Use iOS 15's SheetPresentationController features on MvvmCross - xamarin.ios

I would like to have the same navigation behavior introduced in iOS 15 for the bottom sheet like the following;
I added the MvxModalPresentation attribute to my target view;
[MvxModalPresentation(ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.PageSheet, Animated = true)]
But, it is not enough since it requires some modifications on NavigationController.SheetPresentationController which I could not find out where to interfere in.
Now, it works as it was supposed to be earlier without the new features such as detent, and interaction with the content underneath.
Could you help me with how to bring this functionality into MvvmCross?


How do you use a storyboard reference in a Tab Bar Controller with Visual Studio?

I have a view controller in one storyboard that I'd like to reuse in another storyboard's Tab Bar Controller. In XCode, I can add a storyboard reference and then ctrl-drag from the Tab Bar Controller to it, and it shows up as another tab, just like a View Controller would in the same storyboard. I'm trying to do this in VS 2017 though and it doesn't seem to work. Or if it does, I'm unsure of how to do it. I tried adding a storyboard reference and ctrl-dragging, just like I do for normal View Controllers. I select "Tab" under "View Relationship" which pops up when I finish dragging, but it never makes the link and never makes the tab.
Is this even something that is valid? And if it is, is it a bug/limitation with VS that I can't do this, and is there a workaround?
I managed to get this to work programmatically. Here's what I did in case anyone wants to know. However, I still would like to know the answer to my previous questions.
First, in your desired VC (I'm going to call it TestVC), make sure you add a Tab Bar Item (not a tab bar). Set up the title and image as you would normally. Then, in your Tab Bar Controller's ViewDidLoad method, do something like this:
var storyboard = UIStoryboard.FromName("StoryboardNameTestVCIsIn", null);
var vc = storyboard.InstantiateViewController("TestVC");
var existing = new List<UIViewController>(ViewControllers);
ViewControllers = existing.ToArray();
Is this even something that is valid? And if it is, is it a bug/limitation with VS that I can't do this, and is there a workaround?
It is not support to add Tab relationship by this way. As you mentioned above, you could only implement that programmatically. Maybe in the near future Xamarin will support it like in Xcode.
Click on the segue , and you can see all the actions you can do.

Navigate between loosely related classes based on naming convention

In my current project we have many parts where we have something as follows:
var request = new ThingRequest {someId = };
ThingResponse response = dispatcher.Get<ThingResponse>(request);
Where dispatcher fetches a class with the name ThingRequestHandler that handles the actual logic.
public class ThingRequestHandler : RequestHandler<ThingRequest, ThingResponse>
This system is great for keeping it SOLID but I'm having trouble navigating easily.
Currently I use R# to goto class and -as I now the class name to follow convention- manually type the class name. This usually works but makes my head jump from thinking about the problem to thinking about a class name.
I would love to be able to navigate to my ThingRequestHandler from my dispatcher.Get line with one keystroke or click.
Is there a way Visual studio 2012, R# or any other plugin or macro would help me do this?
In R# 8+ they made a loads of improvements and especially to the navigation. They introduced CamelHumps which could be very useful in your case. For example you could navigate to ThingRequestHandler just by typing trh.

Insert a Monogame view inside MvvmCross monodroid Activity

I'm trying to build a Monogame view inside a RelativeLayout from my MvvmCross monodroid Activity view.
An android Activity inherits from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.AndroidGameActivity to be able to run a Monogame inside a RelativeLayout (working).
My MvvmCross Activity inherits from MvxBindingActivityView(working).
So, I need a way to run the game and bind some datas within the same activity.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Loosely speaking, you can translate any Activity to an MvxActivity by inheriting some interfaces and by then cutting and pasting a small amount of code which does the basic loading and assignation of the ViewModel.
e.g. see the #Region and IMvxAndroidView<TViewModel> added to make MvxActivityView.cs from a normal Activity.
e.g. it's the same region and interface used for adapting a specialised Activity like Google's MapActivity into MvxMapActivityView.cs
At this level, the Activity/View has a ViewModel which can be used in C# code, but has no clever xml inflation - it has no clever Binding support.
Code can be written at this level - I've shipped apps without binding - but many users prefer to add DataBinding too...
To add this DataBinding support, you need to add a bit more code which provides BindingInflate, storage of bindings, disposal of bindings, etc.
e.g. a raw MvxActivityView is extended using the IMvxBindingActivity interface and a #region like: MvxBindingActivityView.cs
e.g. MvxMapActivityView is extended using the same region and interface: MvxBindingMapActivityView.cs
So to extend your the custom AndroidGameActivity:
Inherit from AndroidGameActivity to get ViewModelOwningGameActivity<T> and cut and paste the IMvxAndroidView<TViewModel> interface and #region from MvxActivityView<T> to provide the ViewModel methods, fields and properties.
Then assuming you want binding:
Inherit from ViewModelOwningGameActivity<T> to get BindingGameActivity<T> and cut and paste the IMvxBindingActivity and #region from MvxBindingActivityView<T> to get the binding methods
For specialist Activities you may want to add more - e.g. you may could add some custom helper methods for the MapActivity to plot points and lines, or for GameActivity to do whatever games do... but this is up to individual implementations.
Sorry about the cut and paste of code required in adapting Activities - I have tried to keep this to a minimum. However, writing Mvx is the one time so far that I've really wanted Multiple Inheritance or Mixins in C#

