How do I make the 'run' button in GNOME builder run a command? - gnome

I like GNOME builder for being GTK and having some level of code completion, but I want to use the IDE features more. That being said, I work on some JavaScript projects, so using the run button would be of great use. I know that GNOME builder relies on Meson, and I can't figure out how to set the 'run' function (?) as a command in Meson.


Tools for mouse commands

Is there any tool in Node.js helping to make command like click() or moveTo() with your mouse? In order to automate tests I need to use another app where the button need being clicked. Or maybe I can do that using command prompt?

How to use J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line

i'm trying to create J2ME app with J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line and i'm confused on how to compile and preverify my source code.can anyone show me how to please ?
Pretty much all IDE's allow you to run and compile the code inside them, rather than having a separate pipeline to edit the text files, compile them and run them.
For example, in IDEA you have a "Run" menu that you can use to access all those functionalities.
I suggest that, especially if you are inexperienced, you switch from a "manual" process using separate tools (text editor, compiler, runner) to a more unified one, that will sort out most of the details for you letting you focus on the writing of the code / logic.

Python Launcher is Editor?

So I've been playing around with IDLE. Then the Lesson2 tells me to open the editor window, not the shell window. I'm not sure which is Editor? I have EDLE, Python Launcher (downloaded from and TextWranger...maybe I misunderstood about sth? :'(
IDLE combines several functionalities. It contains an interactive interpreter (the window where the >>> appears in, and in which you can bring code to execution immediately), and it's a small-scale IDE (integrated development environment), which means you can load, edit and save python-files, and launch them conveniently. This functionality is meant with "Editor". Probably just go to the Menu and pick something like "New File".

Is it possible to display multiple choice dialog in gVIM?

I have a gVIM script that parses current buffer and offers user to select one of multiple choices. It is implemented as console input, but since i'm using graphical version of gVIM, maybe it's possible to use graphical version of multiple choice dialog? I have tried to use python + Tkinter but it's very unstable and is not working on some NIX boxes :(. Any ideas?
GVim has, in its functions and settings, nothing that would enable showing GUI elements (with a few noble exceptions, like closing dialog and such.).
That being said, GVim is open source, and nothing stops you from downloading the source and messing with it.
After some research i have found a solution. VIM supports so-called "clientserver" mode and external application can send a command to it. So this task (and many others) can be solved with following technique (tested on Windows, OSX and Ubuntu):
VIMscript that handles a command launches standalone GUI script in
separate process and returns.
Standalone GUI script (python/ruby/.exe/whatever) displays GUI and
waits for user interaction.
After user interaction, standalone GUI script closes it's window,
communicates back to VIM via "clientserver" interface (call another
script, open file, move cursor etc) and exits.

Eclipse haml/sass editing + html /css generation

I've been playing with haml and sass and generating a flat site with staticmatic from the command line.
Has anyone been using an ide for this?
I have the Apatana studio (RadRails) plugin installed and it has haml & sass highlighting out of the box. For this site I just want a lightweight script project (no rails).
What type of project would I use, and how would i add something so i could for example, right click the project folder in order to run
staticmatic build [my-project]
(or other) to generate the site from the haml + sass?
I like staticmatic as I can use ruby libraries as helpers.
Happy to take suggestions about any editor. But i am also keen to stick with one editor for everything. (also WTB auto complete).
You can run rake tasks from the RadRails IDE, though I didn't manage to get it work. Ruby is probably right choice for the project type. I don't like IDEs because they complicate and slow things down. So my choice is normally Textmate + terminal.
Take a look at Rakefile in this project:
This isn't exactly what you're asking for...but take a look at a tiny script that I wrote. It will watch directories of your choosing for changes in SCSS and HAML and compile them to html and css. You could make some minor edits to watch.rb if desired, run this in a terminal, and have the site generated without even having to run a command.
PS - if you decide to try this out, you'll need the fssm gem from github or
A Ruby or Web project type would be most fitting, though I don't think it would matter which in this case.
You can achieve custom commands a number of ways...
You can write up a Rake task in the project Rakefile as Heikki suggested, and then right click and use the Rake menu (as of Studio 3.0.2) to launch that task, or run it inside the embedded Terminal view.
You can write/edit a custom ruble and add a command for launching staticmatic. See
You can go the Eclipse route and create an "External Tool Launch configuration" under Run > External Tools. External Tools configuration... > Program. There you can set up a launch to execute some program (say the ruby interpreter or staticmatic script itself) and pass in the argument. Then you can use the run drop-down menu.
