Looping though list of IDs to count matches in two columns - linux

This is going to be a complicated one to explain so bear with me.
I am doing a blastp comparison multiple proteins all vs all and want the number of shared proteins between the genomes.
I have a large file of the query id and sequence id, example:
A A 100
A A 100
A A 100
A B 74
A B 47
A B 67
A C 73
A C 84
A C 74
A D 48
A D 74
A D 74
B A 67
B A 83
B A 44
B B 100
The file continues like that. I'd like to count the number of occurrences of A in column 1 and B in column 2. I have found a way to do this with awk:
awk -F, '$1=="A" && $2=="A"' file | wc -l
However, I have hundreds of genomes and this would involve typing the awk script thousands of times to get the different combinations. I had added the IDs from column 1 to a text file and tried a loop to loop through all the IDs for all possible combinations
for i in $(cat ID.txt); do input_file=file.csv; awk -F, '$1==$i && $2==$i' ${input_file} | wc -l; done
This is the output:
I'd like the output to be:
A A 60
A B 54
A C 34
A D 35
Any help would be appreciated.

If I'm understanding correctly, then you can collect the count for each pair into an array, and then print out the array once complete:
awk -F, '{++a[$1 FS $2]} END{for(entry in a){print entry, a[entry]}}' file
A,A 3
B,A 3
A,B 3
B,B 1
A,C 3
A,D 3
This is doing the following:
Increment the count in array a for the item with the key constructed from the concatenation of the first two columns, separated by the field separator FS (comma): {++a[$1 FS $2]}
Once the file processing is done END, loop through the array calling each array entry entry, for (entry in a)
In the loop, print the key/entry and the value {print entry, a[entry]}

…input… | WHINY_USERS=1 \ # Not trying to insult anyone -
# this is a special shell parameter
# recognized by mawk-1 to have array
# indices pre-sorted, somewhat similar to gawk's
# PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="#ind_str_asc"
mawk '{__[$!--NF]—-} END { for(_ in __) { print _,-__[_] } }' OFS=',' FS='[, \t]+'
if there's a chance more in than 3 columns in input, then do :
{m,n,g}awk '
BEGIN { _ += _ ^= FS = "["(OFS=",")" \t]+"
} { __[$!(NF=_)]++
} END {
for(_ in __) { print _, __[_] } }'
let $1 = $1 take care of placing the comma in between columns 1 and 2 instead of having to manually do it


Finding the rows sharing information

I have a file having a structure like below:
1 10 20 A
1 10 20 B
1 10 20 E
1 10 20 F
1 12 22 C
1 13 23 X
2 33 45 D
2 48 49 D
2 48 49 E
I am trying to find out, which letters have the same information in the 1st,2nd,3rd columns?
For example the output should be:
I am only able to count how many lines are unique via:
cut -f1,2,3 file1.txt | sort | uniq | wc -l
which does not give me anything related with the 4th column.
How do I have the letters in the forth column sharing the first three columns?
Following awk may help you here.
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1,$2,$3]++;next} a[$1,$2,$3]>1' Input_file Input_file
Output will be as follows.
1 10 20 A
1 10 20 B
1 10 20 E
1 10 20 F
2 48 49 D
2 48 49 E
To get only the last field's value change a[$1,$2,$3]>1 to a[$1,$2,$3]>1{print $NF}'
process the file once:
awk '{k=$1 FS $2 FS $3}
k in a{a[k]=a[k]RS$4;b[k];next}{a[k]=$4}END{for(x in b)print a[x]}' file
process the file twice:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2,$3]++;next}a[$1,$2,$3]>1{print $4}' file file
With the given example, both one-liners above give same output:
Note the first one may generate the "letters" in different order.
using best of both worlds...
$ awk '{print $4 "\t" $1,$2,$3}' file | uniq -Df1 | cut -f1
swap the order of the fields, ask uniq to skip the first field and print duplicates only, remove compared fields.
$ rev file | uniq -Df1 | cut -d' ' -f1
if the tagname is not single char you need to add | rev at the end.
NB. Both scripts assume the data is sorted on the compared keys already as in the input file.
Another one-pass:
$ awk ' {
k=$1 FS $2 FS $3 # create array key
if(k in a) { # a is the not-yet-printed queue
print a[k] ORS $NF # once printed from a...
b[k]=$NF # move it to b
delete a[k] # delete from a
else if(k in b) { # already-printed queue
print $NF
} else a[k]=$NF # store to not-yet-printed queue a
}' file

