Why react-virtualized Multigrid renders the whole component but not one cell that was changed? - react-virtualized

I have a Multigrid component with 12 columns and 300 rows. When the value of one cell changed the whole component is rendered. I can see it in the profiler and visually component is scrolled to the top. Is this intended behavior and this component or maybe whole library is not suit for lists that will updates frequentelly?
P.S. every cell has unique key based on remote data. In pure react table the problem I've described is not exist.


How to avoid jumping on top while scrolling Multigrid component when props updates?

I have Multigrid component that I using as Table for displaying data that changing every 1 second. Not all data have changing but 1-6 cells. This leads to jump to the top of the component every time so the content couldn't be viewed. Is there any way to avoid this behaviour?
What I'm talking about: https://imgur.com/a/QiXn2el

Ag-grid valueGetter does not fire when "Column" is out of view or hidden

Use: We use ag-grid like we would use excel on our client software. In it we have some custom calculations that I run with the valueGetter function. Our grid has over 50 ColumnDefs. This means that some of the columns are not in view until you scroll right or left respectively. All my functions work and I have no calculation issues.
Issue: When I edit a Value I have some columns that now need to fire the valueGetter. For the columns that are currently in view they fire and run the calcs without issues, however there are some columns that are out of view and some columns are hidden. On these specifically the grid will not run the value getter until it is in view or the hidden flag on the column has been set to false.
The main reason for this being an issue is that because the grid is so wide I have to hide and show certain columns as a "view Groups". I need to know if there is a gridOptions setting or grid Directive that I am missing? Or is there another solution where I can have the calculations for the entire runs when I edit a field.
ag-grid version 23.0.2
angular version 8
Not sure if you are using Adaptable with your AG Grid implementation but if you are then this might help:
We had this issue a while back and we solved it by moving the custom calculations out of AG Grid and into Adaptable's Calculated Columns which will evaluate whenever any relevant cell in the row updates.

How do I disable PrimeFaces column overflow hiding within a datatable

I'm currently working with a <p:dataTable> (from PrimeFaces 5.2) with many columns, and as I approach the width of the datatable's parent container, PrimeFaces starts hiding columns; unfortunately it seems to be the most important column (first on the left, a <p:datePicker>).
I've tried assigning that column a priority="1" and the other columns priority="3" as described on the ShowCase site, but the first column is still hidden.
In addition to just nesting the datatable within a <p:tabView> I've tried making the dataTable scrollable via scrollable="true" and assigning a width, or also try wrapping the datatable within a <p:scrollPanel> but the column was still being hidden in either case.
When I remove enough columns (from the right-most of the table), the hidden column will again reappear.
I'm interested in a solution that is not tied/hard-coded to a specific column, as I've run into this same issue on the 2nd column, or 3rd, depending on the resolution or browser width...I want to be sure that my users are seeing everything that was coded into the datatable, even if that means they have to scroll, rather than having a dynamic function suppress values unbeknownst to the user or myself.
Basically, I recommend to add tableStyle="width:auto" to a <p:datatable> so that you do not have to deal with the single columns width. Primefaces will handle it for you dynamically depending on the length of the column entry.

Scroll to a Specified Row in an Extended Data-Table Using AJAX4JSF and/or JSF/RichFaces

I would like to scroll automatically to a given row in a JSF/RichFaces Extended Data-table (rich:extendedDataTable). Ideally, I would like to use two extended data-tables with vertical scrollbars on both.
When I select a row in a first table the corresponding row gets selected in the second table (do this from the managed bean, by playing with the selection attribute of my table).
The second table then scrolls automatically so that the selected row becomes visible, even if hidden.
The solution should not involve the rich:datascroller, but instead use the out-of-box JSF/RichFaces vertical scrolling.
Thanks for helping!
So well I finally developed my own kind of scrollable datatable, playing dynamically with the "first" and "rows" tags of both the datatable and collapsible subtable.
Relevant values are dynamically computed by the managed bean.

Collapsible Panels in jsf/primefaces

So what I want is this (Just the collapsible part):
With 2 differences.
I want it in a datatable
I want to make a custom button that will control whether or not they are collapsed
Is this possible if so is there a good example I can go off?
i would start by
creating the dataTable as you want it to look with the row fully 'expanded'
put the data to be toggled in a panelGroup
put some sort of toggle on the row
put an effect on the panelGroup
put an action on your toggle to show/hide the panelGroup for the row
Some component libraries have this. they call them 'expandible rows', some display the data in the row, some render the row(s) below the 'parent' one.
One issue that i found (in earlier versions) is that when you had the data display in a separate row and you had a paginator set to show a set rows to display, it would bump the last row(s) when expanding the requested row to expand. I don't know if that is still the case.
