Azure Machine Learning compute cluster - avoid using docker? - azure

I would like to use an Azure Machine Learning Compute Cluster as a compute target but do not want it to containerize my project. Is there a way to deactivate this "feature" ?
The main reasons behind this request is that :
I already set up a docker-compose file that is used to specify 3 containers for Apache Airflow and want to avoid a Docker-in-Docker situation. Especially that I already tried to do so but failed so far (here's the link my other related SO question).
I prefer not to use a Compute Instance as it is tied to an Azure account which is not ideal for automation purposes.
Thanks in advance !

Use the provisioning_configuration method of the AmlCompute class to specify configuration parameters.
In the following example, a persistent compute target provisioned by AmlCompute is created. The provisioning_configuration parameter in this example is of type AmlComputeProvisioningConfiguration, which is a child class of ComputeTargetProvisioningConfiguration.
from azureml.core.compute import ComputeTarget, AmlCompute
from azureml.core.compute_target import ComputeTargetException
# Choose a name for your CPU cluster
cpu_cluster_name = "cpu-cluster"
# Verify that cluster does not exist already
cpu_cluster = ComputeTarget(workspace=ws, name=cpu_cluster_name)
print('Found existing cluster, use it.')
except ComputeTargetException:
compute_config = AmlCompute.provisioning_configuration(vm_size='STANDARD_D2_V2',
cpu_cluster = ComputeTarget.create(ws, cpu_cluster_name, compute_config)
Refer -


Retrieving current job for Azure ML v2

Using the v2 Azure ML Python SDK (azure-ai-ml) how do I get an instance of the currently running job?
In v1 (azureml-core) I would do:
from azureml.core import Run
run = Run.get_context()
if isinstance(run, Run):
print("Running on compute...")
What is the equivalent on the v2 SDK?
This is a little more involved in v2 than in was in v1. The reason is that v2 makes a clear distinction between the control plane (where you start/stop your job, deploy compute, etc.) and the data plane (where you run your data science code, load data from storage, etc.).
Jobs can do control plane operations, but they need to do that with a proper identity that was explicitly assigned to the job by the user.
Let me show you the code how to do this first. This script creates an MLClient and then connects to the service using that client in order to retrieve the job's metadata from which it extracts the name of the user that submitted the job:
from import MLClient
from import AzureMLOnBehalfOfCredential
import os
def get_ml_client():
uri = os.environ["MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI"]
uri_segments = uri.split("/")
subscription_id = uri_segments[uri_segments.index("subscriptions") + 1]
resource_group_name = uri_segments[uri_segments.index("resourceGroups") + 1]
workspace_name = uri_segments[uri_segments.index("workspaces") + 1]
credential = AzureMLOnBehalfOfCredential()
client = MLClient(
return client
ml_client = get_ml_client()
this_job =["MLFLOW_RUN_ID"])
print("This job was created by:", this_job.creation_context.created_by)
As you can see, the code uses a special AzureMLOnBehalfOfCredential to create the MLClient. Options that you would use locally (AzureCliCredential or InteractiveBrowserCredential) won't work for a remote job since you are not authenticated through az login or through the browser prompt on that remote run. For your credentials to be available on the remote job, you need to run the job with user_identity. And you need to retrieve the corresponding credential from the environment by using the AzureMLOnBehalfOfCredential class.
So, how do you run a job with user_identity? Below is the yaml that will achieve it:
type: command
command: |
pip install azure-ai-ml
code: code
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
type: user_identity
Note the identity section at the bottom. Also note that I am lazy and install the azureml-ai-ml sdk as part of the job. In a real setting, I would of course create an environment with the package installed.
These are the valid settings for the identity type:
aml_token: this is the default which will not allow you to access the control plane
managed or managed_identity: this means the job will be run under the given managed identity (aka compute identity). This would be accessed in your job via azure.identity.ManagedIdentityCredential. Of course, you need to provide the chosen compute identity with access to the workspace to be able to read job information.
user_identity: this will run the job under the submitting user's identity. It is to be used with the credentials as shown above.
So, for your use case, you have 2 options:
You could run the job with user_identity and use the AzureMLOnBehalfOfCredential class to create the MLClient
You could create the compute with a managed identity which you give access to the workspace and then run the job with managed_identity and use the ManagedIdentityCredential class to create the MLClient