extract a list of data from multiple files

I would like to ask help on this. Thank you very much!
I have thousands of files, each containing 5 columns and the first column containing names.
$ cat file1
name math eng hist sci
Kyle 56 45 68 97
Angela 88 86 59 30
June 48 87 85 98
I also have a file containing a list of names that can be found in the 5-column files.
$ cat list.txt
Specifically, I want to extract, say, the data in the 3rd column corresponding to the list file that I have in a structured way; columns representing the thousands of files and the names as rows. If one name in the list file is not present in a 5-column file, it should be presented as 0. Additionally, columns should headed with the filenames.
$ cat output.txt
names file1 file2 file3 file4
June 87 65 67 87
Isa 0 0 0 54
Angela 86 75 78 78
Manny 39 46 0 38
Using your test files list.txt and file1 (twice) for testing. First the awk:
$ cat program.awk
function isEmpty(arr, idx) { # using #EdMorton's test for array emptiness
for (idx in arr) # for figuring out the first data file
return 0 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/20078022/4162356
return 1
function add(n,a) { # appending grades for the chosen ones
if(!isEmpty(a)) { # if a is not empty
for(i in n) # iterate thru all chosen ones
n[i]=n[i] (n[i]==""?"":OFS) (i in a?a[i]:0) # and append
FNR==1 { # for each new file
h=h (h==""?"":OFS) FILENAME # build header
process(n,a) # and process the previous file in hash a
NR==FNR { # chosen ones to hash n
$1 in n { # add chosen ones to a
a[$1]=$3 #
process(n,a) # in the end
print h # print the header
for(i in n) # and names with grades
print i,n[i]
Running it:
$ awk -f program.awk list.txt file1 file1
list.txt file1 file1
Manny 0 0
Isa 0 0
Angela 86 86
June 87 87
$ cat awk-script
BEGIN{f_name="names"} # save the "names" to var f_name
a[$1]=$1;b[$1];next # assign 2 array a & b, which keys is the content of "list.txt"
FNR==1{ # a new file is scanned
f_name=f_name"\t"FILENAME; # save the FILENAME to f_name
for(i in a){
a[i]=b[i]==""?a[i]:a[i]"\t"b[i]; # flush the value of b[i] to append to the value of a[i]
b[i]=0 # reset the value of b[i]
{ if($1 in b){b[$1]=$3} } # set $3 as the value of b[$1] if $1 existed in the keys of array b
print f_name; # print the f_name
for(i in a){
a[i]=b[i]==""?a[i]:a[i]"\t"b[i]; # flush the the value of b[i] to a[i] belongs to the last file
print a[i] # print a[i]
Assumed more the one file (i.e., file1, file2, etc) existed, you may use the command to get the result,
$ awk -f awk-script list.txt file*
names file1 file2
Manny 0 46
Isa 0 0
Angela 86 75
June 87 65

how can I make awk match up lines in file 1 with the lines in file 2 based on some number ranges in file 2

I have the following two files:
file 1:
file 2:
1 10 valuea
11 20 valueb
21 30 valuec
31 40 valued
41 50 valuee
51 60 valuef
How can I make awk grab each value from file 1, match it up with file 2 based on whether it falls between the number range in columns 1 and 2 of file 2, and then print out column 3 from the matched column in file 2? The output would resemble the following:
I tried using the following AWK command (based on what I found in this post: How to check value of a column lies between values of two columns in other file and print corresponding value from column in Unix?), but it does not seem to be working correctly.
awk 'FNR == NR { val[$1] = $1 }
FNR != NR { if (val[$1] >= $1 && val[$1] <= $2)
print $3
}' file1 file2
Also I did not include it in here for obvious reasons, but for the actual application of this script, file 1 would include around 7,000 entries while file 2 would include 68,000 entries
alternative awk script
$ awk 'FNR == NR {a[$1]=$2; v[$1]=$3; next}
{for(k in a)
if(k+0<=$1 && $1+0<=a[k]) print v[k]}' file2 file1
note that file2 is the first file. This will cover multiple range matches as well. +0 is to force for numerical comparison.

