y) x = min y x
Functions form a lattice by pointwise lifting. And when we consider only functions satisfying clamp i (f i) = clamp i (f (Bot, Top)) and equate them modulo a suitable equivalence relation (Pruning f = Pruning g if clamp <*> f = clamp <*> g), a short-circuiting definition of the lattice becomes possible.
The inf of two functions l and r, given an interval i = (alpha, beta), first runs l (alpha, beta) to obtain a value vl.
If vl <= alpha, then it must be clamp i vl == alpha == clamp i (min vl (r i)) so we can stop and return vl without looking at r. Otherwise, we run r, knowing that the final result is not going to be more than vl so we can also update the upper bound passed to r. sup is defined symmetrically.
instance Ord a => Lattice (Pruning a) where
inf l r = Pruning \(alpha, beta) ->
let vl = unPruning l (alpha, beta) in
if NoBot vl <= alpha then vl else min vl (unPruning r (alpha, min (NoTop vl) beta))
sup l r = Pruning \(alpha, beta) ->
let vl = unPruning l (alpha, beta) in
if beta <= NoTop vl then vl else max vl (unPruning r (max (NoBot vl) alpha, beta))
Thus we obtain alpha-beta as an instance of minimax. Once the lattice above is defined, we only need some simple wrapping and unwrapping.
alphabeta :: Ord a => Game a -> a
alphabeta = runPruning . gminimax constPruning
constPruning :: a -> Pruning a
constPruning = Pruning . const
runPruning :: Pruning a -> a
runPruning f = unPruning f (Bot, Top)
If all goes well, alphabeta and minimax should have the same result:
main :: IO ()
main = quickCheck \g -> minimax g === alphabeta (g :: Game Int)


Avoiding thunks in sparsely evaluated list generated by monadic unfold

I have a simulation library that uses the FFI wrapped in a monad M, carrying a context. All the foreign functions are pure, so I've decided to make the monad lazy, which is normally convenient for flow-control. I represent my simulation as a list of simulation-frames, that I can consume by either writing to a file, or by displaying the frame graphically.
simulation :: [(Frame -> M Frame)] -> Frame -> M [Frame]
simulation [] frame = return [frame]
simulation (step:steps) frame
= step frame >>= fmap (frame:) . simulation steps
Each frame consists of a tuple of newtype-wrapped ForeignPtrs that I can lift to my Haskell representation with
lift :: Frame -> M HFrame
Since the time-steps in my simulation are quite short, I only want to look at every n frames, for which I use
takeEvery n l = foldr cons nil l 0 where
nil _ = []
cons x rest 0 = x : rest n
cons x rest n = rest (n-1)
So my code looks something like
main = consume
$ takeEvery n
$ runM
$ simulation steps initialFrame >>= mapM lift
Now, the problem is that as I increase n, a thunk builds up. I've tried a couple of different ways to try to strictly evaluate each frame in simulation, but I have yet to figure out how to do so. ForeignPtr doesn't appear to have a NFData instance, so I can't use deepseq, but all my attempts with seq, including using seq on each element in the tuple, have been without noticeable effect.
Upon request, I have included more specifics, that I initially excluded since I think they are probably mostly noise for this question.
The monad
newtype FT c a = FT (Context -> a)
instance Functor (FT c) where
fmap f (FT a) = FT (f.a)
instance Applicative (FT c) where
pure a = FT (\_ -> a)
(<*>) (FT a) (FT b) = FT (\c -> a c $ b c)
instance Monad (FT c) where
return = pure
(>>=) (FT a) f = FT (\c -> (\(FT b) -> b c) $ f $ a c)
runFTIn :: Context -> (forall c. FT c a) -> a
runFTIn context (FT a) = a context
runFTWith :: [ContextOption] -> (forall c. FT c a) -> a
runFTWith options a
= unsafePerformIO
$ getContext options >>= \c -> return $ runFTIn c a
runFT = runFTWith []
unsafeLiftFromIO :: (Context -> IO a) -> FT c a
unsafeLiftFromIO a = FT (\c -> unsafePerformIO $ a c)
All the foreign functions are lifted from IO with unsafeLiftFromIO
newtype Box c = Box (ForeignPtr RawBox)
newtype Coordinates c = Coordinates (ForeignPtr RawCoordinates)
type Frame c = (Box c, Coordinates c)
liftBox :: Box c -> FT c HBox
liftCoordinates :: Coordinates c -> FT c HCoordinates
liftFrame (box, coordinates) = do
box' <- liftBox box
coordinates' <- liftCoordinates coordinates
return (box', coordinates')
The steps themselves are supposed to be arbitrary (Frame c -> FT c (Frame c)), so strictness should preferably be in the higher level code.
