question about combining def function() and PWM duty_ns() in micropython - resolution

as a Micro python beginner, I combined few codes found on different forums in order to achieve a higher resolution for ESC signal control. The code will generate from a MIN 1000000 nanoseconds to a MAX 2000000 nanoseconds' pulse but I could only do 100 in increments. My code is kind of messy. Sorry if that hurts your eyes. My question is, does it represent an actual 100ns of resolution? and what's the trick to make it in increments of 1.(Not sure whether is even necessary, but I still hope someone can share some wisdom.)
from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC
from time import sleep
class setPin(PWM):
def __init__(self, pin: Pin):
def duty(self,d):
pot = ADC(0)
esc = setPin(Pin(7))
esc.duty(MIN) # arming ESC at 1000 us.
def map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
return int((x - in_min)*(out_max - out_min)/(in_max - in_min) + out_min)
while True:
pot_val = pot.read_u16()
pulse_ns = map(pot_val, 256, 65535, 10000, 20000)
if pot_val<300: # makes ESC more stable at startup.
if pot_val>65300: # gives less tolerance when reaching MAX.
esc.duty(pulse_ns) # generates 1000000ns to 2000000ns of pulse.

try to change
esc.freq(500) => esc.freq(250)
print (map(3600,256,65535,10000,20000)*100)


How to Fully Utilize CPU cores for skopt.forest_minimize

So I have the following code for running skopt.forest_minimize(), but the biggest challenge I am facing right now is that it is taking upwards of days to finish running even just 2 iterations.
SPACE = [, max_neighbour, name='n_neighbors', prior='log-uniform'),, 10, name='nr_cubes', prior='uniform'),, name='overlap_perc')]
def objective(**params):
score, scomp = tune_clustering(X_cont=X_cont, df=df, pl_brewer=pl_brewer, **params)
if score == 0:
print('saving new scomp')
with open(scomp_file, 'w') as filehandle:
json.dump(scomp, filehandle, default = json_default)
return score
results = skopt.forest_minimize(objective, SPACE, n_calls=1, n_initial_points=1, callback=[scoring])
Is it possible to optimize the following code so that it can compute faster? I noticed that it was barely making use of my CPU, highest CPU utilized is about 30% (it's i7 9th gen with
8 cores).
Also a question while I'm at it, is it possible to utilize a GPU for these computational tasks? I have a 3050 that I can use.

Confusion About Implementing LeafSystem With Vector Output Port Correctly

I'm a student teaching myself Drake, specifically pydrake with Dr. Russ Tedrake's excellent Underactuated Robotics course. I am trying to write a combined energy shaping and lqr controller for keeping a cartpole system balanced upright. I based the diagram on the cartpole example found in Chapter 3 of Underactuated Robotics [], and the SwingUpAndBalanceController on Chapter 2: [].
I have found that due to my use of the cart_pole.sdf model I have to create an abstract input port due receive FramePoseVector from the cart_pole.get_output_port(0). From there I know that I have to create a control signal output of type BasicVector to feed into a Saturation block before feeding into the cartpole's actuation port.
The problem I'm encountering right now is that I'm not sure how to get the system's current state data in the DeclareVectorOutputPort's callback function. I was under the assumption I would use the LeafContext parameter in the callback function, OutputControlSignal, obtaining the BasicVector continuous state vector. However, this resulting vector, x_bar is always NaN. Out of desperation (and testing to make sure the rest of my program worked) I set x_bar to the controller's initialization cart_pole_context and have found that the simulation runs with a control signal of 0.0 (as expected). I can also set output to 100 and the cartpole simulation just flies off into endless space (as expected).
TL;DR: What is the proper way to obtain the continuous state vector in a custom controller extending LeafSystem with a DeclareVectorOutputPort?
Thank you for any help! I really appreciate it :) I've been teaching myself so it's been a little arduous haha.
# Combined Energy Shaping (SwingUp) and LQR (Balance) Controller
# with a simple state machine
class SwingUpAndBalanceController(LeafSystem):
def __init__(self, cart_pole, cart_pole_context, input_i, ouput_i, Q, R, x_star):
self.DeclareAbstractInputPort("state_input", AbstractValue.Make(FramePoseVector()))
self.DeclareVectorOutputPort("control_signal", BasicVector(1),
(self.K, self.S) = BalancingLQRCtrlr(cart_pole, cart_pole_context,
input_i, ouput_i, Q, R, x_star).get_LQR_matrices()
(self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D) = BalancingLQRCtrlr(cart_pole, cart_pole_context,
input_i, ouput_i,
Q, R, x_star).get_lin_matrices()
self.energy_shaping = EnergyShapingCtrlr(cart_pole, x_star)
self.energy_shaping_context = self.energy_shaping.CreateDefaultContext()
self.cart_pole_context = cart_pole_context
def OutputControlSignal(self, context, output):
#xbar = copy(self.cart_pole_context.get_continuous_state_vector())
xbar = copy(context.get_continuous_state_vector())
xbar_ = np.array([xbar[0], xbar[1], xbar[2], xbar[3]])
xbar_[1] = wrap_to(xbar_[1], 0, 2.0*np.pi) - np.pi
# If x'Sx <= 2, then use LQR ctrlr. Cost-to-go J_star = x^T * S * x
threshold = np.array([2.0])
if ( < 2.0):
#output[:] = # u = -Kx
output_val = self.energy_shaping.get_output_port(0).Eval(self.energy_shaping_context)
Here are two things that might help:
If you want to get the state of the cart-pole from MultibodyPlant, you probably want to be connecting to the continuous_state output port, which gives you a normal vector instead of the abstract-type FramePoseVector. In that case, your call to get_input_port().Eval(context) should work just fine.
If you do really want to read the FramePoseVector, then you have to evaluate the input port slightly differently. You can find an example of that here.

