DevExpress dateEdit and reportviewer - varchar

I have a few problem, need helps.
I added 2 date time sqlite database. But not working. If I change one date to varchar working. Why ?
problem here
problem here


Excel Date value is 16 days off for some users

I have an core application that uses Npoi to generate an Excel spreadsheet from a list of objects. This works fine when I run the application on my machine. However, when some of our users run this function, the dates on the spreadsheet are displaying 16 days earlier than their actual values. For example, the date 11/3/2020 is displaying 10/18/2020 for some users.
What's weird is if they email me the spreadsheet and I open it on my machine, the dates display correctly. Has anyone else run into this issue, or have a guess as to what might be causing this to happen? Also, any suggestions on how to fix it?
Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Joe

Format error exporting to excel in List Labels

I have a strange situation occurring while exporting a report into excel file type.
On 2 different machines (V.M.´s) i have a discrepancy on time type table column.
While in one of them the presentation is has expected in the other it messes the format of that specific column adding ‘tt’ to the end of it´s data.
Please find attached screenshots of the O.S. and excel result(I am not allowed too upload the lst and lsv files,sorry ).
Can someone please let me know what is causing the issue?
LL version is 21.
Thanks and regards,
This behavior will be fixed with service pack 25.004. A hotfix is available.

Excel Power Query not Working on Colleagues Computer

My excel power query I built is not working on computers other than mine.
When other people try to refresh the query on the sheet (which is stored on SharePoint) the following error shows up:
Anyone know why this is happening?
I hope your version of excel is the same as your colleague.
Anyway, from the error message I can read notesSort... is it a sorted column on the fly or the effective name of the field?
Try to remove the column from the Advance Editor and analyse what is going on. Test on your colleague computer to check if it's working.
Hope that helps!

CRM 2011 - Reports not updating

I made a change to a report today that displays some financial data - it was being displayed incorrectly so I made a change to ensure it displays the correct data.
In Visual Studio the data is now correct when I run the ssrs report but when I import the report into CRM 2011 the data is still showing incorrectly as it did before.
I have checked and rechecked that the report is pointing at the same database in both instances.
I have tried everything I can think of:
Removing the field and then re-adding it
Changing the name of the field
Removing hyperlinks that were in the report
Removing a child report that was linked to the report
Any ideas what else I can try?
Really sorry to bother everybody!
It was a date issue - my local PC date is set to UK date whereas for some reason our CRM database is set to US date.

Excel hh:mm:ss format not recognized

so I got a problem in Excel with this format.
This one
is recognized correctly and I see
27.02.1900 10:18:02
But for some reason this one
and this
is not getting recognized.
Same custom format [hh]:mm:ss is used for all cells.
I have ran out of ideas and have no idea of what to do and how to fix this.
I guess that was a some type of bug / lag with Excel. Now it works.