I have now tried to use Streamly, however the problem persists, so I think the issue really is finding a way to strictly evaluate ForeignPtrs.
current implementations:
import Streamly
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Serial as Serial
takeEvery n = Serial.unfoldrM ((fmap.fmap) (\(h, t) -> (h, S.drop (n-1) t)) . S.uncons)
(#) = flip ($)
:: (IsStream t)
=> Frame c
-> t (FT c) (Frame c -> FT c (Frame c))
-> t (FT c) (Frame c)
simulation frame = S.scanlM' (#) frame
To clarify the symptoms and how I have diagnosed the problem.
The library calls OpenCL functions running on a GPU. I am sure that the freeing of the pointers is handled correctly - the ForeignPtrs have the correct freeing functions, and memory use is independent of total number of steps as long as this number is larger than n. What I find is that memory use on the GPU is basically linearly correlated to n. The consumer I've been using for this testing is
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
writeTrajectory fn = fmap (BL.writeFile fn . runPut) . S.foldr ((>>).putFrame) (pure ()) . serially
For my streamly implementation, and
writeTrajectory fn = BL.writeFile fn . runPut . MapM_ putFrame
For the original implementation. Both should consume the stream continuously. I've generated the steps for testing with replicate.
I am unsure of how to more precisely analyze the memory-use on the GPU. System memory use is not an issue here.
I am starting to think it's not a matter of strictness, but of GC-problems. The run-time system does not know the size of the memory allocated on the GPU and so does not know to collect the pointers, this is less of an issue when there is stuff going on CPU-side as well, as that will produce allocations too, activating the GC. This would explain the slightly non-determinstic memory usage, but linear correlation to n that I've seen. How too solve this nicely is another issue, but I suspect there will be a substantial overhaul to my code.
I think the issue really is finding a way to strictly evaluate ForeignPtrs
If that is really the issue, one way to do that is to change the second clause of simulation:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
simulation :: [(Frame -> M Frame)] -> Frame -> M [Frame]
simulation [] frame = return [frame]
simulation (step:steps) frame#(!_, !_) -- Evaluate both components of the pair
= step frame >>= fmap (frame:) . simulation steps

Why does folding Events and Behaviors use so much memory?

I am currently exploring the possibility to use basic containers to give FRP networks more structure and by that to create more sophisticated event networks easier.
Note: I use ordrea but had the same problem with reactive-banana too, so I guess this problem is not specific to the chosen frp implementation.
In this special case I am using a simple Matrix to store Events:
newtype Matrix (w :: Nat) (h :: Nat) v a where
Matrix :: Vector a -> Matrix w h v a
-- deriving instances: Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Applicative
Matrix is basically just a thin wrapper around Data.Vector and most functions I'll use are basically the same as the corresponding Vector ones. The notable exception is indexing, but that should be self explanatory.
With this I can define matrices of events like Matrix 10 10 (Event Double) and are able to define basic convolution algorithms on that:
applyStencil :: (KnownNat w, KnownNat h, KnownNat w', KnownNat h')
=> M.Matrix w' h' (a -> c)
-> M.Matrix w h (Event a)
-> M.Matrix w h (Event c)
applyStencil s m = M.generate stencil
where stencil x y = fold $ M.imap (sub x y) s
sub x0 y0 x y g = g <$> M.clampedIndex m (x0 - halfW + x) (y0 - halfH + y)
halfW = M.width s `div` 2
halfH = M.height s `div` 2
M.generate :: (Int -> Int -> a) -> M.Matrix w h a and
M.imap :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> M.Matrix w h a -> M.Matrix w h b
are just wrappers around Vector.generate and Vector.imap respectively.
M.clampedIndex clamps indices into the bounds of the matrix.
Event is an instance of Monoid which is why it is possible to just fold the Matrix w' h' (Event c) returned by M.imap (sub x y) s.
