Haskell hGetContents not reading data written with external program - haskell

I am opening a file handle with openFile, writing data to it using ByteString.hPutStrLn, and then opening the file in an external editor. I seek the handle back to the beginning of the file with hSeek and expect to read back in the changes made with the external editor. However I am not seeing the changes made in the external editor. Example:
module Main where
import System.Process
import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
main :: IO ()
main = do
handle <- openFile "myfile" ReadWriteMode
BS.hPutStrLn handle . BS.pack $ "hello"
hFlush handle
callProcess "vi" ["myfile"]
hSeek handle AbsoluteSeek 0
str' <- BS.hGetContents handle
BS.putStr str'
All that ever gets printed to my terminal is "hello" no matter what changes I make while in vi. However, if I then examine the file, the changes are there. Why isn't hGetContents seeing the changes?

The editor is creating a new file when it saves, and the handle in Haskell is reading from the old file. My editor was going to Vim which has the writebackup feature set by default.
Turning off writebackup results in the behavior I expected, as did using ed.


Why does openFile with WriteMode truncate the file? How not to?

Haskell's openFile has this tidbit in the source:
-- we want to truncate() if this is an open in WriteMode, but only
-- if the target is a RegularFile. ftruncate() fails on special files
-- like /dev/null.
when (iomode == WriteMode && fd_type == RegularFile) $
setSize fD 0
This was very surprising, I assumed that the IOModes were merely wrappers around O_WRONLY, O_RDONLY and O_RDWR. Why is this the case? How does one open a file for write only without truncating?
I think IOMode was designed like the mode argument in the fopen function.
From man fopen:
w - Truncate file to zero length or create text file for writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file.
If you wanna to open a file for writing only (without truncate it) then you wanna append it usually. So just use AppendMode. If you don't wanna to have position on the end of a file (also you don't wanna to have position on the begin of a file usually) you can use the hSeek to change it.
IO modes AppendMode or ReadWriteMode should open the file for writing without truncating it.

Why does Haskell NoBuffering option still seem to buffer?

I loaded up a file in ghci with the following:
h <- openFile "somefile.txt" ReadMode
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
I then modified and saved somefile.txt in a text editor. When I call hGetChar several times in ghci, I receive the old characters of the file (as if the entire file was buffered when I opened it). I expected to calls of hGetChar to return the modified contents. Why is this not the case?
The reason why it isn't showing the modified contents in the case decribed above is indeed because of the text editor. When the cat command is used instead (cat > somefile.txt), then the modified file contents is returned.
However, it does still seem to doing buffering. Say the file contents is as follows:
If I run hGetChar I get the 'A' as expected.
Now if I use cat (cat > somefile.txt) to change the contents to the following, and run hGetChar again, I would expect 'Z' but it's returning 'B':
BufferMode is only relevant when writing to a handle, not when reading from it.
From [note Buffered Reading] in GHC.IO.Handle.Types:
Note that the buffering mode (haBufferMode) makes no difference when
reading data into a Handle. When reading, we can always just read all
the data there is available without blocking, decode it into the Char
buffer, and then provide it immediately to the caller.
The documentation for input BufferMode seems to be outdated.

Haskell Compiled IO-Action order and Flushing [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
IO happens out of order when using getLine and putStr
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm encountering strange behaviour with IO, within compiled Haskell code. Here's what's going on:
-- MyScript.hs
main = do
putStr "Enter your name: "
a <- getLine
putStrLn (a ++ " - that's a nice name!")
I run this in GHCi by calling main and it works as one would expect, first printing Enter your name: and then doing whatever it's to do afterwards. However, when I compile it with GHC (With and without --make), it first prompts for a line, and then prints everything at once, like this:
$ ./MyScript
Jimmy Johnson
Enter your name: Jimmy Johnson - That's a nice name!
To clarify, I want it to occur in the following sequence:
$ ./MyFixedScript
Enter your name: Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy Johnson - That's a nice name!
Could someone explain why this happens as it is, and how to sequence the IO the way that I would expect it to.
Note also that I've tried changing the first line of the do statement to _ <- putStr "Enter your name: ", but that still doesn't work.
The IO actions are happening in the correct order, the problem lies in how input and output pipes work. The string "Enter your name: " is written to the output buffer by putStr before the getLine, but the buffer hasn't necessarily been flushed. Adding hFlush stdout after the putStr will flush the buffer.
import System.IO
-- MyScript.hs
main = do
putStr "Enter your name: "
hFlush stdout
a <- getLine
putStrLn (a ++ " - that's a nice name!")
I have the exact same problem today, and it appears that it worked well when I was using putStrLn but stopped when I changed it to putStr. As other people said, it's not related to Haskell or GHC but how IO are flushed. According to the System.IO documentation there are 3 buffering mode :
line-buffering: the entire output buffer is flushed whenever a newline is output, the buffer overflows, a System.IO.hFlush is issued, or the handle is closed.
block-buffering: the entire buffer is written out whenever it overflows, a System.IO.hFlush is issued, or the handle is closed.
no-buffering: output is written immediately, and never stored in the buffer.
The default buffering mode is said to besystem dependent, but it seems that normal program are in line-buffering mode, whereas GHCI is in no-buffering mode. This explain because using putStrLn or putStr will flush or not.
To solve your problem, you can use hFlush stdout to flush explictitey (see Cirdec answer) or change the buffering mode once by doing hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering. Obvioulsly the NoBuffering mode is not optimal but is probably enough for small toy program.

How can I get input right when it is typed in Haskell?

I have written a Brainfuck interpreter in Haskell, but it only operates on the input once I hit Ctrl-D to signal EOF. How can I make the program act on each character when it is typed?
Here is the source. To use the program, give a file to interpret as an argument or type your program in the first line of stdin.
It sounds like your input is being buffered. You can modify the buffering mode of a file handle with System.IO.hSetBuffering. If you are reading from standard input, for instance, then you could disable buffering with:
import System.IO
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
getLine waits for a newline character to be typed (\n), because what if the user typed a bunch of characters, but never pressed enter? Then it would be an error if some of the "line" had already be processed, if that "line" wasn't a line after all.
You should use getContents instead which will return everything that is typed at the terminal.
Also, you are using the following line:
then hGetContents =<< openFile (head args) ReadMode
This will open a file and never close it. This is fine for your short program, but it might be a better idea for the future to get used to doing this:
then readFile $ head args

Haskell Console IO in notepad++

I've recently started to learn Haskell. I have this code
module Main
import IO
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
putStrLn "Please enter your name: "
name <- getLine
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ", how are you?")
I'm using the GHC compiler together with the notepad++ editor. The problem is the interaction goes like this:
Process started >>>
Please enter your name:
Hello, Vlad, how are you?
<<< Process finished.
As you can see, output is only written after I input something. This was a bit unexpected, as I was sure the program would first ask for my name, then I'd get to enter it and then it would say hello. Well, that's exactly what happens if I run the exe manually, yet not if I run it with notepad++ and use its console wrapper...
How can I make notepad++ display the output when it should, and not all of it just before the program terminates? Is this even possible?
Try setting stdout to LineBuffering! Also, loading your program in ghci instead runnign the compiled version doesn't seem to need any buffering at all...
By the way, I didn't know about the console in NPP - thanks for pointing me to it!
I'm not familiar with notepad++, but a quick and hacky method would probably be to do
hFlush stdout
after each putStrLn. You could even make the following method:
nppPutStrLn s = putStrLn s >> hFlush stdout
