How to use konva in nestjs - node.js

I need konva to run on nodejs. I used this documentation from the creators themselves.
doc -
I myself use nestjs.

I solved this problem by changing the import
import Konva from 'konva';
const Konva = require('konva/cmj').default;


Integrating apollo server v4 with NestJS

I tried using new #apollo/server with NestJS instead of apollo-server-express. While using apollo-server-express, the apollo-server-core package is automatically used and no error is thrown. But when I remove apollo-server-express and install #apollo/server as dependency. There is the error.
Error: Cannot find module 'apollo-server-core'
Does anyone have any solution ??
There's no official support for Apollo Server v4 with #nestjs/graphql yet. You'd have to write a completely custom integration for that, or wait for this PR
A package for using Apollo Server 4 from NestJS is available here.
It works with both Express and Fastify.

How to use node packages in NestJS

How we can use a node package in NestJS? I'm working on a NestJS project and I'm using microservices. I want to use a NodeJS circuit breaker called opossum.
First is it possible to use a node package in NestJS?
If the answer is yes, how can I use a node package in NestJS?
NestJS does not replace NodeJS. It's not a new runtime, it's just a framework that uses NodeJS and Typescript. Any package that's valid in Node is valid in Nest. Looks like import * as CircuitBreaker from 'opossum' should work. If not try import { CircuitBreaker } from 'opossum'

Can PropTypes be used outside React?

So I need a type checking package like Proptypes which works on Nodejs. I've read their docs and noticed that they had mentioned about using proptypes outside React with checkPropTypes, but one of checkPropTypes parameters is a Component, which relate to React
Can I use Proptypes in nodejs? If not, can someone recommends a package that has cool things like shape,arrayOf in proptypes.
Thanks in advance.

'TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function' ReactJS and Electron

I'm having an issue where I'm getting a TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function error when my React App loads.
I'm trying to add functionality to my custom MacOS buttons, however, when I seem to import {remote} from 'electron', I get that error.
This is the component source code:
This is the error generated in the console:
It looks to be an Electron issue but I can't seem to figure out why.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
I was facing the same problem and I've spend half of my day looking for the solution Instead of importing or requiring electron in the App.js as
import * as electron from 'electron'
const electron = require("electron")
Go ahead and import electron in your App.js as follows using the window object
const electron = window.require("electron")
I was found this issue :
Can you change electron import like this:
const electron = window.require('electron')
and use : electron.remote

How to use config module on main.ts file

I have set a config module, according to then how can I use it on main.ts??
nestjs version: 6.1.1
In your main.ts file after you use the NestFactory method to create the application you can use const configService = app.get<ConfigService>(ConfigService); to get the service from the context. If you want to leave out the generics that works too. After that you use it just like you would anywhere else in your app: configSerivce.get('key');
