Error when running qbittorent on my arch based machine - linux

When I run qbittorent on my arch based machine (Arcolinux) I get the follow error :-
qbittorrent: /usr/lib/ version `Qt_6.3' not found (required by qbittorrent)
Here's the output on running qmake --version
$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.15.2 in /usr/lib
I would be much obliged if someone helped me out on this.

How did you install qbittorrent? There is actually package "qbittorrent" in official repos.
Use sudo pacman -S qbittorrent to install it with all necessary dependencies.
Or just install needed dependencies. To see all dependencies, use pacman -Qi qbittorrent. The output (sorry for Russian language):
Название : qbittorrent
Версия :
Описание : An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar
Архитектура : x86_64
Лицензии : custom GPL
Группы : Нет
Предоставляет : Нет
Зависит от : libtorrent-rasterbar qt6-base qt6-svg hicolor-icon-theme //<- this is the dependencies
Доп. зависимости : python: needed for torrent search tab [установлено]
Требуется : Нет
Опционально для : Нет
Конфликтует с : Нет
Заменяет : Нет
Установленный размер : 9,34 MiB
Сборщик : Antonio Rojas <>
Дата сборки : Пт 27 мая 2022 19:26:27
Дата установки : Сб 28 мая 2022 00:28:46
Причина установки : Явно установлен
Установочный скрипт : No
Проверен : Подпись
As you can see, the dependencies are libtorrent-rasterbar, qt6-base, qt6-svg, hicolor-icon-theme. It seems that you have to install qt6. But for reliability I advice you to reinstall all those packages with sudo pacman -S libtorrent-rasterbar qt6-base qt6-svg hicolor-icon-theme. And even better way is to just reinstall qbittorrent with sudo pacman -S qbittorrent as mentioned above. All dependencies will be installed automatically. And also they will be marked as dependencies, not as intentionally installed packages, which is better.


Yocto bitbake build error when adding fftw package

I am using Yocto Warrior release to build linux for Dart-imx8m SOM. Documentation can be found here :
I want to add fftw package whose recipe is in meta-oe layer. Whenever I add this package in my local.conf file, I get an error with bitbake regarding a dnf related task.
I add the package like this in my local.conf file : IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " fftw"
I get the following error when building image with bitbake fsl-image-gui :
ERROR: fsl-image-gui-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Could not invoke dnf. Command '/home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/dnf -v --rpmverbosity=info -y -c /home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/rootfs/etc/dnf/dnf.conf --setopt=reposdir=/home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/rootfs/etc/yum.repos.d --installroot=/home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/rootfs --setopt=logdir=/home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/temp --repofrompath=oe-repo,/home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/oe-rootfs-repo --nogpgcheck install packagegroup-core-tools-profile packagegroup-fsl-tools-audio packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear tree rpm packagegroup-fsl-tools-benchmark boost gstreamer1.0 packagegroup-fsl-tools-gpu packagegroup-fsl-gstreamer1.0 psplash gpsd packagegroup-base-extended collectd kernel-image-4.19.35-imx8mq+gdc7a2fd packagegroup-core-tools-testapps packagegroup-core-boot tcf-agent packagegroup-fsl-tools-gpu-external packagegroup-core-full-cmdline packagegroup-tools-bluetooth packagegroup-fsl-tools-testapps opencv fftw libsdl-1.2-0 packagegroup-fsl-gstreamer1.0-full lftp packagegroup-core-tools-debug libgpiod2 dnf weston-init run-postinsts mosquitto packagegroup-core-nfs-server sshfs-fuse spitools kernel-devicetree android-tools htop poco tmux openssh-sftp-server weston-xwayland xterm locale-base-en-us locale-base-en-gb' returned 1:
DNF version: 4.1.0
cachedir: /home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/rootfs/var/cache/dnf
Added oe-repo repo from /home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/oe-rootfs-repo
repo: using cache for: oe-repo
not found other for:
not found modules for:
not found deltainfo for:
not found updateinfo for:
oe-repo: using metadata from Wed 28 Oct 2020 09:16:57 AM UTC.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Wed 28 Oct 2020 09:16:57 AM UTC.
No module defaults found
No match for argument: fftw
Error: Unable to find a match
ERROR: fsl-image-gui-1.0-r0 do_rootfs:
ERROR: fsl-image-gui-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/build_xwayland/tmp/work/imx8mq_var_dart-poky-linux/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.2614
ERROR: Task (/home/safetyn/safetynYoctoGenerator/warrior/var-fsl-yocto/sources/meta-fsl-bsp-release/imx/meta-sdk/recipes-fsl/images/ failed with exit code '1'
Woud you have any clue where this error come from ?
Edit :
Found a way to make it compile for those who are intereseted. (inspired by Yocto build for a static library fails with error "No Match Found")
I edited my *.bb file and added ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1"
I am not sure I got it completely but it looks like dnf package manager needs folders created for all added packages even if empty.
The fftw recipe is set up to create a few different packages (RPM) like libfftw, libfftwl, libfftwf, fftw-wisdom, fftwl-wisdom, fftwf-wisdom, and fftw-wisdom-to-conf.
You probably want to add one or more of those. It seems there is no actual fftw package.
It is important to remember that IMAGE_INSTALL and RDEPEND lists items from the package namespace, while DEPENDS lists items from the recipe namespace.
If you are unsure about which package you want to install you can inspect the packages-split folder for fftw in tmp/work to see which files are included in which package.