tkinter animation speed on windows and linux

I was trying to create simple 2d game using tkinter, but faced with interesting problem: animation speed is quite different on various computers.
To test this, I've create script, that measures time of animation
import tkinter as tk
import datetime
root = tk.Tk()
can = tk.Canvas(height=500, width=1000)
rect = can.create_rectangle(0, 240, 20, 260, fil='#5F6A6A')
def act():
global rect, can
pos = can.coords(rect)
if pos[2] < 1000:
can.move(rect, 5, 0)
def key_down(key):
t =
print( - t)
can.bind("<Button-1>", key_down)
and get these results:
i3-7100u ubuntu 20.04 laptop python3.8.5 - 0.5 seconds
i3-7100u windows 10 laptop python3.9.4 - 3 seconds
i3-6006u ubuntu 20.10 laptop python3.9.x - 0.5 seconds
i3-6006u windows 10 laptop python3.8.x - 3 seconds
i5-7200u windows 10 laptop python3.6.x - 3 seconds
i5-8400 windows 10 desktop python3.9.x - 3 seconds
fx-9830p windows 10 laptop python3.8.x - 0.5 seconds
tkinter vesrion is the same - 8.6
How can be it fixed or at least explained?
tkinter.Canvas.after should be used like so:
def act():
global rect, can
pos = can.coords(rect)
if pos[2] < 1000:
can.move(rect, 5, 0)
can.after(1, act)
The after method is not like time.sleep. Rather than recursively calling the function, the above code schedules it to be called later, so this will break your timing code.
If you want to time it again, try this:
def act():
global rect, can, t
pos = can.coords(rect)
if pos[2] < 1000:
can.move(rect, 5, 0)
can.after(1, act)
print( - t)
def key_down(key):
global t
t =
This may still take different amounts of time on different machines. This difference can be caused by a variety of things like CPU speed, the implementation of tkinter for your OS etc. The difference can be reduced by increasing the delay between iterations: tkinter.Canvas.after takes a time in milliseconds, so a delay of 16 can still give over 60 frames per seconds.
If keeping the animation speed constant is important, I would recommend you use delta time in your motion calculations rather than assuming a constant frame rate.
AS you can see from your data it doesent matter which python version. It appears that ubuntu systems can help process python easier. However, im pretty sure its just the processer or how much ram the computer has.

PuLP solvers do not respond to options fed to them

So I've got a fairly large optimization problem and I'm trying to solve it within a sensible amount of time.
Ive set it up as:
import pulp as pl
my_problem = LpProblem("My problem",LpMinimize)
# write to problem file
And then alternatively
solver = CPLEX_CMD(timeLimit=1, gapRel=0.1)
status = my_problem .solve(solver)
solver = pl.apis.CPLEX_CMD(timeLimit=1, gapRel=0.1)
status = my_problem .solve(solver)
path_to_cplex = r'C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio1210\cplex\bin\x64_win64\cplex.exe' # and yes this is the actual path on my machine
solver = pl.apis.cplex_api.CPLEX_CMD(timeLimit=1, gapRel=0.1, path=path_to_cplex)
status = my_problem .solve(solver)
solver = pl.apis.cplex_api.CPLEX_CMD(timeLimit=1, gapRel=0.1, path=path_to_cplex)
status = my_problem .solve(solver)
It runs in each case.
However, the solver does not repond to the timeLimit or gapRel instructions.
If I use timelimit it does warn this is depreciated for timeLimit. Same for fracgap: it tells me I should use relGap. So somehow I am talking to the solver.
However, nor matter what values i pick for timeLimit and relGap, it always returns the exact same answer and takes the exact same amount of time (several minutes).
Also, I have tried alternative solvers, and I cannot get any one of them to accept their variants of time limits or optimization gaps.
In each case, the problem solves and returns an status: optimal message. But it just ignores the time limit and gap instructions.
Any ideas?
out of the zoo example:
import pulp
import cplex
bus_problem = pulp.LpProblem("bus", pulp.LpMinimize)
nbBus40 = pulp.LpVariable('nbBus40', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
nbBus30 = pulp.LpVariable('nbBus30', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
# Objective function
bus_problem += 500 * nbBus40 + 400 * nbBus30, "cost"
# Constraints
bus_problem += 40 * nbBus40 + 30 * nbBus30 >= 300
solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(options=['set timelimit 40'])
for variable in bus_problem.variables():
print ("{} = {}".format(, variable.varValue))
Correct way to pass solver option as dictionary
pulp.CPLEX_CMD(options={'timelimit': 40})
#Alex Fleisher has it correct with pulp.CPLEX_CMD(options=['set timelimit 40']). This also works for CBC using the following syntax:
prob.solve(COIN_CMD(options=['sec 60','Presolve More','Multiple 15', 'Node DownFewest','HEUR on', 'Round On','PreProcess Aggregate','PassP 10','PassF 40','Strong 10','Cuts On', 'Gomory On', 'CutD -1', 'Branch On', 'Idiot -1', 'sprint -1','Reduce On','Two On'],msg=True)).
It is important to understand that the parameters, and associated options, are specific to a solver. PuLP seems to be calling CBC via the command line so an investigation of those things is required. Hope that helps

