How to draw an additional line or arrow between transition and state in PlantUML state machine diagrams - state-machine

I draw two state machines with one PlantUML file, where the arrows between states denote the trigger event (red) and and the action, executed on transition (blue). They live in parallel. One transition depends on a state of the other state machine. I want to indicate this with a dashed line or so.
How can I draw an additional line or arrow between an transition arrow (or even its text block) to a state of another state machine?
My diagrams's code:
stateDiagram {
arrow {
FontSize 10
state fork_state <<fork>>
[*] --> fork_state
fork_state --> FireCoolDown_ReadyToFire
state FireCoolDown_ReadyToFire {
state FireCoolDown_CoolDown {
FireCoolDown_CoolDown --> FireCoolDown_ReadyToFire: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>Timeout (PT0.2S ms)</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>// Nothing to do</b></font>\n}
FireCoolDown_ReadyToFire --> FireCoolDown_CoolDown: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>Event.FIRE</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>// Nothing to do</b></font>\n}
fork_state --> Fire_IDLE
state Fire_IDLE {
state Fire_FIRE {
state Fire_WAITING {
Fire_WAITING --> Fire_FIRE: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>State machine [FireCoolDown] in state [CoolDown]</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>// Nothing to do</b></font>\n}
Fire_WAITING --> Fire_IDLE: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>Event.STOP_FIRE</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>// Nothing to do</b></font>\n}
Fire_FIRE --> Fire_WAITING: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>State machine [FireCoolDown] in state [ReadyToFire]</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>Fire Projectile,</b></font>\n <font color="blue"><b>Dispatch Command with Event.FIRE</b></font>\n}
Fire_FIRE --> Fire_IDLE: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>Event.STOP_FIRE</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>// Nothing to do</b></font>\n}
Fire_IDLE --> Fire_FIRE: \lif ( <font color="red"><b>Event.START_FIRE</font> ) {\n <font color="blue"><b>// Nothing to do</b></font>\n}
My drawn diagram:
(I drew a pink arrow as example of how a link between transition and state could look like)


Content Security Policy violation with Bootstrap 5

I have a site using Bootstrap 5 that includes the following input tag:
<input class="form-check-input ms-1" id="validated" name="validated" type="checkbox" checked>
The inclusion of the form-check-input class causes the client to generate the error message:
Refused to load the image 'data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg
xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 20 20'%3e%3cpath
fill='none' stroke='%23fff' stroke-linecap='round'
stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='3' d='M6 10l3
3l6-6'/%3e%3c/svg%3e' because it violates the following Content
Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self'".
Can someone please lend me a clue as to why this is being blocked? I have tried all the permutations of data://,, *, etc., in the CSP and none seem to satisfy the client.
This happens identically with a Chrome and Edge client.
You can also extract the SVGs into separate files using Webpack. For example, see the official documentation at
modules.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
mimetype: 'image/svg+xml',
scheme: 'data',
type: 'asset/resource',
generator: {
filename: 'icons/[hash].svg'
Bootstrap CSS stylesheet contains .form-check-input class with data:-Url images:
.form-check-input:checked[type=checkbox] {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 20 20'%3e%3cpath fill='none' stroke='%23fff' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='3' d='M6 10l3 3l6-6'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
.form-check-input:checked[type=radio] {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='2' fill='%23fff'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
.form-check-input[type=checkbox]:indeterminate {
background-color: #0d6efd;
border-color: #0d6efd;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 20 20'%3e%3cpath fill='none' stroke='%23fff' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='3' d='M6 10h8'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
To allow these images you have to add data: scheme-source into img-src directive.