I have a setup approximately like this:
let network = do
-- inputs triggered from external events
let inputs :: M.Matrix 128 128 (Event Double)
-- stencil used:
let stencil :: M.Matrix 3 3 (Double -> Double)
stencil = fmap ((*) . (/16)) $ M.fromList [1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1]
-- convolute matrix by applying stencil
let convoluted = applyStencil stencil inputs
-- collect events in order to display them later
-- type: M.Matrix 128 128 (Behavior [Double])
let behaviors = fmap eventToBehavior convoluted
-- now there is a neat trick you can play because Matrix
-- is Traversable and Behaviors are Applicative:
-- type: Behavior (Matrix 128 128 [Double])
return $ Data.Traversable.sequenceA behaviors
Using something like this I am triggering ~15kEvents/s with no problems and lots of headroom in that regard.
Problem is that as soon as I sample the network I can only get about two samples per second from it:
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- initialize the network
sample <- start network
forever $ do
-- not all of the 128*128 inputs are triggered each "frame"
-- sample the network
mat <- sample
-- display the matrix somehow (actually with gloss)
displayMatrix mat
So far I have made the following observations:
Profiling tells me that productivity is very low (4%-8%)
Most of the time is spend by the garbage collector in Gen 1 (~95%)
Data.Matrix.foldMap (ie fold) is allocating the most memory (~45%, as per -p)
When I was still working with reactive-banana Heinrich Apfelmus recommended that tree based traversals are a better fit for behaviors¹. I tried that for sequenceA, fold and traverse with no success.
I suspected that the newtype wrapper was preventing vectors fusion rules to fire². This is most likely not the culprit.
At this point I have spent the better part of the week searching for a solution to this problem. Intuitively I'd say that sampling should be much faster and and foldMap should not create so much garbage memory. Any ideas?

OCaml functors (parametrized modules) emulation in Haskell

Is there any recommended way to use typeclasses to emulate OCaml-like parametrized modules?
For an instance, I need the module that implements the complex
generic computation, that may be parmetrized with different
misc. types, functions, etc. To be more specific, let it be
kMeans implementation that could be parametrized with different
types of values, vector types (list, unboxed vector, vector, tuple, etc),
and distance calculation strategy.
For convenience, to avoid crazy amount of intermediate types, I want to
have this computation polymorphic by DataSet class, that contains all
required interfaces. I also tried to use TypeFamilies to avoid a lot
of typeclass parameters (that cause problems as well):
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeFamilies
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, EmptyDataDecls
, FunctionalDependencies
module Main where
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Distances
-- contains instances for Euclid distance
-- import Distances.Euclid as E
-- contains instances for Kulback-Leibler "distance"
-- import Distances.Kullback as K
class ( Num (Elem c)
, Ord (TLabel c)
, WithDistance (TVect c) (Elem c)
, WithDistance (TBoxType c) (Elem c)
=> DataSet c where
type Elem c :: *
type TLabel c :: *
type TVect c :: * -> *
data TDistType c :: *
data TObservation c :: *
data TBoxType c :: * -> *
observations :: c -> [TObservation c]
measurements :: TObservation c -> [Elem c]
label :: TObservation c -> TLabel c
distance :: TBoxType c (Elem c) -> TBoxType c (Elem c) -> Elem c
distance = distance_
instance DataSet () where
type Elem () = Float
type TLabel () = Int
data TObservation () = TObservationUnit [Float]
data TDistType ()
type TVect () = V.Vector
data TBoxType () v = VectorBox (V.Vector v)
observations () = replicate 10 (TObservationUnit [0,0,0,0])
measurements (TObservationUnit xs) = xs
label (TObservationUnit _) = 111
kMeans :: ( Floating (Elem c)
, DataSet c
) => c
-> [TObservation c]
kMeans s = undefined -- here the implementation
labels = map label (observations s)
www = (V.fromList.measurements) (observations s)
zzz = L.zipWith distance_ www www
wtf1 = L.foldl wtf2 0 (observations s)
wtf2 acc xs = acc + L.sum (measurements xs)
qq = V.fromList [1,2,3 :: Float]
l = distance (VectorBox qq) (VectorBox qq)
instance Floating a => WithDistance (TBoxType ()) a where
distance_ xs ys = undefined
instance Floating a => WithDistance V.Vector a where
distance_ xs ys = sqrt $ V.sum (V.zipWith (\x y -> (x+y)**2) xs ys)
This code somehow compiles and work, but it's pretty ugly and hacky.
