'FixedHeaderTableLayout' giving warning 'unfortunately touchwiz home has stopped' in API Level 14 Samsung Device - android-tablelayout

Any solution or suggestion, please recommend. What is the minimum API level for using this repohttps://github.com/Zardozz/FixedHeaderTableLayout?

The Readme.md Doc says under features
Support for API 16 upwards
I cannot remember why I set it for API 16 upwards, but probably because I use some API that is only in API 16 and upwards.


Will my instagram app stop working when legacy api will be disabled?

I found it very hard to understand what exactly will be disabled at the end of March 2020.
Instagram says that they will disable legacy api but I don't know how to check if it will affect my app. My app use endpoints like:
- /v1/users/self/follows?access_token
to check if user is a follower or similar to check user hashtags.
Documentation is very confusing for me. Please help
According to this post on Facebook's developer blog:
With this migration, the Basic Permission for Instagram Legacy API Platform will be deprecated on March 2, 2020.
(later changed to March 30)
The deprecation of the Basic Permission for the legacy API means that calls to the legacy API will no longer work at all. So you can no longer make calls to /v1/users/self/follows?access_token as of April 1, 2020. There are relatively significant changes in the new graph API as to what you can access and what permissions are needed to access it. A good overview of how to get going on their consumer "Basic Display API" is here:

Is there a way to do Bluetooth scans in a Android Instant App?

It seems that every single method or property of accessing BluetoothAdapter instance would cause crashes on Instant Apps, even with android.permission.BLUETOOTH and android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN are added to AndroidManifest.xml.
I know that I cannot find bluetooth releated permissions and operations here:
I have also tried reflection way to trigger BluetoothAdapter.enable, but got InvocationTargetException.
Wondering if there are any other workarounds?
You cannot use Bluetooth as an instant app.
The narrow list of permissible permissions shown at Supported permissions and operations give hint at the greater broad of the APIs that are restricted from being used in instant apps.
BILLING – Deprecated as of Play Billing Library 1.0.
INSTANT_APP_FOREGROUND_SERVICE – Only in Android 8.0 (API level 26)
and higher.
READ_PHONE_NUMBERS – Only in Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher.
If you try to use a restricted API as an instant app, it'll typically cause an exception (SecurityException, etc..) or some denial of sort.

Can I use Yandex Maps in a Nokiax app?

I need to use Yandex Maps in an app instead of Here Maps. Could this be possible? Any hints or tricks to help me?
Basically the rules of using APIs is very simple. If the API is not requiring any parts that are not available in the platform, then it works.
Thus if the API is using parts that are supported in AOSP 4.1.2 API level 16, and using any Google services, then it is likely to work just fine.
And you can always check the compatibility with free online tools very easily. First go to Online Analyser drag and drop the APK there, and let the tool check the compatibility issues.
Then you can also use a real device for testing, just visit Remote Device Access, and reserve a device for testing your app.
Both steps should onlky take you couple of minutes to complete.
For Yandex maps, you would need to visit their developer site to see how the maps API can be used, and what restrictions they would pose on utilizing the API.

How to access silent/vibrate mode for windows phone using C#?

I want to identify the current profile of windows phone.Is it is silent/ring.How can I check it.Please give suggestion.
This is not possible with the current Windows Phone SDK.
You can vote for this API to be added to a future version of the SDK here: Extend the API to query phone volume and vibration settings, maybe even set them.
As of wp SDK 8 you can't, nor can you adjust the volume or view/change current profile.
see this link
You can do these sort of things with windows store apps so perhaps it will come with the blue.
Humm seems I took to long to post but as olivier stated its high on the wanted list
user1021583 have you thought about running back over your questions and marking answers? you seem to have a lot of questions and none are marked as answers

How to access NFC Secure Element in upcoming BB10 handsets and platform?

Since straight Java development isn't going to be supported on BB10 (Am I right?), at least not without using the Android Java Runtime (which I don't want to use), I'd like to know if there will be official support and an official API from RIM for accessing and writing on the Secure Element of the upcoming BB10 handsets. I'm a developer who's considering the BB10 platform for developing an application which will need read/write operations on the Secure Element. Would that be possible? Would I be needing special permissions and/or keys from RIM?
Apparently there's not much documentation on the subject so far.
They have removed the SE on BB10 and left only the UICC...And we feel it's a good thing, as there were loads of issues with accessing the SE of a SIM
After some posting on other forums, I learned that there is indeed an API for accessing the SE in the upcoming BB10 platform. It was included in the BlackBerry 10 Native SDK (Beta 2). So far, it seems it serves my purposes.
Your best bet would be to go to the RIM issue tracker site, you can get access if you make an account at the BlackBerry Jam Zone. Submit an issue under the BlackBerry 10 project making the business case for what you want to do. They may be able to tell you what their plans are, but there is still some mutability in the road map if you can make a strong enough case.
