how can I do impex clean-up in sap hybris 2105 version? I have storefront Spartacus - sap-commerce-cloud

how can I do Impex clean-up in sap hybris 2105 version?
I have storefront Spartacus . need to solve below error :
[java] ERROR [main] [DefaultSetupImpexService] Importing [cms-content-pdp.impex]... FAILED


SAP Hybris B2b 1905 Sample yb2bacceleratorstorefront url not opening

B2bStorefrontModule is not included in latest version. could you please suggest me how to add this module in app.module.ts with hybris 1905 version.
The B2B features are on the Spartacus roadmap. See

Dynamics CRM 2011 Plugin Deploy Error

I'm developing a custom plugin for CRM. When I deploy plugin to CRM on Virtual PC, I get the error below.
Error registering plugins and/or workflows. Legacy plugin steps are
only supported in Pre-validation and Post-operation stages
How can I resolve this error ?
Like #Alex has said, it looks like you are using the CRM 4 sdk to develop your plugins. I would recommend using the CRM 2011 SDK in order to not have to rewrite your plugins once you upgrade to 2013 or above. Here's the link:

How to install and setup hybris opencommerce framework?

I need the and install setup of the framework.I need to understand hybris how is it made.Also help me with other java ecommerce supported frameworks made over spring.
Most people learn hybris by starting with the hybris Core Trail (
The hybris Core Trail is a set of exercises that will teach you about the Hybris core functionality. The Core Trail is the most fundamental trail you'll find in the selection of trails(i.e., Core, Commerce, Promotion Engine Trail); if you don't know where to start - start at the Core Trail.
The aim of those technical trails is to provide Hybris trainees with a tutorial trail covering the main themes and best-practices of the hybris core platform.
The material can be used both in a training course and at home for self-study.
The zipped source code is based on Hybris' Cuppy and CuppyTrail Extensions, which can be downloaded from here: (
If you want the complete source code of the final solution, you can get it here: ( ( ( ( (
Here is a high level of the steps in the Core Trail:
Installing Java
Installing Eclipse
Setting up the Eclipse Workspace and Installing Hybris
Download Hybris Platform Binaries
Build from Console
Import into Eclipse
Preparing Eclipse's Ant View
Debugging from Eclipse
Running Hybris
Start the Server
Initialize the System using Hybris Admin Console (HAC)
Explore Hybris
Adding cuppy
Download the Cuppy Extension
Resulting Folder Structure
Tell Hybris about the Cuppy extension
Rebuild the System
Update the System
Required/Helpful Reading
Since you have a Hybris license you can get the download from the hybris wiki. However, 5.0 is an outdated release, you should not use that.
The best way to dive into hybris is, as commented by Shreshtt Bhatt, to follow the trails in the wiki.

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Client

I have created a plug-in in CRM. It’s registered successfully. Inside my plug-in I have created a web service with many functions.
After successful calling of plug-in step I am getting error-
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Client, Version=5.0.9689.2166, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies`. The system cannot find the file specified.
To solve this issue I have created the New XRM.cs file from crmsvcutil.exe but got the same issue. Searched more about this but no solutions found yet.
NOTE: I am using the Microsoft hosted version of CRM
Here below the reference files which I am using.
System System.Core
Is there any way to run my plugin on Hosted version of CRM???
Appreciate if any help :)
I have solved this issue by using this command.
CrmSvcUtil.exe /out:"Xrm.cs"
removing code customization options solved my issue.
/codeCustomization:"Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CodeGeneration.CodeCustomization, Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CodeGeneration"
Microsoft.XRM.Client is usually not needed by the plug-in.
It is needed to connect to CRM from an outside application.
Microsoft.XRM.Client has been removed from the SDK since CRM 2016.
Plugins do not automatically resolve dependencies in your project, they have to already be on the server.
Microsoft.XRM.Client can be placed in the GAC if it is needed by the plugin.
Update for Dynamics CRM 2015
The NuGet package Microsoft.CrmSdk.Extensions contains Microsoft.Xrm.Client.
Update for Dynamics CRM 2016 and Dynamics 365
Microsoft.Xrm.Client is no longer part of the SDK.
The NuGet package Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies contains everything needed for plugin development.
The various parts of the Dynamics CRM SDK are in NuGet.
NuGet is a much better solution than adding Dynamics CRM dlls as project references; especially for source control and team development.
Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll doesn't actually appear to work if running from the GAC. This is because of some dodgy type resolution methods it has that only work if the assembly is loaded locally. I have raised an issue with full details about that here:

hudson codenarc issue

I am developing a grails application which has codenarc plugin. And also I am using hudson build tool. I am integrating the application with hudson build tool. In the hudson I have configured violation plugin. But when I build the app I am getting following error.
hudson.util.IOException2: Cannot parse CodeNarcReport.xml
at hudson.plugins.violations.parse.AbstractTypeParser.parse(
at hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsCollector.doType(
at hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsCollector.invoke(
at hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsCollector.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsPublisher.perform(
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$3.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.performAllBuildSteps(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.performAllBuildSteps(
at hudson.model.Build$RunnerImpl.post2(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at hudson.plugins.violations.model.Violation.compareTo(
at hudson.plugins.violations.model.Violation.compareTo(
at java.util.TreeMap.put(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TreeSet.add(Unknown Source)
at hudson.plugins.violations.model.FullFileModel.addViolation(
at hudson.plugins.violations.types.codenarc.CodenarcParser.parseFileElement(
at hudson.plugins.violations.types.codenarc.CodenarcParser.execute(
at hudson.plugins.violations.parse.AbstractTypeParser.parse(
... 16 more
Can anyone please help me to fix this issue?
Grails version : 1.3.7
Hudson version : 1.398
By updating violation plugin to 0.7.8 snapshot version fixed the issue. Download link
I recommend asking CodeNarc questions on the CodeNarc mailing list.
Also, be aware the the Hudson/Jenkins plugin usually has an older version of CodeNarc bundled with it. It's not maintained by the CodeNarc team. I recommend sticking with the Grails plugin, which is maintained by the team.
Hamlet (CodeNarc developer)
