PDFKit split text into two equal columns while using for loop - node.js

Im trying to use PDFKit to generate a simple pdf, for the most part the pdf works but albeit in a very non useful way, what i have is a deck building API that takes in a number of cards, each of these objects i want to export to a pdf, its as simple as displaying their name, but as it is, the pdf only renders one card at a time, and only on one line, what id like to happen is to get it to split the text into columns so itd look similar to this.
column 1 | column 2
c1 c8
c2 c9
c3 c10
c4 c(n)
here is my code so far,
module.exports = asyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// find the deck
const deck = await Deck.findById(req.params.deckId);
// need to sort cards by name
await deck.cards.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name < b.name) {
return -1;
} else if (a.name > b.name) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// Create a new PDF document
const doc = new PDFDocument();
// Pipe its output somewhere, like to a file or HTTP response
// Embed a font, set the font size, and render some text
doc.fontSize(25).text(`${deck.deck_name} Deck List`, {
align: "center",
underline: true,
underlineColor: "#000000",
underlineThickness: 2,
// We need to create two columns for the cards
// The first column will be the card name
// The second column will continue the cards listed
const section = doc.struct("P");
for (const card of deck.cards) {
doc.text(`${card.name}`, {
color: "#000000",
fontSize: 10,
columns: 2,
columnGap: 10,
continued: true,
// finalize the PDF and end the response
res.status(200).json({ message: "PDF generated successfully" });
} catch (error) {
success: false,
message: `Server Error - ${error.message}`,
At Present this does generate a column order like i want, however theres and extreme caveat to this solution and that is, if the card text isnt very long, the next card will start on that same line, it'd be useful if i could find a way to make the text take up the full width of that row, but i havent seen anything to do that with.

I think the problem is that you're relying on PDFKit's text "flow" API/logic, and you're having problems when two cards are not big enough to flow across your columns and you get two cards in one column.
I'd say that what you really want is to create a table—based on your initial text sample.
PDFKit doesn't have a table API (yet), so you'll have to make one up for yourself.
Here's an approach where you figure out the dimensions of things:
the page size
the size of your cells of text (either manually choose for yourself, or use PDFKit to tell you how big some piece of text is)
Then you use those sizes to calculate how many rows and columns of your text can fit on your page.
Finally you iterate of over columns then rows for each page, writing text into those column-by-row "coordinates" (which I track through "offsets" and use to calculate the final "position").
const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const fs = require('fs');
// Create mock-up Cards for OP
const cards = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
cards.push(`Card ${i + 1}`);
// Set a sensible starting point for each page
const originX = 50;
const originY = 50;
const doc = new PDFDocument({ size: 'LETTER' });
// Define row height and column widths, based on font size; either manually,
// or use commented-out heightOf and widthOf methods to dynamically pick sizes
const rowH = 50; // doc.heightOfString(cards[cards.length - 1]);
const colW = 150; // doc.widthOfString(cards[cards.length - 1]); // because the last card is the "longest" piece of text
// Margins aren't really discussed in the documentation; I can ignore the top and left margin by
// placing the text at (0,0), but I cannot write below the bottom margin
const pageH = doc.page.height;
const rowsPerPage = parseInt((pageH - originY - doc.page.margins.bottom) / rowH);
const colsPerPage = 2;
var cardIdx = 0;
while (cardIdx < cards.length) {
var colOffset = 0;
while (colOffset < colsPerPage) {
const posX = originX + (colOffset * colW);
var rowOffset = 0;
while (rowOffset < rowsPerPage) {
const posY = originY + (rowOffset * rowH);
doc.text(cards[cardIdx], posX, posY);
cardIdx += 1;
rowOffset += 1;
colOffset += 1;
// This is hacky, but PDFKit adds a page by default so the loop doesn't 100% control when a page is added;
// this prevents an empty trailing page from being added
if (cardIdx < cards.length) {
// Finalize PDF file
When I run that I get a PDF with 4 pages that looks like this:
Changing colW = 250 and colsPerPage = 3:


How to center continued text using PdfKit?

