Is there a way to add hyperlinks into Importxlm? - excel

I have been trying to find a way to get hyperlinks added into the data pulled from a website. I have tried using //#href combining this into the formula, but have not had any success.
I have also tried pulling the URL from the website in a separate sheet to try and combine the 2 lots of data but again no success.
I'm sure there must be an easy solution to this but having minimal knowledge on excel has made it tricky!
The link to a copy of the spreadsheet is below, and the formula I am currently using to pull data into google sheets is below but has no URL attached to the information when pulled.
=transpose(IMPORTXML(B1,"//div[#id='page-box']/div[2]/ section/div"))
Hopefully someone can help with this solution. thanks in advance.

use following xpath
to retrieve also the letter


Applying multiple filters with Tabulator table

I am not well-versed in code. Would someone (for hire) be willing to help me place one of these beautiful tables on my website?
It should be able to do the following:
Sort per column
work with multiple filters
have the ability to update the numbers by linking to a google sheets, etc.
Thank you.
Rick Gonsalves
Have not tried yet as I am not familiar with code and how to use it.

How to search a website using a range of cells in excel to extract specific data

I'm trying to search the website "" using a column of cells and import the "Cap Hit" value back into excel in the adjacent column for each.
I'm a complete beginner when it comes to programming, so I've mostly been trying to learn from previous questions such as this one: excel macro to search a website and extract results
I'm still pretty perplexed, especially with how to extract just the specific value I'm looking for. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know which version of Excel you work with.
Anyway you can try this :
Create a new sheet.
Go to Data in the ribbon to get external data and choose "From web".
Input the url of your page ie
After a moment you should retrieve "Results" data that you can load with or without structure modifications. You now have a data table in your new sheet.
You can now access it with Vlookup or similar function, with VBA code or with formulas, to put specific data on specific cells of specific sheets like you need to.
Hope it helps.

What tools do I need to update an Excel spreadsheet with data from a website?

I have a spreadsheet that has fields that I need to update from a website and I would like to know what kinds of tools/information I would need to code so that I could auto-update from the website itself as opposed to me copying and pasting.
I am looking for guidance not code so if any of you can share an example of you doing something like this and how you went about it, it would be very helpful.
Thank you.

Dynamically select cells in a row in Excel for using in a Graphic Chart

I´m kind of basic Excel user, so perhaps mi question is stupid but I´m really lost. So, I´m looking the way of generate a report in Excel by simply pasting a CSV content in a page inside a SpreadSheet.
The graph uses certain columns to get data and I need a way to select the column, from the first cell after header to last cell with content. I know I can do this manually but the main need here is to automatise the task. Just by pasting the new CSV info, the rest of pages on report (graphs) update automatically.
The real use is for Social Media, Analytics and Email Marketing stats.
Hope somebody can help me.
This question was answered extensively on this stack question: Dynamic chart range using INDIRECT: That function is not valid (despite range highlighted) Hope one of the many approaches shown will fit your needs. Cheers,

Adding a new sheet to a Google Spreadsheet via the Google Docs or Spreadsheet API

I'm working on a project where I'm pulling a bunch of information out of a Drupal MySQL database and putting it in a Google Spreadsheet. My problem is that its a lot of data, and I'd prefer to put it all in one spreadsheet, sorting everything by sheet.
I'm not seeing anyway to add a sheet to a spreadsheet nor navigate between existing sheets. Anyone have any idea how to do this? I'd like to this in PHP, and if that doesn't work, Python.
Thanks for your help,
This may help
It's for Protocol/Java though.
Here you go:
I guess, you first stumbled along a very similar URL:
