There have been a couple of questions (e.g. this and this) asking whether every monad in Haskell (other than IO) has a corresponding monad transformer. Now I would like to ask a complementary question. Does every monad have exactly one transformer (or none as in the case of IO) or can it have more than one transformer?
A counterexample would be two monad transformers that would produce monads behaving identically when applied to the identity monad would but would produce differently behaving monads when applied to some other monad. If the answer is that a monad can have more than one transformer I would like to have a Haskell example which is as simple as possible. These don't have to be actually useful transformers (though that would be interesting).
Some of the answers in the linked question seemed to suggest that a monad could have more than one transformer. However, I don't know much category theory beyond the basic definition of a category so I wasn't sure whether they are an answer to this question.
Here's one idea for a counterexample to uniqueness. We know that in general, monads don't compose... but we also know that if there's an appropriate swap operation, you can compose them[1]! Let's make a class for monads that can swap with themselves.
-- | laws (from [1]):
-- swap . fmap (fmap f) = fmap (fmap f) . swap
-- swap . pure = fmap pure
-- swap . fmap pure = pure
-- fmap join . swap . fmap (join . fmap swap) = join . fmap swap . fmap join . swap
class Monad m => Swap m where
swap :: m (m a) -> m (m a)
instance Swap Identity where swap = id
instance Swap Maybe where
swap Nothing = Just Nothing
swap (Just Nothing) = Nothing
swap (Just (Just x)) = Just (Just x)
Then we can build a monad transformer that composes a monad with itself, like so:
newtype Twice m a = Twice (m (m a))
Hopefully it should be obvious what pure and (<$>) do. Rather than defining (>>=), I'll define join, as I think it's a bit more obvious what's going on; (>>=) can be derived from it.
instance Swap m => Monad (Twice m) where
join = id
. Twice -- rewrap newtype
. fmap join . join . fmap swap -- from [1]
. runTwice . fmap runTwice -- unwrap newtype
instance MonadTrans Twice where lift = Twice . pure
I haven't checked that lift obeys the MonadTrans laws for all Swap instances, but I did check them for Identity and Maybe.
Now, we have
IdentityT Identity ~= Identity ~= Twice Identity
IdentityT Maybe ~= Maybe !~= Twice Maybe
which shows that IdentityT is not a unique monad transformer for producing Identity.
[1] Composing monads by Mark P. Jones and Luc Duponcheel
The identity monad has at least two monad transformers: the identity monad transformer and the codensity monad transformer.
newtype IdentityT m a = IdentityT (m a)
newtype Codensity m a = Codensity (forall r. (a -> m r) -> m r)
Indeed, considering Codensity Identity, forall r. (a -> r) -> r is isomorphic to a.
These monad transformers are quite different. One example is that "bracket" can be defined as a monadic action in Codensity:
bracket :: Monad m => m () -> m () -> Codensity m ()
bracket before after = Codensity (\k -> before *> k () *> after)
whereas transposing that signature to IdentityT doesn't make much sense
bracket :: Monad m => m () -> m () -> IdentityT m () -- cannot implement the same functionality
Other examples can be found similarly from variants of the continuation/codensity monad, though I don't see a general scheme yet.
The state monad corresponds to the state monad transformer and to the composition of Codensity and ReaderT:
newtype StateT s m a = StateT (s -> m (s, a))
newtype CStateT s m a = CStateT (Codensity (ReaderT s m) a)
The list monad corresponds to at least three monad transformers, not including the wrong one:
newtype ListT m a = ListT (m (Maybe (a, ListT m a))) -- list-t
newtype LogicT m a = LogicT (forall r. (a -> m r -> m r) -> m r -> m r) -- logict
newtype MContT m a = MContT (forall r. Monoid r => (a -> m r) -> m r))
The first two can be found respectively in the packages list-t (also in an equivalent form in pipes),
and logict.
