Get data from process - python-3.x

Suppose I have a python script
that looks as follows:
import random
class Program
def __init__(self): = []
def run():
while True:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
program = Program()
Now suppose that I have another script that calls as a separate process.
import subprocess
import time
process = subprocess.Popen(["py", ""])
while True:
data = get_program_data(process)# how?
The purpose of is to illustrate the fact that I don't have access to the class Program. In my case this is due to the fact that I will be triggering from a .NET application. I thought I'll try to understand how to deal with this problem from a python script first then apply it to the .NET application. So here is my question (keep in mind that I can alter the code in and, but can not access
How should I go about accessing from the process? I have been searching all over and I'm not quite sure in what direction I should be going. In my case, I will need to trigger difference commands for different ind of data generated in Program, i.e. get_program_data1(), get_program_data2(),....
The way I have been "solving" this issue is to have a file controller.json that modifies and reads and acts accordingly. I does not feel quite right doing and so I want your opinion about this. Remember that ultimately, is a .NET application. Thanks


Python3 Unable to store stdout to variable

My case is a little bit specific. I'm trying to run a Python program using Python for testing purposes. The case is as follows:
print("Hello world")
import io
import sys
import os
import unittest
EXPECTED_OUTPUT = "Hello world"
class TestHello(unittest.TestCase):
def test_hello(self):
sio = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = sio
os.system("python3 path/to/")
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
print("captured value:", sio.getvalue())
self.assertEqual(sio.getvalue(), EXPECTED_STDOUT)
if __name__ == "__main__":
But nothing ends up in the sio variable. This way and similar ways are introduced online but they don't seem to work for me. My Python version is 3.8.10 but it doesn't really matter if this works better in some other version, I can switch to that.
Note: I know that if I was using an importable object this might be easier, but right now I need to know how to catch the output of another file.
stdout redirection does not work like this - this will change the stdout variable inside your Python process. But by using os.system, you are running another process, that will re-use the same terminal pseudo-files your parent process is using.
If you want to log a subprocess, the way to do it is to use the subprocess modules calls, which allow you to redirect the subprocess output.
Also, the subprocess won't be able to use a StringIO object from the parent process (it is not an O.S. level object, just an in-process Python object with a write method). The docs above include instructions about using the special object subprocess.PIPE which allows for in-memory communication, or, you can just pass an ordinary filesystem file, which you can read afterwards.

How to force os.stat re-read file stats by same path

I have a code that is architecturally close to posted below (unfortunately i can't post full version cause it's proprietary). I have an self-updating executable and i'm trying to test this feature. We assume that full path to this file will be in A.some_path after executing input. My problem is that assertion failed, because on second call os.stat still returning the previous file stats (i suppose it thinks that nothing could changed so it's unnecessary). I have tried to launch this manually and self-updating works completely fine and the file is really removing and recreating with stats changing. Is there any guaranteed way to force os.stat re-read file stats by the same path, or alternative option to make it works (except recreating an A object)?
from pathlib import Path
import unittest
import os
class A:
some_path = Path()
def __init__(self, _some_path):
self.some_path = Path(_some_path)
def get_path(self):
return self.some_path
class TestKit(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def check_body(self, a):
some_path = a.get_path()
modification_time = os.stat(some_path).st_mtime
# Launching self-updating executable
self.assertTrue(modification_time < os.stat(some_path).st_mtime)
def check(self):
a = A(input('Enter the file path\n'))
def Tests():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite
def main():
tests_suite = Tests()
if __name__ == "__main__":
I have found the origins of the problem: i've tried to launch self-updating via os.system which wait till the process done. But first: during the self-updating we launch several detached proccesses and actually should wait unitl all them have ended, and the second: even the signal that the proccess ends doesn't mean that OS really completely realease the file, and looks like on assertTrue we are not yet done with all our routines. For my task i simply used sleep, but normal solution should analyze the existing proccesses in the system and wait for them to finish, or at least there should be several attempts with awaiting.

Start a different script as thread knowing script's name

I have 2 different python scripts, the first called and the second called
the script is the following:
#setting things up and stuff
while True:
Here should be started
while contains the following
#various imports
while True:
My question is, how can i run from as a new thread knowing only the name of the running script?
I looked a bit into it and, since i need to communicate and share data between and, I don't think creating a subprocess is the best course of action but I haven't found a way to run a whole script in a thread only knowing the script's name.
For various (stupid) company reasons I can't change the content of and i can't import it into so creating a threading class inside it is not a possibility but i have free rein on
Is what i'm trying to do even possible?