Node red instance in Kubernetes with custom settings.js and other files

I am building a service which creates on demand node red instance on Kubernetes. This service needs to have custom authentication, and some other service specific data in a JSON file.
Every instance of node red will have a Persistent Volume associated with it, so one way I though of doing this was to attach the PVC with a pod and copy the files into the PV, and then start the node red deployment over the modified PVC.
I use following script to accomplish this
def paste_file_into_pod(self, src_path, dest_path):
dir_name= path.dirname(src_path)
bname = path.basename(src_path)
exec_command = ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'cd {src}; tar cf - {base}'.format(src=dir_name, base=bname)]
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tar_buffer:
resp = stream(self.k8_client.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, self.kube_methods.component_name, self.kube_methods.namespace,
stderr=True, stdin=True,
stdout=True, tty=False,
while resp.is_open():
if resp.peek_stdout():
out = resp.read_stdout()
if resp.peek_stderr():
print('STDERR: {0}'.format(resp.read_stderr()))
with, mode='r:') as tar:
subdir_and_files = [tarinfo for tarinfo in tar.getmembers()]
tar.extractall(path=dest_path, members=subdir_and_files)
This seems like a very messy way to do this. Can someone suggest a quick and easy way to start node red in Kubernetes with custom settings.js and some additional files for config?
The better approach is not to use a PV for flow storage, but to use a Storage Plugin to save flows in a central database. There are several already in existence using DBs like MongoDB
You can extend the existing Node-RED container to include a modified settings.js in /data that includes the details for the storage and authentication plugins and uses environment variables to set the instance specific at start up.
Examples here:

Getting the Azure ML environment build status

I am trying to set up a ML pipeline on Azure ML using the Python SDK.
I have scripted the creation of a custom environment from a DockerFile as follows
from azureml.core import Environment
from azureml.core.environment import ImageBuildDetails
from other_modules import workspace, env_name, dockerfile
custom_env : Environment = Environment.from_dockerfile(name=env_name, dockerfile=dockerfile)
build : ImageBuildDetails =
However, the ImageBuildDetails object that the build method returns invariably times out while executing the last wait_for_completion() line, ... likely due to network constraints that I cannot change.
So, how can I possibly check the build status via the SDK in a way that doesn't exclusively depend on the returned ImageBuildDetails object?
My first suggestion would be to use:
This will help you debug better rather than assuming you have network issues, as the images can take quite a long time to build, and from my experience creating environments it's very likely you may have an issue with related to your Dockerfile.
A good alternative option is to build your docker image locally and optionally push it to the container registry associated with the workspace:
from azureml.core import Environment
myenv = Environment(name="myenv")
registered_env = myenv.register(workspace)
registered_env.build_local(workspace, useDocker=True, pushImageToWorkspaceAcr=True)
However another preferred method is to create an environment object from an environment specification YAML file:
from_conda_specification(name, file_path)
This should return the Environment and to verify it has been created:
for name,env in ws.environments.items():
print("Name {} \t version {}".format(name,env.version))
restored_environment = Environment.get(workspace=ws,name="myenv",version="1")
print("Attributes of restored environment")

How to set DcInferringLoadBalancingPolicy in CqlSessionBuilder programmatically

I using 4.4.0 datastax-java-driver. In my scenario, I have to provide contacts points as I am connecting to remote cluster. If I am doing so I am getting following error - Since you provided explicit contact points, the local DC must be explicitly set.
I also don't have option to provide this explicitly as I am connecting to different cluster on demand which can be in different data centre. I have found option to set DcInferringLoadBalancingPolicy to infer data centre But I am not sure how to set this in CqlSessionBuilder. Please help me with this.
You need be very careful with it - it's mostly for people who are building tools, such as IDEs, etc. For applications itself it's better to pass datacenter name explicitly - either via config file, or via Java system property.
In short it could be done as following:
ProgrammaticDriverConfigLoaderBuilder configBuilder =
DriverConfigLoader loader = configBuilder.endProfile().build();
CqlSessionBuilder clusterBuilder = CqlSession.builder()
CqlSession session = clusterBuilder.withConfigLoader(loader).build();

AWS - Neptune restore from snapshot using SDK

I'm trying to test restoring Neptune instances from a snapshot using python (boto3). Long story short, we want to spin up and delete the Dev instance daily using automation.
When restoring, my restore seems to only create the cluster without creating the attached instance. I have also tried creating an instance once the cluster is up and add to the cluster, but that doesn't work either. (ref: client.create_db_instance)
My code does as follows, get the most current snapshot. Use that variable to create the cluster so the most recent data is there.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('neptune')
response = client.describe_db_cluster_snapshots(
snaps = response['DBClusterSnapshots']
snaps.sort(key=lambda c: c['SnapshotCreateTime'], reverse=True)
latest_snapshot = snaps[0]
snapshot_ID = latest_snapshot['DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier']
print("Latest snapshot: " + snapshot_ID)
db_response = client.restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot(
db_instance_response = client.create_db_instance(
The documentation doesn't help much at all. It's very good at providing the variables needed for basic creation, but not the actual instance. If I attempt to create an instance using the same Cluster Name, it either errors out or creates a new cluster with the same name appended with '-1'.
If you want to programmatically do a restore from snapshot, then you need to:
Create the cluster snapshot using create-db-cluster-snapshot
Restore cluster from snapshot using restore-db-cluster-from-snapshot
Create an instance in the new cluster using create-db-instance
You mentioned that you did do a create-db-instance call in the end, but your example snippet does not have it. If that call did succeed, then you should see an instance provisioned inside that cluster.
When you do a restore from Snapshot using the Neptune Console, it does steps #2 and #3 for you.
It seems like you did the following:
Create the snapshot via CLI
Create the cluster via CLI
Create an instance in the cluster, via Console
Today, we recommend restoring the snapshot entirely via the Console or entirely using the CLI.