There is another example of a monad that has two inequivalent transformers: the "selection" monad.
type Sel r a = (a -> r) -> a
The monad is not well known but there are papers that mention it. Here is a package that refers to some papers:
That package implements one transformer:
type SelT r m a = (a -> m r) -> m a
But there exists a second transformer:
type Sel2T r m a = (m a -> r ) -> m a
Proving laws for this transformer is more difficult but I have done it.
An advantage of the second transformer is that it is covariant in m, so the hoist function can be defined:
hoist :: (m a -> n a) -> Sel2T r m a -> Sel2T r n a
The second transformer is "fully featured", has all lifts and "hoist". The first transformer is not fully featured; for example, you cannot define blift :: Sel r a -> SelT r m a. In other words, you cannot embed monadic computations from Sel into SelT, just like you can't do that with the Continuation monad and the Codensity monad.
But with the Sel2T transformer, all lifts exist and you can embed Sel computations into Sel2T.
This example shows a monad with two transformers without using the Codensity construction in any way.
I have been wondering why Monad Transformers has for example m(Maybe(m(Maybe a)) structural order and why not Maybe(m(Maybe( m a))). I have tried to implement the second one but I'm unable to complete it possibly BCS of my inadequate Haskell knowledge.
In all monad transformers, do we always have a structure like this?
if yes then why?
if not then when to choose one from another?
newtype MaybeOT m a = MaybeOT {runMaybeOT :: Maybe (m a) }
instance (Monad m) => Monad (MaybeOT m) where
return = pure
(MaybeOT mma) >>= f = MaybeOT $
case mma of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just ma) -> inner ma where
inner ma = do
a <- ma
You've essentially discovered why monad transformers are inwards instead of outwards (nit: I'm pretty sure I'm not using correct terminology here, but you get what I mean - feel free to correct me here). It's much easier (easy == less constraints) to have the monad you know about be in the data position (inside), rather than the container position (outside). Intuitively, you can see why - after all, the monadic nature demands the container to be the same. You can do whatever you want with the data, but you must not change the type of the container during binding.
Of course, it's easier to realize all this by actually trying to implement the absurd. Which is what this is about. The final step you'll be stuck on while implementing >>=/bind for MaybeOT is this-
m a >>= ??? . runMaybeOT . f
Where, m is a Monad, m a :: m a, f :: a -> MaybeOT m a, and runMaybeOT :: MaybeOT m a -> Maybe (m a) (and also ??? :: ???, hehe)
Now, you must obtain a monad with the container type m to successfully bind on m a. But alas, you cannot get the m a out of Maybe (m a)! What happens when it's Nothing? Your primary tool in implementing monad transformers is knowledge about the specific monad you're implementing the transformer for. And your knowledge is telling you that this is absurd.
In contrast, the final step in implementing >>= for MaybeT goes well smoothly. For completeness, here's MaybeT-
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
Here, you'll be binding on the type m (Maybe a). During binding, you must return the type m b, for whatever b. You're given a function, f, of type a -> MaybeT m b, you can easily get m (Maybe b) from MaybeT m b.
Aha! Now you can see the solution. The function you're given returns the same outer monad as the one you're binding on. That is precisely what you need. In the case of MaybeOT, you were stuck with binding on the monad m, with a function that doesn't return a value with outer monad m!
And that is the crucial realization - the function you're given must be able to give you a value with the same outer monad. This is why MaybeT (and other transformers too) keeps the unknown monad outwards - because when you implement >>= for MaybeT, you know the binding function will be required to construct that outer monad.
It is helpful, at least intuitively, to note that the problem you get stuck on here - is the very same problem you'll face when implementing monadic composition. That is, >>= for nested monads. Monads don't compose! That's why you need monad transformers!