Gitlab : Spawning error : "File is a symlink that does not point to a valid file (RuntimeError)" [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 2 years ago.
Improve this question
Having a working gitlab instance on an Ubuntu 18.04 server for abouth 2 months, it now refuse to swpan due to the following 2 errors in /var/log/nginx/error.log
App 14433 output: Error: The application encountered the following error: Cannot load database configuration:
App 14433 output: File "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config/database.yml" is a symlink that does not point to a valid file (RuntimeError)
App 14433 output: Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/log/production.log exists and is writable (ie, make it writable for user and group: chmod 0664 /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/log/production.log). The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed.
The simlink exists and the file exists too :
ls /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config -als
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 Dec 2 09:36 database.yml -> /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/database.yml
ls /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/ -als
4 -rw-r----- 1 root git 525 Mar 2 14:39 database.yml
cat database.yml
# This file is managed by gitlab-ctl. Manual changes will be
# erased! To change the contents below, edit /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# and run `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure`.
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: gitlabhq_production
pool: 1
username: "gitlab"
host: "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql"
... ...
gitlab-ctl reconfigure is successfull, but application refuses to spawn...
Is it an issue of permissions or user rights ?
The versions of the software are :
cat version-manifest.txt
gitlab-ee 12.8.1
Component Installed Version Version GUID
acme-client 2.0.5
alertmanager v0.20.0 git:443fdb0b36de7b6a6cc4f7920ca559296c183b7b
awesome_print 1.8.0
bundler 1.17.3
bzip2 1.0.6 md5:00b516f4704d4a7cb50a1d97e6e8e15b
cacerts 2019.01.23 md5:fccbe6cec7a76e3351ad32e305184787
chef-acme 5bd8e5c git:c0f781dbce1718f73aa5f479b2aa55d6d501a95e
chef-gem 14.14.29
chef-zero 14.0.13
compat_resource v12.19.1 git:e36200f6b804915b68a4ce74c8b7a293c041d9fe
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 git:5256817ace8493502ec88501a19e4051c2e220b0
consul v1.6.1 git:de366cc5a49ee409c7e62208de36e529fb4b9fea
curl curl-7_59_0 git:4a90c5b82e21821496ef1afb5210a13f2564fcac
docker-distribution-pruner v0.1.0 git:800e59b025e7376ae0dec92454b458bb504b9919
exiftool 11.70 git:c6ca23d647608d16a702fce331a761e60d8708fe
git 2.24.1 sha256:ad5334956301c86841eb1e5b1bb20884a6bad89a10a6762c958220c7cf64da02
gitaly v12.8.1 git:61393768996e58bd5df436526cb46d5612ead584
gitlab-config-template 12.8.1
gitlab-cookbooks 12.8.1
gitlab-ctl 12.8.1
gitlab-ctl-ee 12.8.1
gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer v2.1.0 git:1b9554a7e57adbe4e577ab36b85e6a5030b35961
gitlab-exporter 6.0.0
gitlab-geo-psql bc339ea21bdbb329263ad93788aaa428
gitlab-healthcheck 90e6447aeead4a29ac9fffc15945ce6b
gitlab-pages v1.16.0 git:6f4fcff22c468de4102d908455d5c01aa27b8760
gitlab-pg-ctl 71f87e0dc829f288dfbec8991cc43675
gitlab-psql 7e11364159031db0eb55867ad3d5713b
gitlab-rails v12.8.1-ee git:13bae744d5c606ba83598a40a439abc340855b79
gitlab-scripts 12.8.1
gitlab-selinux 12.8.1
gitlab-shell v11.0.0 git:a7b6307397c0bf5414a102052042d405c3b40162
gitlab-workhorse v8.21.0 git:9301e2ffe8e2ba63b6706899045603dc81b8917a
gnupg 2.2.10 sha256:799dd37a86a1448732e339bd20440f4f5ee6e69755f6fd7a73ee8af30840c915
go-crond 0.6.1 git:8b21a6742dee4d2cfad54079f9b579a4efcd0ad6
gpgme 1.10.0 sha256:1a8fed1197c3b99c35f403066bb344a26224d292afc048cfdfc4ccd5690a0693
grafana 6.3.5 sha256:0104bfe14444cea2fa3f021b9a75fc78f66434f2ca8f3d0bdd422d108ce682e7
grafana-dashboards v1.3.0 git:a732bbba52bd21f7e30ea3b0aa4372228f20b229
graphicsmagick 1.3.34 sha256:4717f7a32d964c515d83706fd52d34e089c2ffa35f8fbf43c923ce19343cf2f4
jemalloc 5.2.1 git:2abb02ecd74e7e65d3992a542ffb43abe91a8a7f
krb5 krb5-1.17 git:fcfb0e47c995a7e9f956c3716be3175f44ad26e0
libassuan 2.5.1 sha256:47f96c37b4f2aac289f0bc1bacfa8bd8b4b209a488d3d15e2229cb6cc9b26449
libedit 20120601-3.0 md5:e50f6a7afb4de00c81650f7b1a0f5aea
