is installing local node necessary to create wallet on test/main net? - node.js

i want to be able to create wallets on wave blockchain using their api
according to this
i need to send API key in my request header .... i look into how can i obtain this api key and in the doc here are the steps
Set API Key
To set API key, you need to generate API key hash and then use it in
your node configuration.
Create unique string value that you will use as API key.
Go to Swagger web interface.
Open the /utils/hash/secure (opens new window)API method and input
your unique string in the message field.
Click Execute to get the hashed API key.
Use the hashed API key as the value of the api-key-hash parameter in
your node configuration file.
Restart your node.
it says
Use the hashed API key as the value of the api-key-hash parameter in
your node configuration file.
im very confused ... i thought using testnet means that i dont have to install a local node
maybe im wrong ?!

use this package
you need to creaate a seed pharase , and using the seed you can create address/public & private keys ... here is a shortcut to create all
const Waves = WavesAPI.create(WavesAPI.TESTNET_CONFIG);
const seed = Waves.Seed.create();


Node typescript library environment specific configuration

I am new to node and typescript. I am working on developing a node library that reaches out to another rest API to get and post data. This library is consumed by a/any UI application to send and receive data from the API service. Now my question is, how do I maintain environment specific configuration within the library? Like for ex:
Consumer calls GET /user
user end point on the consumer side calls a method in the library to get data
But if the consumer is calling the user end point in test environment I want the library to hit the following API Url
for test
for beta
As far as I understand the library is just a reference and is running within the consumer application. Library can for sure get the environment from the consumer, but I do not want the consumer having to specify the full URL that needs to be hit, since that would be the responsibility of the library to figure out.
Note: URL is not the only problem, I can solve that with environment switch within the library, I have some client secrets based on environments which I can neither store in the code nor checkin to source control.
Additional Information
(as per jfriend00's request in comments)
My library has a LibExecutionEngine class and one method in it, which is the entry point of the library:
export class LibExecutionEngine implements ExecutionEngine {
constructor(private environment: Environments, private trailLoader:
TrailLoader) {}
async GetUserInfo(
userId: string,
userGroupVersion: string
): Promise<UserInfo> {
return this.userLoader.loadUserInfo(userId, userGroupVersion)
export interface ExecutionEngine {
GetUserInfo(userId: string, userGroupVersion: string): Promise<UserInfo>
The consumer starts to use the library by creating an instance of the LibraryExecution then calling the getuserinfo for example. As you see the constructor for the class accepts an environment. Once I have the environment in the library, I need to somehow load the values for keys API Url, APIClientId and APIClientSecret from within the constructor. I know of two ways to do this:
Option 1
I could do something like this._configLoader.SetConfigVariables(environment) where configLoader.ts is a class that loads the specific configuration values from files({environment}.json), but this would mean I maintain the above mentioned URL variables and the respective clientid, clientsecret to be able to hit the URL in a json file, which I should not be checking in to source control.
Option 2
I could use dotenv npm package, and create one .env file where I define the three keys, and then the values are stored in the deployment configuration which works perfectly for an independently deployable application, but this is a library and doesn't run by itself in any environment.
Option 3
Accept a configuration object from the consumer, which means that the consumer of the library provides the URL, clientId, and clientSecret based on the environment for the library to access, but why should the responsibility of maintaining the necessary variables for library be put on the consumer?
Please suggest on how best to implement this.
So, I think I got some clarity. Lets call my Library L, and consuming app C1 and the API that the library makes a call out to get user info as A. All are internal applications in our org and have a OAuth setup to be able to communicate, our infosec team provides those clientids and secrets to individual applications, so I think my clarity here is: C1 would request their own clientid and clientsecret to hit A's URL, C1 would then pass in the three config values to the library, which the library uses to communicate with A. Same applies for some C2 in the future.
Which would mean that L somehow needs to accept a full configuration object with all required config values from its consumers C1, C2 etc.
Yes, that sounds like the proper approach. The library is just some code doing what it's told. It's the client in this case that had to fetch the clientid and clientsecret from the infosec team and maintain them and keep them safe and the client also has the URL that goes with them. So, the client passes all this into your library, ideally just once per instance and you then keep it in your instance data for the duration of that instance

node-red - Node Credentials

Within a node-red flow I have a CassandraDatabase node with a user and pass. When I export the flow these credentials are not contained in the json, instead a flows_cred.json file appears with an encrypted string:
{"$": "df28.......
... however if I copy this file out and try to bring up my node-red instance elsewhere I get the following at startup:
[warn] Error loading credentials: SyntaxError: Unexpected token � in JSON at position 0
... followed by a repeating "AuthenticationError: Authentication provider not set", message. Indeed the credentials have not been picked up by the node-red flow and so I must input manually again.
Anyone know the trick to allowing me to export the credentials successfully?
The credentials file (flows_cred.json) is encrypted by default to ensure its contents cannot be easily read.
Node-RED generates a random key for the encryption if you do not provide one in your settings file. If the second instance of Node-RED doesn't have the same encryption key, it won't be able to decrypt the file.
Here are the steps you need to resolve this.
edit your settings.js file and add a credentialSecret property with a whatever string value you want. If you want to disable encryption, set its value to false.
credentialSecret: "my-random-string"
Restart Node-RED and deploy a change - this will trigger Node-RED to re-encrypt your credentials with your chosen key (or disabling encryption if set to false).
You can then copy your flow/credential file to a second instance, just make sure you give it the same credentialSecret value in its settings file.
Note that once you set credentialSecret you cannot change its value.