I have this code:
const PDFDocument = require("pdfkit");
const QRCode = require("qrcode");
const fs = require("fs");
const exec = async () => {
const doc = new PDFDocument({ layout: "landscape" });
for (let pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= 1000; pageNumber++) {
const url = await QRCode.toDataURL("I am a url!");
.image(url, 10, 100, {
width: 420,
height: 420,
align: "center",
valign: "center",
.text(`Item `, 465, 200, { continued: true })
.text("Order and Pay", 420, 320);
Which would produce something like this:
It looks centered and all, but as pages increase it will no longer be centered since the numbers are fixed.
I saw in the docs that there's an align property, but the docs didn't explain how to handle continued text.
Any working examples?
Maybe it's a little late, but I found a solution battling with the same problem:
First you need to create a constant with the width of the container you want to center your text in: (this value you have to calculate or invent, but it's easy to do that)
const containerWidth = 100 // as an example
Then, you need to create a variable that contains a plain string that contains all the text you want to center, in your example:
var appendedText = `Item ${pageNumber}`
To finish, you need to use pdf-kit's function: widthOfString, and add the text in the document as follows:
const xOffset = 465 // The original X offset value
.text(`Item `, xOffset + (containerWidth / 2) - (doc.widthOfString(appendedText) / 2), 200, { continued: true })
Removed the text styling lines for clarity, but you have to add them later.

Kendo grid how do i auto-size an excel export row height?

I have a custom excel output class that I'm using to parse the grid, and in some cases replace the data in the grid with template data. In this particular instance, the data i want to output is multi-line. I have it working to that point but the exported sheet is one line high so you can't see lines two thru-seven in the field.
desired result:
actual result:
Here's a relevant section of my code. It's the parsing loop that applies the templates and strips html, but adds line breaks first.
if (me.ColumnTemplates && $.isArray(me.ColumnTemplates)) {
for (let c = 0; c < me.ColumnTemplates.length; c++) {
let ct = me.ColumnTemplates[c];
if (ct.template(dr).includes("</br>")) {
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].wrap = true;
me.elem.innerHTML = ct.template(dr).replace(/<\/br>/g, "\n");
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].value = me.elem.textContent || me.elem.innerText || "";
any help would be appreciated. I would like to either have a setting that makes this "just work" or have a way to compute the needed height and set it manually. Either is fine.
I'm not aware of a way to auto-size it, but you can set row height it via sheets.rows.height:
var workbook = new kendo.ooxml.Workbook({
sheets: [{
rows: [{
cells: [{ value: "this row is 100px high" }],
height: 100
}, {
cells: [{ value: "this row is 200px high" }],
height: 200
example found here
Updating your code to utilize each in the template html you can do something like the following:
if (me.ColumnTemplates && $.isArray(me.ColumnTemplates)) {
for (let c = 0; c < me.ColumnTemplates.length; c++) {
let ct = me.ColumnTemplates[c];
if (ct.template(dr).includes("</br>")) {
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].wrap = true;
sheet.rows[r + 1].height = (ct.template(dr).match(/<\/br>/g) || []).length * 20 + 20; //20 was default row height.
me.elem.innerHTML = ct.template(dr).replace(/<\/br>/g, "\n");
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].value = me.elem.textContent || me.elem.innerText || "";
Set column width to auto
Solution 1
When kendo grid bound to data source in JavaScript/jQuery
excelExport: function(e) {
var columns = e.workbook.sheets[0].columns;
// also delete the width if it is set
delete column.width;
column.autoWidth = true;
more details
Solution 2
When kendo grid is taking data source from action controller not bound to data source in jQuery then add event to call a JavaScript function on excel export
function exportToExcelSheetColumnWidthChange(e) {
var columns = e.workbook.sheets[0].columns;
columns.forEach(function (column) {
delete column.width;
column.autoWidth = true;
Add event to the kendo grid control
.Events(e => e.ExcelExport("exportToExcelSheetColumnWidthChange"))