libevent release-2.1.8-stable git:6f970267b6ba68c9dd9090d789c928529745dc68
libffi 3.2.1 md5:83b89587607e3eb65c70d361f13bab43
libgcrypt 1.8.3 sha256:66ec90be036747602f2b48f98312361a9180c97c68a690a5f376fa0f67d0af7c
libgpg-error 1.32 sha256:c345c5e73cc2332f8d50db84a2280abfb1d8f6d4f1858b9daa30404db44540ca
libiconv 1.15 sha256:ccf536620a45458d26ba83887a983b96827001e92a13847b45e4925cc8913178
libicu release-57-1 git:b772241b52fcec07b1909d44d156fbcd0cbfb20c
libksba 1.3.5 sha256:41444fd7a6ff73a79ad9728f985e71c9ba8cd3e5e53358e70d5f066d35c1a340
liblzma 5.2.4 sha256:b512f3b726d3b37b6dc4c8570e137b9311e7552e8ccbab4d39d47ce5f4177145
libossp-uuid 1.6.2 md5:5db0d43a9022a6ebbbc25337ae28942f
libpng v1.6.37 git:301f7a14295a3bdfaf406dbb5004d0784dc137ea
libre2 2016-02-01 git:5bd613749fd530b576b890283bfb6bc6ea6246cb
libtool 2.4.6 sha256:e3bd4d5d3d025a36c21dd6af7ea818a2afcd4dfc1ea5a17b39d7854bcd0c06e3
libxml2 2.9.9 md5:c04a5a0a042eaa157e8e8c9eabe76bd6
libxslt 1.1.32 md5:1fc72f98e98bf4443f1651165f3aa146
libyaml 0.1.7 sha256:8088e457264a98ba451a90b8661fcb4f9d6f478f7265d48322a196cec2480729
logrotate 3.15.1 git:1e125a3a03597d195b9f3daddc099236c5c10782
mattermost 5.19.1 md5:92be732bd5382dabae970b437769eb0d
mixlib-log 3.0.1
ncurses 5.9 md5:8cb9c412e5f2d96bc6f459aa8c6282a1
nginx 1.16.1 sha256:f11c2a6dd1d3515736f0324857957db2de98be862461b5a542a3ac6188dbe32b
nginx-module-vts v0.1.18 git:46d85558e344dfe2b078ce757fd36c69a1ec2dd3
node-exporter v0.18.1 git:ef7c05816adcb0e8923defe34e97f6afcce0a939
npth 1.6 sha256:1393abd9adcf0762d34798dc34fdcf4d0d22a8410721e76f1e3afcd1daa4e2d1
ohai 14.14.0
omnibus-ctl 1b96ac486636cac987e5b464810bb3ff673a93fe git:e160156deaa0afc037748b10d1c9ef0a5be97dc1
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1d git:e1182bdb8a735b96dd99d8eefd01e4edf6241a82
package-scripts 12.8.1+ee.0
pcre 8.42 md5:fc18afa0f14a25475cf097ee102a3e4f
pcre2 10.31 md5:10e1a95a0f0d80759f1b3d70e92c2cda
pgbouncer 1.12.0 sha256:1b3c6564376cafa0da98df3520f0e932bb2aebaf9a95ca5b9fa461e9eb7b273e
pgbouncer-exporter v0.1.2-gitlab git:a4349da2b62c53cbd2b8db152b5dce431160c7d4
pkg-config-lite 0.28-1 md5:61f05feb6bab0a6bbfab4b6e3b2f44b6
popt 1.16 md5:3743beefa3dd6247a73f8f7a32c14c33
postgres-exporter v0.8.0 git:aeec47ead4ad3941cf1b6588b1ac5a44ca9e9c4b
postgresql 10.12 sha256:388f7f888c4fbcbdf424ec2bce52535195b426010b720af7bea767e23e594ae7
postgresql_new 11.7 sha256:324ae93a8846fbb6a25d562d271bc441ffa8794654c5b2839384834de220a313
postgresql_old 9.6.17 sha256:f6e1e32d32545f97c066f3c19f4d58dfab1205c01252cf85c5c92294ace1a0c2
prometheus v2.13.1 git:687a962bd19be4d39c9a4ba38d7167e5cd6c0942
python-docutils 0.13.1
python3 3.7.3 sha256:d62e3015f2f89c970ac52343976b406694931742fbde2fed8d1ce8ebb4e1f8ff
rb-readline master git:9fba246073f78831b7c7129c76cc07d8476a8892
redis 5.0.7 git:3c610b4e8d8d4b09254c5e1a435ca25b82710e38
redis-exporter v1.3.5 git:95d0b33be7f03502e1829c18429ee8c31fdbcbcc
registry v2.8.1-gitlab git:ae2e973db9365d6f8401ffb6bfc603f3cd76b111
remote-syslog 1.6.15
repmgr v3.3.2 git:0141bc2be70dbf7427f09fcc8ea2d3dfe60c1be5
repmgr_pg_10 v3.3.2 git:eaee7145f652852aabfd20c53c3a40cd8accdfcc
repmgr_pg_11 v3.3.2 git:eaee7145f652852aabfd20c53c3a40cd8accdfcc
rsync 3.1.3 md5:1581a588fde9d89f6bc6201e8129afaf
ruby 2.6.5 sha256:66976b716ecc1fd34f9b7c3c2b07bbd37631815377a2e3e85a5b194cfdcbed7d
rubygems 2.7.10
runit 2.1.2 md5:6c985fbfe3a34608eb3c53dc719172c4
unzip 6.0 sha256:036d96991646d0449ed0aa952e4fbe21b476ce994abc276e49d30e686708bd37
version-manifest 0.0.1
zlib v1.2.11 git:cacf7f1d4e3d44d871b605da3b647f07d718623f
This is almost certainly a permissions error.
Make sure that whatever file is readable: chmod a+r /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config/database.yml (according to the comments you already did this) AND
Make sure that all the directories are executable, which for directories allows cd'ing into that directory:
chmod a+x /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config
chmod a+x /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/log
chmod a+x /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/
chmod a+x /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/
chmod a+x /opt/gitlab/embedded/
chmod a+x /opt/gitlab/
chmod a+x /opt/
Note that this is just a (possibly insecure) example, but should work.
I would also check to make sure the ruby process is running as the git user as you expect.

