Permission is denied even for the root user [closed] - linux

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Closed 9 months ago.
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There are some directories that the root user cannot access due to Permission denied.
root#lyria:~# ls -l /disk/ssd14tb/haoki/.cache/ | grep gvfs
ls: cannot access '/disk/ssd14tb/haoki/.cache/gvfs': Permission denied
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? gvfs
This directory is accessible for the owner, though.
haoki#lyria:~$ ls -l /disk/ssd14tb/haoki/.cache/ | grep gvfs
dr-x------ 2 haoki haoki 0 May 15 11:51 gvfs
How to make these folders available for the root user?
I appreciate any help you can provide.

It seems those files are part of a sort of mount made by/for haoki user. Check on this:
The administrator cannot access these files and folders due to how the GNOME Virtual File System works. GVFS is used as a mounting point for some resources such as SFTP and SMB which is established by using FUSE to allow non-privileged users to create their own virtual file systems to access these resources.
Since this filesystem driver is running as a non-privileged user and not as a system kernel with privileged access, filesystems created by FUSE are only accessible to the user using that driver which helps avoid possible complications and as a result, root user access to these files and folders is restricted.
There's a solution to try there as well. But it recommends getting the files from this ?mountpoint? instsead.


Permissions for external drive with different users [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I need to use an external drive (encrypted ext4) to share files between two different Ubuntu 16.04 machines (home and work).
However, the machines also have different user name account logins ("home", "work").
I cannot figure out how to give both accounts access to files created by both accounts.
Code run:
I ran the nuclear option from the work account (below), which I thought would achieve this, but I still don't have permission to access directories created by the work machine, on the home machine.
sudo chown -R $USER /media/$USER/SSD-1TB
sudo chmod -R 0777 /media/$USER/SSD-1TB
Desired outcome:
Read/write permissions on an external drive for any user account from any Ubuntu machine that I plug it into.
Check your umask value. More info:
umask is used for setting the default file permissions. The issue with your above approach is that you have updated existing files with 0777 but new files get created with the default. I recommend you update both "work" and "home" users to use the same primary group then you can set umask 002 which will cause the new files to be written with 0664 and therefore they will be writable/readable by the group on both machines.

How can I edit a file with copies in 2 different users in linux? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I use AWS vps server and apache2 is installed in it. I want to edit a file "index.html" from 2 different accounts (i.e. 1st user "ubuntu" and second user "www-data"). By now, I try to edit the file but I got permission error so first I change (chown) permission to "ubuntu " and edit file and again change (chown) permission back to "www-data" otherwise I will get permission error in web browser.
I used chmod 777 index.html but this didn't help.
Please help me finding some good solution. Because this is tough to edit. I do have sudo permission if needed.
Thanks in advance!
You have two options:
create a dedicated group and add the ubuntu and www-data users to this group. Then set with chgrp the group of the file and finally give the right permissions to the group with chmod.
If your server suports Access Control Lists (it should), you could use the setfacl command. You can read about the command here and here.

Getting files on linux UBUNTU from Windows [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying Linux UBUNTU on my windows system. I am knew in Linux UBUNTU.but I don't know that where I can find my files that were on windows 10.
In case you mean WSL Ubuntu:
Your Harddrives are mounted under /mnt/. I like to create a symbolic links to them in my home folder. The should be named like so:
/mnt/c # your C:\ drive
/mnt/s # your S:\ drive
In case you mean a Linux livesystem:
If you use a system with a graphical user interface, somewhere in your filemanager you should see the respective drive. Click on it and it should auto-mount. Afterwards you should be able to access your files just as you would expect via the filemanager.
In case you're in terminal mode (= you do not have any graphical user interface), things might get a little strange from a beginner's perspective. In this case I would recommend that you make yourself familiar with the rough structure of the linux filesystem and the commands mount, umount and sudo. Generaly said you will have to do the same thing your filemanager does for you. You mount the drive somewhere in the filesystem tree and then access the folder:
mount /dev/<drive> <directory> # mount your drive into the fs tree
cd <directory> # switch to that folder
ls # should display your drive's content

How to install a program in linux for all users not only for root? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I installed the shrewsoft vpnmanger on my linux (crunchbang kernel 3.2.0-4 amd64) the problem is, that somehow it can only be started as sudo. Can someone explain how i can fix this?
sudo /usr/local/sbin/iked&
How can I change the iked installation so that it is available for each user?
It's just about the paths a normal user's shell search for commands. But normally it makes sense that those commands located in a sbin dir are not accessible by typing just the command's name. Those commands need access to protected resources that are only accessible by root.
But if you have the luck that you can gain the full rights by means of sudo you can simply create an alias via
alias iked="sudo /usr/local/sbin/iked"
and add it into your shell's resource file.
To make the full command accessible to all users by simply typing iked you can create a little bash script named iked with content
sudo /usr/local/sbin/iked
and place it in /usr/local/bin.
Of course that implies an appropriate /etc/sudoers file and that the execute permission of iked is set.
try copying or symlinking in it in /usr/bin.
and see if it work for the user then, if it has a global log file (I don't know about this app so not one to comment) but assuming it has some log in /var/log/iked.log and its been written by root you will have permssion issues by another user, so chown it to some neutral group like users or something.:
Try here it may give you more info, I can see you could try:
/usr/bin/iked -d 4
But from what I read it does have a log in /var/log and yep that permission issue would be the primary issue specially if root was the first user to run this app.

mount point - permission denied [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I created a fuse mountpoint. After mounting, the file permissions are all screwed up and it says I cannot ls or cd. Permission denied.
The file permissions look like this:
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? temp
and when i list the mounted devices I get:
/dev/fuse on /temp type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev)
I used mono-fuse. I just created a new folder with permissions 777 and then did a mount. After unmounting I can do all operations, but when I mount, I get such error.
I used
HelloFS.exe that comes along with mono fuse for testing.
Can someone shed some light on this weird behavior and what mistake i have done.
I expect there is an incompatiblity with the userspace fuse library you're using and the kernel fuse version. This results in the kernel not understanding responses and it returning and EIO for everything (including the stat calls that "ls" does).
You should try increasing the debug level. As it's a Mono / CLR application, ensure that the libraries are of an appropriate version for your kernel; you may not need to recompile it.
You should also note that when you mount a directory, the mount-point's original permissions are ignore (and hence need not be 0777) ; the root directory of the new filesystem takes its place.
(You should probably not mount such a filesystem in /temp either; it is an example not for temp files)