react-virtualized - how do I use this as a true infinite scroller

I can't find any code example or docs that answers this:
Achieve almost complete infinite scroll -> unknown # of items, but there is a finite amount that may be infeasible to compute beforehand - e.g. at some point the list needs to stop scrolling
Can I trigger first load of data from within InfiniteScroller/List - it seems you need to pass in a data source that is populated with initial page
I am using this example:
along with CellMeasurer for dynamic height:
The docs for InfiniteLoader.rowCount say:
"Number of rows in list; can be arbitrary high number if actual number is unknown."
So how do you indicate there are no more rows.
If anyone can post an example using setTimeout() to simulate dynamic loaded data, thanks. I can likely get CellMeasurer working from there.
This doesn't work the way react-virtualized creator says it should or the infinite loading example implies.
render(): rowCount = 1
_rowRenderer(index = 0)
_isRowLoaded(index = 0)
_loadMoreRows(startIndex = 0, stopIndex = 0)
_rowRenderer(index = 0)
Do I need to specify a batch size or some other props?
class HistoryBrowser extends React.Component
this.eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
this.state = {
history: []
this._cache = new Infinite.CellMeasurerCache({
fixedWidth: true,
minHeight: 50
this._timeoutIdMap = {};
let rowCount = this.state.history.length ? (this.state.history.length + 1) : 1;
return <Infinite.InfiniteLoader
{({ onRowsRendered, registerChild }) =>
<Infinite.AutoSizer disableHeight>
{({ width }) =>
_isRowLoaded({ index }) {
if (index == 0 && !this.state.history.length)
// No data yet, force load
return false;
_loadMoreRows({ startIndex, stopIndex }) {
let self = this;
for (let i = startIndex; i <= stopIndex; i++) {
this.state.history[startIndex] = {loading: true};
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
delete this._timeoutIdMap[timeoutId];
for (let i = startIndex; i <= stopIndex; i++) {
self.state.history[i] = {loading: false, text: 'Hi ' + i };
}, 10000);
this._timeoutIdMap[timeoutId] = true;
let promiseResolver;
return new Promise(resolve => {
promiseResolver = resolve;
_rowRenderer({ index, key, style }) {
let content;
if (index >= this.state.history.length)
return <div>Placeholder</div>
else if (this.state.history[index].loading) {
content = <div>Loading</div>;
} else {
content = (
return (
<div key={key} style={style}>{content}</div>
The recipe you linked to should be a good starting place. The main thing its missing is an implementation of loadNextPage but that varies from app to app based on how your state/data management code works.
Can I trigger first load of data from within InfiniteScroller/List - it seems you need to pass in a data source that is populated with initial page
This is up to you. IMO it generally makes sense to just fetch the first "page" of records without waiting for InfiniteLoader to ask for them- because you know you'll need them. That being said, if you give InfiniteLoader a rowCount of 1 and then return false from isRowLoaded it should request the first page of records. There are tests confirming this behavior in the react-virtualized GitHub.
The docs for InfiniteLoader.rowCount say: "Number of rows in list; can be arbitrary high number if actual number is unknown."
So how do you indicate there are no more rows.
You stop adding +1 to the rowCount, like the markdown file you linked to mentions:
// If there are more items to be loaded then add an extra row to hold a
loading indicator.
const rowCount = hasNextPage
? list.size + 1
: list.size

(After Effects) Change text content over the time

I would like to put the title + artist name when the song is playing, but I don't know how to achieve this, because with almost 30-35 songs, it would be long and boring to create a specific text layer for each song.
If there is a trick to achieve this quickly.
You can achieve this via scripting.
I have these two scripts that should do what you want. I wrote them some time ago. Maybe you need to do some adjustments.
This one adds several text layers from a csv file.
This one should add one text layer with the source text set to the content of a csv.
This is a minimal example to add a text layer with sourceText
* main function
var main = function() {
var txt = ['Hello - World', 'dog -cat', 'foo - bah']; // the text to add
app.beginUndoGroup('add source text'); // open a undo group
var curComp = app.project.activeItem; // get the current comp
// check if the curent active item is a comp
if (!curComp || !(curComp instanceof CompItem)) {
// end if no comp is active
var txtLayer = curComp.layers.addText('titles'); // add a text layer
var counter = 0; // the time to add a keyframe to (in seconds)
// loop the text
for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) {
var curFrame = (counter / curComp.frameRate); // calc time for each frame
// add a keyframe with the text as value every frame
txtLayer.text.sourceText.setValueAtTime(curFrame, txt[i]);
counter++; // increase the time by one