The kMeans should be parametrized by value type (number, float point number, anything),
box type (vector,list,unboxed vector, tuple may be) and distance calculation strategy.
There are also types for Observation (that's the type of sample provided by user,
there should be a lot of them, measurements that contained in each observation).
So the problems are:
1) If the function does not contains the parametric types in it's signature,
types will not be deduced
2) Still no idea, how to declare typeclass WithDistance to have different instances
for different distance type (Euclid, Kullback, anything else via phantom types).
Right now WithDistance just polymorphic by box type and value type, so if we need
different strategies, we may only put them in different modules and import the required
module. But this is a hack and non-typed approach, right?
All of this may be done pretty easy in OCaml with is't modules. What the proper approach
to implement such things in Haskell?
Typeclasses with TypeFamilies somehow look similar to parametric modules, but they
work different. I really need something like that.
It is really the case that Haskell lacks useful features found in *ML module systems.
There is ongoing effort to extend Haskell's module system:
But I think you can get a bit further without those ML modules.
Your design follows God class anti-pattern and that is why it is anti-modular.
Type class can be useful only if every type can have no more than a single instance of that class. E.g. DataSet () instance fixes type TVect () = V.Vector and you can't easily create similar instance but with TVect = U.Vector.
You need to start with implementing kMeans function, then generalize it by replacing concrete types with type variables and constraining those type variables with type classes when needed.
Here is little example. At first you have some non-general implementation:
kMeans :: Int -> [(Double,Double)] -> [[(Double,Double)]]
kMeans k points = ...
Then you generalize it by distance calculation strategy:
:: Int
-> ((Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double)
-> [(Double,Double)]
-> [[(Double,Double)]]
kMeans k distance points = ...
Now you can generalize it by type of points, but this requires introducing a class that will capture some properties of points that are used by distance computation e.g. getting list of coordinates:
:: Point p
=> Int -> (p -> p -> Coord p) -> [p]
-> [[p]]
kMeans k distance points = ...
class Num (Coord p) => Point p where
type Coord p
coords :: p -> [Coord p]
:: (Point p, Floating (Coord p))
=> p -> p -> Coord p
euclidianDistance a b
= sum $ map (**2) $ zipWith (-) (coords a) (coords b)
Now you may wish to make it a bit faster by replacing lists with vectors:
:: (Point p, DataSet vec p)
=> Int -> (p -> p -> Coord p) -> vec p
-> [vec p]
kMeans k distance points = ...
class DataSet vec p where
map :: ...
foldl' :: ...
instance Unbox p => DataSet U.Vector p where
map =
foldl' = U.foldl'
And so on.
Suggested approach is to generalize various parts of algorithm and constrain those parts with small loosely coupled type classes (when required).
It is a bad style to collect everything in a single monolithic type class.

How can I generalize my sampling framework?

In the context of a stochastic ray tracer, I'd like to decouple the MC integration (path tracing, bidirectional path tracing) from sample generation (uniform random, stratified, poisson, metropolis, ...). Most of this is already implemented, but it's tedious to use. So I ditched that and try build something nicer, by splitting sampled computations in two phases: In SampleGen you are allowed to request a random value using the mk1d and mk2d functions, which are then supplied with actual Floats by the sampling algorithm. Those values can be examined in SampleRun to do the actual computation. Here's some code with the interesting bits of a stratified sampler and it's use:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import System.Random.MWC as MWC
-- allows to construct sampled computations
newtype SampleGen s m a = SampleGen (StateT s m a)
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadState s, MonadTrans )
-- allows to evaluate sampled computations constructed in SampleGen
newtype SampleRun s m a = SampleRun (StateT s m a)
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadState s )
-- a sampled computation, parametrized over the generator's state g,
-- the evaluator's state r, the underlying monad m and the result
-- type a
type Sampled g r m a = SampleGen g m (SampleRun r m a)
-- Stratified Sampling
-- | we just count the number of requested 1D samples
type StratGen = Int
-- | the pre-computed values and a RNG for additional ones
type StratRun m = ([Float], Gen (PrimState m))
-- | specialization of Sampled for stratified sampling
type Stratified m a = Sampled StratGen (StratRun m) m a
-- | gives a sampled value in [0..1), this is kind
-- of the "prime" value, upon which all computations
