Tabulator GroupBy problems - tabulator

Good afternoon. Please tell me how to solve the following problems.
I added a menu to the column headers of the table, when clicked, grouping by the selected column should occur. But for some reason, grouping occurs only after re-selecting this menu item. This happens once after the table is created. Then the menu is triggered the first time. Next, the grouping is triggered by the first click of the menu item.
After adding grouping by columns, the table starts working very slowly. Scrolling in the horizontal direction is jerky and has a long delay, while scrolling vertically remains acceptable. If you select grouping by different columns several times, the browser starts to take up a lot of RAM. The code and video example are below. And even if we remove the grouping, the lags remain when scrolling. It is worth using the grouping once and the Tabulator becomes difficult to use.
UPD: This is actual for Chrome. An if table include 'Frozen' columns.
Code of header menus
var headerMenu = [
action:function(e, column){
let gField = column.getDefinition().field;
if(table.options.groupBy === gField){
else {
Adding menus example
title: 'Работник',
headerMenu: headerMenu,
width: 200
Creating Table
table = new Tabulator("#spreadsheet", {
columns: arrCol,
Video showcase


keep footer last in list when dragging new item into the list from another

I have Vue Draggable working like a Kanban board with multiple columns, and I have made each column at least the height of the viewport so that each item can easily be dragged into the column next to it (for cases where one column is much longer than the next, for example).
I also have a button in the footer slot to add new cards to the column. This works well in that it is generally always at the bottom of the list, is not draggable, etc.
The issue arises when I drag an item from another list in below the footer (but still within the height of the draggable element). When I do this, the footer does not stay below the new item, which looks odd.
Once I drop the element, it snaps into place and the footer is one again at the bottom - it is only when the new card is being moved that it appears below the footer.
Is there any way to make sure that even during the move event and a new card being added to a list that the footer stays as the last element?
This issue seems to be captured in this comment on Github issues - - but no solution is provided in that thread.
Any help greatly appreciated.
So for anyone having the same issue I solved this by doing the following:
Hooking into the onMove event using the :move prop to run a function each time an item is moved... e.g. :move="fixFooter"
Creating a function that checks if the moved item would be the last in the new list (thus by default it would sit below the footer without this fix), and if so on the $nextTick append the footer to the Draggable container so it gets moved below the item coming in to the list... (just learnt that .appendChild will move an existing element to the end)
It then checks if the from/to list is the same to account for the item being dragged back into the list it's coming from during the same drag event (otherwise you get the same undesirable footer behaviour as before if you drag an item out of a list and back below the footer without dropping it).
fixFooter(e) {
if(e.relatedContext.list.length === e.draggedContext.futureIndex) {
var newListDom = e.relatedContext.component.$el;
var newListFooter = e.relatedContext.component.$slots.footer[0].elm;
this.$nextTick(() => {
} else if(e.from === && (e.from.children.length - 1) === e.draggedContext.futureIndex) {
var currentListDom = e.from;
var currentListFooter = e.from.lastChild;
this.$nextTick(() => {
Seems like for vue draggable next this is enough:
fixFooter(e) {
if (e.relatedContext.list.length === e.draggedContext.futureIndex) {
var newListDom =
var newListFooter =
this.$nextTick(() => {