If you break this problem down, you'll notice that if you just had a function that could swap monads, to get Maybe (m a) from m (Maybe a) and vice versa - all would be well. Monads would compose, monad transformers could look like however you please, and in fact, monad transformers would essentially serve no purpose. This detail is noticed in the answer linked above. All you need is-
swap :: (Monad m, Monad n) => m (n a) -> n (m a)
This exists. They're called traversable monads, and indeed if you merely add the Traversable constraint to your Monad implementation for MaybeOT, you strike gold-
instance (Traversable m, Monad m) => Monad (MaybeOT m) where
return = pure
MaybeOT Nothing >>= _ = MaybeOT Nothing
MaybeOT (Just ma) >>= f = MaybeOT $ sequence $ ma >>= sequence . runMaybeOT . f
I assume it's law-conforming, though I'd have to check.
In another note, it is totally possible to make MaybeOT a law conforming applicative. After all, the problem you face while implementing Monad is simply non existent here. Applicatives do compose.
instance Applicative f => Applicative (MaybeT f) where
pure = MaybeT . pure . Just
MaybeT f <*> MaybeT a = MaybeT $ liftA2 (<*>) f a
(Or, perhaps more simply)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (MaybeT f) where
pure = MaybeT . pure . Just
MaybeT f <*> MaybeT a = MaybeT $ (<*>) <$> f <*> a
Which should be law conforming, as far as I can tell.
By the title, I mean types like Monad m => m (m a).
When the structure of a monad is simple, I can easily think of a usage of such type:
[[a]], which is a multidimensional list
Maybe (Maybe a), which is a type adjoined by two error states
Either e (Either e a), which is like above, but with messages
Monoid m => (m,(m,a)), which is a writer monad with two things to write over
r -> r -> a, which is a reader monad with two things to read from
Identity (Identity a), which is still the identity monad
Complex (Complex a), which is a 2-by-2 matrix
But it goes haywire in my mind if I think about the following types:
ReadP (ReadP a)? Why would it be useful when ReadP isn't an instance of Read?
ReadPrec (ReadPrec a)? Like above?
Monad m => Kleisli m a (Kleisli m a b)?
IO (IO a)!? This must be useful. It just is too hard to think about it.
forall s. ST s (ST s a)!? This should be like the above.
Is there a practical use for such types? Especially for the IO one?
On the second thought, I might need to randomly pick an IO action. That's an example of IO (IO a) which focuses on inputs. What about one focusing on outputs?
In some sense, a monad can be thought of as a functor in which layers can be collapsed.
If the Monad class were defined more like the category-theory definition, it would look like
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
join :: m (m a) -> m a
Using fmap with a function of type a -> m b results in a function of type m a -> m (m b). join is used to eliminate one layer of monad from the result. Since that's a common thing to do, one might define a function that does it.
foo :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
foo f ma = join (fmap f ma)
If you look carefully, you'll recognize foo as >>= with its arguments flipped.
foo = flip (>>=)
Since >>= is used more than join would be, the typeclass definition is
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
and join is defined as a separate function
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join mma = mma >>= id
Does not matter.
Monads are monads precisely because for every Monad ( Monad a ) we can always get Monad a. Such operation is called "join" and it's alternative operation to "bind" that could form definition of Monad. Haskell uses "bind" because its much more useful for composing monadic code :)
(join can be implemented with bind, and bind with join - they are equivalent)
Does not matter
Is actually small lie, since ability to form Monad ( Monad a ) is also de facto part of what makes Monads monads. With Monad (Monad a) being transitional representation in some operations.
Full answer is: Yes, because that enables Monads. Though Monad ( Monad a ) can have extra "domain" meaning as you list for some of the Monads ;)
I'm implementing a very simple poor mans concurrency structure with the following data type:
data C m a = Atomic (m (C m a)) | Done a
I'm creating an instance of monad for this:
instance Monad m => Monad (C m) where
(>>=) (Atomic m) f = Atomic $ (liftM (>>= f) m)
(>>=) (Done v) f = f v
return = Done
Q1. Am I right in saying Atomic $ (liftM (>>= f) m) is creating a new Atomic monad which contains the result of f (* -> *) applied to the value inside of m?
Q2. Am I right in saying the superclass Monad m is used here to enable the use of liftM? If so, as this is an instance of the Monad class, why can't this access liftM directly?
