Why bitbucket pipeline merges pull request before it runs? - bitbucket-pipelines

In their documentation regarding pull request pipelines, bitbucket says:
Pull requests:
a special pipeline that only runs on pull requests initiated from within your repository. It merges the destination branch into your working branch before it runs. If the merge fails, the pipeline stops.
So I'm wondering, why merging before running the pipeline? Why not just running against the coming branch without merging?
Could the reason be detecting merge conflicts early on in the pipeline before the real merge?

If you want to run a pipeline against the coming branch, this is very doable by using Branch workflows. PR merge trigger is just a slightly different idea, as the result of a PR merge is not necessarily the same as the coming branch. For example, merge conflicts can be introduced, which will make your pipeline fail.
There's one thing that documentation is not quite clear about, so I'll clarify it: all this pre-pipeline merging only occurs inside your build environment. Git history of your repository is absolutely safe, and Bitbucket Pipelines won't introduce any changes to it on your behalf.
Finally, you can run a PR merge pipeline manually from the Pipelines UI, without actually merging a PR (see the same link). This way, you can make sure that the merge result build is passing without actually doing a merge.


Can I run Azure DevOps pipeline without committing it?

I am planning to experiment building a pipeline using Azure DevOps. One thing that I noticed early on is, after azure-pipelines.yml created, I have to commit this first before being able to run it. But I want to experiment on it which revolves around trial and error. Doing multiple commit just to test things out are not feasible.
In Jenkins I can just define my steps and try to run it without committing the file.
Is this also possible to do in Azure DevOps?
But I want to experiment on it which revolves around trial and error. Doing multiple commit just to test things out are not feasible.
Yes it is - you just use a different code branch. That will allow you the freedom to make as many changes as you need, while putting the pipeline together and trying it out, without committing to the master branch.
Then when you're happy with the way the pipeline is running, you can merge your branch into the master branch which the pipeline normally uses.
You cannot run YAML pipelines without committing them, but you can create classic pipelines and run them without committing anything pipeline-related to the repository (except for the source code you want to build). Classic pipelines can later be turned (or copy-pasted, to be exact) into yaml pipelines with view YAML -option.
If you're on your own branch, or in a repository without any other developers making changes then you can
Make a change
use git commit --amend to overwrite your previous commit with the new file
use git push --force-with-lease to push that up to Azure DevOps
That will hide your commit history while experimenting

How does GitLab CI/CD determine if two branches can be merged?

For example, if the dev branch is behind the build branch when the two branches merge, the merge request can be created. But it is clear that it cannot merge because it is not possible to merge a backward branch into the current branch. In this case, I want to use the.gitlab-ci.yml configuration, To determine if the dev branch is behind the build branch, I wonder, can this be done? How to configure the.gitlab-ci.yml file if possible?
Basically, gitlab attempts the merge using git to determine if there's a conflict. It actually calls to gitaly to do this.
Basically the process goes like this:
The rails app in repository.rb will call to the gitaly conflict service to check for conclicts
The conflict service list_conflict_file in gitaly will call to git2go
The git2go conflicts subcommand will basically perform the git merge operation and return any conflicts that were encountered. This eventually makes its way back as a response to the call from rails in step (1)
So, if you wanted to do something similar in your CI/CD pipeline, you could use git (or a programatic API to git in your favorite language) to attempt a local merge of the two branches in order to detect conflicts.

Azure Devops pipeline triggering twice with Build Validation

I have created a pipeline in my repository which is used to validate code by executing unit tests for code that is being pushed to features/* branches. The same pipeline is used as Build validation pipeline set as Branch Policy on the develop branch to validate incoming PRs. This is the trigger of the pipeline.
# pipeline.yml
batch: false
- features/*
However we have come across the following condition: Given an open PR from refs/heads/features/azure-pipelines -> refs/heads/develop we push a commit on the features/azure-pipelines branch.
This causes the pipeline to trigger twice. To my understanding one of the runs is due to the trigger of the pipeline (The one marked as Individual CI on the screenshot) and the second run is due to branch policy trying to validate code being pushed onto the open PR to develop. (The PR Automated)
Is there any way to disable one of the executions since it's essentially a duplicate? I was maybe looking for a way to retrieve open PRs and abort execution of a pipeline for Individual CI if there is an open PR for a branch but I am not sure that's the best way around that and I am looking for options.
You can set
trigger: none
This way only the branch policy will trigger the pipeline.
Is there any way to disable one of the executions since it's essentially a duplicate?
As we know, we could not disable the Build validation pipeline set as Branch Policy on the develop branch to validate incoming PRs unless we cancel the Build validation.
For your situation, you could try to include [skip ci] in the commit message or description of the HEAD commit to make the Azure Pipelines skip running CI when you plan to merge the features branch to the develop branch.
You could check the document Skipping CI for individual commits for some more details.
Here it depends if they does the same. You can have conditional checks in the pipeline which does a different things for PR and CI runs. However, I'm pretty sure that this is not possible, because one is defined on the YAML and the second on the Azure DevOps portal. So even if you disnle PR trigger here in YAML, a branch policy still runs a PR. And you can specify antyhing in YAML to block branch policy.

How to use a Gitlab Merge Request to finish a release/hotfix branch using Gitflow?

So our company is using Gitflow. Can't currently change that. I have looked into github-flow and gitlab-flow, but we can't currently move to a different model.
When finishing a hotfix or release branch, right now we don't use merge requests, but manually use gitflow to locally merge the branches into master/dev/release.
Is there a supposed way of finishing a branch using merge requests in Gitlab? We'd like to go protect the master and dev branches from pushes. It's just safer to let gitlab handle the actual merging.
I'd've opened an issue on gitlab directly, but I'm not actually sure where.
Edit: I also thought about making two Merge Requests in Gitlab, but that can't be the way either.

Gitlab merge request fast forward merge

I'm trying to setup a gitlab worflow for my team with gitlab-ci. We have a Gitlab CE version 10.2.4 with gitlab CI configured to run a build on every push. Now we would like to use the merge request workflow with protected develop and release branches. Our requirement is that no code can be merged into these branch without running on gitlab-ci first to keep these branches clean.
Since gitlab doesn't seem to have the possibility to automatically test merge request, our only option is to use either Merge commit with semi-linear history or Fast-forward merge. (cf open issue on gitlab)
The issue is that since these merge option require fast-forward, if multiple merge request are created for the same target branch, accepting one merge request changes the target branch. This then prevent other merge request from being merged as they are no longer fast-forward. This means that every time we accept a merge request we have to rebase/merge all the other merge request with the target branch which is quite tedious.
Can anyone using Fast-forward merge option on gitlab explain how they deal with this multiple merge request scenario ? Or is there an other way to ensure that code is tested before being merge without requiring the fast-forward ?
In your project settings, go to "General"->"Merge request" and check "Only allow merge requests to be merged if the pipeline succeeds".