how to create array of object inside object in puppeteer

I want to create array of object of product sizes inside array of object of product info.
this is the HTML tree I am trying to scrape
<div class="product-thumbShim"></div><a target="_blank" href="tshirts/herenow/herenow-men-black-printed-round-neck-t-shirt/4318138/buy" style="display: block;"><div class="product-imageSliderContainer"><div class="product-sliderContainer" style="display: block;"><div style="background: rgb(244, 255, 249);"><div style="height: 280px; width: 100%;"><picture class="img-responsive" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block;"><source srcset=",dpr_1.0,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg ,,dpr_1.5,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 1.5x,,dpr_1.8,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 1.8x,,dpr_2.0,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 2.0x,,dpr_2.2,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 2.2x,,dpr_2.4,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 2.4x,,dpr_2.6,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 2.6x,,dpr_2.8,q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg 2.8x" type="image/webp"><img src=",q_60,w_210,c_limit,fl_progressive/assets/images/4318138/2018/5/4/11525433792765-HERENOW-Men-Black-Printed-Round-Neck-T-shirt-2881525433792598-1.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="HERE&NOW Men Black Printed Round Neck T-shirt" title="HERE&NOW Men Black Printed Round Neck T-shirt" style="width: 100%; display: block;"></picture></div></div></div></div><div class="product-productMetaInfo"><h3 class="product-brand">HERE&NOW</h3><h4 class="product-product">Men Printed Round Neck T-shirt</h4><h4 class="product-sizes"><!-- react-text: 396 -->Sizes: <!-- /react-text --><span class="product-sizeInventoryPresent">S, </span><span class="product-sizeInventoryPresent">M, </span><span class="product-sizeInventoryPresent">L, </span><span class="product-sizeInventoryPresent">XL, </span><span class="product-sizeInventoryPresent">XXL</span></h4><div class="product-price"><span><span class="product-discountedPrice"><!-- react-text: 405 -->Rs. <!-- /react-text --><!-- react-text: 406 -->374<!-- /react-text --></span><span class="product-strike"><!-- react-text: 408 -->Rs. <!-- /react-text --><!-- react-text: 409 -->749<!-- /react-text --></span></span><span class="product-discountPercentage">(50% OFF)</span></div></div></a><div class="image-grid-similarColorsCta product-similarItemCta"><span class="myntraweb-sprite image-grid-similarColorsIcon sprites-similarProductsIcon"></span><span class="image-grid-iconText">VIEW SIMILAR</span></div><div class="product-actions "><span class="product-actionsButton product-wishlist " style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><!-- react-text: 416 -->wishlist<!-- /react-text --></span></div><div class="product-sizeDisplayDiv"><div class="product-sizeDisplayHeader"><span>Select a size</span><span class="myntraweb-sprite product-sizeDisplayRemoveMark sprites-remove"></span></div><div class="product-sizeButtonsContaier"><button class="product-sizeButton">S</button><button class="product-sizeButton">M</button><button class="product-sizeButton">L</button><button class="product-sizeButton">XL</button><button class="product-sizeButton">XXL</button></div></div>"
adn this is my current output
brandName: 'max',
productName: 'Colourblocked Round Neck T-shirt',
productSizes: 'Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL'
brandName: 'YOLOCLAN',
productName: 'Printed Round Neck T-shirt',
productSizes: 'Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL'
brandName: 'Maniac',
productName: 'Colourblocked Hooded T-shirt',
productSizes: 'Sizes: S, M, L, XL'
and my expected output is
brandName: 'max',
productName: 'Colourblocked Round Neck T-shirt',
productSizes: [
Size: 'S',
Size: 'M',
Size: 'L',
current code :
const res = await page.$$eval(".product-base", (productInfo) => => {
return {
brandName: product.querySelector(".product-brand").innerText,
productName: product.querySelector(".product-product").innerText,
productSizes: product.querySelector(".product-sizes").innerText,
and also how often I can scrape websites in order to not get my IP blocked
You could do something like this:
const res = await page.$$eval(".product-base", (productInfo) => => {
let productSizeText = product.querySelector(".product-sizes").innerText;
let productSizeArr = productSizeText.replace('Sizes:', '').trim().split(',');
return {
brandName: product.querySelector(".product-brand").innerText,
productName: product.querySelector(".product-product").innerText,
productSizes: productSizeArr,
Second answer for the HTML URLs: Using Puppeteer.js you can get the source tag URLs like below:
let imageURLArr = await page.evaluate(() => {
//This will get the first sourceTag of the DOM, change the value 0 according to your DOM that you are scraping if it has more source tags and is not the first source tag element
let sourceTag = document.getElementsByTagName('source')[0];
// check selector exists
if (sourceTag) {
// This will give you all the image URLs of source tag
let imagURLs = sourceTag.getAttribute('srcset')
return imagURLs;

How do I change the color of bottom tab navigation icon when selected?

When I select a tab, the name of the tab changes color. I want to understand how to change the icon color as well.
icon={(focused) => {
return (
style={{height: 30, width: 30, marginTop: 5}}
fill={focused ? '#B9995A' : '#1f1f1f'}
Just listen to the state index and change the color with an if statement
const HomeIcon = (props) => (<Icon name={state.index == 0 ? 'home' : 'home-outline'} fill={state.index == 0 ? '#000' : ''#eee} />)
onSelect={index => {
<BottomNavigationTab title="Home" icon={HomeIcon}/>
<BottomNavigationTab title="Search" icon={SearchIcon}/>

