Error websocket djangochannelsrestframework - python-3.x

I did websocket connection by djangochannelsrestframework library, it connects but when I send some message it gets this error below
Error image

I can't tell what's exactly wrong if I don't see your code
But in my eyes, it seems like you are passing some data that are not JSON serializable - or maybe passing a set instead of dict


Run a function when a ClientEmitter has an error

I'm using an event handler, where each event code is in it's own files. I'm attaching the events to the client, so when that file has the event emitted, it will run that code:
// looping through all event files
client.on(file.split('.')[0], require(`events/${file}`).bind(null, client, Util);
If the event file was message.js, it would be similar to:
client.on('message', require('events/message.js').bind(null, client, Util);
So when the message event is emitted, it runs the message.js file, passing along the client and Util classes.
I also have a function that is attached to the client called report. It basically reports when there is an error. I would like it so whenever any event from the client has an error, it will run that function.
I've done this slightly with the commands: =>
Is there a similar way to do this, instead of having to put a try-catch around all code in all the event files?
Try this way
client.on('error', require('events/report.js').bind(null, client, Util);
Error handling should be context driven. This means your bot's response to the error should be dependent on what it was doing, in what channel, etc - both for debugging and for the end user's information on what happened. You'll miss out on all of the context by letting errors just travel all the way up into an uncaught exception, and without the ability to create an error message, the user will just see the bot not respond and think it's down or the command is broken.
My suggestion: Create helper methods for your most common error producing functions that wrap them with error handling. I did this mostly for sending messages, as there's a myriad of things that could cause a message send to fail out of your control and the handling consists of generating an error message and attempting to send it in the channel or DM it to the user if that fails.

Restsharp - Cannot get error response body

I am using current (106.5.4) version of RestSharp with Xamarin.iOS and MvvmCross. I works very well (automatic body serialization, deserialization etc.), however I am having hard time getting error response body.
If there is a response from server with error code 4xx or 5xx I get just strange exception in top level of my code that says
"Error getting response stream (ReadAsync): ReceiveFailure Value
cannot be null. Parameter name: src"
Only when I use "Catch All Exceptions" in visual studio I can see the real exception down in call stack. Even though there is no way how to access the body. Accessing the body would be extremely helpful because the server can say there what is wrong with the request.
Am I missing anything, or there is no way in RestSharp?
Thank you for any response

Create PeerConnection exception: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed RTCIceServer

I am using appRTC to make demo app. I have setup following things successfully but got stack with JSON format that return in response of Turn-server API.
Use SSL for secure connect to make it work on Google Chrome (Done)
Implement custom WebSockets (Done)
Develop custom API for TurnServer (Done)
I am getting following error in console log.
Create PeerConnection exception: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed RTCIceServer
Failed to start signaling: Cannot read property 'addStream' of null
I have tried following responses as ice server object
Current object:
Have also tried:
and also tried this one:
You have a typo here:
trying to close urls without closing the array.
This should be
This doesn't result in an error about malformed RTCIceServer though.
Based on your comment it seems to be a result of calling
new RTCPeerConnection({"iceServers":[{}]})
-- an empty object is not a valid RTCIceServer.
I would also recommend not passing
to the RTCPeerConnection as it doesn't know about these.

How do I roll-back a message to Amazon MQ (AMQ) from Lambda?

So, I assume this relates to any Node.js and Active MQ installation but I am using Amazon MQ with Node.js Lambda...
Kind of a noob on ActiveMQ so please correct me where I am wrong!
After reading a message from a queue using stompit I continue processing the message and it shall then be sent over HTTPS to another server.
There is some message validation and enrichment happening on the way to the HTTPS POST, and of course the POST itself can result in an error.
How would I (best) handle a roll-back of the message in case of an error:
1) Keep the connection open and not send client.ack() until I finally got a HTTP 200 back from remote server?
2) Keep the message in a variable and put it back in case of error (sequence doesn't matter?
3) Use something other than stomp?
It is apparently not possible using STOMP so I've changed the code to use the library ampq10 instead.
import amqp10 from 'amqp10';
const AMQPClient = amqp10.Client;
const amqpClient = new AMQPClient({
receiverLink: {
attach: {
rcvSettleMode: amqp10.Constants.receiverSettleMode.settleOnDisposition
creditQuantum: 1
This will allow you to do a receiver.accept(message); if successfully handling the message. If you just .disconnect() whitout an .accept() the message will not be removed from the queue.

SOAP Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I am getting this error for SOAP API Which I am using to POST and INSert the Data into database I'm Confused whether the error is from myside or API side
An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: SoapFault
Message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Back Trace :
Function: __call
this is also one of response
Finally issue is solved!
Actually the problem was from API Side they changed parameter name and i updated same in my request parameter
Issue was in Parameter i used to send in XML Request!!