Making realtime datatable updates

I built an app which consumes data from a redis channel(sellers) with socketio and push the data in realtime to the frontend. The dataset could contain up to a thousand rows so I'm thinking about using a datatable to represent the data in a clean way. The table elements will be updated regularly, but there will be no rows to add/remove, only updates.
The problem I'm facing is that I don't know which would be the proper way to implement it due to my inexperience in the visualization ecosystem. I've been toying with d3js but I think It'll be too difficult to have something ready quickly and also tried using the datatables js library but I failed to see how to make the datatable realtime.
This is the code excerpt from the front end:
socket.on('sellers', function(msg){
var seller = $.parseJSON(msg);
var sales = [];
var visits = [];
var conversion = [];
var items = seller['items'];
var data = [];
for(item in items) {
var item_data = items[item];
data.push([item_data['title'], item_data['today_visits'], item_data['sold_today'], item_data['conversion-rate']]);
Using d3 to solve your problem is simple and elegant. I took a little time this morning to create a fiddle that you can adapt to your own needs:
To use d3, you need to understand how it works with joining the data to the html elements. Check out http://bost.ocks.org/mike/join/ for a brief description by the author.
The code in the fiddle is:
var table = d3.select('#data')
// set up the table header
.data(['Title', 'Visits', 'Sold', 'Conversion Rate'])
.text(function (d) { return d })
// set up the data
// note that both the creation of the table AND the update is
// handled by the same code. The code must be run on each time
// the data is changed.
function setupData(data) {
// first, select the table and join the data to its rows
// just in case we have unsorted data, use the item's title
// as a key for mapping data on update
var rows = d3.select('tbody')
.data(data, function(d) { return d.title })
// if you do end up having variable-length data,
// uncomment this line to remove the old ones.
// rows.exit().remove()
// For new data, we create rows of <tr> containing
// a <td> for each item.
// d3.map().values() converts an object into an array of
// its values
var entertd = rows.enter()
.data(function(d) { return d3.map(d).values() })
// now that all the placeholder tr/td have been created
// and mapped to their data, we populate the <td> with the data.
// First, we split off the individual data for each td.
// d3.map().entries() returns each key: value as an object
// { key: "key", value: value}
// to get a different color for each column, we set a
// class using the attr() function.
// then, we add a div with a fixed height and width
// proportional to the relative size of the value compared
// to all values in the input set.
// This is accomplished with a linear scale (d3.scale.linear)
// that maps the extremes of values to the width of the td,
// which is 100px
// finally, we display the value. For the title entry, the div
// is 0px wide
var td = rows.selectAll('td')
.data(function(d) { return d3.map(d).entries() })
.attr('class', function (d) { return d.key })
// the simple addition of the transition() makes the
// bars update smoothly when the data changes
.style('width', function(d) {
switch (d.key) {
case 'conversion_rate' :
// percentage scale is static
scale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range([0, 100])
case 'today_visits':
case 'sold_today' :
scale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d1) { return d1[d.key] }))
.range([0, 100])
return '0px'
return scale(d.value) + 'px'
.text(function(d) {
if (d.key == 'conversion_rate') {
return Math.round(100*d.value) + '%'
return d.value
.on('click', function() {
// dummy randomized data: use this function for the socketio data
// instead
// socket.on('sellers', function(msg){
// setupData(JSON.parse(msg).items)
// })
function randomizeData() {
var ret = []
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
title: "Item " + i,
today_visits: Math.round(Math.random() * 300),
sold_today: Math.round(Math.random() * 200),
conversion_rate: Math.random()
return ret