bluemix node-red flow editor "deploy" button is not enabled

I am following the tutorial: "Build a real-time chat app with Node-RED in 5 minutes"
But the Deploy button is not enabled. So I can not deploy.
I have installed CF command line and run "push" for my app. This is what I learned in the "Start Coding" in the dashboard, under the "CFApp". It was successful.
Is this "push" the same as the "deploy" in the Node-Red editor?
That tutorial has a slightly misleading screenshot of the editor, with a blank workspace and an enabled deploy button. The deploy button only becomes active when there are changes in the workspace that have not been deployed to the runtime.
A 'push' is used to upload the node-red application into bluemix. This is different to then deploying your flows into the application.
The deploy button is different from the CF push. The node-red deploy button is available in the node-red graphical UI.
Once you create your node-red application you have to launch it.
This is bullet number 3 on step 1 on the tutorial. On the Bluemix dashboard click in the application name to launch it.
The main window for node-red application is displayed (bullet number 4 on step 1 for the tutorial).
Clicking on the big red button "Go to your node-RED flow editor" will open the node-red flow editor (displayed on bullet number 5 on step 1). At this time you should see an empty sheet and the "Deploy" button at the top-right corner should be disabled.
Follow step 2 instructions to import the node-red flow (I included it below for your convenience):
[{"id":"bc740d23.438bf","type":"websocket-listener","path":"/ws/chat","wholemsg":"false"},{"id":"c86da933.379258","type":"websocket in","name":"","server":"bc740d23.438bf","x":112,"y":61,"z":"d46b9957.2b9468","wires":[["f9476129.06b8a"]]},{"id":"f9476129.06b8a","type":"function","name":"","func":"delete msg._session;\nreturn msg;\n\n","outputs":1,"valid":true,"x":286,"y":61,"z":"d46b9957.2b9468","wires":[["bda54943.425ab8"]]},{"id":"bda54943.425ab8","type":"websocket out","name":"","server":"bc740d23.438bf","x":467,"y":61,"z":"d46b9957.2b9468","wires":[]},{"id":"df7af34a.20851","type":"http in","name":"","url":"/chat","method":"get","x":120,"y":129,"z":"d46b9957.2b9468","wires":[["969892ad.69677"]]},{"id":"969892ad.69677","type":"template","name":"","field":"","template":"<head>\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=320, initial-scale=1\">\n <title>Chat</title>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n <div id=\"wrapper\">\n <div id=\"chat_box\" class=\"content\"></div>\n\n <div id=\"footer\">\n <div class=\"content\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"user\" placeholder=\"Who are you?\" />\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"message\" placeholder=\"What do you want to say?\" />\n <input type=\"button\" id=\"send_btn\" value=\"Send\" onclick=\"sendMessage()\">\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</body>\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var wsUri = \"ws://{{}}/ws/chat\";\n var ws = new WebSocket(wsUri);\n\n function createSystemMessage(message) {\n var message = document.createTextNode(message);\n\n var messageBox = document.createElement('p');\n messageBox.className = 'system';\n\n messageBox.appendChild(message);\n\n var chat = document.getElementById('chat_box');\n chat.appendChild(messageBox);\n }\n\n function createUserMessage(user, message) {\n var user = document.createTextNode(user + ': ');\n\n var userBox = document.createElement('span');\n userBox.className = 'username';\n userBox.appendChild(user);\n\n var message = document.createTextNode(message);\n\n var messageBox = document.createElement('p');\n messageBox.appendChild(userBox);\n messageBox.appendChild(message);\n\n var chat = document.getElementById('chat_box');\n chat.appendChild(messageBox);\n }\n\n ws.onopen = function(ev) {\n createSystemMessage('[Connected]');\n };\n\n ws.onclose = function(ev) {\n createSystemMessage('[Disconnected]');\n }\n\n ws.onmessage = function(ev) {\n var payload = JSON.parse(;\n createUserMessage(payload.user, payload.message);\n\n var chat = document.getElementById('chat_box');\n chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight;\n }\n\n function sendMessage() {\n var user = document.getElementById('user');\n var message = document.getElementById('message');\n\n var payload = {\n message: message.value,\n user: user.value,\n ts: (new Date()).getTime()\n };\n\n ws.send(JSON.stringify(payload));\n message.value = \"\";\n };\n</script>\n\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n * {\n font-family: \"Palatino Linotype\", \"Book Antiqua\", Palatino, serif;\n font-style: italic;\n font-size: 24px;\n }\n\n html, body, #wrapper {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n height: 100%;\n }\n\n #wrapper {\n background-color: #ecf0f1;\n }\n\n #chat_box {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n height: 100%;\n overflow: auto;\n padding-bottom: 50px;\n }\n\n #footer {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n position: fixed;\n bottom: 0;\n height: 50px;\n width: 100%;\n background-color: #2980b9;\n }\n\n #footer .content {\n padding-top: 4px;\n position: relative;\n }\n\n #user { width: 20%; }\n #message { width: 68%; }\n #send_btn {\n width: 10%;\n position: absolute;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n .content {\n width: 70%;\n margin: 0 auto;\n }\n\n input[type=\"text\"],\n input[type=\"button\"] {\n border: 0;\n color: #fff;\n }\n\n input[type=\"text\"] {\n background-color: #146EA8;\n padding: 3px 10px;\n }\n\n input[type=\"button\"] {\n background-color: #f39c12;\n border-right: 2px solid #e67e22;\n border-bottom: 2px solid #e67e22;\n min-width: 70px;\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n input[type=\"button\"]:hover {\n background-color: #e67e22;\n border-right: 2px solid #f39c12;\n border-bottom: 2px solid #f39c12;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .system,\n .username {\n color: #aaa;\n font-style: italic;\n font-family: monospace;\n font-size: 16px;\n }\n\n #media(max-width: 1000px) {\n .content { width: 90%; }\n }\n\n #media(max-width: 780px) {\n #footer { height: 91px; }\n #chat_box { padding-bottom: 91px; }\n\n #user { width: 100%; }\n #message { width: 80%; }\n }\n\n #media(max-width: 400px) {\n #footer { height: 135px; }\n #chat_box { padding-bottom: 135px; }\n\n #message { width: 100%; }\n #send_btn {\n position: relative;\n margin-top: 3px;\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n</style>\n","x":286,"y":129,"z":"d46b9957.2b9468","wires":[["82cb0232.7d35"]]},{"id":"82cb0232.7d35","type":"http response","name":"","x":429,"y":129,"z":"d46b9957.2b9468","wires":[]}]
Follow the other steps to import the flow above, deploy and run the application.