Select rows in one file based on specific values in the second file (Linux)

I have two files:
One is "total.txt". It has two columns: the first column is natural numbers (indicator) ranging from 1 to 20, the second column contains random numbers.
1 321
1 423
1 2342
1 7542
2 789
2 809
2 5332
2 6762
2 8976
3 42
3 545
... ...
20 432
20 758
The other one is "index.txt". It has three columns:(1.indicator, 2:low value, 3: high value)
1 400 5000
2 600 800
11 300 4000
I want to output the rows of "total.txt" file with first column matches with the first column of "index.txt" file. And at the same time, the second column of output results must be larger than (>) the second column of the "index.txt" and smaller than (<) the third column of the "index.txt".
The expected result is as follows:
1 423
1 2342
2 809
2 5332
2 6762
11 ...
11 ...
I have tried this:
awk '$1==(awk 'print($1)' index.txt) && $2 > (awk 'print($2)' index.txt) && $1 < (awk 'print($2)' index.txt)' total.txt > result.txt
But it failed!
Can you help me with this? Thank you!
You need to read both files in the same awk script. When you read index.txt, store the other columns in an array.
awk 'FNR == NR { low[$1] = $2; high[$1] = $3; next }
$2 > low[$1] && $2 < high[$1] { print }' index.txt total.txt
FNR == NR is the common awk idiom to detect when you're processing the first file.
Use join like Barmar said:
# To join on the first columns
join -11 -21 total.txt index.txt
And if the files aren't sorted in lexical order by the first column then:
join -11 -21 <(sort -k1,1 total.txt) <(sort -k1,1 index.txt)

Find the maximum values in 2nd column for each distinct values in 1st column using Linux

I have two columns as follows
1 10
3 34
1 4
3 32
5 3
2 2
4 20
3 13
4 50
1 40
2 20
What I look for is to find the maximum values in 2nd column for each 1,2,3,4,5 in 1st column.
1 40
2 20
3 34
4 50
5 3
I found someone has done this using other program e.g. Get the maximum values of column B per each distinct value of column A
awk seems a prime candidate for this task. Simply traverse your input file and keep an array indexed by the first column values and storing a value of column 2 if it is larger than the currently stored value. At the end of the traversal iterate over the array to print indices and corresponding values
awk '{
if (a[$1] < $2) {
} END {
for (i in a) {
print i, a[i]
}' ifile.dat
Now the result will not be sorted numerically on the first column but that should be easily fixable if that is required
Another way is using sort.
First numeric sort on column 2 decreasing and then remove non unique values of column 1, a one-liner:
sort -n -r -k 2 ifile.dat| sort -u -n -k 1
The easiest command to find the maximum value in the second column is something like this
sort -nrk2 data.txt | awk 'NR==1{print $2}'
When doing min/max calculations, always seed the min/max variable using the first value read:
$ cat tst.awk
!($1 in max) || $2>max[$1] { max[$1] = $2 }
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_num_asc"
for (key in max) {
print key, max[key]
$ awk -f tst.awk file
1 40
2 20
3 34
4 50
5 3
The above uses GNU awk 4.* for PROCINFO["sorted_in"] to control output order, see http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Controlling-Array-Traversal.
Considering that your 1st field will be starting from 1 if yes then try one more solution in awk also.
awk '{a[$1]=$2>a[$1]?$2:(a[$2]?a[$2]:$2);} END{for(j=1;j<=length(a);j++){if(a[j]){print j,a[j]}}}' Input_file
Adding one more way for same too here.
sort -k1 Input_file | awk 'prev != $1 && prev{print prev, val;val=prev=""} {val=val>$2?val:$2;prev=$1} END{print prev,val}'