-- are built
mk1d :: PrimMonad m => Stratified m Float
mk1d = do
n1d <- get
put $ n1d + 1
return $ SampleRun $ do
fs <- gets fst
if length fs > n1d
then return (fs !! n1d)
else gets snd >>= lift . MWC.uniform
-- | gives a pair of stratified values, should really also
-- be a "prime" value, but here we just construct them
-- from two 1D samples for fun
mk2d :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m) => Stratified m (Float, Float)
mk2d = mk1d >>= \f1 -> mk1d >>= \f2 ->
return $ (,) <$> f1 <*> f2
-- | evaluates a stratified computation
:: (PrimMonad m)
=> Int -- ^ number of samples
-> Stratified m a -- ^ computation to evaluate
-> m [a] -- ^ the values produced, a list of nsamples values
runStratified nsamples (SampleGen c) = do
(SampleRun x, n1d) <- runStateT c 0
-- let's just pretend I'd use n1d to actually
-- compute stratified samples
gen <- MWC.create
replicateM nsamples $ evalStateT x ([{- samples would go here #-}], gen)
-- estimate Pi by Monte Carlo sampling
-- mcPi :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m) => Sampled g r m Float
mcPi :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m) => Stratified m Float
mcPi = do
v <- mk2d
return $ v >>= \(x, y) -> return $ if x * x + y * y < 1 then 4 else 0
main :: IO ()
main = do
vs <- runStratified 10000 mcPi :: IO [Float]
print $ sum vs / fromIntegral (length vs)
The missing part here is that in it's current form, the mcPi function has the type
mcPi :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m) => Stratified m Float
while it should really be something like
mcPi :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m) => Sampled g r m Float
Admitted, the four type parameters on Sampled aren't exactly beautiful, but at least something like this would be useful. In summary, I'm looking for something allowing to express computations like mcPi independent of the sampling algorithm, e.g.:
a uniform random sampler does not need to maintain any state in the SampleGen phase, and needs only a RNG in the SampleRun phase
both, the stratified and the poisson disk sampler (and probably others) keep track of the number of 1D and 2D samples needed and precompute them into a vector, and they would be allowed to share a SampleGen and SampleRun implementation, to differ only in what happens inbetween SampleGen and SampleRun (how the vector is actually filled)
a metropolis sampler would use a lazy sample generation technique in it's SampleRun phase
I'd like to compile it using GHC, so extensions like MultiParamTypeClasses and TypeFamilies are ok to me, but I did not come up with anything remotely usable.
PS: As motivation, some pretty pictures. And the code in it's current form is on GitHub
I'm going to start off with a radically different question, "What should the code look like"?, and then work towards the question "How is the sampling framework put together"?.
What the code should look like
The definition of mcPi should be
mcPi :: (Num s, Num p) => s -> s -> p
mcPi x y = if x * x + y * y < 1 then 4 else 0
The Monte Carlo estimation of pi is that, given two numbers (that happen to come from the interval [0..1)) pi is the area of a square if they fall within a circle, otherwise it's 0. The Monte Carlo estimation of pi doesn't know anything about computation. It doesn't know if it's going to be repeated, or anything about where the numbers came from. It does know that the numbers should be uniformly distributed over the square, but that's a topic for a different question. The Monte Carlo estimation of pi is just a function from the samples to the estimate.
Other random things will know that they are part of a random process. A simple random process might be: flip a coin, if the coin comes up "heads", flip it again.
simpleRandomProcess :: (Monad m, MonadCoinFlip m) => m Coin
simpleRandomProcess =
firstFlip <- flipACoin
case firstFlip of
Heads -> flipACoin
Tails -> firstFlip
This random process would like to be able to see things like
data Coin = Heads | Tails
class MonadCoinFlip m where
flipACoin :: m Coin -- The coin should be fair
Random processes may change how much random data they need based on the results of previous experiments. This suggests that we will ultimately need to provide a Monad.
The interface
You would like to "decouple the MC integration (path tracing, bidirectional path tracing) from sample generation (uniform random, stratified, poisson, metropolis, ...)". In your examples, they all want to sample floats. That suggests the following class
class MonadSample m where
sample :: m Float -- Should be on the interval [0..1)
This is very similar to the existing MonadRandom class, except for two things. A MonadRandom implementation essentially needs to provide a uniformly random Int in some range of its own choosing. Your sampler will provide a Float sample of unknown distribution on the interval [0..1). This is different enough to justify having your own new class.
