How to register new Service for Sony Felica card? - rfid

I have a Felica card have some Services, I can not use available Services because I have no key to access Block Data. I want to create new Service, new Block Data for my own Application.
Can you help me?
enter image description here


How to submit data in Adaptive card Execute action from Outlook to web api without using azure bot service?

I have an API which is hosted on Azure WebApp service, and it's sending adaptive card v1.0 email to user's outlook client, then user click action.Http button to response the card. Now I want to use new v1.4 card, but in v1.4 the action.Http button does not show up in Outlook, the only working button is action.Execute. However, there is no url attribute in action.Execute to let me specify where the data should be sent to, and I don't want to buy additional bot service. Is there any way for this? Thank you.

How to get Azure TTS API for Anki with Postman

I was trying to get API Key for AwesomeTTS (Anki)
I want to use Azure Text-to-Speech service REST API
I followed two YouTube videos (one is below and I can't find the other one right now)
I only got an audio file, but I have no idea where is the API Key I need for ANKI.
I also read this article on Microsoft website many times
Could anyone tell me where/how I could get the API Key?
Could anyone tell me where/how I could get the API Key?
You can get the API key by following steps:
Create an account on
Create a Subscription which will have your billing information
Create a Resource Group in East US
Create a Speech Service entry
In your Speech Service entry, your API key can be found under Resource Management -> Keys and Endpoint
You can refer to Key creation, API key to TTS and AwesomeTTS API keys

How does nearby share know some user information before making a connection?

So I was messing around with the nearby share feature that google launched last year and I noticed that if you connect your Gmail and have a profile picture , when you try the nearby share feature the other person can see your profile picture. How is this possible if you haven't made a connection between you and the other person yet? Does google save the MAC address of the user and then pulls it off a server or something? I'm pretty confused. I found this post (How is Google's nearby share implemented? ) that is broadly talking about the implementation but only thing mentioned is that they tried to bring more of an identity to this feature. So how does the contact info show without connecting? Is it that when someone is on your contact list google has just saved their device name or MAC address and that's how it knows what profile pic and Gmail to use/show on the nearby devices?
Each device generates a certificate (containing the device's name, photo, etc) and uploads them to a Google server. The device then uploads a list of contacts who are allowed to download that certificate.
Devices periodically download certificates they have access to. Other than the start/end timestamp, the data in the certificate is encrypted. You need to see the decryption key over Bluetooth in order to parse the certificate, after which you can now attach a name to the Bluetooth advertisement you just saw.

How to secure participants card in hyperledger composer?

Every time an Id is issued to a participant in hyperledger, a card gets generated and imported to the network. by default imported card gets stored in home/.composer/cards directory. So, anyone having access to machine can have access to those cards. Similar with the case when cards get stored on the cloud storage. Is there any provision in hyperledger to restrict the access to those card?
No there isn't. You need to choose the appropriate way for you for storing cards and secure that location in whatever way you deem necessary. As you have seen there are various cloud wallets to provide alternative locations of storage, but you can also develop your own cloud wallet which meets your needs if required.
Examples of cloud wallet implementations can be found at

azure notification hubs - app uninstall

I would like to use Azure Notification Hubs to send push notifications to users of my app running across iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
I have managed to get the basics working but I don't know how to manage the App uninstall story.
On starting, the mobile app will call my Identity Svc to get an Auth Token.
It then calls its Platform Notification service (eg Google Cloud Messaging, APNS) to get a PNS Token.
After persisting the token to local storage it will call a back-end Contact Svc to register the customer's device. This service will create a subscription to the Azure Notification hub for the device.
This is illustrated in the following diagram:
Later on a back-end publishing service will call the Contact Service requesting a push notification for a particular user id. The contact service will lookup the Id allocated to a tag on the notification hub and send a push request.
What options are available to determine when a customer uninstalls the app? Is it just a matter of trapping errors when calling "Send" on the notification hub? I guess this could work if only sending to a single user but my intention is that certain message types are to be published to multiple subscribers. On the initial registration of a device a subscription will be created for a tag of the user id but also for a more general tag such as "New Promotion". The publishing service would later want to issue a "New Promotion" notification to all devices.
Why do you need to know app uninstalls?
Notification Hubs automatically expire registrations for devices that get uninstalled.
Also, I would avoid persisting the PNSHandles in your service at all.
The current guidelines for using hubs are the following:
store the registrationIds of the registrations associated with the device in local storage. This enables you to update tags and channel information with a single update call.
Because mobile connections are not always reliable, it is best to avoid creating a new registration without being able to store the registrationId in local storage. This can result in the device registering multiple times, causing duplicate notifications. You can achieve this by using the Create Registration ID and Create or Update Registration REST APIs.
The first API returns a registrationId without actually creating a registration. When the ID has been securely stored on the device storage, the device can call the Create or Update Registration API.
So I would have your ContactSvc expose two functionalities:
a) create registration id (just call hub to get it)
b) create or update registration given (registrationId, pnsHandle, tags?)
Then your device keeps the regId in its storage, ad after getting the handle from PNS, if as regId is not there creates a new one with endpoint a), then updates the registration with pnsHandle and tags.
Note that in this way your service does not need to persist handles or UUIDs, and does not need to worry about app uninstalls.
If you are keeping track of users, one approach is to periodically (once a month?) check in your hub if its registrations are still there...
You can reach me at #eliodamaggio if this is not clear.
