I try to create a User delegation key from azure portal.
No matter what privileges I'm assigning to myself, I hit the same error message
You don't have permissions to grant read access. You can still create
a shared access signature, but you'll need an RBAC role with
additional permissions before you can grant that level of access to
your signature recipient.Learn more about Azure roles for access to
blob data
So far I have the following the roles assigned :
And the link provided in the error message says I need one of the following :
Storage Account Contributor
Storage Blob Data Contributor
Storage Blob Data Owner
Storage Blob Data Reader
Storage Blob Delegator
So it should work, but it doesn't. What am I missing ?
The error usually occurs if you don't have required roles/permissions assigned to create User delegation key.
Please note that in order to create user delegation key, ensure to have role that includes action like below:
The above action is included in the below roles:
Storage Blob Data Contributor
Storage Blob Data Owner
Storage Blob Data Reader
Storage Blob Delegator
Try assigning either Storage Blob Data Contributor / Storage Blob Data Owner roles as you didn't assign.
Please check at what scope you have assigned the role, make sure to assign the roles at the level of the storage account, the resource group, or the subscription.
I tried in my environment, and got the same error when the roles are not assigned:
After assigning the roles, I am able to create user delegation key successfully without errors.
If still the error persists, try creating an Azure Support ticket.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Create SAS tokens for containers and blobs with the Azure portal | Microsoft Docs
azure-docs/storage-blob-user-delegation-sas-create-cli.md at main · MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs · GitHub
I'm trying to set up the external location for the unity catalog. it was able to connect to storage while trying to test a connection in which storage access is limited to selected vnets and ips. but I'm getting a 403 error while accessing the storage from the notebook even adding the blob contributor access to managed identity. Did I miss anything?
my assumption is since I added a connector to the trusted resources it will bypass the network rules.
Databricks throwing 403 error
The main reason for 403 error is related to authorization issues for accessing azure storage account to avoid access related issues Assign the application to a role, make sure to assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the service principal.
You need to have only (Storage Blob Data Contributor) Role specified on your storage for your service principal. To assign Storage Blob Data Contributor roles using portal follow this link.
I have created demt1 storage account for demo, open Access controls -> Role assignment

storage_account: StorageAccount = storage_client.storage_accounts.get_properties(
I want the app to have the minimum permissions so that it can only get the existence and information about the resource but not read the contents of the resource at all.
The application does a similar thing in AWS where it uses the security audit role.
Is there are role in Azure that can do this? If not is it possible to create one? All the MS documentation I have looked at just talks about Read permissions which does not seem what I want.
Reader permission on a Storage account does not allow you access to the contents of the Storage account.
There are separate roles/permissions for data access.
Of course there are also access keys but to get them the app would need Write permissions to the Storage account.
You can read more here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/assign-azure-role-data-access?tabs=portal#assign-an-azure-role
The Reader role is an Azure Resource Manager role that permits users
to view storage account resources, but not modify them. It does not
provide read permissions to data in Azure Storage, but only to account
management resources.
I have an Azure account with Owner permission for the subscription we have. I can see that two permissions existing for the same subscription, One is owner, and the other is Contributor. I am trying to delete the blob cache with the following Azure CLI command:
az storage blob delete-batch --source <containerName> --account-name <storageAccountName> --auth-mode login
I am getting the below error
I am not sure, despite having enough permissions why I am getting this error. Please help
Attaching the permission of my subscription
My access permission to storage account
If you set the --auth-mode parameter to login, it means that you use Azure AD auth to retrieve Azure blob data. If so, the Azure AD Azure AD security principal you used to login should be assigned to the role Storage Blob Data Owner Storage Blob Data Contributor or Storage Blob Data Reader. Otherwise, you have no permissions to process Azure blob.
Now, your account just has been assigned to Owner, please set the --auth-mode parameter to key which means that users attempt to retrieve the account access key to use for processing Azure blob. The Owner role has the permissions to do that.
For more details, please refer to here and here
I am trying to create mount point to the ADLS Gen2 using key vault in databricks, however i am not being able to do so due to some error that i am getting.
I have contributor access and i tried with Storage Blob Data Contributor and contributor access to the SPN still i am not being able to create it the mount points.
I request some help please
configs= {"fs.azure.account.auth.type":"OAuth",
"fs.azure.createRemoteFileSystemDuringInitialization": "true"}
source= "abfss://cont1#storageaccount.dfs.core.windows.net/",
the error i am getting is
An error occurred while calling o280.mount.
: HEAD https://storageaccount.dfs.core.windows.net/cont1?resource=filesystem&timeout=90
StatusDescription=This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
When performing the steps in the Assign the application to a role, make sure that your user account has the Storage Blob Data Contributor role assigned to it.
Repro: I have provided owner permission to the service principal and tried to run the “dbutils.fs.ls("mnt/azure/")”, returned same error message as above.
Solution: Now assigned the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the service principal.
Finally, able to get the output without any error message after assigning the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the service principal.
For more details, refer “Tutorial: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure Databricks & Spark”.