Due to the upcoming Monad Applicative change, I'm instead going to suggest a different name for this class, SampleSource.
class SampleSource f where
sample :: f Float -- Should be on the interval [0..1)
sample replaces mk1d in your code. mk2d can also be replaced, again not knowing what the source of the samples will be. sample2d, the replacement for mk2d, will work with any Applicative sample source, it doesn't need it to be a Monad. The reason it doesn't need a Monad is it won't decide how many samples to get, or what else to do, based on the result of samples; the structure of its computation is known ahead of time.
sample2d :: (Applicative f, SampleSource f) => f (Float, Float)
sample2d = (,) <$> sample <*> sample
If you are going to allow the sample source to introduce interactions between dimensions, for example for Poisson disk sampling, you'd need to add that to the interface, either explicitly enumerating the dimensions
class SampleSource f where
sample :: f Float
sample2d :: f (Float, Float)
sample3d :: f (Float, Float, Float)
sample4d :: f (Float, Float, Float, Float)
or using some vector library.
class SampleSource f where
sample :: f Float
samples :: Int -> f (Vector Float)
Implementing the interface
Now, we need to describe how each of your sample sources can be used as a SampleSource. As an example, I'll implement SampleSource for one of the worst sample sources there is.
newtype ZeroSampleSourceT m a = ZeroSampleSourceT {
unZeroSampleSourceT :: IdentityT m a
} deriving (MonadTrans, Monad, Functor, MonadPlus, Applicative, Alternative, MonadIO)
instance (Monad m) => SampleSource (ZeroSampleSourceT m a) where
sample = return 0
runZeroSampleSourceT :: (Monad m) => ZeroSampleSourceT m a -> m a
runZeroSampleSourceT = runIdentityT . unZeroSampleSourceT
When all Monads are Applicative I'd instead write
instance (Applicative f) => SampleSource (ZeroSampleSourceT f) where
sample = pure 0
I'll also implement an MWC uniform SampleSource.
newtype MWCUniformSampleSourceT m a = MWCUniformSampleSourceT m a {
unMWCUniformSampleSourceT :: ReaderT (Gen (PrimState m)) m a
} deriving (MonadTrans, Monad, Functor, MonadPlus, Applicative, Alternative, MonadIO)
runMWCUniformSampleSourceT :: MWCUniformSampleSourceT m a -> (Gen (PrimState m)) -> m a
runMWCUniformSampleSourceT = runReaderT . unMWCUniformSampleSourceT
-- MWC's uniform generates floats on the open-closed interval (0,1]
uniformClosedOpen :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> m Float
uniformClosedOpen = fmap (\x -> x - 2**(-33)) . uniform
instance (PrimMonad m) => SampleSource (MWCUniformSampleSourceT m) where
sample = MWCUniformSampleSourceT . ReaderT $ uniformClosedOpen
We won't completely implement Stratified or runStratified, since your example code doesn't contain complete implementations for them.
But I want to know how many samples will be used ahead of time
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do with "stratified" sampling. Pre-generating numbers, and using a generator when those run out isn't what I understand stratified sampling to be. If you are going to provide a monadic interface to something, you won't be able to tell ahead of time what will be executed, so you won't be able to predict how many samples a computation will need before you start executing it. If you can settle for only an Applicative interface, then you can test ahead of time how many samples will be needed by the entire computation.
But Poisson Disk sampling needs to know how many points are being sampled ahead of time
If a single sampling can depend on both the number of samples needed and the number of dimensions, like in Poisson Disk sampling, those need to be passed to the sampler when they become known.
class SampleSource f where
sample :: f Float
samples :: Int -> f ([Float])
sampleN :: Int -> f (Vector Float)
samplesN :: Int -> Int -> f ([Vector Float])
You could generalize this to sampling in arbitrary shapes in arbitrary dimensions, which is what we'd need to do if we took the next leap.