How to use custom mean, median, mode functions with array of 2500 in python?

So I am trying to solve mean, median and mode challenge on Hackerrank. I defined 3 functions to calculate mean, median and mode for a given array with length between 10 and 2500, inclusive.
I get an error with an array of 2500 integers, not sure why. I looked into python documentation and found no mentions of max length for lists. I know I can use statistics module but trying the hard way and being stubborn I guess. Any help and criticism is appreciated regarding my code. Please be honest and brutal if need be. Thanks
N = int(input())
var_list = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
def mean(sample_list):
mean = sum(sample_list)/N
def median(sample_list):
sorted_list = sorted(sample_list)
if N%2 != 0:
median = sorted_list[(N//2)]
median = (sorted_list[N//2] + sorted_list[(N//2)-1])/2
def mode(sample_list):
sorted_list = sorted(sample_list)
mode = min(sorted_list)
max_count = sorted_list.count(mode)
for i in sorted_list:
if (i <= mode) and (sorted_list.count(i) >= max_count):
mode = i
Compiler Message
Wrong Answer
Input (stdin)
19325 74348 68955 98497 26622 32516 97390 64601 64410 10205 5173 25044 23966 60492 71098 13852 27371 40577 74997 42548 95799 26783 51505 25284 49987 99134 33865 25198 24497 19837 53534 44961 93979 76075 57999 93564 71865 90141 5736 54600 58914 72031 78758 30015 21729 57992 35083 33079 6932 96145 73623 55226 18447 15526 41033 46267 52486 64081 3705 51675 97470 64777 31060 90341 55108 77695 16588 64492 21642 56200 48312 5279 15252 20428 57224 38086 19494 57178 49084 37239 32317 68884 98127 79085 77820 2664 37698 84039 63449 63987 20771 3946 862 1311 77463 19216 57974 73012 78016 9412 90919 40744 24322 68755 59072 57407 4026 15452 82125 91125 99024 49150 90465 62477 30556 39943 44421 68568 31056 66870 63203 43521 78523 58464 38319 30682 77207 86684 44876 81896 58623 24624 14808 73395 92533 4398 8767 72743 1999 6507 49353 81676 71188 78019 88429 68320 59395 95307 95770 32034 57015 26439 2878 40394 33748 41552 64939 49762 71841 40393 38293 48853 81628 52111 49934 74061 98537 83075 83920 42792 96943 3357 83393{-truncated-}
Download to view the full testcase
Expected Output
Your issue seems to be that you are actually using standard list operations rather than calculating things on the fly, while looping through the data once (for the average). sum(sample_list) will almost surely give you something which exceeds the double-limit, i.a.w. it becomes really big.
Further reading
Calculating the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis on the fly
How do I determine the standard deviation (stddev) of a set of values?
Rolling variance algorithm
What is a good solution for calculating an average where the sum of all values exceeds a double's limits?
How do I determine the standard deviation (stddev) of a set of values?
How to efficiently compute average on the fly (moving average)?
I figured out that you forgot to change the max_count variable inside the if block. Probably that causes the wrong result. I tested the debugged version on my computer and they seem to work well when I compare their result with the scipy's built-in functions. The correct mode function should be
def mode(sample_list):
N = len(sample_list)
sorted_list = sorted(sample_list)
mode = min(sorted_list)
max_count = sorted_list.count(mode)
for i in sorted_list:
if (sorted_list.count(i) >= max_count):
mode = i
max_count = sorted_list.count(i)
I was busy with some stuff and now came back to completing this. I am happy to say that I have matured enough as a coder and solved this issue.
Here is the solution:
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
# Input an array of numbers, convert it to integer array
n = int(input())
my_array = list(map(int, input().split()))
# Find mean
array_mean = sum(my_array) / n
# Find median
if (n%2) != 0:
array_median = my_array[n//2]
array_median = (my_array[n//2 - 1] + my_array[n//2]) / 2
# Find mode(I could do this using multimode method of statistics module for python 3.8)
def sort_second(array):
return array[1]
modes = [[i, my_array.count(i)] for i in my_array]
modes.sort(key = sort_second, reverse=True)
array_mode = modes[0][0]
