Security issues installing nodejs - node.js

I used different versions of nodejs for years and never had the problems, but now I got one. So I had to uninstall some nodejs version and then I've tried to install the latest stable one and after that, out of sudden I got:
the rights to the nodejs folder are assigned to SYSTEM (not sure whether previously it was the same, but previously I had no problems deleting the folder, uninstalling it, etc. Now I do! I have to change the permissions before deleting it although I am logged as a user who has admin rights)
most weird thing: if I type npm or ng I get error message: access denied! Even if I run cmd as admin! Never had such the problem before! I googled, the only thing I found suggested to kill nodejs process...well, there is no nodejs process running, at least Task Scheduler does not show it.
Please advise.


''node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,' in vscode

I'm working on setting up the Suitecloud Development Framework in the NetSuite instance for my company. I've installed Node v16.13.0, npm 8.1.0, and suitecloud 1.3.1.
Running node -v, npm -v, etc. all works from cmd but will throw a not recognized error when I use the terminal in VSCode.
I can get my VSCode to identify node with
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%
but this only fixes it for the session and still doesn't give me access to run anything from suitecloud.
I've checked my Environment Variables as per every other help section I've found for this issue but I have 'C:\Program Files\nodejs' in both my user PATH variable any my system PATH variable.
I've tried running VSCode as Admin on the off chance that would fix it, but that didn't solve anything either.
Thank you for your time, hopefully I'm overlooking something simple due to my inexperience with the terminal.
Leaving VSCode overnight and then rebooting seems to have fixed it. I can't explain why, but if you're encountering the same issue I recommend walking away and coming back to it after a long delay.

how to update etherpad-lite properly?

I keep totally failing to update an etherpad-lite server. The problem: Even a Google search for the update procedure brings up hardly any information, only that one should run "git pull origin".
I have now tried this in many different ways. The update usually works, but afterwards one of these errors occurs:
Plugins can no longer be installed
The service can no longer be started (TypeError: log4js.replaceConsole is not a function)
The entire admin panel no longer works.
I tried uninstalling or updating all plug-ins before, but both hardly brought any improvements, only other errors. The update of the plugins in the admin console fails, I tried it via the script. Here a message appears that at least etherpad-lite 1.8,6 must be installed. I am currently at version 1.8.4 and would like to update to the latest version 1.8.12. However, some of the plug-ins are still updated. A very strange behaviour.
I would be happy if someone could tell me how to properly update the etherpad-lite instance step by step. (ubuntu 20)
Thank you!
I have recently updated Etherpad-lite from version 1.8.6 to 1.8.13.
For me, executing git pull origin and then checking out the 1.8.13 release tag, with git checkout 1.8.13, made the work.
It is important, despite having Etherpad configured as a service, to run it for the first time using:
Node v12.22.1
npm 6.14.12
Ubuntu 20.04.2
I hope it has been useful to you.

Squarespace local development server install gets hung up in middle of installation

I have spent hours trying to fix this problem on my own but am getting nowhere and can't seem to see any other questions/solutions regarding my specific problem.
I successfully installed nodist via chocalatey via Powershell admin.
I used the following script in attempting to install the Squarespace development server per Squarespace documentation:
npm install -g #squarespace/server -y
Please noted I added the -y parameter to for yes to accept license agreement but previously didn't add this parameter but still received same result.
When trying to install the local Squarespace development server via Powershell admin, the script keeps getting hung up at the following:
Using this software requires accepting the Squarespace Developer Terms
of Use and Oracle Binary Code License Agreement . See LICENSE.txt.
The following is a screenshot of all the scripts that ran beginning from my install script:
I have done everything from reinstalling nodist several times to rebooting machine and everything else to troubleshoot.
Please note that I have also waited for more than an hour to see if the script fully executes but remains hung at the above noted line.
Why is this happening and how can I fix this?

Node isn't recognized

Referring to the above picture, can someone please tell my why my NPM script would continually fail saying that node is not recognized.
nodejs is clearly in my $PATH and it correctly identifies where it is on my computer outside of an npm script.
I am using Git Bash inside ConEMU on Windows Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134.
I wouldn't be surprised if the issue is with Windows, as the problem seems to have popped up since the latest OS update, installed just over a week ago (I've been having this issue for around that same amount of time)
I have finally got it working! It is, unsurprisingly, a Windows issue.. Because I had a few entries in my $PATH, and the nodejs one was at the end, Windows would silently fail when reading the entire path, and not get as far as the nodejs entry. The fix was to move the nodejs in the Environment Variables control panel to the very top

Getting Node to work on windows 7 enterprise

For the better part of a day now I've been trying to get node.js to work on my computer.
Even though I get no errors during installation, whenever i try to run node or npm from the command line I only get the error "Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript has stopped working" and then nothing happens.
I really have no clue why it isn't working and what I have to do to get it to work! Has anyone else ever had the same problem and were you able to fix it somehow?
It seems the problem was with ansicon which I installed together with cucumber.
I was able to fix the problem by running "ansicon -u" in my x64 folder