NS 2 Installation error : narrowing conversion of 252 from int to char

I am working on VANET. for that, i need to install NS2 on my fedora 24 system. NS 2 version - ns 2.34 . During the installation process, i followed all the steps of ns 2.34 and made changes in the respective files. But at last, i found an error like the one attached in the screenshot.
Error: narrowing conversion of 252 from 'int' to 'char' inside play.xbm
I am unable to solve this error. Please guide me for this. enter image description here
I solved the problem.
Refer to:error: narrowing conversion of ‘194’ from ‘int’ to ‘char’ inside { }
Add-funsigned-char to the L48 of the Makefile in the /ns-allinone-2.34/nam-1.15 directory
the code was added like this
i followed all the steps of ns 2.34
Some old "ns2 tutorials" were valid only for a very short time.
Fedora 24 :
Your compiling errors : g++ version 6.3 is OK with ns-2.34, but patching is required. I.e. ns-2.34 was built for g++ version 4.1.2.
cd ns-allinone-2.34/
patch -p0 < ns234_gcc49.patch
P.S. : ns-allinone-2.34 + ns234_gcc49.patch was tested OK with two different Fedora 24 : The 64bits version and the 32bits version. ns-allinone-2.34 can of course also be compiled as is / no changes : export CC=gcc34 CXX=g++34 && ./install
Requires : # dnf install compat-gcc-34-c++

