trying to Deploying web api to azure app service - azure

i am trying to deploy a core web api to azure app service
i try signing in with the account i created on azure but it keeps on bring me to the last step

if you find that VS always aksed you to sign in, but you've entered the user name and password, then pls close the publish window, and open it again. I faced the same issue before, so it may help you.


Inability to deploy the WEB Api using Visual Studio

I have created a web API, and now I want to deploy it. Unfortunately, when I try to publish my web API, I need to sign in or create a new account on the App Service step.problematic step
When I try to log in or even create a new account - it accepts it but doesn't allow me to go further and open the App Service settings like this: enter image description here
In my case, it was because I didn't activate any subscription. But in my opinion, instead of just not allowing me to deploy my WEB API, they could also specify the cause.

Azure Could not create Static Web App (preview)

I am trying to add a static web app for the first time in Azure. I just signed up with a free account. I have a repository ready on GitHub and now I need to create the web app using the Azure Portal. These are the steps I've taken since signing in:
Navigated to Static Web Apps (Preview) page
Clicked "Add"
After I click Add, an error appears every time:
Could not create a Static Web App (preview)
Something went wrong while creating Static Web App (preview)
Has anyone experienced this? Is this normal and I missed a step?
I had a similar problem this morning when I was creating a web app using App Service. I was using the Brave browser. I tried it with the new Microsoft Edge browser and it worked flawlessly. It might be due to a cache problem.
So my suggestions are:
Clear the cache and try again
Try it in another browser like the new Microsoft Edge or Firefox Mozilla.
Let me know if it helps!

Web app on azure doesn't show my core web app after I have published it without any problems

Landing Page of my web app
I have published my core mvc project in the Azure as web app, however it doesn't show anything. Instead of this it just shows the landing page as there was no code (which is not the case). I have checked few points on stackoverflow, but couldn't find anything, could anyone please help me with that?
There are few reasons causing it, you could refer to the following and troubleshoot it.
Go to your kudu site to check whether all your project file have uploaded to azure.
After publishing webapp to azure, wait for a moment.
Make sure you default page is listed in here and is above hostingstart.html
Deploy Continuous to Azure App Service.
Delete app and republish it.

Deploying Logic App to Azure and Registering to Active Directory Azure

I have a client who told me they have Azure. Fine, I built a Logic App and am ready to deploy. The link they gave me is
I see all the users who will use my Logic App. I also see a place to register apps. Instinct tells me I should:
1) Deploy the Logic App to the client Azure portal
2) Register the Logic App in client ADD Azure portal
3) Done!
Devil is in the details and I'm newer-ish to Azure....
Is it valid to assume the client has an Azure subscription which supports my Logic App? I don't know if someone can buy just the and not have
What cost am I asking the client to assume by creating the Logic App if any?
There ADD is full of users. Right now I will have the users authenticate by typing in their email. But I assume there is a Logic App control for add authentication?
Thank you for your patience with a newbie
As far as I know, you can't deploy the logic app just by the link provided from the client. This link is just for Azure Active Directory, if you want to deploy the logic app, you need to ask the client to add you as a user in their azure active directory and assign a role to you(at least "Contributor") in their azure subscription.
Then you can login the client azure portal and deploy your logic app by ARM template in their azure portal, and you can also register the logic app by enable the "Identity" under the "Settings" tab in your logic app.(the screenshot shown as below)
By the way, I'm not sure if I understand your requirements correctly. So if the solution doesn't match your requirements, please provide more details of your question, I will try to help you further. If the answer helps your problem, could you please mark my answer as "accepted", thanks in advance~

Azure App Service Application Key (where is it) - 2016

I've created an Azure App Service application and pushed it to Azure. Unfortunately, I am unable to find the application key that I should use in my client to create the connection to the service (as seen in the below code ).
MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(
I've seen a few answers to this question, but all seem to point to authenticating the USER within the client. I want to authenticate the call to the service.
Azure Mobile Services had an application key but I'm unable to find the key for App services. The difficulty is multiplied with the fact that the Azure Portal seems to get modified every couple of months...
Thanks in advance.
The new Mobile App Services doesn't need/use any Key.
You need to use Version 2+ of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile package on your client.
The older SDK created the MobileServiceClient like this:
new MobileServiceClient(applicationURL, applicationKey)
The new (Version 2+) like this:
new MobileServiceClient(applicationURL)
So there is no need for a key.
We don't publish Azure App Service in the way as we publish Mobile Services(Actually in new portal, there is no Application Key for Mobile services either).
When publishing Azure App Service, you need to download the publish profile from the portal. Right click the project in VS, and choose Publish.... In the Publish Web wizard,import the publish profile you downloaded. When the wizard completed, the App Service will be published to Azure.
Check web-sites-dotnet-get-started for details.
