Stripe Payment Link success link to include email - stripe-payments

I can't seem to figure out how to include email into stripe checkout success redirect.
I setup stripe check out payment link (from UI), simple subscription. Once payment is successful, I would like to redirect customer to my WebApp, but I do need to include customer's email.
Unfortunate redirect includes literal {CUSTOMER_EMAIL}, instead of real email. How can I mend it?

CUSTOMER_EMAIL is not available. Only CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID. You can find how to use CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID to retrieve the Customer info from Stripe Doc. But that would require you to write some code
get '/order/success' do
session = Stripe::Checkout::Session.retrieve(params[:session_id])
customer = Stripe::Customer.retrieve(session.customer)

You can't use the email on redirect. The only field available is the checkout session id. You can use a tool to get the checkout session data from the checkout session id like shown here:
Otherwise you need to create a server to to do that for you.


Stripe: Can I send payment link received from Checkout Session object to customer in email.?

In Stripe docs, it is mentioned you can create a pre-build checkout session which is hosted by Stripe. When response is returned from session creation you can send a redirect request to client with the link obtained for the session.
Instead of redirecting the client, I want to send the link in an email/whatsapp to the customer. I want to know is it safe to do so. Is there anything i need to keep in mind while doing this ?
If you are creating a Checkout Session, the URL will expire after 24 hours and it can only be used by a single user.
If you are creating a Payment Link, the URL won't expire and it also can be used by multiple users. Note that when a user clicks on the Payment Link URL, Stripe will automatically create a Checkout Session for that user.
So if you plan to share the link directly with your users (for example by email), I would recommend to use a Payment Link.

Not allow user to change email on Stripe Checkout Session

I am using stripe for my app subscription needs. I have some webhooks which are called when an invoice is paid, failed etc now this webhooks send the customer_email and i use that to do some other tasks. Now the problem is that a user is able to change the email on checkout_session
I don't want the user to be able to change this. I tried disabling the option from the customer-portal dashboard on stripe but that didn't work either.
Changing this email calls the webhook with wrong email resulting in lost subscription etc. I can't seem to find the option to disable this.
Currently you cannot disable changing the email address in the Checkout Session. You would probably want to use the customer's id as the unique reference (instead of relying on the customer's email).
Disabling the ability to update their email address as shown in the second screenshot, only disables that function in the customer portal.

payment intent is null in a subscription checkout session

I am integrating stripe using php by following this tutorial:
(my website has some subscription plans and redirects to the stripe checkout form ) . however, for the last step, I decided not to use webhooks, I chose to store the info like in this tutorial (I know it is not for subscription but I just use the success.php code from this tutorial to collect the customer info and payment intent details).
I tested it, gone throught the stripe checkout form , and on success I printed the checkout session object and noticed that the payment_intent field of that object is empty ! so i cannot load the payment intent object and get its info although the payment is successfully made and it is showing on the dashboard . any idea why ??
According to the documenttaion of a checkout session (, the payment_intent field stores the ID of the PaymentIntent for Checkout Sessions in payment mode. In my case I have a subscription mode not a payment one. however,if I still want to get the $intent->status , can I use the payment_status field of the session object $checkout_session->payment_status?
And if subcription payments really don't have paymentintents , then why did the payment appear in the payments section on the dashboard?
Based on the mode you passed in, either one of payment_intent, subscription or setup_intent will be populated, the rest will be null.
When a Subscription is made, your user is invoiced so it is considered a payment and will appear in the Payments dashboard. You can retrieve the Subscription and access the latest_invoice field to obtain the Invoice object. The Invoice object contains the payment_intent field. This is likely what you're looking for.
Using webhook would simplify the process, since you could listen to invoice.payment_suceeded to retrieve the PaymentIntent ID.

With stripe Checkout, how do I keep track of the payment status

In the stripe documentation, it says:
So in this case, the checkout page goes to the success or failed page on my frontend.
I use the backend to track the payment status so that we can monitor the transactions in the admin portal, and the above approach seems dangerous to me.
When checkout is successful, it redirects the window to the success url. This means I have to call the backend API in the success page to update the payment status. However, the stripe is the source of truth about the payment status, and the status update on DB should come from Stripe, not come from a frontend page. At the very minimum, if a user refreshes the success page, it would have called the API again and again which is bad. Also, it is about "a user says I paid successfully" v.s. "Stripe says they paid successfully".
I tried the Stripe webhooks, but in the webhook data object, there is no information that I can use to link it to the sessionId that is generated from creating the checkout session, but the session id is the only tracking id I can get from Stripe about a payment.
What's the best practice, if Checkout is the only solution, to securely update my database?
You have 2 options:
Rely on webhooks. The checkout.session.completed event will describe a Checkout Session which contains its ID, which you hopefully saved when you created the Session earlier so you can link the two together.
Retrieve the session ID from the success URL once the payment is complete and retrieve the Session on your server, then check the Session's payment_status. This way your server can verify if the payment was actually completed or if someone just managed to guess the URL of your success page.
Stripe doesn't recommend only doing option 2, as it's very possible that users close the browser tab or window before the redirect to your success page can happen, resulting in a possible loss of payment confirmation. You should always use webhooks instead to guarantee your purchase fulfillment logic correctly fires.
You can get Stripe Payment status or session Details by session_id on core || .Net 5
var service = new SessionService();
Session session = service.Get(yourSessionId);
// You can track :-
session.PaymentStatus; // Paid or Unpaid
//And more

How does a Checkout Page take the user input information and pass it to Stripe?

So far I've created a product modal and upon proceeding to checkout, Stripe popup appears and the user can proceed with the payment.
Although, I have to change the checkout button to popup a checkout page first so the user can enter his delivery address and so on. How does a checkout page deliver the information the user has input, into Stripe? How does the whole process work? Do I have to add all my products into Stripe product page? Can Stripes checkout page be used like in this Firebase video? Firebase
The Checkout payments guide now includes a nice diagram that I think should help understand what you're asking about.
You create a Checkout Session with the payment information and then redirect your customer to Stripe. Stripe displays the information about the purchase and collects payment information from your customer, then redirects them back to the URL you specify. In the background, you're notified about the success of the payment and you can manage order fulfillment.
If you need more information about a particular piece of this, please feel free to ask with more details!
Update: on a second review, I see that I missed that your video is showing the Legacy Checkout integration. Stripe has a new Checkout integration that supports a wide range of payment methods and supports SCA-compliant authentication challenges. Take a look at the migration guide to update your integration.