Tabulator - get another cell's value on click event

this one should be simple for tabulator experts (but not for me)...
i have a tabulator table. I've made one column, "edit" clickable as shown below. it works fine and returns the value of the cell i clicked. HOWEVER, that's not what i need. I need to get the value of ANOTHER cell in the same row (column "transactionID"). I know how you would do it in other languages, just use x and y values to move over 3 columns and get the value. but how is it done in tabulator? by the cloumn name? I can't find any example code on how to accomplish this.
This is the snippet from my tabulator init :
{title:"edit" , name:"edit", formatter:myformatter, cellClick:function(e, cell){alert("cell clicked - " + cell.getValue())}},
i just need to make it return value for "transactionID" instead of "edit"
and before anyone asks, no, i can't just make "transactionID" clickable. I need the clickable cell to be separate.
thanks for your help!
ok so since i got no answers to this question, i slogged thru and figured it out myself eventually. To save others time who run into this in the future, i am posting how i solved it. code with comments below :
// this goes in your tabulator column definitions. In my example, "edit" is a column
with an image button that on clicking, redirects to another page depending on what cell was clicked
{title:"" , name:"edit", formatter:openIcon, headerSort:false, cellClick:function(e, cell){
var re = cell.getRow(cell); // get the row of the cell that was clicked
var thenum = re.getData().id; // gets the value of column "id" in the same row
var theurl = "editTransaction.php?trans="+thenum; // creates my url
console.log(theurl); // perform whatever action you need to do. replace this.
If you are using react-tabulator and you want to access some column data to perform a specific action ,here is the snippet for your help.
import { reactFormatter } from "react-tabulator";
// your React Component to use in a cell
function CustomFormatter(props: any) {
const rowData =;
return <a onClick={() => alert(rowData.customField)}{cellData.customField }</a>;
const columns = [{ title: 'Custom', field: 'custom', align: 'center', formatter: reactFormatter(<CustomFormatter />) },

Tabulator. How to enable and disable editing from js

I'm using tabulator (fantastic thing), which has a built in, in line editing functionality.
The thing is though, it's either on or off by having the editor tag on a column basis.
You can disable the editor for a given cell as well.
What I'm trying to do is to have the table displayed as read only so to say.
Then click on a 'edit' button (which is in my table and I capture the click). That would in turn enable the inline, built-in editor functionality for that raw only.
Then I click a save button, write the updated data back to my DB and make the row read-only again.
So, with tabulator 4.2, I'd be looking for something like
var usrtable = new Tabulator("#usrtable", {
initialSort:[{column:"username", dir:"asc"},],
{ formatter: editIcon, width: 40, sortable: false, align: "center", cellClick: function (e, cell) {
var id = cell.getRow().getData().id;
{title:"Id", field:"id", visible:false},
{title:"Username", field:"username", width:80, editor:"input"},
{title:"Password", field:"password", width:70, editor:"input"},
{title:"Role", field:"role", width:70, align:"center", formatter:"plaintext", editor:"select", editorParams:{values:["user","admin"]}},
{title:"Change passwd", field:"changepasswd", width:90, align:"center", formatter:"tickCross", sorter:"boolean", editor:true},
Is that somehow possible or do I have to re-invent the wheel? i.e. create a model to edit the data outside the table?
What I have tried.....
Once rendered, a cell looks like this:
<div class="tabulator-cell" role="gridcell" tabulator-field="username" tabindex="0" title="test" style="width: 80px; height: 29px;">test</div>
And when you click on the cell, it becomes editable and the class 'tabulator-editing' is added to the div.
So..... I though I could 'just' catch the click event and do something like this:
that didn't work so tried this:
that didn't work either.
When doing this:
alert("cell clicked");
it actually never fires... :-(
Either I'm doing something wrong or really do not know where to go from here....
This can be achieved with Tabulator's Optional Editing:
// column definition
{ title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"input", editable:editCheck }
var editCheck = function (cell) {
var isEditable = cell.getRow().getElement().classList.contains('isEditable');
return isEditable;
With this logic in place, you simply need to toggle isEditable class on the appropriate Tabulator Row.
In the documentation under Column Setup, there is a Data Manipulation option called editable.
editable - callback to check if the cell is editable (see Manipulating Data for more details)
I haven't experimented with it myself, but it appears as if this is only called when initially rendering the table, so you may have to force a re-render with table.redraw(true) when the user clicks the Edit and Save buttons.
You could also just use your cellClick event and call cell.edit().
So, I also got feedback from Oli who is the developer for Tabulator.
The short answer is that there is no option to enable editing at the row lever as I feared.
Furthermore, the option will not be added due to multiple factors.
In other words, what I'm trying to do is not available out of the box and the editing is to be done at the cell level.
There is no option for this in the tabulator. But if you want to disable a cell from editing, you can simply remove all the tabulator applied classes for the particular cell. For eg., if you want to make the last row edit disabled, you can use something like this,
$(".tabulator-row:last .tabulator-cell").removeAttr("role tabulator-field tabindex title");
I know this is a old question but my answer can be useful for visitors come here (like me) in future..
We have also a similar requirements, and we ended up by this solution. We have added "editor" in every column with another attribute "editable". In "editable", we are checking whether the row is selected or not, if row is selected then field can be editable otherwise not editable.
Other than that we have also used a "rowSelected" and "rowDeselected" to show/hide save button and on "rowSelected", we are checking that only 1 row is selected at a time.