Error installing phpMyAdmin - openssl10 required

I am trying to install phpMyAdmin on my REHL 6 server. I have installed openssl10 with the command; yum install openssl10
I installed it from the ius repo.
However, I am getting an error about missing dependencies when installing phpMyAdmin;
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.26-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Error: Package: php-5.4.26-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Error: Package: php-recode-5.4.26-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
I'm pretty new to Linux, so any help would be appreciated!
i don't know linux much either but you don't have to do yum install anything , package is there in your php binary itself , you just have to enable it from php.ini.
if in case you are trying to install phpmyadmin using "YUM" , then i don't know how it work ,mostly i just download phpmyadmin and place it on the web app directory of the server.
OPENSSL_1.0.1_EC is provided by the stock openssl libraries.
objdump -p /usr/lib64/
Version definitions:
1 0x01 0x0af47420
2 0x00 0x0af47420
3 0x00 0x066a2b21 OPENSSL_1.0.1
4 0x00 0x02b21533 OPENSSL_1.0.1_EC
so that could mean you do not use the original libraries. Maybe ptudor's?
He drops openssl-1.0.1e/ entirely but do not want to include the version export.
If so you can still fix it by rebuilding those ptudor library this way
--- openssl-1.0.1e-version.patch 2014-06-06 11:52:55.772046103 +0200
+++ new_openssl-1.0.1e-version.patch 2014-06-06 11:52:40.854045438 +0200
## -61,4 +61,12 ##
+ _original*;
+ _current*;
++OPENSSL_1.0.1_EC {
++ global:
++ EC*;
Or else you can also rebuild the package that cannot be install now and link that to your custom openssl library.

Perl cannot locate module in #INC

I am running Centos 6.4 and perl 5.10. I have short script which uses the DateTime module. However when I run my script I get the following error message telling me various modules cannot be located as they are not in the library path.
Can't locate Params/ in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /usr/lib64/perl5/DateTime/ line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib64/perl5/DateTime/ line 11.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 45.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 45.
Compilation failed in require at ./jr_fix_western_filestore.perl line 39.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./jr_fix_western_filestore.perl line 39.
All of these packages have been installed via yum. eg yum install perl-Params-Validate.x86_64 and yum install perl-DateTime.x86_64. Should the yum install not place these modules in #INC?
I have also tried to install the packages via cpan but this seems to want to download lots of dependencies first and inevitably fails. Going to build D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-1.03.tar.gz
Can't locate Module/ in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at Build.PL line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Build.PL line 5.
Warning: No success on command[/usr/bin/perl Build.PL --installdirs site]
Warning (usually harmless): 'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state
/usr/bin/perl Build.PL --installdirs site -- NOT OK
Running Build test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running Build install
Make had some problems, won't install
Could not read '/root/.cpan/build/DateTime-1.03-Brpqo5/META.yml'. Falling back to other methods to determine prerequisites
Warning: discovered Module::Build as undeclared prerequisite.
Adding it now as such.
When I try to install Module::Build in cpan, I get the following error
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
OVID/Test-Harness-3.28.tar.gz : make_test NO
MSCHWERN/Test-Simple-0.98.tar.gz : make_test NO
JPEACOCK/version-0.9902.tar.gz : make_test NO
BOBTFISH/Module-Metadata-1.000014.tar.gz : make_test NO
DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008.tar.gz : make_test NO
MAKAMAKA/JSON-PP-2.27202.tar.gz : make_test NO
DAGOLDEN/Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4404.tar.gz : make_test NO
DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.122.tar.gz : make_test NO
DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.130880.tar.gz : make_test NO
DAGOLDEN/Perl-OSType-1.003.tar.gz : make_test NO
JESSE/Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21.tar.gz : make_test NO
BINGOS/Params-Check-0.36.tar.gz : make_test NO
BINGOS/Module-Load-0.24.tar.gz : make_test NO
BINGOS/Module-CoreList-2.91.tar.gz : make_test NO
BINGOS/Module-Load-Conditional-0.54.tar.gz : make_test NO
BINGOS/IPC-Cmd-0.80.tar.gz : make_test NO
DAGOLDEN/ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280205.tar.gz : make_test NO
LEONT/Module-Build-0.4005.tar.gz : make NO
Any pointers?
rpm -ql perl-Params-Validate returns
I'm not sure if these paths are searched by #INC
However locate returns nothing
search and install
yum install perl-CGI
this worked for me.,
Seems that you have RPMforge configured for RHEL / Centos 4 but you use Centos 6:
Installing: perl-Params-Validate x86_64 0.95-1.el4.rf
Follow the instructions from this site and do global dist upgrade to fix broken dependencies (I you're lucky reinstall won't be needed). Then install perl packages you want.
I'm late to the discussion, but had the same problem. Here is how I solved it.
CPAN was giving me the same error because an older version of was installed under yum. I updated the package via yum and was able to move forward.