Q1. It is creating Atomic value. Monad is a mapping at type level. Since f is the second argument of >>= of C m a we know its type
f :: Monad m => a -> C m b
(>>= f) :: Monad m => C m a -> C m b
is f extended to unwrap its argument, and
liftM (>>= f) :: (Monad m1, Monad m) => m1 (C m a) -> m1 (C m b)
simply lifts the transformation into m1 which in your setting is unified with m. When you extract the value m from Atomic and pass it to liftM you use the monad m's bind (via liftM) to extract the inner C m a to be passed to f. The second part of liftM's definition re-wraps the result as a m (C m b) which you wrap in Atomic. So yes.
Q2. Yes. But it is a liftM of the underlying monad m. The liftM for C m a is defined in terms of the instance (its >>= and return). By using C m a's liftM (if you managed to define >>= in terms of liftM) you would get a cyclic definition. You need the constraint Monad m to create the plumbing for m (C m a) to travel through the >>= and f. In fact as pointed by Benjamin Hodgson, Monad m is an unnecessarily strong constaint, Functor m would suffice. The fact that C is in fact Free together with the relevant implementations give the most insight in the matter.
Let's say I have function that composes two monad actions:
co :: Monad m => m a -> m a -> m a
You can think of co as a higher order function that describes how two monadic actions may cooperate with each other to complete a task.
But now I find that the first monadic action may be wrapped inside a monad transformer, while the second one is not:
one :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => t m a
two :: Monad m => m a
But would like to compose them together still, so I need a function:
co' :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => t m a -> m a -> t m a
So that the first t m a can cooperate with m a by just lifting all m primitives into the context t.
The trick here is to build co without really knowing the implementation of m or t. I feel like the answer is somewhere in the MFunctor package, and in fact asked a similar question yesterday. But cannot come up with anything good, any thoughts?
You can do this using hoist from the mmorph package. hoist lets you modify the base monad of anything that implements MFunctor (which is most monad transformers):
hoist :: (MFunctor t) => (forall x . m x -> n x) -> t m r -> t n r
You can then use it for your problem like this:
co' tma ma = hoist (co ma) tma
Then you're done!
To understand why that works, let's go through the types step by step:
co :: (Monad m) => m a -> m a -> m a
ma :: (Monad m) => m a
co ma :: (Monad m) => m a -> m a
hoist (co ma) :: (Monad m, MFunctor t) => t m a -> t m a
tma :: (Monad m, MFunctor t) => t m a
hoist (co ma) tma :: (Monad m, MFunctor t) => t m a
Note that hoist has certain laws it must satisfy that ensure that it does "the right thing" that you would expect:
hoist id = id
hoist (f . g) = hoist f . hoist g
These are just functor laws, guaranteeing that hoist behaves intuitively.
hoist is provided in the Control.Monad.Morph module of the mmorph package, which you can find here. The bottom of the main module has a tutorial teaching how to use the package
Quick Definition
You need t m to have a monad instance for this to work.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
co :: Monad m => m a -> m a -> m a
co = undefined
co' :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m)) => t m a -> m a -> t m a
co' one two = lift . flip co two . return =<< one
Alternative view on the problem
Seeing the definition of lift from transformers package should help you find the answer as you want something similar
lift . return = return
lift (m >>= f) = lift m >>= (lift . f)
As you have flip co one :: Monad m => m a -> m a and you want to lift it to get a function of type (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m)) => t m a -> t m a. So following on the footsteps of lift
lift' :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m)) => (m a -> m a) -> t m a -> t m a
lift' f tma = tma >>= (lift . f . return)
Now defining co' is trivial
co' one two = lift' (flip co two) one
The above solutions just satisfy the type, but do they satisfy the semantics too?
To see the problem lets take a co function which always returns the second action without even looking at the first. Now the above co' will never be able to do that as it always runs the first action before deciding anything. So the side effect of first action will still occur in the co' even though they dont occur in co.
Does the general solution exist?