NodeJS and storing OAuth credentials, outside of the code base?

I am creating a NodeJS API server that will be delegatiing authentication to an oauth2 server. While I could store the key and secret along with the source code, I want to avoid doing that since it feels like a security risk and it is something that doesn't match the lifespan of a server implementation update (key/secret refresh will likely happen more often).
I could store it in a database or a maybe a transient json file, but I would like to know what are the considered the best practices in the NodeJS world or what is considered acceptable. Any suggestions are appreciated.
One option would be to set environment variables as part of your deployment and then access them in the code from the global process object:
var clientId = process.env.CLIENT_ID
var clientSecret = process.env.CLIENT_SECRET
Since I wanted to provide something that can store multiple values, I just created a JSON file and then read that into a module I called keystore (using ES6 class):
class KeyStore {
load() {
// load the json file from a location specified in the config
// or process.env.MYSERVER_KEYSTORE
get (keyname) {
// return the key I am looking for
module.exports = new KeyStore();
I would ideally want to store the file encrypted, but for now I am just storing it read only to the current user in the home directory.
If there is another way, that is considered 'better', then I am open to that.

SendGrid API Key is not working. "The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired or revoked"

SendGrid seems to be preventing my node js server from sending emails.
I get this error message in the response on sending off an email:
The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired or revoked
I have an API key setup as well and have followed the documentation.
You need to use the API KEY GENERATED
Sendgrid only displays the generated key once when you create it.
If you didn't record it somewhere when you created the key you'll need to create a new key and then you'll probably want to delete the old key since it would be useless if you don't know what it is.
FYI: The API key in the screenshot above is already deleted. I deleted it right away so please don't worry about me leaking that key.
This is a late answer and JAVA oriented.. But I simply copied the docs and didn't notice..
SendGrid sg = new SendGrid(System.getenv("SENDGRID_API_KEY"));
I just put my key in there and didn't see the getEnv. Silly of course.. but when trying to get things to work quickly...
For me I just had to generate a new API key. For some weird reason the former API key has become invalid, so I also added an alert for this case
In Sendgrid v3, I had the similar issue when using env variable in Node JS. If I use env variable, I get the above issue. But if I drop the string into the require process, it works.
Doesn't Work:
var sg = require('sendgrid')(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY);
var sg = require('sendgrid')('SG.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
Replace SG.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with API Key Generated (which you can only see once during key generation).
Note : Make sure you don't save this to public repository. If you do anyone can use your API Key and also your account will be suspended by Sendgrid team temporarily until you remove it from repository.
In my case I was trying to debug the connection by using telnet and kept getting rejected.
Turns out that these two are not equivalent, echo will include \n in the encoded string.
echo 'apikey' | base64
printf 'apikey' | base64
So yeah, make sure you don't include the newline in the API key.
If you are using node js,
make sure you have the require('dotenv').config()line inside the file that needs the sendgrid/nodemailer module.
Without it, the sendgrid transporter will have an undefined value instead of the api_key.
Here's my solution:
Install the dotenv package: npm i dotenv
Go to the earliest entry point of your application(i.e index.js) and put this at the top:
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config();
Create a .env file and add SENDGRID_API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY>. NO quotes '' or "".
In your file which you use sendgrid, add this to the top:
const sgMail = require('#sendgrid/mail');
It might be late for an answer but for people who are getting the same problem in spring boot
it might be caused at initialization when you are using env or property value
i was initializing the variable in the constructor before the value was loaded by spring and it was giving the same output. so either initialize it in the method you are calling the SendGrid function or do it after values are loaded
Instead of using,
api_key: ${process.env.SENDGRIDAPIKEY}
api_key: "" + ${process.env.SENDGRIDAPIKEY} + ""
worked for me,
For me; I've just created a new API key and then it works again.
I'm %100 sure it was working with no any code change.
Maybe it is an issue with SendGrid or some sort of security action from SendGrid.
I had the same issue, it disappeared after I verified my email address and enabled 2FA.

Couchbase - Unable to store key and value though bucket is connected to successfully

I've been trying to set up a Couchbase server. But unable to store any value and value.
Following Couchbase manual, I simply install Couchbase, refer the Couchbase Client .NET (Enyim.Caching) into project, then re-configure Couchbase section in app setting with my local pool url (http://local:8091/pools).
I can though connect to connect to bucket through set up CouchbaseClient and CouchbaseClientConfiguration, but unable to store any key-value after that (by .Store(StoreMode.Set, key, value) always returns false).
Any help will be appreciated.
Could you confirm that your local pool URL is http://localhost:8091/pools/default and not http://local:8091/pools? Also, what are the versions of the server and client that you're using?
