How to convert small dataset into word embeddings instead of one-hot encoding? - nlp

I have a dataset of 33 words that are a mix of verbs and nouns, for eg. father, sing, etc. I have tried converting them to 1-hot encoding but for my use case, it has been suggested to look into word2vec embedding. I have looked in gensim and glove but struggling to make it work.
How could I convert my data into an embedding? Such that two words that may be semantically closer may have a lesser distance between their respective vectors. How may this be achieved or any helpful material on the same?
Such as this

Since your dataset is quite small, and I'm assuming it doesn't contain any jargon, it's best to use a pre-trained model in order to save up on training time.
With gensim, it's as simple as:
import gensim.downloader as api
wv = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')
The 'word2vec-google-news-300' model has been pre-trained on a part of the Google News Dataset and generalizes well enough to most tasks. Following this, you can create word embeddings/vectors like so:
vec = wv['father']
And, finally, for computing word similarity:
similarity_score = wv.similarity('father', 'sing')
Lastly, one major limitation of Word2Vec is it's inability to deal with words that are OOV(out of vocabulary). For such cases, it's best to train a custom model for your corpus.


How to find similar sentence from a corpus on word2vec?

I have implemented word2vec on my corpus using the TensorFlow tutorial:
Now I'm want to give a sentence as input and want to find a similar sentence in the corpus.
Any leads on how I can perform this?
A simple word2vec model is not capable of such task, as it only relates word semantics to each other, not the semantics of whole sentences. Inherently, such a model has no generative function, it only serves as a look-up table.
Word2vec models map word strings to vectors in the embedding space. To find similar words for a given sample word, one can simply go through all vectors in the vocabulary and find the ones that are closest (in terms of the 2-norm) from the sample word vector. For further information you could go here or here.
However, this does not work for sentences as it would require a whole vocabulary of sentences of which to pick similar ones - which is not feasible.
Edit: This seems to be a duplicate of this question.

Text representations : How to differentiate between strings of similar topic but opposite polarities?

I have been doing clustering of a certain corpus, and obtaining results that group sentences together by obtaining their tf-idf, checking similarity weights > a certain threshold value from the gensim model.
tfidf_dic = DocSim.get_tf_idf()
ds = DocSim(model,stopwords=stopwords, tfidf_dict=tfidf_dic)
sim_scores = ds.calculate_similarity(source_doc, target_docs)
The problem is that despite putting high threshold values, sentences of similar topics but opposite polarities get clustered together as such:
Here is an example of the similarity weights obtained between "don't like it" & "i like it"
Are there any other methods, libraries or alternative models that can differentiate the polarities effectively by assigning them very low similarities or opposite vectors?
This is so that the outputs "i like it" and "dont like it" are in separate clusters.
PS: Pardon me if there are any conceptual errors as I am rather new to NLP. Thank you in advance!
The problem is in how you represent your documents. Tf-idf is good for representing long documents where keywords play a more important role. Here, it is probably the idf part of tf-idf that disregards the polarity because negative particles like "no" or "not" will appear in most documents and they will always receive a low weight.
I would recommend trying some neural embeddings that might capture the polarity. If you want to keep using Gensim, you can try doc2vec but you would need quite a lot of training data for that. If you don't have much data to estimate the representation, I would use some pre-trained embeddings.
Even averaging word embeddings (you can load FastText embeddings in Gensim). Alternatively, if you want a stronger model, you can try BERT or another large pre-trained model from the Transformers package.
Unfortunately, simple text representations based merely on the sets-of-words don't distinguish such grammar-driven reversals-of-meaning very well.
The method needs to be sensitive to meaningful phrases, and the hierarchical, grammar-driven inter-word dependencies, to model that.
Deeper neural networks using convolutional/recurrent techniques do better, or methods which tree-model sentence-structure.
For ideas see for example...
"Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank"
...or a more recent summary presentation...
"Representations for Language: From Word Embeddings to Sentence Meanings"

Should I train embeddings using data from both training,validating and testing corpus?