Applicative query language with a Monadic interpreter
We can go, very, very elaborate and make an Applicative query language for requests for samples. The language will need to add two features on top of what Applicative already does. It will need to be able to repeat requests and it will need to group requests for samples together to identify which groupings are meaningful. It's motivated by the following code, which wants to get 6 different 2d samples, where sample2d is the same as our first definition.
take 6 (repeat sample2d)
First, we'll need to be able to repeat things over and over. The nicest way to this would be if we could write, e.g.
take 6 (repeat sample) :: SampleSource f => [f Float]
We'd need a way to go from an [f a] to f [a]. This already exists; it's Data.Traversable's sequenceA, which requires that f be Applicative. So we already get repetition from Applicative.
sequenceA . take 6 . repeat $ sample2d
To group requests together, we'll add a function to mark which groupings are meaningful.
sequenceA . take 6 . repeat . mark $ sample2d
and a class for things that can mark some grouping. If we need more meaning than just groupings - for example if the internal things should be dependent or independent, we'd add it here.
class Mark f where
mark :: f a -> f a
If everything is going to be very homogeneous, we might add a class for query-able sample sources
class (Applicative f, Mark f, SampleSource f) => QueryableSampleSouce f where
Now we will talk about the idea of a monad that has a more-optimized query language. Here we will start using all of those GHC-specific extensions; specifically TypeFamilies.
class MonadQuery m where
type Query m :: * -> *
interpret :: (Query m a) -> m a
And finally a class for monad sample sources with an Applicative query language
class (MonadQuery m, QueryableSampleSource (Query m), SampleSource m, Monad m) => MonadSample m where
At this point, we will want to work out what laws these should follow. I'd suggest a few:
interpret sample == sample
interpret (sequenceA a) = sequence (interpret a)
That is, without a mark, sample sources don't get to do anything terribly special with the queries. This would mean that a query that wants to be subject to Poisson disk's special treatment of 2d points and special treatment of the set of points would need to be marked twice:
mark . sequenceA . take 6 . repeat . mark $ sample2d
The Applicative query language sort-of corresponds with your StratGen type; by having a mearly Applicative interface it allows you to look ahead at the structure of the incoming query. The Monad then corresponds with your StratRun type.

Different types in case expression result in Haskell

I'm trying to implement some kind of message parser in Haskell, so I decided to use types for message types, not constructors:
data DebugMsg = DebugMsg String
data UpdateMsg = UpdateMsg [String]
.. and so on. I belive it is more useful to me, because I can define typeclass, say, Msg for message with all information/parsers/actions related to this message.
But I have problem here. When I try to write parsing function using case:
parseMsg :: (Msg a) => Int -> Get a
parseMsg code =
case code of
1 -> (parse :: Get DebugMsg)
2 -> (parse :: Get UpdateMsg)
..type of case result should be same in all branches. Is there any solution? And does it even possible specifiy only typeclass for function result and expect it to be fully polymorphic?
Yes, all the right hand sides of all your subcases must have the exact same type; and this type must be the same as the type of the whole case expression. This is a feature; it's required for the language to be able to guarantee at compilation time that there cannot be any type errors at runtime.
Some of the comments on your question mention that the simplest solution is to use a sum (a.k.a. variant) type:
data ParserMsg = DebugMsg String | UpdateMsg [String]
A consequence of this is that the set of alternative results is defined ahead of time. This is sometimes an upside (your code can be certain that there are no unhandled subcases), sometimes a downside (there is a finite number of subcases and they are determined at compilation time).
A more advanced solution in some cases—which you might not need, but I'll just throw it in—is to refactor the code to use functions as data. The idea is that you create a datatype that has functions (or monadic actions) as its fields, and then different behaviors = different functions as record fields.
Compare these two styles with this example. First, specifying different cases as a sum (this uses GADTs, but should be simple enough to understand):
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
type Size = Int
type Index = Int
-- | A 'Frame' translates between a set of values and consecutive array
-- indexes. (Note: this simplified implementation doesn't handle duplicate
-- values.)
data Frame p where
-- | A 'SimpleFrame' is backed by just a 'Vector'
SimpleFrame :: Vector p -> Frame p
-- | A 'ProductFrame' is a pair of 'Frame's.