MvvmCross Using a modal ViewController from a Tab

I've searched on SO & elsewhere for MvvmCross & Modal, but the one existing answer isn't helping us.
We're developing a cross-platform app using MonoTouch & MvvmCross, which seems to be pretty powerful combination. However, we're having a few issues with the navigation, which we're gradually cracking! The current problem is -
The app runs with a TabBarController, and each tab has navigation to further levels - this works fine. The client however wants the "Start" button on one of the tabs to bring up a modal view (which hides everything else, especially the tab bar), which then has its own levels working in the same manner as a UINavigationController, with the ability to pop back to the tabBarController at any time.
We've managed to bring up a single modal view, but we're stuck on loading new views from here and popping back out.
Any help/advice appreciated!
I think what you're looking to do is to customise the presenter so that it wraps your UIViewController within a UINavigationController - and then modally presents that UINavigationController?
To achieve this, the code in the recent Pull request from #DeapSquatter might help - - I think you can use his modal nav presenter in order to achieve the effect you are looking for:
if (view is IMvxModalTouchView)
if (_currentModalViewController != null)
throw new MvxException("Only one modal view controller at a time supported");
var newNav = new UINavigationController();
newNav.PushViewController(view as UIViewController, false);
_currentModalViewController = view as UIViewController;
PresentModalViewController(newNav, true);
The architecture of mvvmcross is deliberately extensible and configurable here - while we include a few basic Presenter classes, it's very likely that people are going to want to customise how different views get presented on an app-by-app basis. Beyond the simplest of demo apps, I anticipate that most mvvmcross apps on touch will ship with a custom presenter inside.
Hope that helps

UISplitViewController problems with IOS 5.1

I have a problem,
I am programming with Monotouch 5.2.8 for IOS 5.1.
But since the IOS 5.1 update my iPad configs the UISplitViewController so it is docked on the
left side instead of presented as a popover.
It works with IOS 5.0 but in 5.1 i got this problem.
Here is the source code for my UISplitViewController:
splitViewController = new UISplitViewController ();
splitViewController.WeakDelegate = detailViewController;
splitViewController.ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] {
From Apple's iOS 5.1 SDK release notes:
In 5.1 the UISplitViewController class adopts the sliding presentation
style when presenting the left view (previously only seen in Mail).
This style is used when presentation is initiated either by the
existing bar button item provided by the delegate methods or by a
swipe gesture within the right view. No additional API adoption is
required to obtain this behavior, and all existing API, including that
of the UIPopoverController instance provided by the delegate, will
continue to work as before. If the gesture cannot be supported in your
app, set the presentsWithGesture property of your split view
controller to NO to disable the gesture. However, disabling the
gesture is discouraged because its use preserves a consistent user
experience across all applications.
Here (login required).
From what I understand on the above, we can kiss the automatic popover appearance of the master controller goodbye in iOS 5.1.
The only way I see is possible to keep the "old" appearance, is by implementing our own UIPopoverController and taking advantage of the ShouldHideViewController delegate method. Thankfully with MonoTouch, we have that method available as a property in the UISplitViewController class, making things a bit simpler.
I do get a strange behavior though. With iOS SDK 5.1 on my Mac and iOS 5.1 on my iPad; on the device, I get the "sliding" appearance, while on the simulator I get the "old", popover appearance. This is with MonoTouch 5.2.4, which is the latest stable version. Also, it does not contain a PresentsWithGesture property. I tried setting its value to false through MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime messaging, but no luck. The selector keeps returning true. So I cannot deactivate the swipe gesture.
Even tried creating my own UIPopoverController and assigning it as the master in the split controller to see what happens. Doesn't work because UIPopoverController is not a UIViewController...
Some useful info in this question, for ObjC.
Turns out you can disable the presentsWithGesture in the application delegate, but once the view controllers have been presented, there is no changing it.
I needed to disable the appearance of the left view controller during a login process, but turns out I can't enable it later.