How to trigger editor programmatically

I have set up a producttable (kind of a shopping-cart) with one editable column (product amount) like this :
responsive: 3,
I am using a custom jquery amountEditor because this one looks somewhat nicer than the builtin editor. Rows are added to the shopping cart tabel (copied from another producttable) by a button click. Everything works fine but I would like that the user doesn't have to click on the editable columnfield himself. So the only one editable field should be triggered automatically / programmatically after the row is added to the table.
I think I have to combine these commands somehow in the table definition:
var cell = row.getCell("product_amount");
I tried everything but I cannot find the right combination to get this work. I can get var rowElement = row.getElement(), however var cells = row.getCells() or var cell = row.getCell(column) look empty. Any help is much appreciated.
You need to scroll to the row using the scrollTo function on the row component to ensure it is visible before you can trigger an edit on the cell, so your rowAdded callback wants to look like this:

jqGrid filtertoolbar not firing after grid resizing

I have fixed row numbers to 10 for my subgrids, but if reccount is less than 10 I would want to adjust height subgrid to "auto" or "100%".
So here is my code for this subgrid :
var subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+"_d",
pager_id = "p_"+subgrid_table_id;
$("#"+subgrid_id).append("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+"' class='scroll'></table><div id='"+pager_id+"' class='scroll'></div>");
datatype: "json",
colNames: ['Id','Article','Désignation','Marque','Equivalence'],
colModel: [
{name:'a.code',index:'a.code', width:100},
{name:'a.descr',index:'a.descr', width:450},
{name:'k.code',index:'k.code', width:80},
pager: pager_id,
sortname: 'a.code',
if($("#"+subgrid_id+"_d").jqGrid('getGridParam','records') < $("#"+subgrid_id+"_d").jqGrid('getGridParam','rowNum')){
$("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqGrid('filterToolbar',{stringResult: true,searchOnEnter : false});
and the snapshot of result for less than 10 filtered rows :
Now if I press Backspace in search field to obtain more rows, it seems that search doesn't fire because Firebug doesn't show any trace of request :
If I delete added 'setGridHeight' lines in gridcomplete, all runs fine !
I think that one more time I'm wrong in my coding and understanding how jqGrid runs.
Please could someone give me some way to solve this trouble ?
Many thanks in advance. Have a nice day. JiheL
I suppose that the origin of the problem could be id duplicates on your page. Just now I wrote the answer on another your question where I described the problem detailed.
Current implementation of jqGrid (version 4.4.5) has problem in the code of filterToolbar which constructs id for input fields of the filter toolbar based on the following rule:
id="gs_" +
(see the line of code). It means that the id of the input field for the column a.code will be gs_a.code for every subgrid which you use. So you can have id duplicates.
So I recommend you redesign the naming concept in your code. You can use for example
name: row_id + "a_code", index: "a.code"
In the way the value like "a.code" will be still send during sorting of the grid, but you will have no id duplicates. In some scenarios (is you use repeatitems: false in jsonReader) you could need to use additional jsonmap attribute, but you don't need it in you current code.