Printing from other thread when waiting for input()

I am trying to write a shell that needs to run socket connections on a seperate thread. On my testings, when print() is used while cmd.Cmd.cmdloop() waiting for input, the print is displaying wrong.
from import Shell
import time
import threading
def test(shell):
shell.write('Doing test')
if __name__ == '__main__':
shell = Shell(None, None)
testThrd = threading.Thread(target=test, args=(shell,))
When the above command runs, here is what happens:
Welcome to Test shell. Type help or ? to list commands.
*** Unknown syntax: asd
>>[17:59:25] Doing test
As you can see, printing from another threads add output after prompt >> not in a new line. How can I do it so that it appears in a new line and prompt appears?
What you can do, is redirect stdout from your to a file like object such as StringIO. You would also redirect the output from your thread into a different file like object.
Now, you can have some third thread read both of these objects and print them out in whatever fashion you want.
You said inherits from cmd.Cmd, which allows redirection as a parameter to the constructor:
import io
import time
import threading
from import Shell
def test(output_obj):
print('Doing test', file=output_obj)
cmd_output = io.StringIO()
thr_output = io.StringIO()
shell = Shell(stdout=cmd_output)
testThrd = threading.Thread(target=test, args=(thr_output,))
# in some other process/thread
cmd_line = cmd_output.readline()
thr_line = thr_output.readline()
That's quite difficult. Both your threads are sharing the same stdout. So the output from each of those threads are concurrently sent to your stdout buffer where they are printed in some arbitrary order.
What you need to do is coordinate the output from both threads, and that's a tough nut to crack. Even bash doesn't do that!
That said, maybe you can try using a lock to make sure your threads access stdout in a controlled manner. Check out:

restart python (or reload modules) in py.test tests

I have a (python3) package that has completely different behaviour depending on how it's init()ed (perhaps not the best design, but rewriting is not an option). The module can only be init()ed once, a second time gives an error. I want to test this package (both behaviours) using py.test.
Note: the nature of the package makes the two behaviours mutually exclusive, there is no possible reason to ever want both in a singular program.
I have serveral modules in my test directory. Each module will init the package in the way in needs (using fixtures). Since py.test starts the python interpreter once, running all test-modules in one py.test run fails.
Monkey-patching the package to allow a second init() is not something I want to do, since there is internal caching etc that might result in unexplained behaviour.
Is it possible to tell py.test to run each test module in a separate python process (thereby not being influenced by inits in another test-module)
Is there a way to reliably reload a package (including all sub-dependencies, etc)?
Is there another solution (I'm thinking of importing and then unimporting the package in a fixture, but this seems excessive)?
To reload a module, try using the reload() from library importlib
from importlib import reload
import some_lib
#do something
Also, launching each test in a new process is viable, but multiprocessed code is kind of painful to debug.
import some_test
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process
#create new return value holder, in this case a list
manager = Manager()
return_value = manager.list()
#create new process
process = Process(target=some_test.some_function, args=(arg, return_value))
#execute process
#finish and return process
#you can now use your return value as if it were a normal list,
#as long as it was assigned in your subprocess
Delete all your module imports and also your tests import that also import your modules:
import sys
for key in list(sys.modules.keys()):
if key.startswith("your_package_name") or key.startswith("test"):
del sys.modules[key]
you can use this as a fixture by configuring on your file a fixture using the #pytest.fixture decorator.
Once I had similar problem, quite bad design though..
def module_type1():
mod = importlib.import_module('example')
yield mod
del sys.modules['example']
def module_type2():
mod = importlib.import_module('example')
yield mod
del sys.modules['example']
def test1(module_type1)
def test2(module_type2)
The example/ had something like this
def _init(val):
if 'sample' in globals():'example already imported, val{sample}' )
globals()['sample'] = val'importing example with val : {val}')
importing example with val : 10
importing example with val : 20
No clue as to how complex your package is, but if its just global variables, then this probably helps.
I have the same problem, and found three solutions:
patch SUT, as the imported method is a key and value in SUT, you can patch the
SUT. Example, if you use f2 of m2 in m1, you can patch m1.f2 instead of m2.f2
import module, and use module.function.