I suppose not. Because what you want to actually implement that function generically, is a function like t m a -> (m a -> m b) -> t m b, where you need to get action m a out of t m a without actually running the side effects of m a.
So suppose m is IO monad and t is State transformer with some state and your one action actually launches a missile and depending on the success or failure of that modifies the State. Now what you want is to actually modify the state without launching the missiles. In general that is not possible.
If you know some information about co like which action is run first, then you can implement co' using the above method.
The monad-control package can be used to lift functions and control operations from a base monad into a monad transformer, even those functions that take callbacks.
The lifted-base package builds on monad-control and contains lifted versions of many common functions dealing with exceptions, concurrency... In particular, it has a lifted version of finally from Control.Exception, whose signature is very similar to that of co.
Here are some links:
Lets say I have a function
f :: State [Int] Int
and a function:
g :: StateT [Int] IO Int
I want to use f in g and pass the state between them. Is there a library function for
StateT (return . runState f)? Or in general, given a monad transformer with a corresponding monad, is there a library function for it?
In even more general, what you're trying to do is apply a transformation to an inner layer of a transformer stack. For two arbitrary monads, the type signature might look something like this:
fmapMT :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m1, Monad m2) => (m1 a -> m2 a) -> t m1 a -> t m2 a
Basically a higher-level fmap. In fact, it would probably make even more sense to combine it with a map over the final parameter as well:
fmapMT :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m1, Monad m2) => (m1 a -> m2 b) -> t m1 a -> t m2 b
Clearly this isn't going to be possible in all cases, though when the "source" monad is Identity it's likely to be easier, but I can imagine defining another type class for the places it does work. I don't think there's anything like this in the typical monad transformer libraries; however, some browsing on hackage turns up something very similar in the Monatron package:
class MonadT t => FMonadT t where
tmap' :: FunctorD m -> FunctorD n -> (a -> b)
-> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> t m a -> t n b
tmap :: (FMonadT t, Functor m, Functor n) => (forall b. m b -> n b)
-> t m a -> t n a
tmap = tmap' functor functor id
In the signature for tmap', the FunctorD types are basically ad-hoc implementations of fmap instead of using Functor instances directly.
Also, for two Functor-like type constructors F and G, a function with a type like (forall a. F a -> G a) describes a natural transformation from F to G. There's quite possibly another implementation of the transformer map that you want somewhere in the category-extras package but I'm not sure what the category-theoretic version of a monad transformer would be so I don't know what it might be called.
Since tmap requires only a Functor instance (which any Monad must have) and a natural transformation, and any Monad has a natural transformation from the Identity monad provided by return, the function you want can be written generically for any instance of FMonadT as tmap (return . runIdentity)--assuming the "basic" monad is defined as a synonym for the transformer applied to Identity, at any rate, which is generally the case with transformer libraries.
Getting back to your specific example, note that Monatron does indeed have an instance of FMonadT for StateT.
What you are asking for is a mapping (known as a monad morphism) from a monad StateT m to StateT n. I'll be using the the mmorph library, which provides a very nice set of tools for working with monad morphisms.
To perform the State -> StateT m transform you are looking for, we'll start by defining a morphism to generalize the Identity monad embedded in State,
generalize :: Monad m => Identity a -> m a
generalize = return . runIdentity
Next we'll want to lift this morphism to act on the inner monad of your StateT. That is, we want a function which given a mapping from one monad to another (e.g. our generalize morphism), will give us a function acting on the base monad of a monad transformer, e.g. t Identity a -> t m a. You'll find this resembles the hoist function of mmorph's MFunctor class,
hoist :: Monad m => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> t m b -> t n b
Putting the pieces together,
myAction :: State s Int
myAction = return 2
myAction' :: Monad m => StateT s m Int
myAction' = hoist generalize myAction
Such a function is not definable for all monad transformers. The Cont r monad, for example, can't be lifted into ContT r IO because that would require turning a continuation in the IO monad (a -> IO r) into a pure continuation (a -> r).