ProductFrame :: Frame p -> Frame q -> Frame (p, q)
getSize :: Frame p -> Size
getSize (SimpleFrame v) = V.length v
getSize (ProductFrame f g) = getSize f * getSize g
getIndex :: Frame p -> Index -> p
getIndex (SimpleFrame v) i = v!i
getIndex (ProductFrame f g) ij =
let (i, j) = splitIndex (getSize f, getSize g) ij
in (getIndex f i, getIndex g j)
pointIndex :: Eq p => Frame p -> p -> Maybe Index
pointIndex (SimpleFrame v) p = V.elemIndex v p
pointIndex (ProductFrame f g) (p, q) =
joinIndexes (getSize f, getSize g) (pointIndex f p) (pointIndex g q)
joinIndexes :: (Size, Size) -> Index -> Index -> Index
joinIndexes (_, rsize) i j = i * rsize + j
splitIndex :: (Size, Size) -> Index -> (Index, Index)
splitIndex (_, rsize) ij = (ij `div` rsize, ij `mod` rsize)
In this first example, a Frame can only ever be either a SimpleFrame or a ProductFrame, and every Frame function must be defined to handle both cases.
Second, datatype with function members (I elide code common to both examples):
data Frame p = Frame { getSize :: Size
, getIndex :: Index -> p
, pointIndex :: p -> Maybe Index }
simpleFrame :: Eq p => Vector p -> Frame p
simpleFrame v = Frame (V.length v) (v!) (V.elemIndex v)
productFrame :: Frame p -> Frame q -> Frame (p, q)
productFrame f g = Frame newSize getI pointI
where newSize = getSize f * getSize g
getI ij = let (i, j) = splitIndex (getSize f, getSize g) ij
in (getIndex f i, getIndex g j)
pointI (p, q) = joinIndexes (getSize f, getSize g)
(pointIndex f p)
(pointIndex g q)
Here the Frame type takes the getIndex and pointIndex operations as data members of the Frame itself. There isn't a fixed compile-time set of subcases, because the behavior of a Frame is determined by its element functions, which are supplied at runtime. So without having to touch those definitions, we could add:
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
concatFrame :: Frame p -> Frame p -> Frame p
concatFrame f g = Frame newSize getI pointI
where newSize = getSize f + getSize g
getI ij | ij < getSize f = ij
| otherwise = ij - getSize f
pointI p = getPoint f p <|> fmap (+(getSize f)) (getPoint g p)
I call this second style "behavioral types," but that really is just me.
Note that type classes in GHC are implemented similarly to this—there is a hidden "dictionary" argument passed around, and this dictionary is a record whose members are implementations for the class methods:
data ShowDictionary a { primitiveShow :: a -> String }
stringShowDictionary :: ShowDictionary String
stringShowDictionary = ShowDictionary { primitiveShow = ... }
-- show "whatever"
-- ---> primitiveShow stringShowDictionary "whatever"
You could accomplish something like this with existential types, however it wouldn't work how you want it to, so you really shouldn't.
Doing it with normal polymorphism, as you have in your example, won't work at all. What your type says is that the function is valid for all a--that is, the caller gets to choose what kind of message to receive. However, you have to choose the message based on the numeric code, so this clearly won't do.
To clarify: all standard Haskell type variables are universally quantified by default. You can read your type signature as ∀a. Msg a => Int -> Get a. What this says is that the function is define for every value of a, regardless of what the argument may be. This means that it has to be able to return whatever particular a the caller wants, regardless of what argument it gets.
What you really want is something like ∃a. Msg a => Int -> Get a. This is why I said you could do it with existential types. However, this is relatively complicated in Haskell (you can't quite write a type signature like that) and will not actually solve your problem correctly; it's just something to keep in mind for the future.
Fundamentally, using classes and types like this is not very idiomatic in Haskell, because that's not what classes are meant to do. You would be much better off sticking to a normal algebraic data type for your messages.
I would have a single type like this:
data Message = DebugMsg String
| UpdateMsg [String]
So instead of having a parse function per type, just do the parsing in the parseMsg function as appropriate:
parseMsg :: Int -> String -> Message
parseMsg n msg = case n of
1 -> DebugMsg msg
2 -> UpdateMsg [msg]
(Obviously fill in whatever logic you actually have there.)
Essentially, this is the classical use for normal algebraic data types. There is no reason to have different types for the different kinds of messages, and life is much easier if they have the same type.
It looks like you're trying to emulate sub-typing from other languages. As a rule of thumb, you use algebraic data types in place of most of the uses of sub-types in other languages. This is certainly one of those cases.