SpecFlow tests does not work in OrchardCMS 1.4

How to run SpecFlow tests in OrchardCMS 1.4?
Download OrchardCMS from here.
Run UsersFeature.ICanCreateANewUser() test. (WITHOUT BUILDING ALL SOLUTION!)
Result in Unit Test Sessions - Session window:
error: Unable to locate <input> name SiteName in page html:
<title>A 'script' named 'jQuery' could not be found.</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<span><H1>Server Error in '/' Application.<hr width=100% size=1 color=silver></H1>
<h2> <i>A 'script' named 'jQuery' could not be found.</i> </h2></span>
<b> Description: </b>An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
<b> Exception Details: </b>System.InvalidOperationException: A 'script' named 'jQuery' could not be found.<br><br>
<b>Source Error:</b> <br><br>
<table width=100% bgcolor="#ffffcc">
Line 259: throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "A '{1}' named '{0}' could not be found.", settings.Name, settings.Type));
Line 260: }
<font color=red>Line 261: ExpandDependencies(resource, settings, allResources);
</font>Line 262: }
Line 263: requiredResources = (from DictionaryEntry entry in allResources</pre></code>
<b> Source File: </b> ...OrchardCMS_1.4\src\Orchard\UI\Resources\ResourceManager.cs<b> Line: </b> 261
<b>Stack Trace:</b> <br><br>
<table width=100% bgcolor="#ffffcc">
[InvalidOperationException: A 'script' named 'jQuery' could not be found.]
Orchard.UI.Resources.ResourceManager.BuildRequiredResources(String resourceType) in F:\coding\zulatm\OrchardCMS_1.4\src\Orchard\UI\Resources\ResourceManager.cs:261
Orchard.Core.Shapes.CoreShapes.WriteResources(Object Display, TextWriter Output, String resourceType, Nullable`1 includeLocation, Nullable`1 excludeLocation) in F:\coding\zulatm\OrchardCMS_1.4\src\Orchard.Web\Core\Shapes\CoreShapes.cs:354
CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , CoreShapes , Object , TextWriter , String , ResourceLocation , Object ) +420
System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecuteVoid6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) +1323
Orchard.Core.Shapes.CoreShapes.HeadScripts(Object Display, TextWriter Output) in F:\coding\zulatm\OrchardCMS_1.4\src\Orchard.Web\Core\Shapes\CoreShapes.cs:286
That is shown for every test case in SpecFlow I tried.
have you tried with a source enlistment rather than downloading the 1.4 release?
Didn't build all solution. Hence the Jquery module was not built and no JQuery script files there. Stupid mistake!