I am in a case that I don't have any pre-trained words embedding for my domain (Vietnamese food reviews). so I got a though of embedding from the general and specific corpus.
And the point here is can I use the dataset of training, test and validating (did preprocess) as a source for creating my own word embeddings. If don't, hope you can give your experience.
Based on my intuition, and some experiments a wide corpus appears to be better, but I'd like to know if there's relevant research or other relevant results.
can I use the dataset of training, test and validating (did
preprocess) as a source for creating my own word embeddings
Sure, embeddings are not your features for your machine learning model. They are the "computational representation" of your data. In short, they are made of words represented in a vector space. With embeddings, your data is less sparse. Using word embeddings could be considered part of the pre-processing step of NLP.
Usually (I mean, using the most used technique, word2vec), the representation of a word in the vector space is defined by its surroundings (the words that it commonly goes along with).
Therefore, to create embeddings, the larger the corpus, the better, since it can better place a word vector in the vector space (and hence compare it to other similar words).

word2vec limit similar_by_vector() result to re-trained corpus

Assume you have a (wikipedia) pre-trained word2vec model, and train it on an additional corpus (very small, 1000 scentences).
Can you imagine a way to limit a vector-search to the "re-trained" corpus only?
For example
will simply find the closest word for a given vector, no matter if it is part of the Wikipedia corpus, or the re-trained vocabulary.
On the other hand, for 'word' search the concept exists:
I have tried to train based on the small corpus from scratch, and it somewhat works as expected. But of course could be much more powerful if the assigned vectors come from a pre-trained set.
Sharing an efficient way to do this manually:
re-train word2vec on the additional corpus
create full unique word-index of corpus
fetch re-trained vectors for each word in the index
instead of the canned function "similar_by_vector", use scipy.spatial.KDTree.query()
This finds the closest word within the given corpus only and works as expected.
Similar to the approach for creating a subset of doc-vectors in a new KeyedVectors instance suggested here, assuming small_vocab is a list of the words in your new corpus, you could try:
subset_vectors = WordEmbeddingsKeyedVectors(vector_size)
subset_vectors.add(small_vocab, w2v_model.wv[small_vocab])
Then subset_vectors contains just the words you've selected, but supports familiar operations like most_similar().

Methods of calculating text string similarity?

Let’s say I have an array of strings and I need to sort them into clusters. I am currently doing the analysis using n-grams, e.g.:
Cluster 1:
Pipe fixing
Pipe fixing in Las Vegas
Movies about Pipe fixing
Cluster 2:
Classical music
Why classical music is great
What is classical music
Let’s say within this array I have these two strings of text (among others):
Japanese students
Students from Japan
Now, the N-gram method will obviously not put these two strings together, as they do not share the same tokenized structure. I tried using Damerau-Levenshtein distance calculation and TF/IDF, but both grab too much outer noise. Which other techniques can I use to understand that these two strings belong within a single cluster?
You can use the simple bag-of-words representation of the phrases, taking both unigrams and bigrams(possibly after stemming) and putting them into a feature vector, then measuring the similarity between vectors using, e.g., the cosine. See here or here. This is meant to work for longer documents, but it might work well enough for your purposes.
A more sophisticated technique is to train a distributed bag-of-words model from a corpus of documents, and then use it to find similarities in pairs of documents.
You can use distributed BoW models also using word2vec. For example, in Python with the gensim library and a pre-trained word2vec Google News model:
from gensim.models import word2vec
model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format('GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz', binary=True)
print model.n_similarity(['students', 'Japan'], ['Japanese', 'students'])
You have a normalization problem. String equivalence drives your matching algorithms and "Japan" and "Japanese" are not string equivalent. Several options:
1) Normalize tokens into a root form so "Japanese" is normalized to "Japan" or something like that. Normalization comes with some problems like you don't want "Jobs" to be normalized to "Job" when talking about "Steve Jobs." Porter stemmer, other morphological tools etc can help with this.
2) Use character n-grams for your string equivalence. If you did 3-5 grams there would be instances of "Japan" for both sentences to cluster around. I am a big fan of this for classification, less sure for clustering.
3) Use latent techniques to help cluster like Latent Dirichelet Allocation. Roughly speaking you associate "Japan" with "Japanese" via other string equivalent words strongly associated with those words like "Tokyo" or the like.
